

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    @cbabie thanks, me too! I've never won anything yet, but who knows? Yes, and even my dog is benefitting as we make him some snacks in it (we supplement his dog food with chicken or beef, because he won't eat "just" his dog food). I would eat the whole house too if I didn't eat until 4!

    Hi all. I'm up early, I have to do my hair and my makeup because my picture will be taken at the party and I don't want to be forever in a picture without makeup and hair done lol. I also have to find the outfit I intended to wear, it's somewhere around here. We aren't going to get any work done today, I just know it, but it will be fun. Have a good day, everyone!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,242 Member
    My routine is all off and my DH is going to take vacation days for next two days So I’ll try to check in when I can.

    Plan. What plan. I hade to figure this out.
  • bluerose566
    bluerose566 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! I recently left WW due to financial issues and was doing so well on WW I thought I would be fine without tracking and a support group. Turns out, it's harder than I thought.

    Last night I binged on cream cheese, today I had a donut (actually, bits of different donuts), and bon bons.

    I'm way over calories today, but tomorrow is another day. ...and hopefully I can keep it together tonight and stick to healthy food.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,589 Member
    Morning all
    Sorry I didn't get on here yesterday I remember reading one post and then my day went to pot... I should have responded as soon as I read your post troo....

    @trooworld... yes we always like to look good for those pictures cuz they do last forever especially now that they're digital right? Hope all went well for you yesterday.
    @theslightedgeforever... having DH home is the two edged sword you like them home but your whole routine is shot so you're glad when they go back to work..LOL... just wait till they retire..
    @bluerose556..welcome!!! We all have had the same Journey sometimes I'm still on that journey of binging but I'm getting better.. we're small but we do support and encourage each other! We are glad you're here. We each try to post every day. and if you put a star by this group you'll be able to find us much quicker... this time of year is rough no matter what. ..but you're right today is another day and every day we try to get better and as long as we're trying we will make it!!

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    @theslightedgeforever do check in whenever you can.

    @bluerose566 welcome! I left for similar reasons (at least that was one of the reasons).

    @cbabie exactly! And at our company, we have a digital asset management system where they store all the pictures and use them for future reasons like marketing purposes and sometimes for employee handbook so I don't want to be in that looking like a hag! lol

    Hi all! Well, I did fine last night at my work party. I only had one beer and about two bites of food. Came home and had homemade pozole (a Mexican pork and hominy stew I made in my instant pot). I didn't win any of the raffle prizes (bummer!) but that's okay, there's always next year. Tomorrow, we have our department's party, it's a pot luck. I'm bringing vegetarian stuffed mushrooms.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,242 Member
    Still trying to find my balance with my routine.

    Yesterday check In. Food o:) exercise none. Water. 2 glasses
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I hope you find your balance.

    Hi all. Yesterday was kind of a disaster, we had the party at work and there was tons of food. But...I did not eat lunch, just ate what I ate at 9:15am. It's over and that's good. We are going to my in-law's house tomorrow, so I have to wrap a bunch of presents tonight. We'll have cheeseburgers and baked fries for dinner to keep it simple. My brother-in-law will stay the night tonight. Have a good day.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    Good morning friends. Well I got all the presents wrapped and I am ready to go to my in-law's house. It's a 3-5 hour drive, depending on traffic, so it will be an all-day event. I always get sleepy on the drive (and I'm the one driving) so that means we have to stop for coffee a couple of times. Well, have a good day!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,589 Member
    My life has been so crazy I cannot believe's almost midnight and I've been up since 3:30 does that tell you anything? and I've made crummy choices for food the time you read this it would have been my mother's birthday 80th birthday.. I got a little depressed and I decided to make her some Divinity.. that was her favorite candy so my sister said did you eat for her too and I said yes
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,242 Member
    trooworld I started a post on here twice and then each time got distracted and went on to something else. How was the inlaw trip?

    cbabie Wow 80th Just realized today this will be the first Christmas without parents :(

    So still no balance I have been reading a book about diabetes. Interesting stuff Basically this dr says carb counting is counterproductive with diabetes because of fruits and vegetables, beans, and lentils. I found an app that might help me if I use it consistently

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    @cbabie wow that is crazy staying up for so long. Sleep is so important. I'm sorry, this must be a tough time of year for you.

    @theslightedgeforever it was good. Traffic wasn't too bad, which was nice, it took 3 1/2 hours to get there and 3 1/2 to get back. We had fun but because it takes so long to get there, we can't stay long and that disappoints my mother-in-law. I hope the app helps you.

    Hi all. It's cold this morning. I'm glad it's finally cold though. Better than stifling heat. I hope everyone has a good day.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,589 Member
    Hi guys well I'm doing not so good won't make my goal for my 60 year but at least it gives me something to look forward to LOL

    @trooworld that is a long drive that 7 hours that's like half a day well sounds like you had a good time and that's really what is important life is too short for us not to enjoy it.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    @cbabie when is your birthday? Yes, it is a long drive.

    Hi all! I tracked this morning for the first time in weeks. I kind of fell off the wagon as far as tracking is concerned. I think the last time I tracked was right before Thanksgiving. It's time to get back to it before I do some major damage.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,589 Member
    @trooworld..yea I fell off the tracking cycle late last week and I can FEEL it. My birthday is 6 days from today....and today I am feeling 90 .

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    @cbabie you still have time to make a little progress, maybe not as much as what you had hoped for, but at least you can head in the right direction.

    Hi everyone. I mostly stuck to yesterday's pretracked day. I had a chocolate covered macadamia nut at work, and an unplanned bowl of cream of broccoli soup, but other than that I was on plan. I'll pretrack today and see what sticks. It's hard this time of year.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,589 Member
    Wow I guess we are all having issues....with getting here today. I hope all is well. I just got rid of a headache I have had since I got up early this morning..

    I haven't dont the best on food either...but no on and no ice cream ...I made what my was called strawberry delight in my childhood days...jello bananas marshmallow and dream whip with cream nothing dietary about this.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,589 Member
    Wow...i guess all of us are struggling today...i had a post typed and now it's gone..
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,589 Member
    Ok I give...this is my third try to post...i hit post and it goes away....I am just going to say hi

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    @cbabie I'm sorry you had a headache, it's hard to get anything done when you've got a bad one. And it's hard to make good food choices too when you don't feel well.

    Hi all! I decided to join WW Online since it is a new program, I thought I'd give it a shot. I don't know how I'll like it, but it's something to switch things up. I just joined yesterday afternoon. I weighed in this morning for the first time in about two weeks and I was sorely disappointed. I'm hoping to turn this ship around pronto! Have a good night all.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,589 Member
    Morning, headache is all gone...but my feet are like ice .
    So time to get up and move them.

    @trooworld let me know what you think of the new Weight Watchers.
