

  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    Hello, everyone!!! I just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! It has been a long while since I have posted. I think about you all often though and lately I have been trying to keep up with reading the posts. I was so far behind I had to skip a lot of them. Things have been crazy busy here with taking my parents to the Doctors. My Mom had to have gallbladder surgery just before Thanksgiving. She is almost 84 years old so it took a little while to recover, but she is finally starting to feel better. I have not done well with losing weight lately, in fact I have gained around four pounds. So easy to do this time of year. I guess we all struggle with that issue. I did buy a new dance DVD that looks fun. It is called Body Groove and I actually saw it on Facebook. I will have to let you all know if I like it. We are having Christmas at my house this Saturday. My daughter and her family are coming up from Texas and my Son and his family will be here along with my oldest Grand-daughter. I am so excited to see them. Christmas Eve I am going to a family party and then Christmas Day we are supposed to have dinner at my parents. Busy time!!! I am going to try and maintain as best I can and then after the holidays get serious with losing some weight. It seems I am always trying to lose weight around the holidays. Never ending battle!! Lol. Everyone Enjoy and have a Blessed Christmas!!!!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,242 Member
    Grrrrrrrr now I just lost a post.

    Cbabie. Interesting question. Why was it called strawberry delight in your childhood but apricot delight in mine? Even though I repeatedly asked Mom why the jello was red then. Guess what her answer was. You could always lighten up the recipe by sugar free jello, fat free cream cheese. Skim milk in the dream whip half the quantity of marshmallows, etc. hey it has fruit That’s healthy

    Trooworld. Let us know how you like WW freestyle. I’m going to do a combination of that combined with the eat for health plan which is fruits and veggies. Nuts and seeds beans and lentils. Whole grains like oats. Quinoa

    lore. I’ve gained about 4 lbs too I think My daughter is here which I am enjoying but she is like a trigger for me. She wants me to make all the things I used to make when She was little. That’s not always such a great idea. I hope your mom is feeling better. I had my gallbladder out about 3 years ago. Did you do that dance DVD. I have one of those I should look at again.

    Every day I say I’m going to get on here but then get interrupted by my kids. It’s nice having them home but I get too easily distracted. I’m not getting in the exercise I need either.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    @cbabie I think your headache came over this way lol. I woke up with one. I took some ibuprofen and hope it helps, I've got things to do today. So far so good with the WW, I'll let you know though.

    @lore11a hi! So nice to hear from you. I'm sorry your mom had to have surgery, I'm glad she is feeling better. Merry Christmas! It's very easy to gain weight this time of year, so many goodies around. It's hard to say no! Have fun with your family.

    @theslightedgeforever that's why I type my post in Notepad and then copy and paste it into the window because that has happened to me too. This way, I don't lose my post. :) Your eating plan sounds very healthy.

    Hi all! oh my poor head. I hope it goes away. Not my head, the headache lol. Today, I'm going to try to make Greek yogurt in my instant pot. It has to "incubate" all day but is supposed to be pretty easy to make, cheaper, creamier and tastier than store bought. I'm excited to try it. I'm off work until Thursday of next week. I'm looking forward to the break. I hope you all have a great Christmas!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,242 Member
    Trooworld. I hope your headache goes away. Interesting on the Greek yogurt. Let us know how it goes.

    I found a vegetarian cookbook in my stash that I’m going to look through. Must have been a time when I was in a cook more healthy mood. I haven’t used cookbooks in years. That’s what the internet is for.

    I’m having guests tomorrow. Peanut butter blossoms are on the menu
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    @theslightedgeforever the yogurt looks like yogurt but I haven't tasted it yet, it is straining right now. I'll have some at about 8:30. It smells like yogurt. I'm excited for it. I haven't used a cookbook in years either. I keep all my recipes that I collect from online sources in a web program called Plan to Eat. I've gotten cookbooks from the library with good intentions, but I never do more than browse them. Peanut butter blossoms...are they cookies? Sounds interesting.

