

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    WW weekly highlights
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member


  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,079 Member
    @TrishasTime You are most welcome. I don't know if you will get the same rewards, but that is what we are offered in the US. I didn't ask about the wrist pain because I had already asked about it and he didn't find anything (and it's more than my wrist, it's my shoulder too). I know what is causing the stress: it's my husband being gone 5-6 nights a week and only seeing him for about 30 minutes a day. I think he is starting to see that isn't enough, so things might change? Yummy recipe, thanks for giving us the info you have!!!

    @theslightedgeforever It helped to take the Naproxen, and I really do think this was tied to stress because I also had an eye twitch going on. Yeah, I have rewards on a cc too, never use them. Hopefully, I will use the WW kind! ;) Thanks for the highlights.

    Hi all. My ear didn't wake me up in the middle of the night last night, so there's progress. I have been taking Naproxen as prescribed for it and it helps. Most of the meal prep is done thanks to DH. I need to make the tofu dish and grill some chicken breasts for the salad and then I think I will be done. Have a good day.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all, Still no It’s always been a mindset with me...someday life willl....LOL. I am learning if we do make today will never be.

    @trooworld Question, this new it only for those who are online? Or is is something that is being rolled out by region...I guess I should call my WW office and ask..LOL. Sorry to hear about the stress and your ear..I told my DH the other day, he needs to chill..I don’t want him to retire and have a heart attack...

    @TeresaW1020 You always make me smile..

    @theslightedgeforever I hope DH feels better...good for you on. Your exercise ...push some of that here please...trying to get my walks in...nada on sat and sun.

    @TrishasTime Love the overeating page...I started reading and it said get rid of what you are overeating and I laughed...I would have no food in the house..LOL. Glad to see you still keeping up on exercise in spite of physical keep me pushing forward.

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @trooworld - Glad you slept better. Have you found a way to have more time with DH?

    @TeresaW1020 - Hi Hope you are doing okay

    @theslightedgeforever - Our booklets are 3 pages max, so I only copied the interesting bits. Hope you get something from it. Funny we had our move for summer a few weeks ago.

    @cbabie - Glad to hear from you and that you liked what we get here in Aus. We are waiting for the new program to fully kick in. We are getting bits and pieces at the moment. I expect it will be in a few weeks.

    Today I woke up tired. I now know that tiredness is a trigger to go for fatty and sugary foods up so to speak. In the past, by this time, I would have been through mcdonalds for a coffee and a brekky wrap, picked up a very large family bag size of lollies at the petrol station, gone downstairs for another coffee and pastry and just progress like that through the day eating my lollies.

    Today, I threw a sandwich thin in my bag, cut of 20gm of meat pate. Had water, grabbed fruit and 100gms of frozen cooked prawns that I will add to a salad from the café at lunch. This is a very big first for me. I am chuffed

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    edited October 2018
    Trishastime. Thanks for sharing about overeating. You are making changes. That’s great. Just keep doing it and it will become a habit.
    I was reading an article today about 15 foods that Americans eat but Australians would turn their nose up at them. I thought of you. Lol.

    Trooworld. I’m glad to see the Naproxen is helping your ear pain so you can sleep better. Strength training and flexibility exercises are an important part of our routine as we age. Just putting on more lean muscle mass will boost your metabolism so it’s easier to lose weight. It helps strengthen our bones so we don’t fall and break something. Flexibility keeps us from becoming stiff and hurting every time we move. It’s harder to reach up to that high shelf or bending over to pick something up Why not go with DH to see his family. I know family isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be but you would have some social interaction and alone time with DH on the car rides over there.

    Cbabie I only got in 17 min walk today but at least I got up and moved. I need to get back to my weights
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,079 Member
    @cbabie I'm not sure, you would probably have to go into your center to ask, I don't think there are phone numbers for the centers, or you could call the 800 number. Thanks, yes, it was better but I was woken up again last night. :( I hope your DH finds a way to "chill" definitely don't want him having a heart attack!

