JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    JFT - Thursday, 10/11/2018
    1. Journal every bite :)
    2. Half my weight in water :s UGH.
    3. Walk Maddie / Dog park? Pretty windy.... :sFirst day I missed taking Maddie for a walk! My hip was so sore and it was so windy that I decided not to push it against the wind. I actually even told my husband at about 7pm that I really felt disappointed that I did not take a walk yesterday. So, that was new and different! LOL
    4. 3 svgs veggies / 2 svgs fruit 1v/2f 3/5
    5. Grocery shopping :)
    6. Clean & Prep freggies for snacking :)
    7. Read one chapter :)
    8. Podcast -or- meditate in quiet room :)
    9. Bed 9:00 :) / Gratitude Journal :) / Simple Abundance & Dodie Olsteen Daily Readings :):)

    I have to run off to physical therapy in a few minutes but wanted to get my goals listed. I'll hop back on afterwards, as I have so many I would like to comment to. Plus, I want to share a Maddie pic! :mrgreen:

    Just For Friday
    1. Journal every bite
    2. Half my weight in water
    3. 5 Fruits/Veggies
    4. Walk Maddie / Dog Park?
    5. Read one chapter
    6. Podcast or meditate in quiet place
    7. Begin quilting @Bex953172 's quilt! (Pinned layers together, so ready to start the quilting process...biting my nails...nervous about this step!)
    8. Watch Brewers vs Dodgers Game 1 tonight - healthy snacking only
    9. Bed after Brewer game / Gratitude Journal / Simple Abundance & Dodie Olsteen readings

    October To-Do's
    • Out of the 180's by end of month (Hit the 170's today (10/11) but we'll see if I stay there).
    • Walk 5/7 days per week
    • Increase distance of walk, to park by end of month
    • Swap out seasonal clothing
    • Make appts: Derm, Ophthalmology, FP, Day Spa (massage), dentist
    • Return/exchange 2 sweaters
    • Bake 2 Christmas things per weekend

    October Challenge - Walk 1 Mile:
    10/1: :smile:
    10/2: :smile:
    10/3: :smile:
    10/4: :smile:
    10/5: :smile:
    10/6: :smile:
    10/7: :smile:
    10/8: :smile:
    10/9: :smile:
    10/10: :frowning: Walked Maddie but was less than a mile in length because didn't want to get caught in rain!
    10/11: :naughty: windy and sore hip = stayed in.

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,499 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    I am having a truly miserable day at work today. As you all know I have been pressured into trying to sell business when I have been nothing but honest since before I was hired that I was not a salesperson.

    I have not been successful in getting business at all! We are not even getting requests for quotes. Last week we lost our last remaining guard coverage contract, we still have a mobile patrol/alarm account and that is it. I was told last week that I need to think about what to do with our mobile department as we cannot continue to have staff 24 hours a day without revenue to support it. We are losing approximately 18000/month. This does not include my wages, fuel costs for the vehicles, insurance, power, heat, etc. My suggestion was to get rid of the one remaining mobile patrol/alarm account and lay off the 4 staff that this would affect.

    My boss has been away on holidays so I hadn't sent my email with my suggestion to him as I was waiting on his return today. Today that client went out to tender, they had told us in the Spring that it would be going out in the Fall before the contract ends. I receive a terrible email from him asking why I hadn't been informed they were going out to tender, and what am I doing to get more business here. I actually called him to talk to him instead of trying to do it through email and he ended up hanging up on me. I told him I was doing what I could to get business but I didn't know what more I should be doing. I also told him about actually not submitting a tender for the contract and saving money that way. At least we would be only losing about 5000 a month at that point. He told me he doesn't think I am treating this as if it's my own business which is what he wants and hung up on me.

    I am stuck as to what to do. I really think I should start looking for other work, but my only vehicle is the company vehicle that comes with this job. I'm hoping that his mood changes and he sees that I am suggesting what is best for the company. If they close the branch I will at least have EI, if I quit I get nothing.

