

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    As DH is retired - I gave him the task of making the meals ( I thought why not - I do a 10 hour day). However the issue is not he cooks what he likes and does not tell me what is in it (except for a handful of this - a small handful of that). So I have taken the time this morning to pull a menu for the next week for him to follow (here is hoping). It is pointed and so it will hopefully take the stress out of guessing.

    @theslightedgeforever - I have read somewhere that only do the exercise you are prepared to do when you are 70. So if you can not see yourself on the treadmill at 70, it might be time to rethink the exercise you do like and see yourself doing. I do the treadmill as I see it as another form of walking that is easier on my body. I do prefer to be out and about. I like to look at things and garner ideas from them, but that it limited at the moment.

    @trooworld - I am wondering what the catalyst was that made you lose the control that you had. Was it the issued with body pump and once that was no more then everything else was hard? If you can think about what caused it - you may come up with a work around. I know there are family time issues, but your BIL had been sick before and somehow it was different. Are you a visual kind of person where maybe the "trello board" would help, so when you are being so hard on yourself, you can see when you have been.

    I have attached a link for everyone. This girl has done the hard yards and is now a WW leader. She is real and down to earth.

    Hope this helps

  • krupalip
    krupalip Posts: 62 Member
    Hey girls,

    @trooworld hey how are you, how was your appointment with the doctor ? My hubby and I did sort out issues about work, things are pretty much back to normal, when is your Halloween party, please put up some pictures in your gorgeous dress and boots

    @theslightedgeforever how are you, even though I am not following any particular diet, I am trying to stay away from junk food and anything that is fried. One good thing is I am going to the gym getting at least 4-5 days for a hard workout so I am trying to stay on a path and you guys are sure helping me along. Still working on my happy playlist though...

    @TrishasTime loved the healthy habit board, it was so nice, I am good now, what a great idea for getting your hubby to cook, nice game plan

    @TeresaW1020 hey girl, how is your thigh injury hope you’re feeling better, actually putting a date on my goals or deadlines did help me, I have lost weight having a goal in mind about losing weight by September as I had my trip coming. Now it’s tougher because my goal now is so different- to tone up and be in the weight category I am now. I looked at a reflection of myself last night in my balcony door and said to myself, oh damn is that yeah I am still shocked

    Anyways, we have a Halloween party for kids this evening, will stay away from french fries as much as possible, and on Monday we have a poker party at home, so that’s going to be one hectic weekend for me cooking and cleaning.

    Have a great weekend guys!!! Happy Halloween
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good Morning and happy Saturday!

    @trooworld, go ahead and laugh at me! I'm ridiculous when it comes to injuring myself. :D How are you feeling today? Arm? Mood? What is on the menu for this week? I need to figure my menu for next week too.

    @theslightedgeforever, Yes! Retraining my mind is a must if I really want to get this weight off. And I do!! I'm like Paul in the Bible when he said "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do." Then I saw this quote on FB this morning that said, “You will never passively find what you do not actively pursue.” I think I will spend some serious time today meditating on retraining my mind and why I keep sabotaging myself. Thanks for making me think. <3

    @TrishasTime, thanks for that link to Anna's website! Great recipes and such motivating before and after pictures. I'm going to follow her on Pinterest and FB. :)

    @krupalip, my thigh is fine now. Thanks for asking! I had done two days of incline workouts the day before so that might have contributed to it hurting and not just that I was sitting wrong in a chair. But who knows! :D You have a busy and fun weekend planned. Don't let those fries derail your hard work! :)

    So, last night I had a little women's event at the church. We made handmade Christmas cards. That was super fun! However, I was in charge of the snacks and I did buy some healthy options but of course, I ate too many of the unhealthy options. Woke up this morning to the scale showing a gain. So frustrated with myself. So frustrated with being frustrated! It's time to stop!! I'm going to do what TrishasTime recommended to Trooworld and draw a line and step over it!! I'm going to end up finishing the month with either staying the same or having a gain. That is crap!! I'm going to get that 50 lb charm! Let's do this girls!! B)<3
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,079 Member
    @TrishasTime good idea to give him a menu to follow. The catalyst was my friend coming for a visit. I went off the rails when she was here, and just couldn't get back on once she was gone...I succumbed to emotional eating to deal with my loneliness, and just got off track in general. My BIL has been sick this whole time, not has been a buildup of stress from that. I am a visual kind of person and I do have a Trello board and I also have a vision board on Pinterest. Thanks for the link, I'll check it out. You are always very helpful, Trish. ((( HUGS )))

    @krupalip I'll say more about the doc below but I got some answers. I dress up for Halloween tonight, I'm so excited!!! I will put some pics up. I'm glad you and DH worked it out. Doesn't it feel good when you can do that?