    @TrishasTime Thanks, I spoke too soon. Well, we'll see, he might be here more days this week, I don't know, it's up to him. I'm sorry you woke up tired, I did too. Congrats on the NSV! What is "chuffed"?

    @theslightedgeforever I know that about weight training, that is why I was doing BodyPump and why I am bummed I can't do it. I don't have the interest to do it on my own. I might be able to do it once a week but I don't know that that would do any good. Yoga I could do and I might take that up. At least until that starts hurting me lol. I don't want to be away from home for hours at a time and leave the dog alone (he's been alone all day too, and he can't come over there). I'd rather just be alone. I might go over there one day a week though, that is a thought, thanks.

    Hi all. I'm sorry if I'm a bit cranky this morning, my ear is hurting. I just took a Naproxen so hopefully, that will help. I'm going to work early today and getting off early so that will be nice. But I'm tired from not sleeping well. :(
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all! One day at a time...I didn’t eat ice cream last night...even though the stress in my life would tell me to..LOL
    I am standing in my kitchen making my body butter, ran out day before yesterday! I wish I had taken better care of myself when I was younger, but we didn’t know all we do about toxins like we do now.

    @TrishasTime It is so good to hear the joy in your text...even if I don’t know what a lollie is.. LOL. Isn’t it funny, when I lived in Boston for a bit..some one ask me for an elastic...I am looking for you know elastic you put in your clothes...she said what? You know the thing you put on your wrist and it stretches....I finall figures out its what I call a rubber band..I am so glad you are here..I can learn lots!

    @theslightedgeforever yes get back to your weights...but focus on maintain your walks!!! Conquer and move, conquer and move....

    Okay gotta go get pan off the stove..

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Hello Everyone! :)

    @trooworld, so sorry your ear is still hurting! Your meal prepping recipes looked good! I made chicken, cauliflower rice, roasted veggies for my lunches this week. Getting tired of the Mexican flavors so I might go Italian next week. :)

    @TrishasTime, good for you for making smarter and healthier choices! It's so important that we realized what our triggers are so we can try to outsmart them.

    @cbabie, How to do you make body butter? I've started to try to use more lotions since I've noticed my skin is taking on this permanent wrinkly look. I'm afraid I've missed the boat on ever being smoking hot but I would like to not look like a dried out prune for as long as possible! :D:D

    @theslightedgeforever, I keep telling myself that I need to get back to using my weights too!! Maybe I will put them in the living room and do them in the evenings while watching TV. The dog will love that! :)

    So, I went to my WW Studio (Weight Watchers meeting) for my Wellness check-in (weigh in) with my Wellness Coach (meeting leader) and we got to see our new Weekly which is now a half page postcard and talked about the new changes and went over the WellnessWins program. Oh and I saw the new charms. I told my Coach that I'm 6 lbs away from 50 lbs and I don't want a high-five for my effort. I want some bling!! :D

    I took my 4 bags of clothes to the consignment store and they took a very small amount and gave me $53. I was hoping they would take more but they are picky and cater to a much younger look. I live in a college town so middle-aged dress clothes are not a hot commodity. I guess the nice patrons of Good Will are in luck now.

    I'm off to workout and then mabye do some housework and luandry. Big dinner party at my house this coming Sunday and this place is a hot mess! :/:p
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    People have been at since I have been at work, so I blocked my calendar so I could have some time to reach out to you guys.

    @theslightedgeforever -LOL - can you please tell me 5 foods and I will let you know :) I think of you a lot when I am about to do something off track :) Like I went through McDonalds this morning and only ordered a regular coffee rather than a large and no food .

    @trooworld - Did the painkiller do the trick? Lack of sleep - makes everything bigger for me. "Chuffed" means pleased :) I am guessing that this is a parent or sibling of your husband? It must be very difficult for him too, dependant on his family expectations, but he has to acknowledge that you have expectations too. He needs down time with you as well. If this illness is going to be long term, then hopefully he will recognise that he needs to balance himself to be able to have time with you. Keep strong

    @cbabie - Lolly /lollies are candy in Aus. :) Good on you for not eating the icecream I agree if I only knew back when I was a teenager what I know now how to treat my body - but unfortunately we can not go back.