    Ugh! Sorry for the vent!

    Oh @snowflake1968 that is just so unfair!! I know from your previous posts that you’ve been nothing but upfront with your boss about what your role should be and despite this have still worked really hard on the selling side even though it should have been outside your remit! And they have not helped matters by not even letting you be competitive in tenders. It sounds as though your boss has no idea how to make it a success so is putting all the responsibility and blame on your shoulders and that is unacceptable.

    I really think you should start looking for another job. I’m not sure how much you need the vehicle so I can see how this would be a major consideration but this is making you miserable and I don’t think you should continue to be treated like this. It is deeply unprofessional for a boss to hang up on someone who works for him.

    I wish I could help more but please come on here and vent all you like. Just don’t question yourself - ever. Your boss has the title and - presumably - the bigger salary that means the buck should stop with him, not you. If his team is struggling he should fix it, not have a tantrum. Know that you have done all you can and be angry, not sad. Use that anger to motivate yourself to find the job you deserve.

    Big hugs xxx

    What Faebert said! Hugs and prayers going out for you @Snowflake1968!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,499 Member
    Recap Th 10/11 ~ Rain finally ended ~ we had > 4.5" in our rain gauge since Sunday. Now very windy & temps really dropped, weatherman even giving us wind chill readings! :o
    1) Walked dog before work / 3.52 mi 1:02:16 / stretched = happy dog :smiley: & happy me :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 16,042 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 boom! & 46 floors :smiley:
    3) Leftovers day (trying to clear out fridge) / meals & snacks prelogged / stick w/ plan / net calories green / > 12c water = Ate a few too many leftovers :# and net calories -104, sodium & sugar green (yay), fiber good, protein low ~ ack! :s 12c water :)
    4) Evening: boil eggs :smiley: / choir 6:30 :smiley: / wash dishes :s / read Sunday ads :s / collect water from rain barrel :smiley: 5+ gallons then ran out of empty containers / other to-do's? :smiley: emptied kitchen compost bucket into bin
    5) Unplug 9:00 :neutral: / FLOSS REALLY :smiley: / retainers :smiley: / bed & TV off 10:15 :smile: 10:20 (walk dog F before work)

    JFT F 10/12 ~ October birthdays recognized & celebrated (with food, of course) in office today & drinks/dinner in evening with BFF to celebrate my birthday week. :wink: Already ate 1 breakfast sammie at work ~ really felt like I needed the protein, which I have been low on this week for some reason. :#
    1) Walked dog before work / 3.56 mi 1:03:23 / stretched = happy dog :smiley: & happy me :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Breakfast & lunch prelogged / logged office food already consumed as snack & NO cake this afternoon (since it's not chocolate, not so tempting for me) / have previewed dinner menu online & prelogged my choice / stick w/ plan / net calories < 100 red / 12c water
    4) Keep plugging away at work ~ do not take latest issue personally b/c it's just the process here
    5) After work: feed pets & let dog out / pick up race packet for Sat. a.m. / enjoy evening w/ BFF / Go Brewers!
    6) Floss / retainers / bed & TV off 11:00 (breakfast 7 a.m., leave 8 for 9 race start)
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    @cschmitz1105 OH! What an adorable pup! And look at the precious pose! She knows how to work the camera, lolol!!!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,784 Member
    I am having a truly miserable day at work today. As you all know I have been pressured into trying to sell business when I have been nothing but honest since before I was hired that I was not a salesperson.

    I have not been successful in getting business at all! We are not even getting requests for quotes. Last week we lost our last remaining guard coverage contract, we still have a mobile patrol/alarm account and that is it. I was told last week that I need to think about what to do with our mobile department as we cannot continue to have staff 24 hours a day without revenue to support it. We are losing approximately 18000/month. This does not include my wages, fuel costs for the vehicles, insurance, power, heat, etc. My suggestion was to get rid of the one remaining mobile patrol/alarm account and lay off the 4 staff that this would affect.

