

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @trooworld - What a gorgeous friend you must be :) It is hard to be a friend and not let it affect you. I think @the slightedgeforever music is a great suggestion.

    My news - I am excited to achieve my NSV. Today after 5 years, I actually attempted to run on the treadmill. I walked for 5 min, then ran for a minute, walked 3, ran 1 to the tune of 20 min. Even though it does not sound much of a run, at the end of the 4th go (which was only running at at 6km per hour), my body wanted to heave up the water that I had drunk, so in my mind, it means I pushed my body to its max when running (well I hope I am right??)

    Why am I so excited - my ortho surgeon expected me to be in a wheel chair after the multiple operations and I proved him wrong (again) - one day - I will get back to full time running again


  • krupalip
    krupalip Posts: 62 Member
    Hey morning all,
    @trooworld hey listen, don’t worry about your friends, I am sure there is light at the end of the tunnel, you’re there for them that’s important but remember you need to focus on your physical and mental health, the music suggestion by theslightedgeforver is great, do it

    @theslightedgeforever thank you for the suggestions on the next goals, I am not much of a walker or runner, I do excel at weight training. So my trainer said I should focus now on building muscle and reducing my body fat percentage but here self sabotage is playing a big role currently in terms of food- working that out in my head
    Since we are friends separately on MFP could you share cabbies email address so I can send the carter coupons to her or may be I could send them to you and you can forward them

    @trishastime congratulations on scaling your NSV, thanks for the suggestions on my next big weight loss goal and the chart you put up about portions, very helpful

    @TeresaW1020 hey girl where have you disappeared ? Hope all is good with you

    For me currently struggling to get back to healthier eating which isn’t happening. Don’t know why I need comfort food right now, everything is great with my kids, my work but still feeling lost

    Anyways you guys have a great day

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,079 Member
    @TrishasTime aw, thanks, I don't know, I try but who knows? I think her suggestion is a great idea too. I just need to sit down and find the time to organize my list. :) Congratulations on your NSV! That's awesome. I think it is awesome that you ran ANY distance! Especially considering what the ortho surgeon told you. Way to go!

    @krupalip Thank you for your kind words. I intend to follow her suggestion. I will try to carve out some time this morning to make my list. I'm not much of a "happy music" person, but I do have some happy music songs that I like lol. I had the same struggle after vacation. I know you can get back to healthy eating soon.

    Hi all. I stayed up way too late last night making chicken with wild rice soup now I am tired. I hope to see @cbabie and @theslightedgeforever and @TeresaW1020 on here today. Missing your posts! I know you are probably busy.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,079 Member
    Here's some of my list (there are 46 songs in total, I'm not listing them all):

    Funky Town - Lipps Inc.
    Get Down On It - Kool & The Gang
    What a Feeling - Irene Cara
    You Dropped a Bomb on Me - The Gap Band
    Let's Go Crazy - Prince
    Raspberry Beret - Prince
    1999 - Prince
    Kiss - Prince
    You're the One that I Want - John Travolta, Olivia Newton John
    You Shook Me All Night Long - AC/DC
    Are You Going To Be My Girl - Jet
    What I Got - Sublime
    Two Princes - Spin Doctors
    Start Me Up - The Rolling Stones
    You're My Best Friend - Queen
    Don't Stop Believin' - Journey
    Dancing Queen - Abba
    Walking On Sunshine - Katrina & The Waves
    My Sharona - The Knack
    I Will Survive - Gloria Gaynor
    Get Lucky - Daft Punk
    Stayin' Alive - Bee Gees
    Twist and Shout - The Isley Brothers
    I Got You (I Feel Good) James Brown
    I'll Take You There - The Staple Singers
    You Sexy Thing - Hot Chocolate
    Centerfold - The J. Geils Band
    Everyday People - Sly & The Family Stone
    Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I'm Yours) - Stevie Wonder
    Louie Louie - The Kingsmen
    Jump In The Line - Harry Belafonte
    What I Like About You - The Romantics
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning Ladies! <3

