JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • jeschepp
    jeschepp Posts: 307 Member

    So I looked at a TDEE calculator today and put in my stats. I marked myself as sedentary as I sit most of the day at work. I try to get some exercise each day, but don't always succeed. According to that I need 1219 calories a day. I am trying to get away with 1050 Net each day. Maybe I need to try upping mine for a little bit. Although today I had a loss. My BMI finally shows only overweight instead of obese! This is such a game of numbers I'm never sure what to do.

    I have read that under 1200 and your body goes into starvation mode and holds onto weight. I forgot to factor in exercise calories and first and realized I was often closer to 1000 daily calories, which left me feeling weak and hungry all the time. I actually had better weight loss when I kept it to 1200.
    Congrats on the BMI win!!
  • jeschepp
    jeschepp Posts: 307 Member
    Emotional eating has been bad the last few days. Thought I could brush it off to the weekend but I am owning up to it today. I will be so happy when this paycheck thing is resolved! But I until then I need to take control of my choices and step up.

    For today:
    30 minutes exercise :( late day
    Track food and exercise ✅
    5 good groups :(
    Water challenge ✅
    Gratitude: today I am thankful for the chance to start again.
    Sleep log: bed at 10, up at 6
    Post here for accountability ✅

    For tomorrow:
    Stay between 1.2k and 1.4k calorie range
    30 minutes exercise
    Track food and exercisE
    5 good groups
    Water challenge-80 oz.
    Daily gratitude
    Sleep log
    Post here for accountability
  • tickingp0ny
    tickingp0ny Posts: 12 Member
    edited September 2018
    JFT (9-25-18):
    - stay in the green
    - work out a little (not just walking)
    - actually eat some of the snacking peppers I bought
    - get ahead on homework?
    - pick up my pen & drawing tablet

    Did everything but the peppers and staying green. Was running around so much today (I'm calling an unplanned power-walk my exercise) that I hardly had time for snacks at all. Till I made a Starbucks run for the busy bf. I caved....

    JFT (9-26-18):
    - drink 64oz water
    - meditate
    - pepper snack for real
    - no major sweet things to make up for my brownie/frappuccino splurge
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Fell off the wagon a bit yesterday. I had some reasonably good news and decided that I was going to ignore my food plan and no weekday alcohol policy in order to celebrate it.

    I need to not do this again! I will never reach my goal weight if I do.

    Things to do to celebrate other than eat/drink:
    - Put on a celebratory song and dance around
    - Take some pictures to mark the event (even if it's not a big event)
    - Buy a Big Issue to spread the good fortune
    - Call someone to tell them about it
    - Write what I'm happy about in gratitude journal
    - Paint my nails bright/sparkly colours
    - Blow up balloons....?

    I'm going to take a screenshot of this list and save it to refer to in future!

    Yesterday's commitments:

    - Stick to food plan :/
    - Eat slowly and mindfully :/
    - 3 bottles water :/
    - No alcohol :/
    - 5+ fruit/veg :smile:

    - 30+ minute lunch break :smile:
    - Meditate :smiley:
    - Duolingo & French book :smile:
    - Leave work at 6.30pm :smile:
    - Watch Bake Off! :smile:
    - Gratitude journal :smile:
    - Lights out by 11 :smile:

    Today will not be a celebratory day. It's the 5-year anniversary of my dad's death today. Feeling ok so far but it's only 8am :smile: I'm at training today which hopefully will keep me occupied. This evening me and the boyfriend will be treating ourselves to fish & chips to mark the occasion. My dad liked those a lot and it's become a bit of a ritual. I will try not to eat too much outside that treat though.

    Today's commitments:

    - Stick to food plan (which includes SMALL fish & chips!)
    - Eat slowly and mindfully
    - 3 bottles water
    - No alcohol - I need to deal with emotions today, not drown them

    - Use breaks to do direct report's review
    - Duolingo & French book
    - Check out whether evening church is possible
    - Gratitude journal
    - Lights out by 11

    Remember life is still for living!
    If you have something to celebrate, or commemorate, then you should do so!
    Although alcohol probably won't help today you're right!
    Maybe write a lovely memory in your gratitude journal today for your dad
    I hope the day goes peacefully for you!

