

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,791 Member
    I seem to be in a cat phase. Cat pictures make me happy! I joined a Navy Moms Facebook group, and though its supportive, seeing Navy Moms see their sons, or get to go to their boot camp graduation kind of stings, and hurts my heart. It is nice to be informative, and helpful though. I don't get the Navy Moms that turn their kids rooms into a shrine of sorts.
    I call my youngest son's phone and it goes straight to not available. Like he's not available because he's not in country. The thought that he'd transfer to Japan, without even a call to me, hurts. I try not to think of that, but him telling me that he was repacking his bags and that was two weeks ago is suspicious. The other night I cried and thought I would never stop. I woke up my husband at 2 am to talk me down, and hold me. Missing my son and mad at him at the same time. Lots of emotions running through this heart of mine.
    Hugs to ya all!
    Whidbey island

    Oh Rebecca, my heart hurts for you!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited October 2018
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Still reading all posts; but had to jump in and say something to Janet
    Janet:Wow! Kudos for your daughter for recognizing the signs of CPR emergency and being able to pull up that memory of what to do! I do take CPR and first aid every three years and I have never had to use it until about five years ago. Had a situation with a teenaged boy next door. Explosion-kid on fire-holes in chest area. I heard the bang and found him, still walking, on fire, in a daze. Any how, I yelled to my son to call 911 and started first aid- then CPR after he stopped breathing. Seemed like EMTs were there almost immediately and they took over...but that is when my adrenaline went into overdrive. For the next few days I would cry, couldn't talk about it and had a nightmare or two. One of my daycare parents happened to be one of the EMTs that responded and I talked to him about what I was dealing with and he said that rescuers often feel that stress after saving some one. In most cases it just goes away as you learn to breath/cope through the emotion. Firefighters, EMT/First Responders, ER docs deal with this stress on a daily repetitive basis. It's a wonder they don't spend hours in therapy. Maybe they do! But really, your daughter is amazing for jumping in there! A lot of people don't or just can't. <3 KJ

    Kelly, thank you so much, I'll share this with my daughter. She keeps seeing the picture of his blue lips in her head and starts crying. I told her it was a very natural reaction after such a traumatic experience. I told her she was very strong and went right into action rather run screaming out of the room. She, after all she's done in getting her CPA, is fighting a horrible self-worth image due to being in an extremely physically abusive marriage for over ten years.

    Thanks for sharing. <3

    Janetr OKC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,370 Member
    Took the water class today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Classic Firm Low Impact Aerobics DVD.

    Meg – to me, it looks like that cat is praying…lol

    It’s cool today, low 70’s. It’s forecasted to be in the low 70’s high 60’s. Yuk…I think this means we’ll have to start closing the pool <waaaaaaaaaaaaaa>.

    Yesterday there was this letter in Hints from Heloise where someone was touting how very smart she was posting on social media that she was at a certain place. Sometimes she got a discount because she mentioned them. I almost died when that letter was published. Fortunately, today someone wrote in to say how they went away but they posted about their trip. Well, when they came back from their trip, they had been robbed! That’s why Vince would literally kill me if I ever posted anything about being away from home (at dinner at such-and-such, driving to such airport, at the movies, etc). So, ladies, don’t ever post anything on social media about where you are. I’ve posted things about where I’ve been but always made sure to say “glad to be back in NC”

    Karen in VA – I want to see First Man. But I understand that they cut out the part where he planted the American flag on the moon. To me, that part should definitely have been included.

    Sue – welcome to a great group.

    I’m trying to change my password, but the links I keep getting sent take me round and round. This is so frustrating. I can’t create a new account because my email is already is use. Of course it is!


    Janetr – you SHOULD be proud of your daughter. What she did was a wonderful thing

    Help!! How did you all change your password? I can’t seem to. It keeps telling me that I need to login and then it won’t let me login

    Michele in NC
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,392 Member
    Rebecca ((((HUGS))). Kids! So glad you have your oldest and middle sons close by and the grand baby in the "incubator".

    JanetR - I was at the doc's office with my DH this morning when I read your message about your daughter performing CPR. I looked around the room at all the folks, many older than me, and thought - if one of them suddenly had a seizure/attack in some place other than the doc's office, would I remember enough to perform CPR? I think it's all just rapid chest compressions now, no breathing to worry about? The last training I had was 3 or 4 years ago.

    - glad the good news from your dermatologist! Glad the leak was found and can be tended to. Full speed ahead on the move!

    - so happy to hear things are starting to line up on the house sales. Loved the photos of the kids in the park by the way.

    DH had his ultrasounds and meeting with new Vascular Surgeon this morning. LOVE HER-I'd say she's in her mid 30's. Yes he has blockages in one leg, but other blood vessels have taken over so it's doing remarkably well. Carotid arteries - some build up but nothing worrisome right now, do a recheck in a year. Small aneurisms in the aorta but she said it's so teensy, nothing to fret about and have an ultrasound redone in 3 years on that.

    He had the worst case built up in his head of course. He needs to start taking the 81 mg enteric aspirin and that's it.

    Have a good weekend ladies!