    @TeresaW1020 - Shame about the clothes - but still $53 is better in your hand then in your wardrobe :). I am still waiting for the new program to kick in here at Aus, we are hearing bits and pieces but no rewards as yet.

    DH woke me up as I overslept, so no exercise - had Leslie Sanso all queued up on YouTube, Still eating okay - only resorted to one WW chocolate today. WI tonight - not expecting much even though I followed the program. AS @theslightedgeforever says - we all need to find our sweet spot and stick to it


  • krupalip
    krupalip Posts: 62 Member
    Hello ladies, yes I am back, my trip to the US was sooooo good, DH and I reconnected, and loved the US for being so multi-faceted. The west coast is so different from the east coast, would’ve loved to stay a bit longer but happy to be back home as I was missing my babies

    @trooworld How are you, hope your depression is under control, and hope your ear feels better soon. I did like LA, got a vibe which is similar to mumbai but surprisingly found the people inNew York to be much friendlier (don’t kill me for that). But San Francisco was the best, it’s so beautiful oh my god, I would absolutely love there if I had a chance. Please take care of yourself, my hubby always says “this too shall pass”, so don’t worry too much

    @TeresaW1020 wow just a few lbs more and you will reach your goal that’s truly inspirational. I didn’t shop much for clothes in the US but found old navy to be a great brand not too expensive and nice stuff. Wish we had consignment stores in India, we don’t, so I give away most of my clothes to my niece who is very big or my nanny

    @theslightedgeforever hey how are you, I missed your daily dose of philosophy, ok Vegas was a shock for me as everyone was obese there, and what’s with the portion sizes in the US ? After our first meal my DH and I started to order just one meal between the 2 of us, cos we couldn’t never finish individual portions, I am taking a break from the gym, jet lag is still weighing me down but tomorrow I return to the gym and clean eating

    @cbabie hey how are you, I shopped at carters for my girls and got coupons via email from them, and we don’t have carters in India, so I don’t know who to give them to, please send me your email address, may be you can go shop there for your great grand baby and get good discounts, lovely stuff for new borns

    @TrishasTime hey how are you, I have been missing on the board since I have been traveling but good to hear from you, very inspiring to see you making changes to your lifestyle and I agree with you when you say age is just a number 😊

    Ok guys lots of errands to run, hope everyone has a great week ahead and a good weekend, love to be back on the board
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    edited October 2018
    Trooworld. You have to dig deep and find the interest to do it on your own. As my mother would say you dont have to like it you just have to do it. Those stretchy bands are a good start. Or cans of soup or milk cartons filled with water. Put on some good music, a YouTube video that you can follow and start moving.

    Cbabie. I’m lucky I have some international friends. I’ve learned all sorts of words that have different meanings in different countries

    Teresaw1020. My décolletage is starting to wrinkle 😱. I was blessed with my Grandmas skin on my face but my Granny’s skin there.
    Ha on the bling. So true. People love those charms. DH always said I should invite more people over more often so the house would be cleaner. Lol

    Trishastime. The article is on my computer. I’ll let you know. Awesome move for just ordering coffee. That “slightedge” sounds like a wise person 😛 I knew what lolly was. Lol. My daughter and I have a favorite Australian phrase. Pommy shower. We once watched a reality TV show about American ladies going to the “outback” and trying to survive. My son hit puberty around this time and she used to walk by him saying that loudly. Lol. Gosh that’s been almost 15 years ago and we still crack up. We also liked the word sheila. Doesn’t take much to excite us.
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member

    The only thing I would eat is the sliced cheese - the other thungs are alien to me
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,079 Member
    @cbabie I think we all have things we wished we would have done. I know I wished I would have done things differently too.

