

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @trooworld - Do they really go down to that degree with inspections in US? That would not be allowed here. The freezer is your domain, for me it would be like go through someone's undies drawer.

    @cbabie - Woohoo $10,000 steps - does your shoot firebolts too? I did not quite achieve 10K yesterday.

    @Teresaw1020 - Please check in if you can and let us know you got through okay.

    @theslightedgeforever - How are you going?

    Yesterday was a very "sit" day at work - I did not get up much as I was involved in a complex spreadsheet. When I got Home I took my dog for a walk and added another 5000 steps. I say my dog as DH has taken the other dog to debut in her very first sheep trial. Today is also a very much sitting and driving day as I take grand daughter to the country for her …….wait for it …….. 6th attempt to pass her license. The closest one open is 2 hours away (total of 4 hours travel) with a stop for 30 min for her test. All city licensing are booked until Jan. I just need to use my feet during her test run.

    Well that it my day - hope your is good

    Trish and Jess

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @cbabie lol...I love that kind of surprise! The visit with management must have went well, I didn't hear otherwise. I'm sure life will get better soon! Spring will come for us both soon, I know it lol.

    @TrishasTime I'm not sure how micro they get but I wanted to be sure it was clean in case they did lol. I hope they didn't go through my undies drawer, as I neglected that hahaha. 6 attempts as passing the test? Uh, maybe she shouldn't be driving! ;) lol Good luck to your granddaughter, I hope this time is the one. What a cute pup!!!

    Hi all. The author event I went to last night was good although I felt very alone because everyone was talking to their neighbors, or the friends they brought, except me. I sat alone looking awkward. Nobody talked to me, and I was sitting on an aisle seat, the person to my right was actively engaged in a conversation with her two besties with her back turned to me. So, as we waited for the author to come, I just played on my phone and listened to the loud chatter of the crowd, never feeling more alone. :( It was all fine once it started and then after it was over, I got to meet the author and she signed my book and I got a few pictures with her. She was very nice (Deborah Harkness, in case you are curious). Okay, gotta go!!!
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning ladies!!

    I survived the hurricane with zero issues! Thank God!! We just had some rain through the night and it was a little breezy. I've been watching the coverage of the areas hit the worse in Florida and it's just so sad and devastating. I really pray for those people who are now without a home. :/

    @trooworld, how did the inspection go? I lived a lot of my life in apartments so I feel your pain! I hope you can get your new home soon. It's the best!! :) I'm sorry you felt so alone at the book signing. I hate going places all by myself for that very reason of feeling left out. Years ago I had to go to this conference by myself and I knew no one! That was before the days of cellphones so I just sat there trying not to look pathetic. :D

    @TrishasTime, Wow, 6 times!! It only took me 3 times! B) Your Border Collie is gorgeous! <3 That is my husband's favorite dog but no way could we handle the amount of energy it requires to own one. Our neighbors have a Border Collie and we love to watch as it's owner teaches her to do all kinds of tricks. I spend a lot of time at my desk so I know how hard it is to get steps in. Today will be one of those days for sure! :)

    @Cbabie, good for you for hitting 10,000 steps! Most days I'm lucky to get between 7000 and 8000 and that is only if I walk on the treadmill. :)

    Well, today will be busy! I'm about to head off to work and get a bunch of stuff done. We have this big after church meeting about our renovation project and I'm in charge of making a ton of packets for everyone. Then I have to go shopping and finish up the gift we are presenting to our sweet pastor's wife on Sunday for pastor appreciation. We thought it would be cool to honor her this year. Then I gotta clean my house!! The leaves are starting to fall and my dog keeps dragging crap in every time she comes in from outside. Yesterday I threatened to shave her! :D

    Her name is Maggie Mae and she is a diva!

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,585 Member
    Morning! I love all the pictures of the dogs..I personally am no any animal lover...My mom and dad had a dog and they loved her until the day they had to put her down..someone even made them a cake that looked just like her.. problem is it was a butter cream frosting, my parents felt like they couldn’t eat it caused it looked “just like Lady”. So I took it home..I ATE EVERY bit of that cake...LOL.

    @TeresaW1020 LOL I never now get it my 10K...I used to always get it in when I was working. Now it is on the average of 5K, pretty sucky...I love the idea of blessing the Pastors Wife. I don’t think people know what the life of a Pastors wife can be. Of course it depends on the congregation and the Pastor and his wife. Each is different. I am going to mention that to our staff, they usually do them together, but it would be nice to give her something just for her.

