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  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I've done that same thing where I automatically pick something up without thinking so many times. Good for you for throwing them out!!! I'm proud of you, too! :D

    @TrishasTime Thanks! I can't drop any more weight during BodyPump or I will be just lifting the bar lol. I am doing low weight. I started using these wrist straps and they seem to be helping. The Healthywage is going baaaaad. It was going well until my friend came to town at the beginning of September, then it went downhill. I am still trying to get back on track! Thanks, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you too! :D

    Hi all. I had a great time camping. We did come home early, yesterday afternoon, but it was fun. I am going to a horror movie marathon today from 12pm - 1am! I love the thrill of being scared (but only for fun, not for being scared for real lol). I went to my WW meeting this morning and it wasn't pretty: I was up 1.8 lbs. Ugh. My goal for next week is to pre-track my meals and lose 1 lb. I ran into an old WW friend at the meeting. We are going to meet up to walk sometime. We exchanged numbers. It was good I went to that meeting, I usually don't go to that meeting, it was fate. Have a great day everyone!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Hi Girls!

    @Trooworld, glad you had such a good time camping. When I was young I loved a good horror movie. My first one was Friday the 13th when I was 15. I had to sneak in and I was so terrified but I didn't dare tell my parents. :D Now, I can't handle the stress of being scared. Bummer about the weight being up but good for you for going to that meeting and seeing an old friend that you can walk with! You will get that weight off for sure. What are you making this week? I did my first week of meal prepping my lunches and it went OK. I will attempt it again for this week. :)

    I've spent most of my day at the computer after I did some laundry and worked out. We just got Hulu Plus which is awesome!! Hubby has been in the living room watching football and I've been binge watching Master Chef. I have such a thing for Gordon Ramsey!! <3:p
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @trooworld - I am so glad you had a lovely time "camping" . Camping is not for me but I am glad you enjoyed it. Horror movie marathon - 12 hours - woohoo. My first and last venture into that was "Silence of the Lambs". I still shudder when I think of it. You had a gain - that is life :( However today is a new day. You know what to do. It is good that you have found a WW friend. If this friend is a regular at the meeting you just went to - maybe you could go there for a while and walk before or after the meeting.

    @TeresaW1210 - I had to google Hulu Plus to see what it was. I absolutely love Gordan Ramsey too. I tend to prep my lunch during the dinner the previous night. Now my husband is home, he has found my mandolin and other vege curly things and is making some wonderful salads, so I usually grab a portion of that with some protein.. He is supportive of me this time around and lists all the ingredients when he makes dinner.

    I leave you with a thought that my WW leader said "there is 100 days to the end of the year - how are you going to make them work for you"

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,288 Member
    Trishastime Good to hear from you. Change is hard. Especially with less money. I dread the day my DH retires as I have no work to escape to. I get nothing done on the weekends and I imagine how this will be for the rest of my life. Lol.
    Good decision you made on the alcohol. Less points that go into your tracker. I think I might be one of the few who is not doing WW anymore but still counting calories. But watching everyone and reading I think the most thing about the free foods is watch your portion control on those items. Decide how many points per meal you want to spend How many do you want left over for snacks. How many weekly points will you spend? Just because they give them to you doesn’t mean you need to eat them. I know someone who has proven this. If she sticks to her 23 daily points and eats all her allowed weeklies she gains weight. Find your magic number. I lost 1 lb this week. I forgot that mandolin has another meaning. When I read about your husband finding it I thought he was seranading you in the kitchen. When I was a little girl an old man in our church played the mandolin.

    krupalip good to hear from you and that you are enjoying your trip. Was it a shock to see how many fat people there are walking around the US. I think it’s the amount of food offered everywhere there. Portion sizes are much bigger than in other places in the world. You didn’t even hit the Midwest or South. I really think they are fatter in those places compared to the coasts.

    TeresaW1020. Great job on the cookies. The old Teresa’s habit was to see cookies grab cookies eat cookies. Now you are forming a new habit. My daughter loves Gordon Ramsey too.

    Trooworld. So glad you met a friend in WW. Someone who shares similar interests. So was the glamping trip everything you wanted. I don’t like horror movies Just hearing the music to Halloween gives me the creeps. Plus Freddy Krueger movies especially the dream one is bad. I gave birth to a daughter who loves scary movies and haunted houses. Even when she was little she would just laugh at things that jump out at her. Meanwhile her older brother was yelling Let Me Out. Then I yelled at him for leaving his younger sister in there but she came out laughing saying can I do that again. Each to his own I say. Now that I think about it she cuts into people and cuts off body parts for a living. Lol.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,288 Member
    edited September 2018
    Cbabie. Maintaining is better than gaining. So keep tracking those points and exercising