    Much love and hugs! X
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFT - Wednesday 9/26/18
    1) Log all my food for the day
    2) Stay "in the green" with my calories
    3) Stay "in the green" with my sodium intake
    4) Drink 8 glasses of water before having Diet Coke
    5) Go to the gym
    6) Work on orders from my shop
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    JFT - Tuesday September 25 - Looks like I forgot to post this yesterday, but I know what my goals were.
    2L of Water - :)
    Calories in Green by 150 - :/ In red by 73
    Outside for 15 Minutes - :):/
    Only 1 Evening Snack - :/ It was only boredom too. I need to stop this!
    5 Fruits and Veggies - 3/5
    Move hourly at work - 3/7
    Write in Journal - :)

    JFT - Wednesday September 26
    2L of Water
    Calories in Green by 150
    Outside for 15 Minutes
    Exercise for 30 Minutes
    Only 1 Evening Snack
    5 Fruits and Veggies
    Move Hourly at Work
    Write in Journal

    Fruits and Veggies
    Sept 1st - 0/5
    Sept 2nd - 3/5
    Sept 3rd - 4/5
    Sept 4 - 5/5
    Sept 5 - 5/5
    Sept 6 - 4/5
    Sept 7 - 0/5
    Sept 8 - 1/5
    Sept 9 - 2/5
    Sept 10 - 2/5
    Sept 11 - 3/5
    Sept 12 - 2/5
    Sept 13 - 6/5
    Sept 14 - 3/5
    Sept 15 - 1/5
    Sept 16 - 1/5
    Sept 17 - 2/5
    Sept 18 - 4/5
    Sept 19 - 4/5
    Sept 20 - 1/5
    Sept 21 - 1/5
    Sept 22 - 4/5
    Sept 23 - 5/5
    Sept 24 - 3/5
    Sept 25 - 3/5

    The scale is back up this morning, too much sodium yesterday my fingers are swollen and my rings are tight where they were loose yesterday. I'll try to get more water in today.
    I used my new sander last night and managed to get about 40 wood slices sanded. Only have about 100 or more left to do. LOL I also got a walk in, I had a very strict schedule last night and it worked for me. I need to do that more often I think.

  • jeschepp
    jeschepp Posts: 307 Member
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,599 Member
    Recap T 9/25 ~ weather was fine, I just needed more sleep so rest day = sad dog
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 9,049 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 & 36 floors :smiley:
    2) Prelog planned meals & usual snacks / net calories w/i 100 green / 12c water = Busy evening chore-wise so ate some walnuts for late-ish unplanned snack ~ usually, when I'm busy & feel like this, it's because my body needs something. Net calories -224 :# , sodium green (yay! :smiley: ), sugar -14, fiber & protein excellent & 14c water :smiley: . Scale this a.m. (couldn't resist) was good! :D
    3) Locate last weekly w-i post & update = :smiley:
    4) Submit leave request for Friday = :smiley: Hubby is off rest of this week, so I thought I'd take a personal day with him. <3:smiley:
    5) Evening: mail payments :D went thru uncovered drop-box drive-thru just as rain started to pour :o / wash towels :smiley: remember to start first thing once home next time as towels take longer / put away clean clothes :smiley: forced myself / boil eggs :smiley: snacks ready / brew tea :smiley: iced tea jug full / put away clean dishes :smiley: / update budget :( out of time / read Sunday ads :( too tired
    6) Unplug 9:00 :smiley: / floss :s / retainers :s / verify alarm, in bed & TV off after late weather forecast :neutral: (walk dog W before work)

    Got some very good news yesterday: Thanks to more inaccurate (should I say, misleading) employer communication (this time by HR dept.), both my manager and I had misunderstanding about eligibility rules for wage increase. Once HR explained to boss lady, which she then explained to me, in the end, I will get the wage increase. We were both relieved! Yay! :D