    Hi all! Boy, is it chilly this morning. I'm glad for my morning coffee. We are going over to my sister-in-law's house to celebrate Christmas today. My friend is coming with us. I'm making a healthy salad with pears and blue cheese and my husband is making a not-so-healthy apple toffee cake lol. Have a great Christmas if I don't pop on here!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,242 Member
    edited December 2017
    Trooworld peanut butter blossoms are Pb cookies rolled in sugar with a Hershey’s Kiss stick in the middle. The kisses they make nowadays are a lot softer than when I was a kid So they didn’t hold their form as much as I would have liked. Didn’t stop people from eating them though

    Hope everyone is having nice peaceful holidays with their loved ones and friends.

    WW weekly highlights
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Today is my first post in this thread. I am 56 yr Grandmother from Perth Western Australia. I am still working full time and I am determined to get down to 190pounds by the end of 2018.

    I wished I had listened to @theslightedgeforever vlog re holiday stress . But that was yesterday, today is a new day to get back to what is right.

    Hoping to get to know you all

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    @theslightedgeforever they sound delicious, I would have eaten them! I had a great Christmas. I hope you did, too. Thanks for the meeting highlights, I'm so glad you post her highlights, I feel like I attend a meeting! lol

    @TrishasTime welcome! Every day is a new day, right? Start fresh. I'm glad you are here.

    Hi all! I'm sure glad it is a new day. Not that I ate TERRIBLY yesterday or the day before, but just on the edge of unhealthy eating and/or overeating. Not so much yesterday, but Christmas Eve with my family. I'm going to pre-track my food today and hopefully, that will help things. Have a good day, everyone!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,242 Member
    Trooworld. Did you start the Freestyle program yet? My dd is leaving tonight so my focus will be much better tomorrow. evidently this is something I need to work on in my journey. I keep slowly putting on weight and it must stop

    @TrishasTime Welcome to our group. How is the weather there right now? I’m not a cold weather person. Autumn year round would be nice. I did so much better when I pretracked my food

    I downloaded a couple of apps on my phone regarding glycemic index and see if that will help my blood sugar
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,589 Member
    Afternoon to all:
    I have been off the charts for a bit. I know I won't get back on the band wagon today, but I know I have to. According to the scales I have not gained any weight, but my clothes and overall "feeling" tell me a whole different story. So I can only surmise that I have lost my muscle tone and have gained FAT. I really have to make a decision about how to replace the treadmill...I miss it. I have been walking on one for at least 20 or more years. (in my house) I am really not one to go to the gym. So I think I need to set up a routine and stick with it. Hard to change gears..LOL I do know that I will feel better.

    @trooworld Let me know what you think about the new WW. Looks like they are pushing high protein.
    I really hope that your Christmas was quiet and refreshing. I am going to be back on here in a more timely manner. I didn't meet my goal or even come close for my 60th now I have a year before my 61st one to make a difference. LOL

    @theslightedgeforever I know you will get back in the swing of things, we all on the board will be more consistent with the holidays's what we do. You will lose whatever you might have gained and get your routine back now that family will be gone. What are some short term goals for Jan?

    @TrishasTime Glad to have you on board. I hate the cold, it's not good for my bones or mental well being..LOL I don't think I EVER like the cold or the snow. Except as kids we used to make snow ice cream...YUM.

    Okay gals, I have to get my act together, NO exercise today...I woke up not feeling so great, but used my oils and hopefully tomorrow morning will just be a NORMAL day.

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone. In Aussie we are in the middle of summer. Christmas Day was 33 Celsius (92 Fahrenheit) today is 24 C or 76F. So it is a nice summery day - not too hot and not too cold. I am back to it - started eating well again and recording. I have taken my dogs for a walk and as at 8.30am this morning 27/12 , I have already clocked up 6000 steps according to my fitbit. I must say I miss this sort of chart from the WW boards, so I am glad to have found you.

    Can you please tell me where you are in the world?

    @cbabie - Is there any women's gyms where you live? I have started at ladies gym that a circuit similar to "Curves" but they have treadmill, rowing, boxing, recliner cycles and x-trainer as well

    @trooworld - Yes I agree every day is a new day as long as you learn from the previous day :)

    @theslightedgeforever It is lovely having your family around, but they do interrupt the routine :) I suppose that is part of life , that I need to manage better. You know instead of sitting around, make them go for a walk with me

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    @theslightedgeforever yes, I started it last Weds. I like it so far, it focuses on whole foods, high protein, and no/less sugar. I weigh in tomorrow, so we will see how I did the first week!

