

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    The good news is the cold seems to be moving :) Unfortunately it is moving to DH.

    @trooworld - Remember you have not failed until you give up. We all have hiccups in the road, but at least we are trying.

    @TeresaW2010 - How is now that you are back and getting back into routine?

    @krupalip - Do you feel better having a goal? What work are you getting done at your house - anything exciting?

    @cbabie - Thankyou :) IU try to get on here each day as you guys are my anchor despite me going to the WW "studio"

    Take care everyone

  • krupalip
    krupalip Posts: 62 Member
    Hey girls,

    @TrishasTime yup it does help me set a goal for myself, keeping in mind that I have something to look forward to, I started the weight loss journey in January this year, with wanting to look good in my pictures for my mega trip to the US, that I did achieve, so now I don’t want to obviously put on all the weight I lost and I need to lose more body fat percentage to have good health and to be vain look like a hottie at forty. Just getting some regular fixing up around the house, nothing big, we rent our place so we can make structural changes...

    @cbabie sent you a couple of emails hope they are useful, just need to figure out my body fat percentage and caloric intake necessary and go on from there

    Ok gotta run just posting a pic of myself since I seem to be in a vain mood this morning
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    I’m here finally. Just been real busy with life. Hoping it slows down tomorrow
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,079 Member
    @krupalip Thank you for your encouragement! I am glad you had a good day. I hope you had a good dinner with your friend. I love the pic you posted of yourself in NYC. You look radiant, so happy!

    @cbabie Thank you for your support! It's such a struggle. Yes, I am glad he's supportive too. I'm glad you popped in too. :)

    @TrishasTime Oh no! I hope it moves through DH quickly. Thank you for your support.

    @theslightedgeforever Hello!

    Hello all. I'm doing the best I can, but am -83 SP for the week already and my week doesn't reset until Saturday. :( My goal is to just track it all. I can't do anything about the points really because I chose things without checking the points first and now I have to eat the stuff. I already figured out a better plan for next week so this doesn't happen again.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Hello ladies!

    @trooworld, I love that new costume you chose. Very sexy!! :) It is wonderful that you have a supportive husband. I don't know if I could do this weight loss thing without my husband's support. I think it's good that you are tracking everything even if the number isn't what you want it to be. And yes you have to figure those points out before you eat them. I have that same issue too at times. :/

    @Krupalip, love the pic of you in New York!! You will figure things out and learn to maintain your weight loss. You just have to keep reminding yourself of all the hard work you have done.

    Well, it wasn't my best weigh in today. I was up 2.2 lbs. Ugghhh!! First off there was my anniversary weekend of overindulging. OK, that is fine, I own it. However, yesterday when I walked into work there were open bags of leftover Halloween candy from our Fall festival all on the back table in my office. Yes, I fell face first into it before getting a grip and bagging it up and moving it out of my space. Then this morning it was cold so I had to wear my light weigh jeans to weigh in. I hate this time of year with all the temptations that surround us. But the choice is mine and I just need to make wiser ones. :/
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Good morning everyone

    @trooworld - Well done on the tracking :). I have not tracked since I got sick and I know it as affected me. I feel less in control of myself. I too am glad that you have a supportive husband, I know you guys are on a tight budget. To me it is these little things.

    @krupalip - Vain?? I am not sure that the word is vain. I am seeing that you have worked very hard and deserve to show yourself off. BTW you do look lovely and vibrant in the photo.

    @theslightedgeforever - Glad you are still here :)

    @TeresaW2010 - I am so glad you stopped yourself. Anniversaries are part of life and if you can not splurge every now and then - then what is life about? I am sure that getting straight back into it will show on those "metal monsters" next week.

    I tried some exercise yesterday, but my body is saying way.. too soon. I have rescheduled until Monday. The cough is really bad at night now, so I have decided not to go to my evening meeting and I will look for one close to work during the day where I am not coughing. If I need to miss a week, so be it. I got a lovely email from WW this week saying congrats on 4 weeks.

    Got to go

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    Trooworld. These things happen. Just start with the next meal and stay within your daily points until your reset. You’ll do better next week Yes I loved your costume. I haven’t decided yet what I will be. Just not in the mood right now so it will be very easy.

    Teresaw1020. So last week wasnt so good. Just like Trooworld you can choose different this next week. I gained 0.3. That would be great if I was in maintenance mode. So better choices for me too. What about all the Christmas goodies that will be in the office. Do they have to be in your office

    Trishastime. I hope you get better soon and can get back to exercising

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    Krupalip. I had to go back and find that pic everyone was talking about. You look great. You look very happy. I went to NYC for the first time in early May. I was like a kid in a candy shop looking everywhere because we were only there for about 4 hrs
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,079 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Thanks! I hope I like this costume better than the other one. And I agree, it is good to track everything even if the number isn't what I want it to be. You will get that weight off, I know it. One bad weigh in does not make the woman! lol

    @TrishasTime Thanks! It's not easy when I see that negative number. Oh no, do not try exercise until you are feeling better dear. Congrats on 4 weeks!