    Sunny SW WA State
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Thanks to Sharon, I got out in the fresh air and played golf today and I do feel better. Expecting a lot of rain from Sergio this weekend. Been trying to keep up abut failing miserably.
    SueBDew in TX
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    becca sending hugs your way. You are a sweet <3
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,763 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    I took a nap.... I know at 58 i shouldn't have to take a nap.. but feel so much better...im slowly getting things picked up and will be ready for the cousins stopping over tomorrow...
    it appears that my DFIL has a bit of life in him yet... today he was looking good he kept his eyes open... did some talking ate his oranges by himself and ate and drank nearly everything...warms my heart..
    they had Octoberfest there yesterday.. ya'll will get a kick out of this, they had st pauli girl non alcoholic beer and he had 6 glasses, which comes up to 3 bottles ... ate everything too all by himself.., I should have been around for that one lol.... well this time next week will be settled in over at my old place for the week....gonna feel strange ..but i will do what i need to do for my pups... and I truly hope that Tom and Elena have a nice time in Florida
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,309 Member
    edited October 2018
    Lanette - Glad to hear your DH is reassured. <3

    Rebecca - (((HUGS.))) You need to be a grandma asap!

    My elder son has just been on a Waterloo walking tour. 4 days around the battlefield. He posted 69+ photos on Facebook. I would love to go someday. I am a pacifist, but for some reason have always been fascinated by the horror of battlefields and have read a lot of books about war and battles. 40, 000 dead at Waterloo, plus many died afterwards of their wounds. The farms that figured hugely in the battle are still there and all the topography.
    Recently we had a series on TV of Vanity Fair which featured Waterloo. Totally, utterly ghastly.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,078 Member
    exermom wrote: »

    Yesterday there was this letter in Hints from Heloise where someone was touting how very smart she was posting on social media that she was at a certain place. Sometimes she got a discount because she mentioned them. I almost died when that letter was published. Fortunately, today someone wrote in to say how they went away but they posted about their trip. Well, when they came back from their trip, they had been robbed! That’s why Vince would literally kill me if I ever posted anything about being away from home (at dinner at such-and-such, driving to such airport, at the movies, etc). So, ladies, don’t ever post anything on social media about where you are. I’ve posted things about where I’ve been but always made sure to say “glad to be back in NC”

    Michele in NC

    I am on your page with this. I will talk and post pictures of a trip or activity after I have done it not during or say anything about my plans.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,763 Member
    awww Rye how adorable!!!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Rye I love Mocha Latte!


    Janetr & Kelly Today my daughter-in-law saw CPR being performed on a young man on the sidewalk outside of Kroger. She is a teacher & keeps her BLS skills current, so she offered to help, but they already had 2 people who knew what they were doing. She stayed until the Squad arrived. She said it didn't look very hopeful. She was shaken up by it. Such a coincidence to read of Janetr's daughter & KJ having similar experiences! It sounds like Janetr's daughter has PTSD. :'( She is a heroine.


    Our power came back on! Yay!

    Karen in Virginia
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    CPR if like me, you can’t keep time worth a whit, there are apps for your phone (or Apple Watch) that will keep the proper time for you when you perform CPR. I have one called CPR helper but there are plenty of options out there.

    Janet, you are right to be very proud.
  • burryc1
    burryc1 Posts: 1 Member
    Not sure how to do this so I will be brief. I want to introduce myself to the group, but Luddite me can’t find any way to jump in but this “reply” box. Help me out?
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,640 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did Kelly Coffee Meyers 30MF Body Shop DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to take the water class.

    Volunteered at the Green Room today. Tomorrow I’m supposed to usher for the Green Room. The show is “12 Angry Jurors” and is being held in the local courthouse. Should be very interesting. I usually take my breakfast with me to the Green Room but today I had it when I got home

    Lisa – that’s terrible what that worker did. Even tho it wasn’t anything real terrible, to have done anything is reprehensible

    Pip – Lenny was a very handsome man. You sure know how to pick them!

    Barbie – here’s hoping that the biopsy comes back OK

    Snowflake – glad to have given you that idea. What you’re planning sounds really neat

    Vicki – we’re still waiting for the second part of our shingles vaccine. It better be here before Dec. 1 when Vince has to go on medicare!

    Kim – I’m so sorry about your PP account. I know this doesn’t help you right now, but Vince has a separate checking account he uses for PP. He keeps a minimum amount in it, like $50. Now if he knows that he’s going to be buying something and using PP, he puts that money into that account. This way, if someone got into the acct, all they’d get is $50.

    Lynn – have a good trip to the Netherlands! Hope you’ll be able to check in here while you are there

    Michele in NC

    He was. And an AWESOME kisser
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Aww, Pip, you always make my laugh. Thanks <3

    Janetr OKC
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    burryc1 wrote: »
    Not sure how to do this so I will be brief. I want to introduce myself to the group, but Luddite me can’t find any way to jump in but this “reply” box. Help me out?

    That's all you gotta do! It would really help us if you let us know what name to call you and an idea of where you are, you can be as general or specific as you are comfortable with.
    This group starts a new thread every month, so near the end of the month look for a link to the new thread. Also, don't forget to bookmark this thread so you can find us again! (hold down the empty star at the top of the page, when it turns yellow, you have it bookmarked-much easier to find us that way!)
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
    ps welcome to a great group!