    @cbabie can you walk outside? I know it may be cold where you live, but can you layer up and do it? Yes, see my comment above...lots of good foods. I like it so far. My Christmas was very quiet, we ate like it was a normal day pretty much, the big meal was Christmas eve and the worst thing I ate that day was macaroni and cheese (about 1/2-3/4 a cup) and a small slice of apple cake. Other than that, it was healthy foods. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!!

    @TrishasTime woo hoo that's nice weather. I am located in Southern California. I am glad you found us, too!

    Hi all! I am so excited to weigh in tomorrow. I hope my excitement matches the results! I've tracked consistently over the last 6 days and have eaten fairly healthy. I am not in the red, I'm close---I have 11 FitPoints remaining---but I'm still safe. I've walked more than usual to the point where my left leg has been hurting. Nothing is wrong with it besides my obesity. The pain will likely not be there once I lose the weight. Have a good day, everyone!
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    @Trooworld.. Is Weight Watchers a lot different now? Best of luck to you, I know you will do well. Sorry your leg has been hurting. That is not fun. Sounds like you did great on eating this Holiday!!

    @theslightedgeforever..I have'nt done my Dance Dvd yet. I have had company since before Christmas and haven't had a chance yet. I really need to though.

    @cbabie.. Sorry to hear your treadmill doesn't work anymore. I am like you, I do not like to go to the gym. I have a stationary bike and lots of DVD's I can exercise to, but I have to play them first. LOL!!

    @TrishasTime... Wow! That would be so different to have Christmas in the summer. I live in Oklahoma and it is very cold this time of year. Not as bad as a lot of States up North though.

    Talk with you all later, time to go take care of my Company...
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,242 Member
    cbabie We are all inconsistent here on the board during Holidays because we give ourselves permission to do that. I see other people that stay on their plan and continue to lose. I want to be one of those people next year. WW- I think that adding in more protein by means of healthy proteins are a good thing They still leave room for the goodies if you want them. It still comes down to portion control I think. Snow ice cream.....remember just don't go get the yellow snow.

    Trishastime I thought you were in summer. Does it ever snow there? I'm from IL. I don't like to drive in snow and ice. I don't like rain either :) We associate Santa and his sled with Christmas. What sort of visuals do you have in summertime? Yaaaaay on getting in that walk. I started the day good then.......

    trooworld sounds like you are doing well this first week. I'm trying to eat whole foods in the way of greens and beans and will be trying to eat less meat. That's my ultimate goal. At the same time watching the glycemic index of foods. Of course protein has the lowest.

    lore11a Go to Pinterest and search WW freestyle. They have all the info there. Lots of food are zero points now. Although one lady said she gained weight See? portion control. Here's more info about it. So do that DVD tomorrow and I will do one of my Leslie Sansone videos.

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Hi everyone
    @theslightedgeforever - Yes we are in summer at the moment. We do not get snow in Western Australia, in fact I have never seen snow (it is on bucket list:). We have Santa with a surfboard / kangaroos pulling the sleigh as well as the fake snow and all the other things you would get. Alot of people go to the beach for Christmas Day. I always serve a Hot Christmas meal with turkey, ham and all the trimmings, but we have salads rather than hot vegetable and of course prawns. This year I made a baked Alaska for dessert. I am correct in assuming IL. is Illinois???

    @trooworld - I hope your weigh in matches your effort. When I was on WW - they did not have fit points, only points and exercise points. But in saying that I did lose over 50Kg. (just wish it was still lost :) Has your leg pain settled down?