    @theslightedgeforever I can't stay within my daily points, my meals are too high in points...I picked recipes that are too high in points, unfortunately, I didn't figure out their points before I picked them. Next week will be better.

    Hi all. I slept so miserably the other night because of my shoulder hurting, I decided to make an appointment about it + about my wrist and forearm (I already asked my doctor about it but I'm going to ask again, and I'm seeing the nurse practitioner this time, maybe he'll say something different). I want to see if they are going to send me to physical therapy if so, I will budget money in my flexible spending account for next year and schedule it for then. I ordered a pair of boots to wear with my costume (and plus, I just wanted a pair of boots :) ), they are wide calved, I hope wide enough. My calves are really big and I have a big problem with boots. I guess we'll see. I might be really disappointed.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    edited October 2018

    Does your Creator love you as you are? Yes! But he gave you a body with all of its strength, and even its weaknesses, as a gift. It is an offense to your soul to continue to treat yourself so badly.

    So I need to put this everywhere in my home......

    @trooworld this is a bump...not the end of your really do have this...Inam so proud you come here and take the journey with all of us.

    @TeresaW1020 ...well I have been doing the yo-yo thing....and it was worth the gain because you enjoyed time away with get back to it...and yes I would have had to spray poison on the candy to keep me from eating

    @TrishasTime isn’t weird how the cough is horrible at night....too bad we can’t sleep standing I am glad you listened to your body!!!

    @krupalip you look great, it’s not’s called taking care of the body you were given.....thanks for the coupons

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good afternoon ladies!

    @TrishasTime, I sure hope you feel better soon! Watch that cough and go to the doctor if you start feeling any worse. I had a cough a few years ago that turned into pneumonia and because I put off going to the doctor I ended up in the hospital for 6 days, with three of those days in the ICU. I then had to have oxygen at home for three weeks. That taught me to not mess around with my health. :)

    @theslightedgeforever, well thankfully there isn't food left all the time in my office. Before this job, I worked in a place where food was brought in all the time. That was super hard! We will both work hard this week and have a good weigh in next week. Ok!! <3

    @trooworld, I LOVE boots!! I have three pairs of booties that I just love and I plan for next year to buy a pair of tall boots. Maybe two pairs. I mean a girl needs a pair in black and brown. Right?? :D I hope the doctor can figure out what is wrong with your pain? Is it all the same arm? Do you sleep on that arm? Could it be your mattress? I used to sell mattresses and one of the main reasons people buy a new one is because of pain.

    @cbabie, I love that quote from the book you are reading! We really are supposed to treat our bodies in the way God intended. Hey, I belong to a group called Take Back Your Temple and the owner Kimberly (who is also a friend) writes some really good stuff about emotional eating that you might be interested in. Ohhhh and I have sprayed bug spray on food before to keep from eating it! :D

    Well, I did much better today. I was feeling so guilty for eating all that candy and I had to have a serious talk with myself about why I do things like that. Why can't I get it through my head that a few moments of tastebud pleasure is NEVER worth the amount of remorse and guilt I suffer with afterward. Now, I'm not talking about planned indulgences like I did on my vacation. I knew what I was doing and that was great. But when I find myself binging on food and hiding it from my husband (who is my accountability partner after all) then I have fallen into the deep end where I don't belong. This morning I spent some time in my Bible and talking to God, who thankfully keeps forgiving my weaknesses. Now I just have to get through the next challenge that rears its ugly head. :/:)
  • bugmom92
    bugmom92 Posts: 74 Member
    @theslightedgeforever @cbabie @trooworld - Hi! I seem to be back. I got back on MFP to journal my food almost a month ago, and finally wandered to the community board. I hit "favorite" and it took me back to where I left off....exactly one week and one year ago today! I'm not going to try to read and catch up! I hope y'all don't mind that I'm not doing WW...I have renewed my resolve, started a new WOE almost a month ago which has been fantastic for me, hubby jumped aboard with me, and I'm ready to take back my health.