    Sorry you are having computer issues. I had to learn to type on my phone when my keyboard broke on the computer. I hated it. But I’m getting faster plus the iPhone has that word suggestion feature so most of the time I only have to click on the word

    What about using the microphone feature so it types out what you say then you can go back in and edit a couple of things if needed
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    edited September 2018
    @TeresaW1020 Oh I loved Friday the 13th too. Horror movies are stressful, but I like to think of them as "controlled stress" which is much different than the stress of real life lol. This week, this is the menu. I am giving the points for these but keep in mind I may have tinkered with things to get the points lower (using light butter or less butter), points are per serving. I'll put the links in too, in case you want any of the recipes:

    Skillet Chicken and Butternut Squash 2 SPs
    Tortellini Primavera 8 SPs
    Panda Express Zucchini & Mushroom Chicken 3 SPs (not including rice)
    Favorite Chinese Green Beans with Ground Turkey 6 SPs (not including rice)

    And might I say that it is FIG SEASON right now in CA, so I'm going to indulge in some fun food of fig, blue cheese and either bacon or prociutto bruschetta! ;) I'm glad the meal prep went okay, Teresa. It gets easier, you find what recipes work for you and what won't work. I have Hulu Plus, too, I love it as well, enjoy!!!

    @TrishasTime Yes, camping is definitely one of those things that you either love or hate lol. Guess what? I made it until 4pm at the horror movie marathon! LOL 4 1/2 hours! We left early because 1) we were hungry and our snacks were not enough. They had a cafe but there was always a long line. 2) we had taken an Uber to get there and I didn't want to get stranded in a strange part of town at 1am where an Uber might not pick us up because they would be in fear that they would get mugged. 3) their picks for horror movies were eh...I wanted to go home and watch them at home. Silence of the Lambs...that is a good one, but like camping, not for everyone. I'm not sure if she is a regular at that meeting, but I'm not a regular at that meeting, I usually go later in the morning after BodyPump. I just happened to go early yesterday. But we will definitely find a time that works for us both. She has a zoo membership that allows her to bring a friend, so that should be fun! 100 days huh? Ugh...I've got to get to workin'....

    @theslightedgeforever Yes, the camping trip was good and the dog behaved himself more than I anticipated. I anticipated we would get kicked out because of him. Your daughter and I would get along lol. Except I couldn't cut into people and cut off body parts for a living no way! :D

    Hi all. I talked at our WW meeting yesterday I said I was struggling. Someone said when she was struggling she re-read her beginner literature and concentrated on losing one pound so that is what I am going to do. And I am going to focus on pre-tracking this week. I have not tracked in weeks so even if I pre-track one day, that will be better than lately.
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @theslightedgeforever - Your weekly magazine is different to ours - so I get the benefit of both - thankyou :)

    @trooworld - Sorry the horror fest was a bit of a disappointment, better to be safe then sorry when travelling though. Thankyou for the receipes - Something else to add to my packet of goodies. I just love the chocolate coated pretzels snacks - do you get them over there?

    Back at work to day - but I did 20 min on treadmill. I note that the WW add double fitbit points - does anyone know how to stop that?

    Hello to everyone who cruises by

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,288 Member
    Trishastime. I’ll see if I can find an Aussie version on YouTube and look at it. It’s always nice to learn. Are there any other differences in the program between here and there Yaaay on the treadmill
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @TrishasTime Oh I still had fun at the horror fest, even if we did leave early. The chocolate coated pretzel snacks...do they sell them at WW? I'm not sure if we have them over here, I don't buy much WW stuff at the meetings. Maybe Teresa knows? As for the double Fitbit points, I don't think there is a way to stop that. I've seen people on Connect complain about it. I just don't eat my FitPoints and try to not pay attention to what I earn too much. I know that isn't a great solution, but ??? Great job on the treadmill!!!

    Hello all. I did not get any meal prep done yesterday. Not any. I was depressed and I was hot and also my arthritis was bothering me, so I was practicing self-care by distracting myself with music and a book. I have jury duty today and am hoping I get out early so I can do some meal prep today. I did track most of my food though. Have a great day.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,631 Member
    Okay guys, I am on my computer while I have internet...not looking a gift horse in the mouth. Hoping my typing skills are still fast...LOL

    I have figured out that I just have to get control of my emotions... I am expecting my life to be one way and it's not for now..so I need to accept it, but not give up my prayers and my hopes and dreams.. I have eaten too much ice cream and making my self say NO, because I can't do just a little..I have even been better with JIF than I have with the ice cream..the other thing I figured out is I MISS my exercise. I loved my treadmill. I have fallen several times in the last two weeks...still can't kneel on the floor without pain..so this is caused from no strength training. I am supposed to do weight-bearing exercises for 30 min each day..for my bones....So I have to find a way to get back on a treadmill!!!

    too many post for me to catch up...I am so sorry I am not on here everyday. I just get tired of fighting my computer and to the Slightedge....no I don't like my phone...I know I can talk into it..but ugh...Can't I just have one thing I like..LOL

    It's great to see Trishastime back...I missed you!