    My boss has been away on holidays so I hadn't sent my email with my suggestion to him as I was waiting on his return today. Today that client went out to tender, they had told us in the Spring that it would be going out in the Fall before the contract ends. I receive a terrible email from him asking why I hadn't been informed they were going out to tender, and what am I doing to get more business here. I actually called him to talk to him instead of trying to do it through email and he ended up hanging up on me. I told him I was doing what I could to get business but I didn't know what more I should be doing. I also told him about actually not submitting a tender for the contract and saving money that way. At least we would be only losing about 5000 a month at that point. He told me he doesn't think I am treating this as if it's my own business which is what he wants and hung up on me.

    I am stuck as to what to do. I really think I should start looking for other work, but my only vehicle is the company vehicle that comes with this job. I'm hoping that his mood changes and he sees that I am suggesting what is best for the company. If they close the branch I will at least have EI, if I quit I get nothing.

    Ugh! Sorry for the vent!

    Don't apologize for reaching out... My dear Sister you're carrying a heavy load which would be a strain on any one of us. I'm thankful that you did share and that this is a great place to vent. My apologies that I can't offer you a helpful solution at this time, however, since we have been presented with this information, I will do what I believe and that is to pray and ask for wisdom in this matter. I have confidence in prayer and in the other ladies who have known you longer to assist you.
    Teddy Bear Hugs from me for now love💖🙏(((HUG)))

    Thank you Mary, I have been praying as well.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,784 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    I am having a truly miserable day at work today. As you all know I have been pressured into trying to sell business when I have been nothing but honest since before I was hired that I was not a salesperson.

    I have not been successful in getting business at all! We are not even getting requests for quotes. Last week we lost our last remaining guard coverage contract, we still have a mobile patrol/alarm account and that is it. I was told last week that I need to think about what to do with our mobile department as we cannot continue to have staff 24 hours a day without revenue to support it. We are losing approximately 18000/month. This does not include my wages, fuel costs for the vehicles, insurance, power, heat, etc. My suggestion was to get rid of the one remaining mobile patrol/alarm account and lay off the 4 staff that this would affect.

    My boss has been away on holidays so I hadn't sent my email with my suggestion to him as I was waiting on his return today. Today that client went out to tender, they had told us in the Spring that it would be going out in the Fall before the contract ends. I receive a terrible email from him asking why I hadn't been informed they were going out to tender, and what am I doing to get more business here. I actually called him to talk to him instead of trying to do it through email and he ended up hanging up on me. I told him I was doing what I could to get business but I didn't know what more I should be doing. I also told him about actually not submitting a tender for the contract and saving money that way. At least we would be only losing about 5000 a month at that point. He told me he doesn't think I am treating this as if it's my own business which is what he wants and hung up on me.

    I am stuck as to what to do. I really think I should start looking for other work, but my only vehicle is the company vehicle that comes with this job. I'm hoping that his mood changes and he sees that I am suggesting what is best for the company. If they close the branch I will at least have EI, if I quit I get nothing.

    Ugh! Sorry for the vent!

    You vent all you want ..... I am so sorry this is happening to you. Hopefully things will work out, but in the meantime, I will also say a prayer for you. I remember when you started the job and they wanted you to do things you were not comfortable doing. Hang in there. Hugs.

    Thank you. I appreciate it.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,784 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    I am having a truly miserable day at work today. As you all know I have been pressured into trying to sell business when I have been nothing but honest since before I was hired that I was not a salesperson.

    I have not been successful in getting business at all! We are not even getting requests for quotes. Last week we lost our last remaining guard coverage contract, we still have a mobile patrol/alarm account and that is it. I was told last week that I need to think about what to do with our mobile department as we cannot continue to have staff 24 hours a day without revenue to support it. We are losing approximately 18000/month. This does not include my wages, fuel costs for the vehicles, insurance, power, heat, etc. My suggestion was to get rid of the one remaining mobile patrol/alarm account and lay off the 4 staff that this would affect.