    @cbabie - I hope you are feeling better today

    @lore11a - Can I ask what sort of dance dvd is it? Soon it will be well over 100F here and I am looking at something for inside as well (with air conditioning on of course)

    Today I went out and bought new under things. Made me feel... special, that I was worth it. Then I went through my drawers and tossed the old non supportive things. Went in the spa (I think you call this a hot tub??) this morning to ease the aches and pains from walking. I get horrible pain on the top of one foot - but we do what we must

    Catch you all soon

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    @lore11a it seems to be. It is set up to push you to eat protein, whole foods and low sugar/no sugar. They have made over 200 things -0- pts, things like chicken breasts, eggs, salmon!, shrimp, the list goes on. You also can rollover up to 4 points (I think 1 per day?) but they go away at the end of the week. Weeklies were reduced to 39. Those are the major changes I can see.

    @theslightedgeforever that sounds like a good, healthy plan. The thing about plans is that one plan doesn't work for everyone. You have to find what works for you.

    @TrishasTime my leg pain has settled down, thanks for asking. Baked that is impressive! I like buying new underthings, it does make you feel special.

    Hi all! Well today was my first weigh-in (I am online only, so I weigh in at home) and I lost 3 lbs! I'm very happy with that. Especially considering Christmas was in this past week. Now, if I can just repeat it this week. We are having my sister-in-law over for appetizers on NYE but we are making healthy Asian appetizers, so I should be fine. Have a good day, everyone!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,242 Member
    Trishastime. I love the kangaroo thing. That’s so cool. I guess you all like the reindeer sleigh thing. We all love what we can’t have Yes on IL. I know all about the pain on top of the foot thing. I had a little bit of that today even though the only walking I was doing was in a mall.

    Trooworld. Woohoo on three lbs. what a great start. Repeat this week.

    I had a good day til the end then..... I went out with friends and ordered a Cobb salad and no dessert. But then I was hungry when I got home and DH ordered veggie pizza :s

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Hi there

    @trooworld - So very pleased for you - 3 pounds - well done. We never socialise on NYE as my husband is always working. It is the one day that he can not get off. This time he is working 8pm to 4am. Generally I go to bed early cause I figure NYE is going to come in if I am awake or not.

    @theslightedgeforever - Vege pizza is probably the healthiest thing you coul dhave had in the range of pizza's. Not sure what a cobb salad is - but what is done is done, tomorrow is a new day and I remember my old WW leader saying that one meal out of 21 is not going to upset your weight loss unless it is the night before weigh in and it the meal is full of salt. I just googled it and the cobb salad looks amazing :)

    I am still on holidays at present, so took my border collies for a walk, then washed, vacuumed, mopped, dusted and all the other boring chores you can think off. I am still planning for when I go back to work next Thursday and try to get everything I want for myself as well as work the hours required. When I get busy at work, I tend to let my things like exercise etc go :(

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    @theslightedgeforever at least it was veggie and not meat lovers? Gotta celebrate the small victories, right?

    @TrishasTime thanks! We hardly ever go OUT for NYE because there are so many drunk drivers on the road, but we often have my sister-in-law over for appetizers and champagne. I'm sorry your hubby has to work every NYE, but it sounds like you are okay with it?

    Hi all! I hope everyone is having a great morning. I'm glad it is Friday! I'm trying to track as honestly as I can down to that piece of candy I put in my mouth yesterday afternoon. I'm kind of stressing, I have a 6-hour test today for this degree I am earning, it's the last piece of the puzzle. I've already taken the test twice and missed it by 1 both times (you have to get 100% or you have to retake it). I've worked on the coursework for this degree for 4 years now thanks to working full time. If I only did the coursework, I could have gotten it done in 2-3 years. It has been my goal to get the degree in 2017. Today is my last chance to get it, if I fail the test again today, I won't meet my goal. Wish me luck, everyone!
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
    @TrishasTime..The name of the DVD is Body Groove by Misty Tripoli. It is called Delicious Dance. It has 5 different workouts on the DVD. It is low impact. I watched some of her routines on the computer before I bought the DVD and it looks like you get a pretty good workout.

    @Trooworld.. Good luck on your test!!!

    @Slightedgeforever..Thank you for your info on the new Weight Watchers. I will definitely look that up.

    @cbabie..At least you haven't gained weight. This time of year that is something to be very proud of. I on the other hand did not do so well. All said and done I will have around 5 pounds to take off again!!!

    I wish all of you a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!!!! We've got this, together we can achieve all our goals!!!
