
  • salleewins
    salleewins Posts: 2,308 Member
    edited October 2018
    CW: 166.9

    GW: to lose every week

    Week 1 Challenges:to shoot for as close as can to net cals at 13 hundred a day
  • thiswillhappen
    thiswillhappen Posts: 634 Member
    I'm in!
    CW: 172
    GW end of December: 160
  • jondspen
    jondspen Posts: 253 Member
    CW : 165.4
    GW : 159.4

    Lose 6 lbs before 2019 and be under 160 lbs starting the New Year. That will put me within 5 lbs of my goal weight!
  • nancym30
    nancym30 Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you, I'm in, and need this!
    CW: 163
    GW for EOY: 150
    UGW: 145

    My goal this week:
    1. Track my food accurately, every day, on myfitnesspal
    2. exercise / movement every day, at least 20 minutes, and track it
    3. restrict my eating hours to maximum 10 hours per day
  • wellnessnowemf
    wellnessnowemf Posts: 9 Member
    I am IN! Today was day 1 .... stayed on my IF plan... worked with my personal trainer... stayed in my macros ... now soon ready for a great night sleep. CW 288 GW 145
  • DejikoGo
    DejikoGo Posts: 8 Member
    I'll join in.

    I'm 5'2", 31 y/o
    CW 10/8/18: 157lbs
    GW for 12/31/18: 145lbs
    Ultimate GW: 115lbs

    My goal for Week 1:
    -Stick to my food plan even on the weekends/late at night
  • nicolem23
    nicolem23 Posts: 3 Member
    This is just what I need! I had my first baby a little under 7 months ago and the transition to being a Mom has really thrown me.

    Goal EOY: Lose 12lbs, 1/wk

    Week One: Sign up for 2x/week workouts, log intake daily and stay at or below goals
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Just what I need to keep me focused!

    I'm 5'2", 41

    CW: 118.6
    GW: 114

    Current Goal: QUIT WITH THE CANDY ALREADY! Ugh! If I don't buy it I can't eat it.
  • jesszca
    jesszca Posts: 2 Member
    I’m all in. 12 weeks means I can lose up to 24 pounds!!!
  • christschild2
    christschild2 Posts: 97 Member
    edited October 2018
    This is so funny and strange. I just told my sister that I wanted to lose weight before the year end so that I would not get caught in the October through December weight gain that a lot of us go through with Halloween candy to Christmas and New Year's dinners and parties. So I joined a Diabetes Prevention Class that teaches behavior modification and more. Our first meeting was today and we had to weigh in. I was at 228 lbs, so that is my starting weight. Essentially, I want to lose the percentage of body weight (7%), that they have designated in the class through IF, (which they don't recommend), weight training and eating less meat. So my goal weight according to the class will be 212 lbs. But my personal goal weight after December will be 175 lbs.
  • theWODdoll
    theWODdoll Posts: 90 Member
    I like this challenge! I’m in
  • aljee
    aljee Posts: 1 Member
    I’m in. I hope to lose 15lbs and I‘m going to the gym on Friday for the very first time! I know I can do this.
    CW: 284lbs
    GW for 12/31/18: 269lbs
    Week One: Don’t go over calorie goal
  • Dids67
    Dids67 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm up for the challenge - 15 pounds by Dec 31.
    CW 221
    GW 206
  • Raven9145
    Raven9145 Posts: 32 Member
    CW: 207.6
    GW: 195 (1 lbs. per week)

    Week 1 Challenge: Log every bite. The calories still count even if I try to hide it from my tracker! 🙄
  • klbaierwalter
    klbaierwalter Posts: 308 Member
    I'm in! I need more motivation. I have been so stressed lately and I'm definitely stress eating. I'm eating all the Halloween candy and not really watching my carbs like I should be. I would love to drop 10 pounds by the end of this year. I have gained 20 pounds back of the 30 pounds lost since having my son and I hate that I just keep gaining. I am working out 4x per week, plus keeping active and I am a teacher, so I am on my feet most of the day. I wanted to be off of my diabetes medications by December 31st, but I know that isn't going to happen unless I get my act together! :smile: CW: 204.3 GW #1 180 UGW: 130-135
  • kedmondson266
    kedmondson266 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in!
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    Current weight (10/9/18): 261.8
    Challenge goal weight: 240
    Ultimate goal weight: 150

    Week 1 challenges:
    1. Log all foods on here
    2. Walk 20+ minutes 4 or more days this week
    3. Drink at least 64 oz water every day
  • caecostello
    caecostello Posts: 1 Member
    I’m in!

    CW 177
    GW 160

    My challenge this week is to really dial in on my nutrition. I have been so so off lately and I am hoping to get back on track for this challenge. Specifically, I am planning on focusing on caloric intake and reducing it so I can start the weight loss process. Good luck to everyone!

  • leolvcat123qw
    leolvcat123qw Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in! Hi everyone! (:

    SW: 228.7lbs
    GW for EOY: 200lbs
    UGW: 170lbs

    My goal for the week: Don't eat any fast food this week
  • recodeexistance
    recodeexistance Posts: 51 Member
    Can I join this even if i'm the opposite end of the spectrum - looking to gain weight rather than lose? :P
  • about20toomuch
    about20toomuch Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in. For me it's no booze this week. I'm not a big drinker but a 2 or 3 on Fri and Sat night which leads me to snack, then feel lethargic the next day, which makes it harder to stay on track... so this week is about dropping the cocktails, track food, keep up the exercise.
  • Shiggysho
    Shiggysho Posts: 27 Member
    SW: 190
    12 week goal: 175

    Goal for this week: To track everything consistently.

    Anyone feel free to add me! I need some active users on my list. Thank you!
  • jor3c
    jor3c Posts: 40 Member
    edited October 2018
    Monday 10/8
    age: 56 today

    weight 10/8 = 123.3
    GW: 115

    Current goals for next 12 weeks:
    1. Avoiding binging on junk food/candy etc...
    2. get back to eating only good wholesome foods
    3. charting consistently the good/bad and ugly to be accountable
    4. try to stay in my cal. goal allotment - 1 day at a time
    5. be easy on myself those times I do backslide a bit (get rid of the all or nothing mentality that holds me back)_
    6. get back on track walking again...haven't done it for tooo many months...
  • brijerrels
    brijerrels Posts: 3 Member
    I'm definitely in! @sunshineraej our workouts are very similar. :)

    Oct. 8th weight: 182.9
    Ultimate Goal weight: 138

    My goal is to track my food and get a 30 minute workout in at least 4 times a week. I'm excited to see how close I am to my goal by the end of the year! Thank you for starting this!
  • geraldinia
    geraldinia Posts: 14 Member
    Just started today. Want to lose 33 lbs in total but think I could do 18 by the end of the year. :-)
  • orngnerdz
    orngnerdz Posts: 583 Member
    I'm a day late but I am in!
    CW: 207.8
    GW: 195

    Goals this week:
    1. Drink more water!
    2. Get my steps in
    3. Track ALL of my food, even when I cheat, so maybe I won't cheat anymore!
  • gainsandmacros
    gainsandmacros Posts: 3 Member
    Can i still join?
  • birdiedoll88
    birdiedoll88 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in! Anyone can add me!

    SW 10/8: 169.4lbs

    Goals this week:
    1. Track daily
    2. Get steps in
    3. 6hrs of sleep every night (insomnia permitting)