    @TeresaW1020 Thanks, the things you chose to make sounds really good too, and healthy! Italian is always good. The Weekly is now a half page postcard??? Oh no! That stinks. I like the meaty Weekly lol. But oh well! I heard the new bling is pretty. Congrats on being so close to 50 lbs! I'm sorry the consignment store didn't take more of your clothes. I'm sure you have nice clothes that someone will want.

    @TrishasTime The painkiller (which is actually just Naproxen, it is an anti-inflammatory) did the trick. Ah...I'm glad you were "chuffed" and I'm chuffed I learned a new word! :) It is my husband's brother. Difficult for my husband? Yes. Illness might be long-term...not to get too much into it but his brother has a developmental disability so there was already a need to visit more frequently than a regular sibling. Thanks for your support. You've never heard of bacon??? You have not lived, my friend! ;)

    @krupalip Welcome back! :D Thank you, the depression is a bit better. I don't blame you, I don't live in LA and wouldn't want to lol. I can't believe NYers were nicer though lol. I live south of LA. I've never been to San Fran but would love to go. Thank you for your support. The portion sizes in the US: that's why so many in the US are obese...that and convenience foods and lack of exercise.

    @theslightedgeforever I used to lift weights in the gym, I know how to do it I just don't have the interest. I'm a very black or white person: I'm either bringing a detailed workout journal with a 45 minute thought out plan and tracking every set or I'm doing nothing. I might just have to start doing yoga.

    Hi all. To add to my stress, the new apartment manager is coming to inspect all the units on Thursday so we have to do a spring cleaning and I have to take off work to be here with the dog on Thursday to make sure there are no shananigans. I expect my ear pain will come back today. ugh.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning! I had a very busy day yesterday, with no exercise...but was on the move a lot anyway...LOL

    @trooworld I am sorry to hear about your seem to have a lot on you and I want to say to’s just a season. You will come out on the other side and will look back and see how strong you really are, how yes black and white is good, but sometimes life is grey...LOL. I will keep you in my prayers.

    @TrishasTime Thanks for the new word...I like “Lollies”. I can tell people I am having a lollie and they just might think I am having a good time, instead of eating sweets..LOL. Oh can hear slightedge in your head too! I tell her to get out...I am glad you blocked out time to post today!!

    @TeresaW1020 We have the same issue with a consignment place’s called other mothers. We took some clothes there and that was there response...”younger generation”. Not too many middle/older aged people are new mothers..LOL. I am glad you got something. I am still trying to remember to call my WW “studio” and ask when our new program starts. Unfortunately since I am at goal....(there’s not mind). I won’t be seeing any of that bling...LOL

    @krupalip I am so glad you enjoyed your time in the US...I laughed when you said NY was friendlier than the west coast...I know that I found some really nice people when we lived in Boston...we had more people help us in our time of need than from our home town..LOL. It’s just their aggressiveness. Sometimes is taken for rude...(that’s why I fit in there). LOL. Sent you a message through MFP..

    @theslightedgeforever Wouldn’t mom just be laughing now....that others on our team here can “hear” you even when they are not on the board..LOL. I am glad you are working towards you goal and you are getting back in your groove...and yes you are more social than I.. :open_mouth:

    Okay gals need to go get me some tummy is growling...

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    edited October 2018
    Hello everyone!! I wrote this long post this morning and I must have forgotten to hit reply because it's not here! Let's try it again!! :D

    @krupalip, welcome home!! I'm so happy that you had a good time in the USA! I've lived in 11 states and they are all different. Born in California and I agree that the San Franciso area is beautiful. But so expensive to live there. You look so beautiful in your black dress in your profile pic. Good thing you and hubby shared meals. Our portion sizes are ridiculous!! :)

    @TrishasTime, That list was funny! I can't believe you don't love Starbucks. Starbucks is LIFE!! <3 I worked there for 3 years as a barista on the morning shift. I ran the bar. I was super fast because I would shoot shots of espresso. I miss those days! :D:'(