    @TrishasTime I feel so bad for your granddaughter. I am just glad she does not GIVE UP.. Good for her. I hope this time everything falls into place for her. Yes my Fitbit does the whole stars and gala..I swear I think my mom would have wore a Fitbit and gotten in th e10K steps just to see the gala...she loved bling. LOL

    @trooworld I have been where you are, I actually am very uncomfortable going places by myself. I used to NEVER go anywhere unless DH went. Then life happened and I HAD to...I still get that feeling and feel out of place in certain situations...but I am learning to understand it’s okay to be alone, it’s okay to be a part of something that I go alone doesn’t me I am lonely or without someone, it means I am confident in myself to go enjoy something. I may stress about where to park, where to sit, but I just keep doing it..and I think now I can live even if my DH goes first. LOL he always says, what am I going to do if you go know all the passwords, the bank accounts..etc. I just laugh...

    Okay gals got to run, at am going. To see Priscilla Shirer tomorrow with a group of women from our church. To be honest....I hate going with a group...I really am such a loner..meaning my family and that’s about it...People don’t get why I don’t like doing things as a girls day...etc..but I want to hear her..I loved the movie War Room..

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    It never worries me about going somewhere alone, or sitting by myself. I think I developed into that as my husband was a police officer before he retired and I am used to being alone, coping with emergencies, dealing with kids all on my own as he was always at work. I have even had Christmas on my own with the kids when has worked. That being said, my heart goes out to you because if you are not comfortable in any situation, it dampens the whole thing.

    @trooworld - good for you for sticking it out and getting a photo with the author :)

    @cbabie - I am with you- I absolutely hate going to a "girls day". I much rather stay home and read a book. It is not that I do not like people, it is now that even though I wear hearing aids, I find groups of people hard to listen to. It was so much easier when I was younger and could have 2 conversations going at once.

    @TeresaW1020 - Glad you did not have any issues with the hurricane. I love Maggie Maw eyes, such a beautiful girl.

    Ok UPDATE - Massive fail on grand daughters behalf. She did not even last 10 min, She did a reverse park and nearly hit and tree. Funny thing, we only had just done one before taking her up to the test and she did it perfectly. Number 7 is next month - sigh

    Going to get my hair done today, so my puppy will not get a walk until latter

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,585 Member
    Morning alll,
    Not a lot of time to write, but I wanted to check in. I am taking each day as it comes and believing each day is better than the day before. I am really starting to make better choices on autopilot than not....but last night I decided to have ice cream..I had not eaten anything sugar based all still working through that...

    @TrishasTime sorry about your granddaughter,but she will get it..she is very persistent...I still have a granddaughter that has not passed, but she doesn’t keep trying either and she will be 21 soon..she skateboards to work and her mom takes her anywhere else she might want to go...she is very smart..but I guess it’s not a priority...LOL.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @TeresaW1020 I'm so glad you didn't have problems from the hurricane. The inspection was fine, I think. I wasn't here, I took the dog and went for a walk! YEEESSS...that's exactly how I felt hahaha I'm sorry you have experienced that feeling too. Awwww, little Maggie Mae, I can see why she is a diva, she's cute! :D

    @cbabie lol...I can't believe you aren't an animal lover, as sensitive and kind as you are! I'm usually ok going places by myself, I do it so much, but sometimes it gets to me...times when people are cliqued together having fun and I'm not lol. I hope you enjoy your talk!

    @TrishasTime That must have been very stressful with your husband being a police officer. Yes, I was going to meet her and have a photo taken, despite my anxiety!!! ;) Your poor granddaughter. I hope #7 is the magic number.

    Hi all. I have to take my car to the dealership today to get the brakes repaired. I just hope I haven't damaged the rotors yet. I only have a set amount of money for this repair. It rained last night and is supposed to be really cold today, possibly more rain. I like this weather. I'm making homemade ramen soup (the real Japanese version, not the hard dried brick from a plastic package) today. Here's what else is on the menu this week (I'm kind of regretting this menu, I didn't figure out the points before I decided on it and I think some of the things the points are going to be high. I'm going to have to tinker with the recipes):

    Quick Shoyu Ramen (but I'm making homemade broth and using fresh egg noodles)
    Pim’s Pad Thai
    Instant Pot® Mississippi Roast + Sauteed Cabbage
    Paleo Italian Pot Roast (Well Fed) + Moroccan Spiced Sweet Potatoes
    Instant Pot Braised Curry Beef
    Slow Cooker Chicken and Wild Rice Soup

    Some of my tricks to lighten things up are:
    • If a recipe calls for half and half or heavy whipping cream, I use fat free evaporated milk or fat free half and half.
    • I use light butter and less of it.
    • If a recipe calls for sauteeing in oil, I will instead spray the pan with cooking spray and not put oil in the pan (unless absolutely necessary).
    • I use 96/4 ground beef or 99% fat free ground turkey instead of regular ground beef *OR* I use Morningstar Burger Crumbles which isn't meat at all.
    • I use fat free cheddar cheese in some recipes (Kraft melts pretty well and I don't mind the's come a long way!).