    JFT W 9/26
    1) Walked dog before work / 3.57 mi 1:04:47 / stretched + washed some dishes = happy dog :smiley: & happy me :smiley: Because so dark when we leave house now, dog wears her blaze orange vest + LED collar, and I'm wearing reflective hat, LED vest, and headlamp ~ we're definitely visible! :D
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Usual breakfast, lunch & snacks prelogged / happy hour w/ former colleagues & there will be adult beverages ~ have previewed menu online & prelogged choices ~ not great choices since it's a pub, and meal plus beer will be almost one day's calories for me! But I won't fret about it & will enjoy time with my friends from another job.
    4) Enjoy hubby time when I get home ~ so rare for him to be home on weeknights!
    5) Unplug 9:00 / FLOSS really this is so ridiculous / RETAINERS ditto / verify alarm, in bed & TV off 10:30
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Argh i didn’t manage to check in last night and it’s so busy on here again!!

    Yay to @cschmitz110515 and @snowflake1968 on the losses! Cheering for you! And a big high five to @maryrobinson40 for the extra activity and steps. You sound so energetic and positive about the health changes you are making! @slittlemeister and @HEGoddard0928 glad you’re feeling better.

    Shout to @Bex953172 for just being stellar support to everyone on here. You always have some words of support and advice. I hope the kidney infection is all cleared up and you are feeling good.

    @PackerFanInGB you look great and it is very inspiring to hear how you are straight back into it all after the surgery.

    @mytime6630 glad your reunion was good and lovely to have you back.

    Sorry if I’ve missed anyone...

    Loving all the laundry banter - mine has now been folded and made its way from the dining table upstairs. But couldn’t put it all away as the kids were asleep. Actually - confession - I could have put my stuff away but I was too lazy.

    Anyway, good news for me is that my sister is now home from hospital and doing ok. This more than makes up for a rubbish day at work yesterday. Going to stay positive and remember what’s important...

    Tuesday goals recap
    - morning workout ✅
    - Check school diary and email M re imagination workshop ❎
    - Collect car at lunchtime ✅
    - prep for Staff training ✅
    - Hot yoga after training session ✅
    - Finish laundry ✅ ish! Still some to put away
    - Bed by 10 ✅

    Wednesday goals
    - morning workout
    - Check school diary and email M
    - Phonics observation
    - Make some progress on class assembly script
    - Eyebrow threading after work
    - Kids homework
    - Put laundry away!!!
    - Early night

    Have a lovely day everyone xx

    That's great that your sister is home, she should recuperate better at home.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Fell off the wagon a bit yesterday. I had some reasonably good news and decided that I was going to ignore my food plan and no weekday alcohol policy in order to celebrate it.

    I need to not do this again! I will never reach my goal weight if I do.

    Things to do to celebrate other than eat/drink:
    - Put on a celebratory song and dance around
    - Take some pictures to mark the event (even if it's not a big event)
    - Buy a Big Issue to spread the good fortune
    - Call someone to tell them about it
    - Write what I'm happy about in gratitude journal
    - Paint my nails bright/sparkly colours
    - Blow up balloons....?

    I'm going to take a screenshot of this list and save it to refer to in future!

    Yesterday's commitments:

    - Stick to food plan :/
    - Eat slowly and mindfully :/
    - 3 bottles water :/
    - No alcohol :/
    - 5+ fruit/veg :smile:

    - 30+ minute lunch break :smile:
    - Meditate :smiley:
    - Duolingo & French book :smile:
    - Leave work at 6.30pm :smile:
    - Watch Bake Off! :smile:
    - Gratitude journal :smile:
    - Lights out by 11 :smile:

    Today will not be a celebratory day. It's the 5-year anniversary of my dad's death today. Feeling ok so far but it's only 8am :smile: I'm at training today which hopefully will keep me occupied. This evening me and the boyfriend will be treating ourselves to fish & chips to mark the occasion. My dad liked those a lot and it's become a bit of a ritual. I will try not to eat too much outside that treat though.