    @TeresaW1020 beating an addiction that is both mental/emotional and physical does take more than willpower. I definitely find my strength in God. Not only did I have to find a WOE that is pleasing to Him, but also that will let me overcome my addiction. I practice intermittent fasting (eating only during a 7 hour period during the day), and although it isn't a true spiritual fast, I break my daily fast with a prayer for guidance for the next step or two I'm taking. I have learned so much so quickly, as to what is working for me and what I have to do. Things that never clicked for me before, until I truly brought it before my heavenly Father. One thing I do know....I cannot eat a piece of candy. Not one. It will trigger my cravings. But that's ok. I know I have about 80% less pain, almost fully functional hands, no knee pain (a month ago I thought I was heading for a replacement)....and I know if I give into my addiction, even a little, I will get all the pain, discomfort, fatigue, and weight back. The thing is I very seldom even desire any sugar now, and when I do I ask myself if I'm truly hungry, or what else is going on. Sometimes I end up eating a piece of my favorite cheese if the craving is stronger, and that works. I've been completely off soda for a month and a half, and it doesn't usually bother me to have people around me drinking. In fact, it hasn't bothered me until a couple days ago when my daughter and her bf were drinking these ice cold cans of coke. I thought "I really want one", realized I was thirsty, and went and drank my water to satisfaction. It's always been a struggle for me, and it's taken me almost 30 years to finally own up to what it is, and seek the proper help.

    It's nice to be back, hopefully I can check in more than once a year now.
    Karla :smile:

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    Trooworld. Then just eat less of the food this week. Instead of a whole serving of what you have prepared leave 1/4 in your plate. That cuts the points down. I’ve always had problems with boots. Even as a child

    Cbabie. So print up some copies of that saying and put them around your house.

    Teresaw1020 so do you need a little less strict boundary on candies or sweets? The adult in you has set some sort of boundary that the child in you thinks is too strict so she had to go hide while she ate it. What will make you both happy?

    Bugmom. Glad to have you back. I’m not doing WW either. It looks like you have found an eating plan that works for you. That’s 80% of the battle. You have made great strides from the old Karla
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,079 Member
    @cbabie Put that up on your fridge. I'm glad you found something helpful for you. Thanks, I'm glad to be here with you.

    @TeresaW1020 I used to love boots before my calves became super calves! lol Yes, a girl needs black AND brown! and taupe! lol I hope so too. It is the same arm. I do not sleep on that arm, so I don't think it is my mattress. Our mattress is fairly new too, just about 5 years old. It all started when I started BodyPump. I'm not doing it anymore, I stopped because of the pain. I'm glad you had that talk with yourself. I need to have a talk like that with MYSELF.

    @bugmom92 Welcome back! No need to do WW, just do what works for you. Congrats on being off soda for a month and a half!

    @theslightedgeforever I'll try. I'm not very good at leaving food on my plate, but I'll try to leave a few bites. I used to be able to wear boots but not since gaining weight.

    Hi all. I had potato chips and dip for breakfast yesterday. That's how my week is going! :P I have to *snap out of it* soon. Pronto. Now. The chips are gone, thankfully. Nothing bad left in the house. Next week will be better, I hope.
  • krupalip
    krupalip Posts: 62 Member
    Hey everyone, wanted to say thank you to everyone for the comments on my picture, it was very encouraging, just having the worse day ever, got into a massive argument with DH on the issue of our work, I just am having a bad day

    @trooworld how are you, hope the doctor can figure out what’s wrong with your shoulder and wrists, take it easy with exercise till then and eating smaller portions of the food you picked this week, seems like a great suggestion. Keep listening to your happy playlist, remember we all are here for you, and you will rock in your Halloween dress and boots for sure

    @TeresaW1020 loved what you said about the cravings, I am going to apply that to myself with my eating and my love of beer.
    Don’t worry about the slight gain, you’re so strong about giving into temptation, I am going to read your friends website, sounds interesting

    @theslightedgeforever how are you, lovely quote you put up, and yes NY was a dream, though we were there for 4 days, it didn’t seem enough.

    @cbabie how are you, at least the coupons are of some use, we don’t have carters in India, wish we did, the clothes are amazing

    I am nowhere close to achieving my goals by 6th November but I am taking each day as it comes, training at the gym is going well just need to stay on the path I guess

    More later gotta go, take care !!!

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    @bugmom92, hello!! :) Thanks for what you wrote about addiction being both mental and emotional. I'm also one that just should never start with the one piece because certain things such as candy are not something I can just have one piece of and walk away. It just frustrates me so much when I know what I need to do and I know how bad I want to be successful with my weight loss and then just turn right around and blow it. It's like I don't really believe that I can do it so I set myself up to fail. Am I failing to turn myself fully over to God? Most definitely. :/ Good for you for giving up sodas! I told my husband not to buy any more diet Cokes. I realized that I'm consuming too many of them along with sparkling waters that are full of artificial sweeteners. I look forward to getting to know you!