    @trooworld, girl we have the same taste in music!! Get Down On It will be in my head for the rest of the day! :D Music can be such a gift to lift the spirit. I love being in my car with my favorite CD blaring and me just singing at the top of my lungs. Do you take any medication for your depression? I know that it can really help some people. Journaling your feelings is a really good idea too. You got this!!! <3

    @TrishasTime, WOW good for you for running again! B) Especially when it is something you thought might not happen again. WARNING!! You be careful! I've had many lessons in what happens when I push my body beyond what it wants it will push back and usually ends in an injury and I'm having to stop working out altogether. (i.e. my knee because I thought I could jog). Maybe you know this already, but it's a good reminder. :)

    @krupalip, hey girl! Thanks for checking in on me. Just super busy this week!! I think it can be hard to get refocused after a long vacation. You just need to remember why you want to be fit and healthy. Maybe write down your "whys" again or find new ones if you need to. Sometimes we think we need or deserve comfort foods when that is the wrong way to think about it. You need and deserve to be the best you can be. You deserve to eat well and look smoking hot! ;):)

    Went to weigh in yesterday and down another 1.2 lbs. I'm .04 away from 45 lbs. lost. That is exciting and motivating. I really want that 50 lb charm!! B) Lots of stuff to do today before we leave on our little anniversary getaway on Friday. It's supposed to rain all day on Saturday in Chattanooga so we switched up some plans to make it work for us. Not going to let a little rain mess up my time away with my man!! <3

    Have a great day! :)
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    GM everyone

    @krupalip - Are you struggling because you are out of your routine that you had before you went away? Maybe it is time to head back to the gym regardless of goals - just to get back in the routine. I know when I am struggling - I go back to comfort food - hard habit to break

    @trooworld - Geez - you could be reading my song list and I see most of them like mine are from the 70's and 80's where you could hear them singing :) The two that I walk to at the moment is "Uptown Funk" by Bruno Mars and "Old time Rock and Roll" by Bob Sega. Uptown funk is primarily because of the video where they show old time dance scenes (Fred Astaire, Shirley temple) . They are all dancing away and when I had my long stint in hospital -- I was determined that one day I would be able to go upstairs / jump downstairs, and dance again. It is truly my motivation song.

    @teresaW2010 - Congrats on your loss - nearly 50 pounds is a wonderful achievement. If you do not log on again before you go - I hope you have a wonderful time with your man :)

    Today is a rough day for me - I am not well so I am practising mindfulness., as I know that I could quite easily just eat everything in sight as I do when I am not well.

    Take care everyone

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    I’m here but no time for personals. I’ll get caught up this weekend. This week has just been busy. I need a quiet do nothing week.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,079 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Woohoo! High five! It really can be. I do take medications for my depression, it's just sometimes life gets in the way of things I think. I put my playlist on in the car on the way home and boogied down and had a good time lol. I was in a better mood by the time I got home. You are so close to 45 lbs!!! and then 50, wow! Super proud of you, girl! What are your getaway plans?

    @TrishasTime I'm in good company with the two of you! :D It sounds like you have a really special connection to "Uptown Funk". I remember "Old Time Rock and Roll" as well. I love 70s and 80s music! I hope your day gets better, remember one bite at a time, make the next decision a good one. ;)

    @theslightedgeforever hello!

    Hi all. I can't wait until this week resets, it's not been a horrible week but it hasn't been great either. I'm just ready for a redo. lol Yesterday my mood started out bad and I didn't know how I would make it through the day. Work seemed like an impossible task. I somehow made it through the day and listened to my "Happy" playlist on the way home while stuck in rush hour traffic, which helped. Since Tuesday night, by the time I got home and cooked the chicken with wild rice soup, I didn't get to eat until 8:15 p.m., I didn't want to repeat that again last night, I just stopped at the store and bought a package of tortellini and a jar of sauce and through that together and called it dinner. That is my minimum level of completion lol. It was tasty and allowed me to go to bed at a reasonable hour, so I'm okay with that.
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    Yesterday progressively got worse and I was sent home due to coughing fits. I was not hungry but yet I wanted my comfort food and gave in. Today is a ne fresh day with a fresh mindset. I now have cold and flu tablets, so hopefully I will not be miserable. It has finally come.... today the GD graduates from high school and prepares to go to university next year. There is a big ceremony with cap and gowns at her school tonight.

