

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,242 Member
    edited December 2017
    Trooworld your new lunchtime routine sounds like it may be good for you. I love Mediterranean food

    Cbabie. I’m trying to include new veggies into my life and squash is something I know I like the taste of This recipe I made tonight was just okay. I’ll buy another one and try a different recipe

    @melfaye75 welcome to the group. Star us as your favorite so it’s easy to find next time. I switched from WW to MFP because I became prediabetic and needed to count my carbs. I’m doing a modified carb program right now. 164 g daily is my goal right now. I’m baby stepping it down to 154 Calories I’m aiming for 1521 weekly average. I allow myself higher cals on Thursday Saturday and then lower ones on the remaining days. If I stay within these walls I can lose a lb a week. The last two months I’ve been climbing the walls and throwing myself over. But I’ve been maintaining my weight within 1 lb But I’m not at goal so that’s unacceptable. Time to get serious again

    Daily check in. Food. Over cals and carbs. Exercise day off. Water 4 glasses
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,589 Member
    Morning all:

    My day was great and bad..LOL I hit my 10K steps again this week, but food choices were horrible and over in all ways. I was craving something didn't know what it was, kept trying and should have went to bed after my team meeting call at 8:30, but NO I HAD to EAT everything in the house that was back on the wagon to be mindful of my carbs/sugars. I can't afford to be a diabetic.

    @theslightedgeforever I don't know what my carb goals are, I will need to set those on my own once I take a base line of my NORMAL...I have just let MFP tell me what to eat. LOL I am supposed to be on a 7 day veggie challenge, but haven't been doing that the last 2 days. Today is green beans.. YUM.

    @melfaye75 Welcome to this group. Yes I have found that if I eat 6 times a day, I am stable and not HUNGRY all the time, but that doesn't mean like yesterday I eat 6 times all bad foods, because then I want to eat more that 6 times..LOL I always thought the less I eat then the weight comes off faster, yes and no. The first week sure, but then our bodies declare war on us. LOL I too weigh in on Sundays. I hope to lose, but based on yesterday probably not.. I have a goal because I turn 60 this month and it's just something in my head.

    @trooworld Can you believe I beat you on here today? Just like old days when I was working LOL I hope you have a great Saturday!!!

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,242 Member
    Cbabie. Yes you don’t want to be a diabetic. So keep making good choices. I need to figure out why my bs was high yesterday although I realized I had Karak tea about 7 hrs earlier and maybe enough time hadn’t passed to get it out of my system. I do t usually eat or drink anything that late Could be the type of squash I ate. This needs more investigation

    Daily check in. Under calories over carbs. Exercise. 11 min walk. Water. 2 glasses
  • melfaye75
    melfaye75 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcome. I speed walk every day, this week I walked a total of 13 miles of intentional exercise. I’m disappointed as when I got on the scale today, no loss. However, I did weigh myself earlier this week and had a 1.8lb loss. Guess I should be happy with that rather than no loss the rest of the week.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,242 Member
    @ Melfaye75. I find my body fluctuates so much. I try not to get hung up on the scale but rather concentrate on my daily actions. Good day for me today That awesome regarding your intentional exercise. It’s so easy to just sit on the couch

    Daily check in. Food o:) exercise 30 min treadmill. Water 7 glasses

    WW meeting highlights

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    @melfaye75 Hi welcome! My friend does Diet Bets and makes money off them all the time. Speed walk/jogging is a great form of exercising. I'm glad you found us!

    @theslightedgeforever yes, maybe my new routine might be. It's definitely making me eat slower and less.

    @cbabie I'm sorry you had a great and bad day lol. Good for you for getting in 10K steps, that isn't easy. Yeah, I was really busy this weekend and I can't believe it, I forgot to stop in here!

    Hi all! I'm baaaaack. I've been busy. I had that business dinner on Friday, and then on Saturday, I had to prepare for my big speech (which I delivered Saturday night to my ToastMasters group). It went well but I was thrown off by the unannounced entrance of 4 college students to our meeting. My speech was very personal and it was meant for the people I was used to seeing at ToastMasters. Not for strangers. I went ahead and gave it anyway. I tied for best speech (there were only two).

    Yesterday, I went to Kohls and bought an Instant Pot. I had $30 in Kohls cash plus a 25% off coupon, so it ended up being like $59. It would have been $54 because I had a $5 coupon on my phone but I forgot to use it. I'll use it when I go back to use my Kohls cash I earned. I made brown rice in it when I got home, it only took 40 minutes. It usually takes 2 hours in my rice cooker. I look forward to making some quick meals in it. Have a good day everyone!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,589 Member
    Hi All,

    I stayed under calories yesterday, was under for not so good reasons, but it is what it is as says my Dad.

    @theslightedgeforever Good job on your food and exercise
    @melfaye75 Yes the scale can give us wrong information depending on the time of day, the body itself likes to keep us guessing. I am trying to determine if my clothes fit better, I have more energy, etc.
    @trooworld Yea on the Instant Pot, I hope you find this helps you stay with better choices and frees up some time on your Sunday preps. I am sure you did great on your speech. When it comes from the heart it is ALWAYS the best!!!

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,242 Member
    Trooworld. Tieing for best speech is quite an accomplishment. Especially at Toastmasters. Let us know how that Instant pot works for you.

    Cbabie Good thing I had a good day yesterday as today was really bad. I went Waaaaaaaay over on both carbs and cals.

