Any other 5'4" ladies out there?



  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I am 5'3", and I started out at 194. My current weight is 144. There is a comparison pic in my profile if you want to look at it. My current goal is 140 (4 lbs to go). After I reach that goal, I am going to shoot for mid-30's. I have never been this skinny; I have always been on the heavier side even high school. I am about the size I was at 10. It is a great feeling. Oh, and I have been at my journey for 10 months now (if you wanted to know).
  • I am 5'3 1/2....close enough, right??
    I was 303. Right now, I'm 207 and my goal is 160 :)
  • captainlindarg
    captainlindarg Posts: 229 Member
    Judging by most of you and your goals, I'm guessing 150-155 isn't a good weight for my goal. Should I honestly be at 130?
    Well this is discouraging. :/

    Don't be discouraged. Shoot for 150-155 as planned. See how you feel from there. Everyone carries their weight differently. It's really about you and what works for YOU. Personally, I'll be stoked when I hit 145 again because that's supposedly the top of the "healthy weight range" for someone my height. Once I hit 140 I think I'm going to re-assess and see if I really want to take it to 130.
  • cwojo
    cwojo Posts: 156 Member
    I am 5'4" and I started out at 194 and currently at 152. I was told by my doctor that 140 is a good weight for me as I am also 47. I would love to be 130 but not sure if I could maintain that. Worth a try... Good luck.
  • Hi all! I started at 232, current is 220 and my goal weight is 170. I've been there before and that seemed to be a good weight for me. Who knows, I may want to surpass it this time, but I'll cross that bridge when it says 170 on the scale!
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    Judging by most of you and your goals, I'm guessing 150-155 isn't a good weight for my goal. Should I honestly be at 130?
    Well this is discouraging. :/

    For all we know,that could be a perfect goal for you. Taking in account body frame size and bodyfat % is very important.
  • nickiw68
    nickiw68 Posts: 71
    I'm 5 ft 4" and aged 43 years old.

    I started at 175 lbs (or 12st 7 lbs) and have now lost around 8 lbs - so now I am at 11 st 13 lbs (on a good day!!) - but it has taken me around 2 months to do that!!

    Bit demotivated at times as it is coming off very slowly, but I think my shape has changed quite a bit.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I am 5' 4 1/2" and my currant weight is 153. I want to lose at least 12 to 15 pounds.
  • ayshamc
    ayshamc Posts: 226 Member
    I am 5'4".

    At my heaviest ever, I was 211lbs and I am now currently 145lbs. My goal is least I think it is.

    That's what some website somewhere told me my goal weight should be for my height (based on previous weights etc.) But whether or not this is right, who knows.... guess i'll see how I feel when I get there :smile:

    Edited to add: I actually work in KGs so I'm not sure if the above is right! I started at 96kgs, and am now 66kgs. My goal is 62!
  • susanelizabeth1988
    susanelizabeth1988 Posts: 80 Member

    I'm 5"3.75, current weight of 165 and with a goal weight of 130. But I'm just going to stop whenever I feel comfortable. Can't ever see myself being 'skinny', but would like to be a lot smaller than I am now. Methinks I will always have curves - this is a good thing :D
  • ayshamc
    ayshamc Posts: 226 Member
    Methinks I will always have curves - this is a good thing :D

    Me too, and I love them! It's actually the one thing I don't want to lose, my curvy shape :smile:
  • Great work! I'm inspired!
  • Lotus1980
    Lotus1980 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi ladies i'm 5' 4" also, I am 31 yrs old and from the UK, I started on here almost 7 weeks ago at 192lbs, i have lost just over 10lbs so far, now down to 181.4. My goal is to get down to at least 150, ultimately 130.
    Feel free to add me as a friend
  • diane423
    diane423 Posts: 48
    5'4" here at about 183-184.. my goal is 150..
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I'm 1/4" shy of 5'4". I'm currently 167 with a few lbs of water weight. Started at 180, trying to get down to 140. I have a medium frame so I can hold more than a lot of "little" girls our height! haha


    Last week ^.
  • I'm a 5'4"er too! I think the highest I have ever been is 140 and was soooo uncomfortable--with the extra weight I was carrying around and my body image. Whenever I see the scale creep up to 135, I head straight back to the gym and start eating nutritiously again. I pretty much yo-yo between 128 and 133 but would like to eventually get to 120 which was my high school weight....can't believe back then I thought that was fat!

    Jillian Michaels is only 5'2" and in an interview said that getting to 115 she was super ripped but it was difficult to maintain. She then went on to say that 120 was a better weight for her to keep and feel good (read this in either Shape or Self a year ago, so my accuracy may be off). I think she looks fantastic and you know her body is a fat burning machine!

    Very happy to see everyone having very healthy and realistic goals. I was afraid to click on this link thinking there would be a bunch of people saying they want the unrealistic standards of celebrities that tout body weights of 110 or less. I know everyone is different with bone structure, muscle mass, etc. but that just seems scary low. 115 is probably the lowest I could ever get and would have to be living a very structured lifestyle (absolutely no cheats and exercising 6 days a week). I think if I hit 120 I would be very happy to maintain that or 125, as long as I could "live a lil."

    Cheers to all you fellow 5'4"ers and best wishes in your healthy lifestyle endeavors!!
  • djh1980
    djh1980 Posts: 18
    Yes I am 5' 4. I started this week at 170 im down to 162 doing atkins. I have never been over 170 except during pregnancy. But I was very skinny my whole life before kids. MY goal is 130 as well. Its a comfortable size 6 for me. Not to skinny and not to curvaceous. Add me as a friend if you would like. Keep up the good work, I do have pics on my profile.
  • djh1980
    djh1980 Posts: 18
    You should set your goal, noone else can tell you where you will be happy at. Keep your goal at 150 then reassess later on.
  • djh1980
    djh1980 Posts: 18
    YOu look amazing great job.
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Yup I am! Started MFP at 173, currently stuck for about 3 months at 152-155 ish. My goal range was 140-150, but after being stuck for so long I would take 149.9! Haha!

    I am the same! 152 to 155 the whole summer now:sad: . I am so ready to say goodbye to the 150s. My ultimate goal is 135lb.