    My boss has been away on holidays so I hadn't sent my email with my suggestion to him as I was waiting on his return today. Today that client went out to tender, they had told us in the Spring that it would be going out in the Fall before the contract ends. I receive a terrible email from him asking why I hadn't been informed they were going out to tender, and what am I doing to get more business here. I actually called him to talk to him instead of trying to do it through email and he ended up hanging up on me. I told him I was doing what I could to get business but I didn't know what more I should be doing. I also told him about actually not submitting a tender for the contract and saving money that way. At least we would be only losing about 5000 a month at that point. He told me he doesn't think I am treating this as if it's my own business which is what he wants and hung up on me.

    I am stuck as to what to do. I really think I should start looking for other work, but my only vehicle is the company vehicle that comes with this job. I'm hoping that his mood changes and he sees that I am suggesting what is best for the company. If they close the branch I will at least have EI, if I quit I get nothing.

    Ugh! Sorry for the vent!
    I am having a truly miserable day at work today. As you all know I have been pressured into trying to sell business when I have been nothing but honest since before I was hired that I was not a salesperson.

    I have not been successful in getting business at all! We are not even getting requests for quotes. Last week we lost our last remaining guard coverage contract, we still have a mobile patrol/alarm account and that is it. I was told last week that I need to think about what to do with our mobile department as we cannot continue to have staff 24 hours a day without revenue to support it. We are losing approximately 18000/month. This does not include my wages, fuel costs for the vehicles, insurance, power, heat, etc. My suggestion was to get rid of the one remaining mobile patrol/alarm account and lay off the 4 staff that this would affect.

    My boss has been away on holidays so I hadn't sent my email with my suggestion to him as I was waiting on his return today. Today that client went out to tender, they had told us in the Spring that it would be going out in the Fall before the contract ends. I receive a terrible email from him asking why I hadn't been informed they were going out to tender, and what am I doing to get more business here. I actually called him to talk to him instead of trying to do it through email and he ended up hanging up on me. I told him I was doing what I could to get business but I didn't know what more I should be doing. I also told him about actually not submitting a tender for the contract and saving money that way. At least we would be only losing about 5000 a month at that point. He told me he doesn't think I am treating this as if it's my own business which is what he wants and hung up on me.

    I am stuck as to what to do. I really think I should start looking for other work, but my only vehicle is the company vehicle that comes with this job. I'm hoping that his mood changes and he sees that I am suggesting what is best for the company. If they close the branch I will at least have EI, if I quit I get nothing.

    Ugh! Sorry for the vent!

    Oh @snowflake1968 that is just so unfair!! I know from your previous posts that you’ve been nothing but upfront with your boss about what your role should be and despite this have still worked really hard on the selling side even though it should have been outside your remit! And they have not helped matters by not even letting you be competitive in tenders. It sounds as though your boss has no idea how to make it a success so is putting all the responsibility and blame on your shoulders and that is unacceptable.

    I really think you should start looking for another job. I’m not sure how much you need the vehicle so I can see how this would be a major consideration but this is making you miserable and I don’t think you should continue to be treated like this. It is deeply unprofessional for a boss to hang up on someone who works for him.

    I wish I could help more but please come on here and vent all you like. Just don’t question yourself - ever. Your boss has the title and - presumably - the bigger salary that means the buck should stop with him, not you. If his team is struggling he should fix it, not have a tantrum. Know that you have done all you can and be angry, not sad. Use that anger to motivate yourself to find the job you deserve.

    Big hugs xxx

    Thank you so much!

    I agree, I think I will update my resume over the weekend and start looking at some job postings. A vehicle is very important as I live outside of Edmonton and transit is not readily available. My husband will be getting his layoff soon though so I would have that car to use until Spring again. In the meantime I could look for another vehicle.

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,784 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    I am only on here to see how you are all doing ladies. Spent nearly all day yesterday in bed and I still feel rubbish. Not logging or exercising (well, abs seem to be getting a regular workout from the constant coughing) and just feel really fed up.