    What are some of your tricks?
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    Since everyone is showing pics of their pup, here is my dog, Louie:r3vd9h9f7rmb.jpg
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Hello everyone!!

    @trooworld, Awwwww Louie is adorable! How old is he? Your menu this week looks good! I haven't planned mine yet. Whatever I do it will be super light considering I'm having this big Italian dinner party tomorrow night and next weekend we are on our anniversary trip. Probably stick with a lot of baked chicken, ground turkey, and veggies. Glad the inspection went OK. You would have heard if it didn't. :)

    @TrishasTime, what is up with your granddaughter? :D Does she get nervous and choke during the exam? After I had failed mine twice my dad took me out to a closed mall parking lot on a Sunday (this was in Texas when business was closed on Sundays) and we stayed there for hours until he felt I could pass the test. I remember being so nervous during the test and then towards the end, a person walked right in front of my car and I slammed on my breaks (super hard and fast just like my dad taught me) the instructor told me to go ahead and park and that I had passed my test. Victory!! B)

    @cbabie, taking things one day at a time is really all we can do. I have this little quote on my computer that says, "Sucess isn't about outcome; it's about obedience" I try to focus on that thought every day but it's not always easy. Yesterday, I had a handful of candy that was from an open bag we have at home. It's supposed to be for the Trick-or-Treaters. NOT for my mouth! :/

    OK, so today is deep cleaning day. I told my hubby that we need to have a dinner party at least once a month so our house will get a good cleaning! I have all the rooms done but the kitchen. Saving the best for last! :D:D Ya'll have a good day! <3
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @cbabie _ I am with you - just one day at a time. I am lolly free since 19/09 except on one occasion. However I snuck 5 lollies on the way home from the driving test and found out they took a whacking 5 points out of my day where I could have spent elsewhere keeping me satisfied. As I said one day at a time.

    Can you please need to send the hounds back to @theslightedgeforever - just to check on her

    @trooworld _ I just love Pad Thai. Your menu looks varied and interesting. At my WW studio, we talked about prepared food. Most of us had similar breakfast every day. 20% of the group, did that massive prep that you see pictures of for lunch and dinner and some had exactly the same dinner every night (to me that would get boring). I love the picture of your Louis - cannot believe he get abit snarky when the real estate people come - Louis is way.. to gorgeous.

    @TeresaW020 - I hope everything goes well for your dinner party :) How long have you been married? You hit the mail on the head -she gets nervous during exams. We are rethinking the situation this weekend because it costs $80 each test.

    I got my hair done yesterday and had abit of Trishastime. Revealing a little more of ourselves each day, I think gives us better understanding of our group. I am off to see the state basketball game today - will take a happy snap for you all.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,238 Member
    Sorry to be away but I have had social engagements everyday since Tuesday. I’m totally out of my routine. Although food was relatively good. Exercise wasnt.

    Krupalip. Welcome back. Glad to hear your trip was a success. Hard to believe NYers were nicer than Californians. Although I do remember a while back that the mayor did a niceness campaign to change the reputation of NYers. It must have worked.

    Trooworld. I’m so glad the Naproxen worked for you. Do you have a co-worker or old friend you could call on the phone? For the next author event you could call one of them while you are waiting so you can talk to someone too. I’d be sitting there catching up on my reading probably lol. I’m glad you enjoyed it. I am not the animal lover in my family. Just something else I would have to take care of. The Moroccan sweet potatoes sound good. I really don’t have any tricks. I cook a recipe as written so I know it will taste good. I’ve tried substituting before and the food was okay. I want yummy vs okay if I’m doing all that work. I’ll take the higher calories and then reduce in other meals and snacks just to offset it if it’s really high I’ll just eat half a serving. Now Louie is cute. He doesnt look aggressive lol

    Cbabie time to get back to the exercise. Go walk around your pool Funny you mention about mom not being a host but we always had people staying with us. She said and they kept coming back much to her dismay. Lol. You are an animal lover you just won’t admit it. Lol. Put pics up of the demon dogs.