    @trooworld, bummer you have to take off work and clean your apartment. I always hated when management would come in. At least you can now have your place cleaned up before the holidays. I sure hope your ear gets better! ((hugs))

    @theslightedgeforever and @cbabie, I'm jealous that you have a close relationship and get to share your lives on this board. I used to be so close to my sister but some crazy stuff got in the way and we were very broken for a long time. We talk now but it's never been the same. Cherish what you have! <3

    Well, I'm sitting at home with the news on and watching this terrible hurricane about to slam into Florida. I just can't believe that people are trying to ride it out. Even some in boats! :o We are keeping a close eye on it because it's moving straight up into Georiga and we could see a lot of rain and some serious wind. Praying that I don't lose power!!

    I'm off to do a workout and get some housework done. I'm having my staff and their spouses over this Sunday for a pastor appreciation dinner. There will be 12 of us, so should be fun! :)
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone :)

    Well WI in last night resulted in another 1.9% loss from y starting weigh which brings it to 4.3%. So I am "chuffed" again.

    @trooworld - I am sorry for the difficult situation that BOTH you and DH are in. I can not imagine what pressure it puts on you both.

    @krupalip - Hello to you. I am glad you had a fabulous trip in US and more importantly that you connected with your DH. I have never been to US - but it is on the agenda :)

    @theslightedgeforever - How funny - The English here get insulted when you talk about a pommy shower :) I only made that mistake once :open_mouth:

    @cbabie - They say any movement is good. Next week topic I think is about movement - got some doco - I will post later

    @TeresaW1020 - Stay safe :) We do not hear much about the hurricanes in US well at least until after their devastation has happened. What are you planning food wise?

    Got to run

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,079 Member
    @cbabie Thank you, dear friend! My BIL has had a rough go, hopefully, things improve sometime in the future.

    @TeresaW1020 I know, right? I hate that I have to take off's mostly just so my dog isn't here when they are...he's a bit aggressive and I don't want them to see that. :O I'm so stressed about it that the pain actually graduated from my ear to a pain in my neck instead! But I took some Naproxen and it feels better. Just another reason to pay off bills to buy a condo! I hope you are safe and don't experience the power outage that you are afraid of. Wow, 12 people over, good luck that does sound like fun!!!

    @TrishasTime Congrats, way to go!!! That's fabulous, or should I say "fabuless"??? Thank you, yes, there is quite a bit of pressure on us both, on the family as a whole. Somedays, I don't know how we are going to get through.

    Hi all! 4 hours until the management gets here and I'm sitting here drinking coffee. Everything is pretty much done though. Oops, I just remembered I didn't clean out the freezer. I don't know if they are going to go that micro but just in case! I guess I'll do that next. I can't wait until we can afford our own condo/house so that we don't have to go through this kind of thing.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning! I have just decided I need to put my computer to bed...I don’t think it will ever work with internet. I am using my IPad so it’s not as bad as a phone..LOL. I actually got in bed and my Fitbit was vibrating and I looked to see what it was (thought message). But no...I hit 10K..LOL don’t do that much any more.

    @trooworld I hope the visit with the management goes well. I am so sorry for what life has handed you now. Thankfully we live in cycles and seasons...sometimes I think my winter season needs to come to an end so I can see spring..LOL

    @TrishasTime Congrats on the loss!!! I think you have found your zone. Good for you.

    @TeresaW1020 I hope you don’t see too much from the winds and rain. We used to live in Fl when I was a preteen....loved the state, but now I am glad I don’t live there. LOL. I don’t do well in storms. My youngest when she was little used to be so afraid we would get some kind of natural disaster. Here...but I told her we pretty much don’t get those...we get major DUST storms that will blind you to the point you can’t drive or see a foot in front of you...I think I heard there is a fault line somewhere. In our state...but I still think I live in the best state..(if you don’t like to see too much green). LOL. Please. Be safe and I hope you dinner goes well. I don’t do so well as a host...not one of my better points. (Neither was my mom).