    @theslightedgeforever, you have given me something to think about. The child in me definitely doesn't do well with denial. I am already thinking about the next couple of months and all the food functions that I will be a part of. I am going to have to find a way to make both sides of me happy. Yes, I will give your words some thought!! :)<3

    @trooworld, yup I think you are right that it was Body Pump that started your pain issues. I hope your doctor can figure it out. I once had some serious pain in my back and neck and ended up at a chiro who was also a kinesiologist. The man caused me a lot of pain during the visits but he fixed my neck and back. Maybe something to look into??? OK, now onto your diet. We both have to have those talks with ourselves and get with the program. Menu plan with the points and shop smart. You got this!! <3

    @krupalip, bummer you got in a fight with your DH! I know that can be so upsetting. I sometimes wonder if we should put a date on our goals. I know it's good to have a plan but whenever I set a certain date that I'm going to be a certain weight and I don't make it, I just get so down on myself. You just keep at it and you will get where you want to be. :)

    So, I had a good day at work, but I managed to do something to hurt my right thigh. I am not lying when I tell you all that I can sit in a chair and manage to hurt myself. Plus, the top of my left foot has been hurting ever since I came back from our vacation. So, I'm taking the afternoon off from working out and drink decaf coffee instead. Coffee is life!! B)<3
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @bugmom92 - Hello there :) I have done the reverse- was just MFP worked for a while but then I slid away. I went back to what worked for me and I lost the weight (before I gained it over again)

    @trooworld - here it is __________________________________________ That is the line that you need to draw. Forget everything these past weeks and draw the line and go from there - (easier said than done- I know ). Hoping you find the right head space to go again.

    @teresaw2010 - Thankyou - this cough is lingering more than it out to. Yes coffee is life - I only get one a day but I so enjoy it. I hope your thigh injury works itself out soon

    @krupalip - I am sorry to hear that you are having a bad day, try to take out some time for yourself and re-energise.

    @theslightedgeforever - how are you going, you always comment on everybody else but not say much about how you are going.

    @cbabie - If the words sing out to you every time you read them, then I agree print and it and put around your house.
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Here is the weekly topic here in Aus


    Thought it was appropriate to add since it seems to be a theme

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    Trooworld Saturday reset is almost here but if you won’t leave food on your plate how about just put less of the food on your plate than you normally would eat Just a couple of spoonfuls less

    Krupalip. You will have goals for the rest of your life just keep working towards the current one. Sorry you were having a bad day. Have you made a happy playlist?

    Teresaw1020. The mind is a powerful thing. I often wonder about the things we tell ourselves and then the mind reinforces it and sets the body into action. Such as I’m one of those people who can’t have just one piece of candy. Can’t or won’t. Because if you were in a room with a gunman who said touch that candy bowl again and I’ll shoot you I bet you would only have one piece. Lol. So retrain your mind. I used to be one of those people who couldn’t stop after one piece of candy. Would two pieces satisfy that little girl? I ate 1/3 piece of brownie the other day with a 1/2 cup of milk. It was just enough to satisfy my little girl. I’m working on retraining my mind about exercise. I used to love exercise. I’m one of those people who don’t do well with goals and deadlines. That probably needs more exploration as to why?

    Trishastime I am struggling with exercise right now. Habit reminders are always good. I think it’s more important than self discipline or willpower because that fades. I used to have a habit cue with exercise which was leaving my shoes at the top of the stairs so I would see them as a reminder to go exercise. I have no idea why I stopped that
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,079 Member
    @krupalip I'm sorry you had an argument with your DH and were having a bad day. Hopefully, today is a better day for you. Thank you for your support, you are always so kind.

    @TeresaW1020 That is an interesting idea, I will keep that in mind thank you! I have a menu plan for next week that has the points figured out. It's a lot less point heavy. Now, to stick with it. Thanks, YOU'VE GOT THIS too! I'm sorry you hurt yourself (sitting in your chair lol...I shouldn't laugh but really? Girl!!!). Do take care of yourself, and coffee IS life! ;)

    @TrishasTime Thank you for that line, someone needed to draw it for me and obviously, I wasn't going to draw it!!! I am just about ready to give up and balloon up to 500 lbs. I'm at my wit's end. Thanks for the weekly topic in Australia.

    @theslightedgeforever I am willing to leave food on my plate, I can try to. Last night I had pita pizza and it is a small portion of food, and it's only 8 SP for the whole portion. I didn't leave any on the plate because it is a reasonable portion, and if I left any on the plate, I would be hungry and end up eating something else. I'll see what we end up eating tonight.

    Hi all. Still struggling here. I don't know what we are having for dinner, I'll probably have tortellini soup which is already made. I hope you have a good day.