    Teresaw1020. Maybe you can rekindle the relationship between you and your sister. How was the dinner? Maggie Mae is cute. Maybe that’s why I haven’t been successful. Always have had a problem with the obedience thing. Lol

    Trishastime. Woohoo on your weight loss. This plan is working for you. Jess is cute. I can do alone or with groups. It depends on my mood. In groups where I don’t know people I have a rule. I have to say at least something to the person on my right or left. My daughter puts her headphones in her ears so no one will talk to her 🙄 she has her dad’s genes. Sorry on granddaughters test. Thanks for having cbabie send the hounds

    Thank goodness all done with that
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Thanks! Louie is about 8 years old. His tongue hangs out most of the time for some reason...don't know why? That's good you are balancing your meals out. Where are you going for your anniversary trip? Yes, I probably would have heard by now if it went bad! So, no news is good news! :) When is the dinner party?

    @TrishasTime I love pad thai too, and when I make it at home, it must be as authentic a recipe as possible. I've seen some horrible "quick" versions that use ketchup or other nonsense. No! :X Just no. It's the real deal or not at all for me lol. I can have the same breakfast for about 3-4 days in a row and then I have to have something different. I can have something for dinner and then for lunch and then that's it! I need a lot of variety. I don't know how people eat the same thing day in and day out. Thanks, yes, he gets more than a bit snarky with people and's really quite embarrassing! And he's only 25 lbs so people think it's a joke and laugh it off but he thinks he's a big dog lol. I hope you have fun at the game.

    @theslightedgeforever I have a few friends I could call. Yeah, I started to read a book at the author event but it was so loud I couldn't concentrate lol. That's the problem with Louie: he looks cute and harmless ;).

    Hi all. Well, I got my brakes worked on. They were still at 6mm which is good (they are good until about 4mm) he said the problem is that they were really dirty and had a lot of debris on them. I wonder if that was from camping? Who knows. Anyway, since it only cost $24.95 for the brakes to be cleaned, I went ahead and got some routine maintenance done (hybrid flush and coolant flush I think) that needed to be done at the mileage I'm at. I missed my WW meeting yesterday so I need to weigh in here at home. Okay, I just weighed in at home and on second thought, rather than counting that, I'm going to skip this week and weigh in next week at the meeting (I had that homemade ramen which had a lot of carbs + sodium and that weigh in was NOT pretty!).
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    @TrishasTime, I've been married for 7 years next Saturday. We met on the internet, fell in love and then 10 months later on my 40th birthday he came and picked me up in Florida to come to live with him in Georgia. He was from Massachusetts. Until the day he picked me up, we had never met face to face. There's more to the story but those are the highlights. He is the love of my life. Oh yeah, he is also 23 years older than me. You said we should reveal things about ourselves! :D

    @theslightedgeforever, I don't like when I get out of my routine but it's necessary sometimes. You will get back in your grove. Who is the older sister? You or cbabie? I would love to rekindle my relationship with my sister and I've tried. I won't give up!

    @trooworld, carbs and lots of sodium are always bad for me on the scale. I think it is best for you just to skip this week and flush that sodium out of your system. Lots of water!! :)

    So, my dinner party was canceled for tonight. :/ My pastor's wife woke up this morning with a terrible sore throat and stomach pains. There is this thing going around right now and she has it. So, we decided to cancel and try again another time. Maybe a Christmas party. It's not easy to get 12 people all together at once, especially when three of the couples have very small children. We do have a staff thing plan for November 3rd, so crossing fingers we will all be able to do that. The good news is that my house is spotless, I had a great workout, and I won't be overeating tonight. B)
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @theslightedgeforever - They say (at least on the ads) eating right is 80% of the deal, so it seems to me you did okay, despite the socialising. I can see what you mean by another thing to take care of but they love you back a zillion more times then what you do for them.

    @trooworld _ What I do is I use evaporate light milk instead of cream, when cooking sauces, if I must use cream, I use light cream. I use home made tomato pasta sauce (less sugar), I spray oil lightly when cooking rather then other method. I have an air fryer which helps. I use apple in muffin instead.

    TeresaW1020 _ What a shame about the dinner party :( Had you already bought the food? Well the upside is that you have abit of spare for your anniversary :) Ooohh .... I love a good romance story tell more please.

    so the work gym is supposed to be opened today. The carpet was back but no power, so I took myself off for a walk. Clocked up 5000 steps.

    Must run, already behind today

    Catch you


  • krupalip
    krupalip Posts: 62 Member
    Hey everyone,

    @cbabie how are you, haven’t received any message in my inbox about your email, please send it quickly, I get so many coupons from carters and they are just going waste. I am sorry you are having a. Tough time but hang in there not only for yourself but all of us on this board

    @theslightedgeforever I don’t know why but New Yorkers helped us out with directions and just information we needed, especially in coffee shops, actually no one was down right rude to us in the US and we didn’t face any problems, it’s an amazing country, and we would like to get our kids there soon

    @trooworld your menu is beyond awesome, hope you are doing good, next time at a book event just read and try to get lost in the story, as a tourist I used to sit around in coffee shops and just imagine people around me having back stories, imagine how their life would be, that kept me entertained and didn’t get bored at all

    @TrishasTime congratulations on your weight loss, way to go, I think my next trip with my family should be Australia, I am an avid watcher of master chef Australia and I have learned so much about your food and culture from that show...