    Daily check in. Food :o exercise none. Water 2 glasses
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    @cbabie yes, I'm quite excited about the Instant Pot. I hope I did okay on the speech. I'm sure glad it is over!!!

    @theslightedgeforever thanks. I will. I'm finding all sorts of recipes to try.

    Hi all. I hope you are having a better day today than yesterday. I hope I have a better day than yesterday, yesterday was stressful for many reasons I cannot tell you. Food was not my enemy yesterday, that was fine, more or less. I didn't drink enough water...I know this because I only went to the restroom once or twice at work. That's always a bad sign lol.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    Hi all. Just a quick good morning. Not much happening, I have had a crappy few days (not because of food, just not in a good mood). I'll try to check in later to see if anyone is awake, I know I'm here early!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,242 Member
    Trooworld. Sorry you are having moody days. It’s hard for me to make good choices when I’m in a bad mood. Last two days I have been over. I’m PMSing and have the munchies. I need to find a good way to spice up roasted chick peas I think that would work

    Here’s to a better day for all of us.

    I’ve been laughing at everyone on WW eating eggs now. The new program rolled out and everyone on Instagram is enjoying their eggs since it’s 0 SP

    Daily check in. Food over on cals and carbs. Exercise none. Water 3 glasses
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    @theslightedgeforever thanks. Yes, it's very hard when moody. I put Cajun seasoning on chickpeas when roasting them. I like savory roasted chickpeas. That's funny everyone is suddenly all into eggs.

    Hi all. Mood is a little better today (thankfully). I went out to lunch yesterday with some colleagues at Islands. We all had the cheeseburger lunch special. Back to healthy eating today. My last day with my Vida coach is Dec 11th. I need the money towards CrossFit if I do decide to do it, if I don't decide to do it, it was just time.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,589 Member
    edited December 2017
    Morning all:
    Sorry the last couple mornings I've gotten away from me then really busy I've been staying within 200 calories over so I feel like I'm doing much better but the bad news is my treadmill died yesterday...ugh...
    @trooworld: I know what you mean about coming home and dark winter time things like chili baked bread all those warm inviting things...but we can all continue on our journey... cuz that's why we're here to support encourage each other and glean from each other.

    @theslightedgeforever: I laughed... you went on and on and on about the refried beans in the chips I could just see your face how can I make all this
    Okay got to go girls have a meeting at 10..

  • achagpar
    achagpar Posts: 493 Member
    Hi all!

    Sorry I’ve been a bit MIA. More travel. Thankfully I’m down a bit since I posted last (now 129.6; goal 125). I was really mindless when traveling... eating more than I wanted/needed, not tracking, not exercising, not getting enough water... but I’m trying to get back on track. I’ve only been semi-successful so far. Haven’t gotten to the gym today but so far, have tracked, ate under my calories and drank 6 glasses of water. I think I can get another 2 in before bed.

    With holidays coming up, I’m going to have to work especially hard on being mindful. I’m gonna go grocery shopping tomorrow. Having healthy options at home helps me stay on track.

    @slightedgeforever @trooworld I tried roasting chickpeas for the first time a week or two ago. They were good but not as crunchy as I thought they should be. What temperature did you use and for how long?

    Thanks all!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    @cbabie that's great, I'm glad you are doing better.

    @achagpar welcome back! We all will have to be mindful because of the's a rough time of year. I wish you luck!

    Hi all. Not much time this morning, I have to rush off to work. I hope you all have a great day. I can't wait for the day to be over and I can start the weekend. :)
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,589 Member
    Yesterday was really crazy I didn't get on here and I've binged on three sugar cookies in a bowl of ice cream last night not a good night. But all in all I've been doing good this week more in control of what I eat when I eat I feel better. Now I just have to fix my exercise routine since my treadmill is gone, sucks
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    @cbabie sorry you had a bad night. I hope today is better.

    Hi all. I went to a party last night and did not have any of the food. I did have 2 drinks. I went to brunch with a friend today and then went for a walk but my knee was bothering me the whole time, so we didn't walk very long. There is nothing "technically" wrong with my knees, it's just my weight I think. Just another reason to lose this weight.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,242 Member
    Quick check in here. I’ve just been extremely busy the last few days with my mil. My daughter comes in tomorrow so I’m excited. Although she’s a partner in crime regarding food. So I’ll have to make a plan.
    Hope everyone is fine.

    Daily check in. Over cals and carbs exercise none. Water. 2 glasses.

    Wonderful day. NOT
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,043 Member
    @theslightedgeforever have fun with your family. I hope you make a good plan.

    Hi all! I've been having fun making things with my instant pot and my husband is starting to like the instant pot too. I've found a lot of recipes, some of them healthy lol. I made pozole (which is a Mexican pork and hominy soup) and country-style cube steak yesterday.

    Tomorrow is my work's annual Christmas party. I hope I win a prize in the raffle, there are usually some good prizes but I never win anything. There is going to be food. Well, everyone have a good day!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,589 Member
    Morning all..
    I don't know where this last week went it just seems like I've been so crazy busy... I got to pull in the reins or life will pass me by.. I didn't do so good yesterday it was 4 pm before I ate so the house got eaten LOL..

    @trooworld. I hope you win a prize today to enjoy the day you know it's one time of year... if that's all you I hear lots of good things about the instapot, glad you and your hubby like it makes your life easier since you have to commute so far.
    Enjoy your daughter.. let us know what your plan is with her LOL