    @TeresaW1020 :D I hope you are feeling better today, dear. My shoulder is hurting, my arm is too. I've got some answers, I'll detail below. Mood is better. On the menu:

    Instant Pot Pork Carnitas (8 SP) + homemade pinto beans (0 SP)
    Crispy Sheet Pan Lemon Parmesan Garlic Chicken & Veggies (Milanese) (8 SP)
    Red Curry Lentils (1 SP) + brown rice (3 SP)
    Grilled Chicken Souvlaki (4 SP) + Homemade Hummus (2 SP) + Persian cucumbers + spinach
    Spinach and Feta Turkey Meatballs (6 SP) + roasted zucchini (1 SP)
    Pita Pizzas (8 SP)

    Hello all! So as I mentioned to a few of you, I got some answers at the doctor's. I have tendonitis. They put my hand/thumb in a brace (they said it stems from movement from my thumb???) and told me to take Naproxen twice a day and ice it. If it isn't better in 3 weeks, to come back. I don't know how my thumb can affect my shoulder, but okay. We'll see. I tried on my new Halloween costume and it fits (I'm so relieved, I was worried). I also tried on my boots and they just barely zip up. This is the first time I am able to wear boots in about 20 years! But I may wear my shorter "Doc Martin" boots instead, as these might be too hot to wear out. I'll wear them on Weds if I don't wear them tonight. I think I can make this outfit work appropriate if I wear a shirt underneath the dress, but I'll have to try it on with a shirt on.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Afternoon all, I finally have my computer up and running for now..LOL I had to do a reset on it..It's great to have a grandson that will suggest things to you. I have not been on the right side of the track recently either. I have a few things in my life that are causing me to eat emotionally. I feel this big whole in my heart..however. I have great friends like you. Now that I can sit at my desk and type it should be easier to stay connected.

    There are too many post for me to catch up on, so I will hit the highlights!

    @TeresaW1020 , I am sorry you hurt your thigh, but you laughed and that always makes it feel better. This time of the year is hard for me and you..I too can't just have Dear sister well she can, like I had a friend that could just smoke after her I had to just quit cold turkey...and NEVER take another drag off a cigarette again.

    @trooworld I am glad you found out what you have wrong..Naproxen is the only thing that ever helped with my nerve pain in my knee and foot. You can do this...I am so proud of you and your willingness to keep trying!!!

    @TrishasTime Thanks for the link..I will look as soon as I write back to you all. I can't wait until my DH retires..I feel like it will take some things off my plate, but who knows..I could wish him back to work. LOL

    @bugmom92 Great to see you karla!! I am so happy your back. Sounds like you found your sweet spot. We can have many laughs here!! I missed you!

    @krupalip Glad all is well in your household. I love that you looked in the window and then realized it was you...LOL

    @theslightedgeforever interesting thing about doing a exercise I can do at 70...what do you think that will be for you?

    Okay baby crying gotta run

  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Good morning

    @krupalip - Is Monday a public holiday where you are? Would love to see a picture of the kids dressed up for Halloween. We are not doing anything this year. I normally have a huge bowl of treats but it is too tempting for me - so it lights out on this house on 31/10.

    @TeresaW1020 - What is the trigger for these foods, is it an association of doing something else at the same time? I know that when I am deeply into changing the back end of a system, I just munch non stop. I still munch non stop but I have healthier options.

    @ trooworld - Tendonitis - wow. I have been told that this happens when tendon cross over or pass over bone. Since our tendons connect from one place to another- I can see it running up your elbow to shoulder. If you think, people who have back issues can usually relate it to there hips or knees. It happens when a tendon is weak and everything else has to step up. Can not wait to see you in that sexy dress :) If the catalyst was your friend, can you not make a goal of being even slimmer when you see her again ?

    @cbabie - It is sometimes easier to offload / vent your thoughts by writing them down, for me it kinda clears the head and allows new thoughts to come in. DH retire - well I am glad I am not home full time. He potters around without achieving alot unless I nag him. Bay crying ? Do you have your great grandchild living with you?

    It is halfway through the week and I am almost over this cough thing. I have only gone back to tracking yesterday and I actually feel good that I tracked.