    Okay I have to run.. I will try to do some more personals later in the day..I have to run to church here soon...

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @theslightedgeforever - I have not found the utube, buy I can certainly download the documents and link them here if you wish. They are totally different here. We have justed moved into WW which encompasses the mind, body and health. I believe there are "bonuses" if you achieve certain milestones for healthy rather than losing weight. Still more info to come

    @trooworld - Jury duty - I have never have had to do as my husband was a policeman and they judge be to be biased. Hope you get dismissed early so you can do food prep. Does something trigger your arthritis/ I avoid certain things as I know they trigger mine.

    @cbabie - Have you still got your old treadmill that you needed a part for? It is hard to give up our expectations and just let life happen - hugs to you

    @gemwolf - I am glad you had a fab time at the wedding, yes I can definitely tell you - all these things get harder as you get older.

    I am doing EOM today which involves a lot of sitting, so I have hatched a plan to set the time on my phone for every 40 min and then get up and take a walk from one end of the building to the other

    Hello to everyone else

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,288 Member
    Trooworld. Jury duty sounds fun. I know most people don’t think so. Self care is a good thing You’ll get your meal prep done because that’s what helps you be successful on this journey.

    Cbabie. You know Mom’s philosophy when life gives you lemons...... I always hated hearing it but it taught me valuable lessons. Why do you think you are falling so much. That doesn’t sound good. Broken bones are not fun. Remember? Until you get a treadmill. Go walk outside. Like you said you have to deal with where you are right now.

    Gemwolf. Loved your fall pic. I’m so glad you have a workout buddy. The wedding sounded fun. I dont know if things really get harder as we get older because of age but because of our habits, fitness levels, weight, etc. I was discussing this topic today with friends.

    Trishastime. I looked yesterday too for videos and couldn’t find what I’m looking for. It’s always fun getting a sneak peak at new WW programs each year. Usually I look at WW UK Good plan for getting more steps in.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @cbabie good to see you here. Ice cream will not make your life the way you want it to be. Can you start a savings account for a new treadmill? Maybe put $20 every two weeks in it? Or is there another way to get one?

    @gemwolf110 good luck getting back to your workout routine and selling your house.

    @TrishasTime You are lucky! :) I did get dismissed at 2:40, got home at 3:15, but didn't have time to do anything as I had to run some errands. :( I'm not sure what triggers my arthritis yet, it's pretty new to me. I think changes in the weather may trigger it...no avoiding that lol. I like your plan to get up and walk every 40 mins! Great thinking.

    @theslightedgeforever Jury duty is interesting at least, it is something different to do. You get to see the inside of the judicial system at work. And the system only works if the citizens sit for the juries, so it's important to show up for jury duty. But I got dismissed! I was one away from being picked for the jury. Unfortunately, I did not get my meal prep done. I've had problems this week with depression, so I've been doing a different type of self-care.

    Hi all. It's back to work for me. This week is going to be rough for me, I'm experiencing depression + I've got no food prep done. I'm going to turn to go-to meals and scrap my food plan, I think. I may make some of the simple meals that are on the food plan if they are simple enough, but I may be making pita pizzas all week lol.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,631 Member
    Morning gals...I still have no internet on my computer, but I am on my iPad...I am. Just old. School...lol
    @theslightedgeforever Yes I know moms thoughts...she lived with dad..LOL. It’s raining here and is going to tomorrow too...but I am trying to do little spurts of fast paced walking in the house...when I remember..

    @trooworld I loved being on the jury...I just hated when I had to miss work because it put me so far behind.. I wish I was there in CA with you, I would give you a hug and tell you it will be okay...I hate depression..I have suffered with it most of my life..I have gotten better over the years of pulling out of it...I use oils...but you know when you are depressed, sometimes you can’t just jump out of bed and say “oh let me put this oil on to lift my spirits up..:”. Get through today...one day, one step at a time.

    @TrishasTime I am so proud of you and yes retiring when you hadn’t planned on it is rough...I am still seeing ways I was effected emotionally and didn’t realize it. I love you reminder to walk every certain times of the day...Great. Job.

    Okay, I have to go call my eye doctor...I have to get my glasses...

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Good morning everyone

    @theslightedgeforever - I will see what how I can load here, it is not a video but just the handout booklet.

    @cbabie - Falling is not good. Maybe you have an inbalance like an ear infection.