    @theslightedgeforever - Hope everything settles down for you soon.

    #trooworld - Glad the songs could turn your mindset around. Draw a line under this weeks and start again.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    Trooworld. That’s great you put together a happy playlist. Your tortellini dinner sounded like a good plan. The mission was feed the body in a timely manner.

    Trishastime. Congratulations on gd graduation. Another milestone completed. Now the fun years begin 😜. Indeed today is a fresh start. Reset like Trooworld mentioned

    Krupalip. Cbabie said she sent you a private message Did u get it?
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,079 Member
    @TrishasTime I'm sorry you are sick, I hope you feel better soon. Congrats to your GD!!! Woot woot!!!

    @theslightedgeforever Yes, thanks for the great idea. And the tortellini did hit the spot and only took less than 10 minutes, which was perfect.

    Hi all. I'm soooo tired. I don't know if that is because it is 4am, or if I'm just tired from the week, but I'm glad it's Friday. Nothing going on here, just getting ready for work. Have a good day.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    Trooworld. I’m tired too. I had too many events this week plus doing yard maintenance now that the weather is a bit cooler. I’m looking forward to next week just not doing anything

    Today I only got in 23 min of exercise but better than nothing.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Hello guys,
    Sorry this week has been crazy....seems there is not enough time in the day. I have not done so well..sounds like we all need a fresh start and some down time this weekend....

    @TrishasTime sorry to hear you are sick...I hope you recover quickly...Congrats to your GD, how exciting..
    @trooworld I hope you hit the reset button this weekend and enjoy some quiet time.
    @TeresaW1020 so proud of you with your journey to health...50 is awesome...LOL I just heard my mom in my head...every time she lost weight she would say that’s another stick of butter gone...
    @krupalip I sent you me email address through this app in a private message, did you get it?

    Okay I have to run

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,079 Member
    @theslightedgeforever I hope your weekend is relaxing. 23 mins of exercise is pretty good.

    Hi all. I've got a pretty relaxing weekend planned. I'm just taking my Halloween costume to be taken in at the tailor's and going to Toastmasters and picking up groceries but that's it. Meal prep on Sunday, too. Maybe I will get together with a friend. Maybe not. We'll see how the weekend unfolds. Here's my menu for next week, I tried to keep the recipes simple in case my depression came back. I didn't figure out the points before I picked out the recipes and ordered the groceries, now that I see the points, I am disapPOINTed. I am going to have to start figuring out the points before ordering the groceries. I modified these recipes as much as I could. Notice that the sloppy joes were supposed to be my fun food:

    FUN FOOD: Chili Cheese Sloppy Joes (8 SP not including bun) + baked fries
    Baked Eggplant Parmesan (Husband's recipe)
    Slow Cooker Creamy Tortellini Soup (10 SP)
    Pita Pizzas (8 SP)
    Instant Pot Egg Roll Bowls (8 SP) (modification: using lean ground turkey and 1/2 package of egg roll wrappers, not using oil, using cooking spray instead)
    Ravioli with Sage Brown Butter Sauce, Spinach, and Walnuts (15 SP)
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    @trooworld, good looking menu this week! I'm going to make those chili cheese sloppy Joes for sure! Some of the points are high but you can always tweak if need be and use less of the good stuff for the same amount of flavor. Like the sloppy Joes will taste great with ground turkey and less brown sugar and ketchup. I also use those sandwich thins or light English muffins instead of buns.

    @TrishasTime, I hope you are feeling better!!