    Everyone is telling me to take another day off work but I have a few things I really need to do today otherwise next week will be a disaster. So I’m going to try and go in but literally just do the minimum and leave soon after the children do at the end of the day.

    Wish me luck! X

    I hope you have a chance to get rest and get mended on the weekend.
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    gojolida wrote: »
    I love this thread! Glad I found it. I'll bookmark it.

    I just rejoined MFP yesterday, so my goal today is to log my food and HYDRATE. Starting small.
    WELCOME! 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹👏
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    My son sent this a few minutes ago. It's his cat, Jag, who is having laser treatments for his infected gums. He is the vet's first cat to have this procedure so she isn't charging for the several treatments he is having...my son was very happy about that! Anyway, it made me smile so I thought I'd pass it on to y'all!

    Peace and joy--and Happy Friday!!!


    COOL CAT... poor baby.. Hope you feel better soon Jag🐀
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    LOL...Just Kidding.😂
    Hoping everyone have a stress reduced/stress free relaxing, less painful weekend. I love you all and welcome the newcomers, and returners!
    Good Night Beautiful, Sisters🌹🙏
  • ericac30
    ericac30 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I would love to join this forum for motivation and accountability, and really just a group to share with. How can I start my own thread with goals, etc...
    Thanks in advance!
  • jeschepp
    jeschepp Posts: 307 Member
    Hi all! Went to my sisters' last night for dinner. My mom was in town and it was my sister's dog's first birthday! So I had to celebrate and bring him some treats. Ended up coming home late and was pretty tired sooooo no post yesterday. I know I've been slipping with some routines. I've been doing alright with health habits, but I want to use the weekend to assess where I'd like to be by the end of the year. I'd like to set some goals for the next few months to focus on. To be continued...

    @snowflake1968 I cannot imagine the stress you are going through. It sounds like an impossible choice and I'm so sorry all this weight is on you. I have faith that it will work out in the end and you'll be where you need to, but it is so hard when you're in that spot. Know I'm thinking of you. *hugs* to you my friend.
    @faebert I hope the day went alright. Sorry you're feeling under the weather. Take care of yourself!
    @PackerFanInGB One step at a time-you got this!
    @cschmitz110515 What a beautiful dog! So very happy!
    @toaljasa That cat has a leather jacket and motorcycle for sure! Feel better kitty!

    For today:
    Drink 80 oz. of water ✅
    Healthy eating, 1.2k to 1.4k calories-pizza reward for a healthy week! Planned splurge.
    All 5 food groups-missed with the pizza
    Exercise 30 minutes or do 1 mile :( oof. Actually missing exercise.
    1 hour TV max, not while eating ✅
    Track food and exercise ✅
    Bed at 9:00, up at 6:00 ✅

    For tomorrow:
    Pick 2 goals for the end of the year
    Drink 80 oz. of water
    Healthy eating, 1.2k to 1.4k calories
    All 5 food groups
    Exercise 30 minutes
    1 hour TV max, not while eating
    Track food and exercise
    8 hours sleep
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Morning all, feeling slightly better today and a bit more optimistic! I’m going to try and workout this morning but already dreading it as I know I’ll be weaker than normal and I hate that!

    Planning to head to a shopping mall today with the kids and get them a little treat as they have been such superstars while I’ve been ill. Came across a ‘to remember’ note that my 9 year old wrote for herself. It had - pack money for book, homework, call grandparents and “check mummy is alright!!!” - written on it. Such a sweetheart. I’m very lucky.

    Saturday goals
    - morning workout
    - Pick up P from sleepover
    - Health food shop
    - Shopping - treat for the girls. Buy boots?
    - Girls homework and hairwashing
    - Watch Strictly together in PJs
    - Early night

    Have a great weekend all. X
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Massive coughing fit - revising Saturday goals as workout is just impossible right now. Going to ditch the car for the first half of the day which should get me a good 3 miles of walking or so. Good for the October challenge and better for my cough. X