    Now that I have achieved my goals for my trip to the US, I am feeling so lost about what my next goal should be. I am rejoining my gym today after a three week hiatus, just need to make new goals and I figured being goal oriented worked for me, any ideas ladies ??

    Gotta run have a great day and week ahead
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @TeresaW1020 What an interesting story! It sounds like you were truly meant to be! I agree, I skipped it until next week. I'm already depressed, I don't need that to depress me further! I'm sorry that your dinner party was canceled, but at least you can look at it positively.

    @TrishasTime Those are all great methods of saving points. You sound like a "pro"! Happy gym time!

    @krupalip Usually things like that don't bother me, but maybe I was feeling blue that day and it affected me greatly. How about a gym attendance goal? "I will go to the gym x number of days a week for 30 days. If I do, I will reward myself with x."

    Hi all. The depression train has come to town and stopped at my apartment. Conveniently, it came on right in time for meal prep Sunday. :( I only got my breakfast for the week cooked before my energy was gone, and it took me until 5:00 pm to even start that. Luckily, my husband is off work today and volunteered to do most of the cooking. Have a good day, all.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,238 Member
    Teresaw1020. What a neat story about your husband. I have good internet friends. I’m the younger sister by 7 years. Sometimes I love when plans get cancelled. Some free me time I wasn’t counting on.

    Trishastime that’s great you got in a walk. The gym will be back to working condition soon

    Krupalip. When we were in NY this spring, a nice lady helped my husband on the subway. He couldn’t get through the turnstile. Her husband kept saying just leave them we are going to miss our train. While my daughter was yelling were going to miss our train. Dad hurry😂. I kept saying we’ll get the next be we can’t just leave him in NY. Nobody missed the train Goals: you could set a mileage goal for running. One of my goals is to complete the Couch to 5K program (C25K) someday. I’ve tried 4 times
    You could walk 3 miles and try and do it in less time overall so you are walking faster. Start lifting weights and increase how much you lift over time. I’ll send an email to cbabie about Carters

    Trooworld sorry to hear about the depression. The easiest thing is to just sit and do nothing but it doesn’t help anything. What’s your favorite “happy” songs? Could you make a playlist and put them on and go outside and just walk around. Not exercise just walk. A change of environment is good. You dont have to do it for a long time just get up and go out and listen to one song if that’s all you can do. I just rediscovered one of my happy songs I hadn’t heard in probably 20 years. I’m glad DH will do the cooking for you

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,238 Member
    Forgot to mention I lost a lb this week.

    WW weekly highlights

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Afternoon everyone

    @krupalip - If it is gym related - could be the time on the machines, or the weight you lift. I find it is always good to have a plan to follow otherwise I find myself drifting along

    @trooworld - Sorry to hear that the train has stopped again. Are you tracking what happens just before it? I am glad DH is stepping up for you. Mine cooked sausages last night - he left the food label but does not understand that we could use calories / points in a better way

    @theslightedgeforever - Woohoo your rock!!! - 1 pound down - I remember the giffy you sometimes put up. Now - I thought you were the older sister. (grin)

    So the gym was open today and I went for a 20 min treadmill. I feel that I will need to extend to other machines soon. There was a lot of chatter on the connect last night about "serves and free food". An LTM put this up and said the program works if you follow the portions that WW have as serves. I found it a timely reminder - so have included it for you as well

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,027 Member
    @theslightedgeforever That's a good idea, I'll have to gather them and do that. Thanks for that. Congrats on losing that pound and thanks for the highlights!

    @TrishasTime I am just now starting to journal, so in a way, yes, I am tracking what happens just before it as I am journaling through it. That's nice that your DH tried to help, even if he could have done it a little healthier. Thanks for the reminder about serving sizes and -0- points foods.

    Hi all. I'm feeling a little better, although I was feeling very overwhelmed last night when I found out two of my most frequently used passwords needed to be changed because they were found in a breach. I'm still in the process of changing them. :\ Luckily, my DH did do most of the cooking yesterday. There are just two dishes that need to be made still. I think the depression came on because two of my friends called/texted with bad news about their lives and I'm a very sensitive person. I listened to them each for about 30 minutes and it took a toll on me. I kind of absorbed their emotions, I think.