    @trooworld - So what happened with the jury? Why do you think are you experiencing depression? Is it that you are not as organised as you like and it is becoming overwhelming? Please look after yourself

    Treadmill for 25 min today, I jumped on a different (newer) one and did not seem such a struggle. I am glad I did the walking every 40 min as I ended up with a 12 hour day

    I wonder where Teresa is? Hope is all okay

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,288 Member
    Typed out my post and clicked Done instead of post reply. grrrrrr

    Cbabie. Put on some music and dance. At least you found something to burn some calories.

    Trishastime Don’t inconvenience yourself. I was just curious. Yaaay on another good day on the treadmill.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,288 Member
    Trooworld. It’s hard whenever you’re in a funk. For me the Don’t care attitude comes and that can undo all my hard work. Are you journaling your feelings? I once read depression is anger turned inwards. Don’t know if that’s true or not. Just thought I’d pass it along to get your mind thinking. Are you mad, irritated, resentful toward any situation in your life? I’ve been journaling my happy thing for the day and my negative emotions thing for the day. No censoring. Just putting it all out there. Now I’m going to add in 3 things I’m grateful for each day. I’ve been reading about how to feed your emotional brain. If it doesn’t get comfort, relief, or reward it will start looking for these things and the easiest to find and give it is food. So finding other ways is necessary if we want to lose weight
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,456 Member
    @cbabie Good idea to walk in the house. Yes, jury duty put me behind at work, especially because I had already been out due to vacation! Thank you very much...which oil lifts your spirits the most?

    @TrishasTime I never got picked and was released. We have what is called something like a one trial/one day service here, if you don't get picked your first day, then your service is complete for the year. :) I think I am experiencing depression because I just turned 50, also because my husband is away from me so much and there is nothing we can do about it (he has an ill family member), and possibly because of the change of the seasons. No, it's not because of organization, I'm very organized in most areas of my life (except my desk which is currently a mess lol). Thanks, this will pass I hope. I am trying to find things to distract myself with. e.g. I signed up for continuing education which I will be starting soon, I am going to an author event in a week, in November I am going to a book club meeting. You are doing great with exercise! How are you finding the program so far? I hope Teresa is okay as well.

    @theslightedgeforever I am not journaling my feelings, I don't seem to have the energy/time to do so nor the interest (that's the depression talking) but I'm sure it would help. After I get home and make dinner and eat, I don't seem to have the energy to do anything else. That's interesting about depression turned inward. There might be something to that. Yes, I am mad, irritated, or resentful but I feel guilty about feeling that way.

    Hi all. I *should* go to BodyPump this morning but I am not going to go because my shoulder has been bothering me and my depression is holding me back as well. What I will do is drop my husband off at the gym, come home, and take my dog for a long walk. I did come home and make dinner last night, which was good. I hope I do the same tonight. At the minimum, I will shove some things in the Instant Pot and press start lol. Have a good day.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Hello ladies!! :)

    @cbabie, I go to WW with a woman that does 5 to 8 miles of walking inside her house! She says her house is small and she gets books on tape and just walks around and around. So, I guess there really are no excuses! :D I sure hope you get your computer issues fixed. At least you have an iPad which I would think is easier than trying to post from your phone.

    @theslightedgeforever, I think journaling is a great idea. I sure wish I would do it more often. I use a website called Penzu, which is pretty cool for journaling. I think you have inspired me to open it up today. :)

    @TrishasTime, Hi I'm here!! :) I've just been really busy and haven't had a free enough moment to write, but I've been reading! Setting a timer to walk is a great idea! I've started this new thing at work that when I get up and go to the bathroom (which is a lot because I drink so much water), I walk three times around the church pews which is 200 steps. The other day I got an extra 1000 steps and it didn't really take up much time at all.

    @trooworld, I'm so very sorry that you are having a rough time right now. Depression, aging, missing your husband, pain in your body all can take a real toll on your emotional health. Maybe now that it's a new month and the weather is going to change you will be able to shake off your depression and start enjoying life again. I will be praying for you, my friend. :) Ohhhh and about jury duty. I would rather go to the dentist than do jury duty! :D

    OK, you want to hear something super annoying? Well, I'm going to tell you anyway. :p I've been doing really good all week and yesterday at weigh in I gained .02 lbs. Whatever!! :# Then last night I made the best shrimp scampi and drank an entire bottle of white wine that we have had sitting in our fridge from when we had family visit in August. I get on the scale this morning and I'm down 1.2 lbs. What the heck!! I told my husband to go buy me a case. :D:D

    I also went to a consignment store yesterday that I've never been in and I was blown away by how nice it was!! I got the cutest blue leather purse for $5! I plan to go through all my clothes that are now too big and take them down there and get me some cash for more clothes! I have some really decent clothes from when I worked in furniture sales so why not try to sale them before I just donate to Goodwill. :)

    I'm off work today because our bookkeeper was on vacation and needed to work today. Woot!! Going to hook up some Rokus in our house and figure out our new Hulu Plus. Yup we are cutting the cord and I'm excited!! B)