    GD thinks she has conjunctivitis - so trying to find a doctors surgery open on a Sunday :(

    Catch you later

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    @trooworld It sounds like you have next week all figured out At least you have a diagnosis now. I have tendonitis in both elbows that flare up occasionally I have a brace I wear mid forearm. I think it’s nuts because the pain isn’t there but it works.
    @TrishasTime The treadmill doesn’t bother me but I won’t use the elliptical. I like walking outside when the weather is nice. I used to like weightlifting but can’t seem to stick with it but too darn bad I need it. Especially when I’m 70 Thanks for the link. It’s good you got back to tracking.
    @krupalip it sounds like you have found your special formula for maintaining your health
    @TeresaW1020 I’m more of a do as I say not as I do person right now 🤨 Food is fine for the most part. I only went over calories one day this past week. Now to figure out my exercise problem. It used to be so easy
    @cbabie Read my comment to Trisha. If only exercise was as easy for me as just eating one. Sometimes I have two

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,079 Member
    @cbabie I'm glad you temporarily fixed your computer. Is it your internet or your computer? If it is your internet, rebooting the router and the modem always helps me. Yes, I'm glad I found out what was wrong too, now to follow doctor's instructions. ;) Thanks for your support.

    @TrishasTime Monday is not a public holiday here, I guess it is there? I don't know if making a goal relating to my friend would seems when I put time goals or dates or any kind of hint of a something like a time goal, it stymies me and puts me in the other direction. For instance, I'm doing that Healthywage thing and they are just taking my money at this point...I'll think about it. I hope you find a doctor for your GD, pink eye is no fun!!!

    @theslightedgeforever That's good to know that they put a brace on a weird place on you too. I hope next week is better for me, but we'll see. If it will be, it's up to me, as they say.

    Hi all. We had a lot of fun last night, stayed out until about 2:00 a.m., which is way past our bedtime! Below are some pics. You can't really see the dress, I'll try to take some better pics on Weds when I wear it to work. We went to about 4 different bars. My husband repeated his costume from last year (Winnie the Pooh) because he didn't like the way his new costume looked. Well, I'm going to drink some coffee and wake up.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,079 Member
    I'm Little Red Riding Hood, in case you can't tell.
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @trooworld - love your pictures - can not wait to see the full dress. What are you going to about the healthy wage thing. Can you withdraw so they are not taking your money?

    @theslightedgeforever - You made me smile - do as I say - not as I do - a mother like saying (evil grin)

    The pink eye seems to be disappearing of its own accord. Must run

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,079 Member
    @TrishasTime Nothing I can do, I'm stuck in it...cannot withdraw. That's good that the pink eye is disappearing on its own.

    Hi all. I am doing a two-week free trial of Noom to see what that is all about. If I like it, I will pay for 8 months all at once and give it a shot. I would give up WW if I do that. What I like about it is that they focus on the psychology of weight loss, which might be what I need at this point. It was only $1 to try for two weeks, so I thought I'd try it.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning!

    @trooworld, you look great in your Red Riding Hood costume! Your husband looks adorable as Pooh. What fun! I'm making those turkey spinach and feta meatballs tomorrow and I have the lemon chicken on the menu later in the week. The pork carnitas is also pinned for another time! So, thanks for the new ideas!! Keep us posted about how the Noom works for you. <3

    @cbabie, yayyy for a working computer!! I smoked for 23 years and quitting was one of the best things I ever did. I agree that staying connected to friends helps us stay focused on our goals. We can't do this alone! :)

    @TrishasTime, glad to read that you are feeling better. Sorry about your GD! That sounds very scary.

    OK, I am running late so I better get on out of here. I had a good day eating yesterday. We took the dog to the park for a nice walk. The weather is amazing and I want to take advantage of it as much as possible. Ya'll be good!! <3
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all,

    My weekends are usually very busy with errands and church...this was no exception..LOL I did get a you look cute out of my 19 year old that is something in itself. She kept saying to my DH...tell grandma she looks pretty...well it was like oh she knows..LOL I guess we have been married too long...NOT...

    I did eat eggs with toast this morning. I am trying to get balanced. ( no comment from someone related to me on here)

    @TeresaW1020 , Yes we need our support and I am so glad you are on here...

    @trooworld I just love love love your costume. You look great!!!

    @TrishasTime I loved the link..thanks for all the recipes. I get tired of trying to find something different. Yes my great granddaughter lives with me.

    @theslightedgeforever I pray you get back to exercise....or you could end up like dad..LOL

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,079 Member
    @TeresaW1020 Thanks! Yes, he makes an adorable Pooh. Some girls came up to him swooning over him on Saturday lol. I'm glad I gave you some new ideas! re: Noom...we'll see how it far, I like how it focuses on the psychology of weight loss, which is something WW doesn't really do and something I really need. I'm glad you got out yesterday and enjoyed the weather. Yay for good weather!!!

    @cbabie awww that is sweet your granddaughter said you looked pretty. I'm sorry your DH didn't acknowledge it too. Sometimes men take us for granted. Grrrrh! Thanks, I really liked this year's costume. I felt comfortable in it. Some years, I don't.