    Today's commitments:

    - Stick to food plan (which includes SMALL fish & chips!)
    - Eat slowly and mindfully
    - 3 bottles water
    - No alcohol - I need to deal with emotions today, not drown them

    - Use breaks to do direct report's review
    - Duolingo & French book
    - Check out whether evening church is possible
    - Gratitude journal
    - Lights out by 11

    Those anniversaries never seem to get easier do they? I like the way you are remembering your Dad by having his favourite meal.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,599 Member
    edited September 2018
    jeschepp wrote: »

    So I looked at a TDEE calculator today and put in my stats. I marked myself as sedentary as I sit most of the day at work. I try to get some exercise each day, but don't always succeed. According to that I need 1219 calories a day. I am trying to get away with 1050 Net each day. Maybe I need to try upping mine for a little bit. Although today I had a loss. My BMI finally shows only overweight instead of obese! This is such a game of numbers I'm never sure what to do.

    I have read that under 1200 and your body goes into starvation mode and holds onto weight. I forgot to factor in exercise calories and first and realized I was often closer to 1000 daily calories, which left me feeling weak and hungry all the time. I actually had better weight loss when I kept it to 1200.
    Congrats on the BMI win!!

    I have also read that too few calories will sabotage weight loss. Personally, I would be starving & very cranky with too few calories. :p I aim for net calories zero, after I log my exercise or activity (my Fitbit and MapMyWalk are not linked up to MFP, just the way I do it.) Found a great thread on too-few-calories topic:

    ETA: Go to Page 1 of the thread link! There's a fantastic write-up that explains, in part, about how MFP sets up your the calorie allowance, and logging inaccuracies. Apparently, MFP intends for you to eat back calories burned.

    P.S. Don't know why my ETA didn't show in my feed at first. Sorry for the double-post!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    jeschepp wrote: »

    So I looked at a TDEE calculator today and put in my stats. I marked myself as sedentary as I sit most of the day at work. I try to get some exercise each day, but don't always succeed. According to that I need 1219 calories a day. I am trying to get away with 1050 Net each day. Maybe I need to try upping mine for a little bit. Although today I had a loss. My BMI finally shows only overweight instead of obese! This is such a game of numbers I'm never sure what to do.

    I have read that under 1200 and your body goes into starvation mode and holds onto weight. I forgot to factor in exercise calories and first and realized I was often closer to 1000 daily calories, which left me feeling weak and hungry all the time. I actually had better weight loss when I kept it to 1200.
    Congrats on the BMI win!!

    I have also read that too few calories will sabotage weight loss. Personally, I would be starving & very cranky with too few calories. :p I aim for net calories zero, after I log my exercise or activity (my Fitbit and MapMyWalk are not linked up to MFP, just the way I do it.) Found a great thread on too-few-calories topic:

    Thanks for the feedback, I think I will try to eat at 0 for a bit and see what happens. I find this a very slow process this time compared to other times I have lost weight and it's a bit frustrating. Hopefully it means that it will be more successful over the long haul this way.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,599 Member
    jeschepp wrote: »

    So I looked at a TDEE calculator today and put in my stats. I marked myself as sedentary as I sit most of the day at work. I try to get some exercise each day, but don't always succeed. According to that I need 1219 calories a day. I am trying to get away with 1050 Net each day. Maybe I need to try upping mine for a little bit. Although today I had a loss. My BMI finally shows only overweight instead of obese! This is such a game of numbers I'm never sure what to do.

    I have read that under 1200 and your body goes into starvation mode and holds onto weight. I forgot to factor in exercise calories and first and realized I was often closer to 1000 daily calories, which left me feeling weak and hungry all the time. I actually had better weight loss when I kept it to 1200.
    Congrats on the BMI win!!

    I have also read that too few calories will sabotage weight loss. Personally, I would be starving & very cranky with too few calories. :p I aim for net calories zero, after I log my exercise or activity (my Fitbit and MapMyWalk are not linked up to MFP, just the way I do it.) Found a great thread on too-few-calories topic:

    ETA: Go to Page 1 of the link above. There's a fantastic write-up that explains, in part, about how MFP sets your calorie allowance, and logging inaccuracies. Apparently MFP intends for everyone to eat back calories burned. Yay!
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    jeschepp wrote: »

    So I looked at a TDEE calculator today and put in my stats. I marked myself as sedentary as I sit most of the day at work. I try to get some exercise each day, but don't always succeed. According to that I need 1219 calories a day. I am trying to get away with 1050 Net each day. Maybe I need to try upping mine for a little bit. Although today I had a loss. My BMI finally shows only overweight instead of obese! This is such a game of numbers I'm never sure what to do.