    Hello to the rest of you ladies! <3

    Hubby and I had a wonderful couple of days away celebrating our 7th wedding anniversary. We went to Chattanooga, TN. and enjoyed a day at Rock City Gardens which was just beautiful. The next day we went to the Tennessee Aquarium which was ok. The butterfly garden was the best part! It was a big room full of tropical plants and butterfly flying all around us. Very cool! We have been to the Georiga Aquarium in Atlanta several times and true it's usually much more crowded but the exhibits are way more incredible. And yes we ate too much yummy food and even spit a big slab of fudge that we bought at Rock City. So, back on the diet today and hoping for not too much of a gain this Tuesday. I'm off to prep some lunches. Chicken breast and 0 point veggies. ;)
  • krupalip
    krupalip Posts: 62 Member
    Hey girls,
    Had written this long post and then my phone hung damn so pissed

    @cbabie my email id is, please send me your email address on this id.
    So sorry everyone I haven’t logged on for several days but everyone hang in there, got to run to gym

    Love to all
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    Thanks for your thoughts on GD Grad. It has been a very full weekend, even more so being sick and then everything took twice as long. Surviving on cold and flu tablets and not doing much at all except what is essential.

    @teresaw2010 - so glad you had a wonderful time and some lovely memories. Celebrations are a part of life, as long as you get back to healthy eating when you return :)

    @krupalip _ How is the next goal shaping up?

    @trooworld - Woohoo - taking in your Halloween costume!! Your menu looks scrummy.

    @theslightedgeforever - I am hearing you about too many events. I am glad things slow down this week. Hopefully I can kick this cold (or what ever it is).

    Catch you all later

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,079 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Thanks! Yes, good ideas. I had the sloppy joes over baked fries instead of a bun and it was really good. I'm glad you had a good time on your getaway! The butterfly garden sounds amazing.

    @krupalip Sorry your phone did that. Have a good day!

    @TrishasTime Thanks! I hope you are feeling better soon.

    Hi all. Well, when I went to the tailor's to drop off my Halloween costume, I tried it on and looked in the mirror and just about cried. I looked so awful, so big. I had her take in the waste a bit but that is it. When I got home, I told my husband how I felt and he asked if I wanted to get another costume because he didn't want me to be miserable so I ordered another costume from Amazon. My first one was a 1970s disco woman and was light material that showed every bulge. I will attach a picture of my new costume. I will wear my first costume to work (it is work appropriate, it isn't tight or anything, just isn't flattering), and this new costume out on Saturday night when we go out. I really need to get my act together and lose this weight.
  • krupalip
    krupalip Posts: 62 Member
    Hey everyone,
    @trooworld I had good day, got work done, spent time with my hubby watching Netflix season 3 of daredevil which was really great, and went to the gym, did back biceps this Morning, and now have to cook dinner as I have a friend coming over, quite a productive day actually. The Halloween costume you ordered looks very good and you are on the path to lose weight, clothes can be a great motivator, makes for great NSVs. Like everyone says take each day at a time and we will reach on top of that weight loss mountain

    @TeresaW1020 hey congratulations on your anniversary, so good you had a great trip, I am so happy for you and I am sure you will lose those 5 lbs really soon

    @TrishasTime hope you’re feeling better, I feel your pain about cold and coughs, had a massive cold when I was traveling, anyways, I have decided to have smaller goals instead of one big one, next goal is to lose 2 kgs by 6th November, I want to hit the elusive 50 kgs on the weighing scale
    It helps me when I am goal oriented

    What I am finding hard is getting back to my diet, more later have contractors at home working

    See you everyone, have a great day
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all

    I am trying to get on here every day...not real good at

    Drinking my protein shake and writing you guys..then out the door to church to work for a bit..

    @krupalip I sent you an can do this..see you haven’t given up..that is the most important thing..

    @TeresaW1020 so glad you had a great time....

    @trooworld you can do this....I am so glad your DH was so supportive

    @TrishasTime hang in there you will be walking and breathing better than before soon