    Noom gives me 1200 calories a day, which is a little low I think. I think I can change the amount of calories I get and I may do that. Although on WW, I think some days, that is about what I was eating if I stayed within my points.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all,
    I have staff meeting today at church and it takes up my whole morning and then in the afternoon I am trying to get out lessons to the teachers and follow up on things. So my Tuesdays are pretty busy..then come home and cook dinner...well today I am asking DH to grill chicken..we. All love chicken. I made scrambled eggs yesterday and had saved some for when my granddaughter got up, she didn’t eat them so I heated them up today...they were good and it gave me the idea of making ahead of. Time. I have seen those muffin egg things you freeze...I am going to look that up and see if I can make that for next week.

    @trooworld so. Glad you felt comfortable in your costume..yesterday I put a pair of jeans on to go to the office in and was so uncomfortable I had to change...but then the next pair was loose in the belly, but tight in legs...but I kept them on...they used to be baggy on me..LOL. So. Working towards the goal..what is Noom..never. Heard of it.

    Okay I have to leave soon, but trying to keep my consistency. Have you guys ever heard of loop habit tracker if your on android? I really. Like. daughter has one she recommends for IPhone users...called DayDayHabit - Habit trickier..

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    Cbabie. I’ve heard of the loop habit tracker. I like the app Strides for iPhone

    Trooworld. I was looking through apps yesterday and saw Noom.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,248 Member
    @trooworld you look so cute in your outfits. I’m glad you had fun. I like the long hair on you

    @TrishasTime Glad the pink eye is disappearing that’s no fun.

    @TeresaW1020 Isn’t it nice when the weather is great outside. I took a nice walk yesterday.

    Today I had a dinner party for some old friends and a couple of their friends so I’m pooped. Ready to just relax.
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,079 Member
    @cbabie That's a good idea to do, I make frittatas ahead of time all the time for my work breakfasts and they heat up fine. Noom is an app on your phone (you pay for it, it's $159 for 8 months)...through the app, you work with a coach on the psychology of your weight loss and you track your food and learn. I like it so far. Today I learned about cognitive distortions around food, such as this one I'm guilty of: Exaggerated thinking- you make a situation into something bigger than it is. Example: "I had a donut for breakfast so my day is ruined."

    @theslightedgeforever I like it so far. I hope you had fun at your dinner party.

    Hi all. I have to start getting ready for work in a few but wanted to say things are going pretty well. I am a bit anxious about today, as I am going to a potluck at work. I may just bring a lunch and eat it before I go so I don't eat the food at the potluck. I know that is kind of crazy, but at least I will know what I am eating and how many calories are in it. I don't want to mess up my progress.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning and Happy Halloween!! :)

    @theslightedgeforever, I love having dinner parties but they can be exhausting. I'm already thinking about what kind of Christmas party I want to have this year and who will be my lucky guests! :dizzy:

    @cbabie, I hadn't heard of those habit trackers. I remember your sister talking about Strides. Might check it out! We have our staff meetings every Thursday and they usually take the whole morning. Good thing is that the guys have lunch together and they are always gone by noon. Which is when I can really begin my day. :D

    @trooworld, I agree that 1200 calories are too low. Especially if you still have weight to lose and are exercising. I once read that if you start at 1200 you won't have anywhere to go once you reach your goal. I try to keep my calories at 1200 and then get in enough exercise to eat up to 1300 to 1400 a day. Does NOOM give you exercise calories as MFP does?

    Well, yesterday I lost .06 of the 2 lbs I gained the week before. Not very pleased with that but it is what it is. The good news is that I really pushed myself this week on the treadmill and that could be a contributing factor to my not losing very much. More good news is that yesterday I went to Walmart and bought a cute pair of jeans in a regular size 16! Not in the plus size section. They are a little snug but they look good. B)

    Have a great day and try not to eat too much candy! Also, pray for me not to eat too much candy!! :p<3
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,592 Member
    Morning all, It is cool outside right now. I love fall weather, (when it feels like fall) AZ is so weird in their weather, you just never know. I missed my weigh in and now I will have to pay if I want to continue with WW, so most likely will not go to the meetings or have online, which really means I just track in MFP...I can do this. Food is food, points or calories, you still have to track. It's kind of like your finances, if you don't track your spending it takes over you!

    @TeresaW1020 Luckily I won't be around candy today, I didn't buy any and I don't plan to be where there is any. LOL I am happy for your loss, .06 - is better than .06+...I like when I see a .2 change....I just know I am going in the right direction. I am sure this week, you will balance out and next out world!

    @theslightedgeforever & @TeresaW1020 I will check that app out.... my DD might like it better..since I don't have an Iphone..won't do me any good..LOL You are the social I am the like to be by myself...

    @trooworld What ever you choose today, you will make the right choice. it's only one day, but yes we know that one day sometimes sabotages us.. what is your recipe for your frittatas?

    Okay, I have to go...lots to do today!