    I have read that under 1200 and your body goes into starvation mode and holds onto weight. I forgot to factor in exercise calories and first and realized I was often closer to 1000 daily calories, which left me feeling weak and hungry all the time. I actually had better weight loss when I kept it to 1200.
    Congrats on the BMI win!!

    "Starvation mode" as generally described isn't possible. If you expend 1000 calories of energy in activity, that energy has to come from somewhere. A lot of that "activity" is stuff like breathing, maintaining your body temperature, organ functions, heart beating, stuff like that. That's your "NEAT" - Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (energy use). For most of us, that's the bulk of our calorie expenditure. On top of that, you have calories burned through exercise and deliberate activity.

    The thing is, neither NEAT nor exercise is always 100% accurate. If you exercise a LOT, you may feel more tired and end up walking around less at work, which means you might be burning fewer calories than you thought. If you undereat, you may have similar issues with calories in; you're hungry all the time and you end up underestimating how much you're actually eating.
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    1. 4 waters at work
    2. Log all food
    3. Eat when hungry - stop when full
    4. Meds AM and PM
    5. Fish oil
    6. Bed early - wake up at first stirring tomorrow
    7. Be kind
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    edited September 2018

    JFT 9-25-18

    1. Log all food! Be accountable!😀 Even though I didn't want to!
    2. Call OFP and set up appt😁 It's a wait and see thing. If that doesn't work, next step is orthopedist
    3. Food shopping!😀 Had a good sugar crash as I was leaving and almost passed out but it's done... For moment. Still need the BBQ stuff
    4. BBQ prep discussion😆 Just had it about 5 minutes ago. Lol
    5. Take out trash!😀 Had to take it all the way up to the front of the property because I forgot it was garbage day. Lol. But it's done at least
    6. Wash sheets😀
    7. Take out pork chops to defrost for dinner😀 Were really really yummy. DH was pleased
    8. Dinner/Dishes😆 Forgot I left the frying pan soaking in the sink last night
    9. DH time(Be present. Put down the computer) 😆 Thunderstorm passed through last night so I had to dog sit for my parents since she's TERRIFIED of storms. She tried to climb into my lap... She is NOT a lap dog
    10. Bed whenever(I love vacation!) 😀 After 1. Lol.

    Hello, my dear friends! How are we this fine afternoon? I almost said morning because it feels like a morning to me! I only got out of bed about an hour ago. Well, that's not entirely true. I got up at 10:40 because of the cat and stayed up for about an hour, then laid back down because of a headache that came on quick. But now it's 1:11 and I have a bunch of computer work to do this afternoon. I also have to run to my doctor's office about 20 minutes away because I have to drop off some paperwork for him to sign. It turns out that Matt qualifies for Family Medical Leave and they are required to keep his job for 12 weeks and we can keep the health insurance as long as we pay the $96 premium every month. He also may qualify for Short Term Disability, so that will help a lot as well. So I get to work on all of that. There are a few other things I have to work on today. The doctor's office closes at 5 pm. Hopefully, I can get everything over there by that time.

    I have been faithful in logging my food the last week but not in being in the green. Now it is starting to become a habit and I'm feeling less and less shameful for my calorie intake. I think that next week I am going to start working out again. I need to start building better habits. I gained about 15lbs since I started working in March. This is totally unacceptable. My clothes are getting really tight again. I am not happy about it. I want to be 155 again by the end of the year. I have about 7 pounds to go to get there. So today I am going to start over.

    Okay! Onto goals!

    JFT, 9-26-18

    1. Log all food. Be accountable
    2. Watch portion size
    3. Get rsvp's from BBQ invitees
    4. Fill out paperwork
    5. Drop off paperwork
    6. Dinner in crock pot
    7. Look into Express Scripts
    8. Do some sort of activity (Gym? Yoga? Something!)
    9. Bed a bit earlier than last night