What's on your mind?



  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    edited November 2018
    My son is being bullied at school and is receiving death threats each and everyday. I tried so hard to give him strategies to help it stop, but it only seems to make things worse. I have gone to the principle on several occasions, but it hasn’t helped. It’s devestating to watch him suffer and have no control over the situation except assure him that it all truly doesn’t matter.

    Go straight past the school and right to the board. The schools “zero tolerance” policy is merely an attempt to save face. The louder the case you make the more they will listen to you. And I know you’re not going to like this Jenny but most of the time all the bully needs is a jab right in the nose, to shut them right up. All these strategies we teach children about ignoring them and walking away typically don’t work. The school has to care enough to take it seriously. But I assure you when they don’t the board doesn’t like it!

    No. Violence is NOT a solution.

    I’ve seen this again and again and again. Solutions that the schools offer very rarely work. Except one common denominator seems to solve the solution. And that’s the child defending himself. So I’m going to disagree with you. Because teenage suicide is on the rise, and not enough kids are defending themselves. Instead they are turning their back and having their heads kicked in. I’d rather my kid not be a statistic. Violence is unfortunately a solution. A sad one. One I wish wasn’t but still a solution.

    Violence is NOT an option in my part of California. The innocent child will be sent to juvenile detention. Oftentimes, bullies are more popular. Witnesses will side with the bully. Video evidence as suggested by @SnackherBarrell is more plausible here. I just wouldn't want someone's child who could be physically incapable of handling the likely ramifications of an altercation, to be severely injured from us advocating child on child violence.

    Don't misread me. I grew up in a time where you hit people to shut them down.

    It’s a lot different in Canada. No child is going to juvenile detention for protecting them selves here. Please understand I’m not telling her to send her kid to school and start smashing him in the face. I’m saying protect yourself. Video evidence for sure is a great idea, and I don’t know how old Jenny’s son is. But mine was nine when he was having his head smashed into the ground repeatedly and most nine year olds don’t have cell phones. After telling him to deal with it civically, after talking to the principal, after talking to the parents, after taking it to the school board, after putting a audio recording device on him, after hearing my kid tell me he doesn’t want to live anymore, I told him to defend himself. And that very same day he was never bullied again. He was never scared to go to school again. And finally he was happy again. And that’s my job, to make sure my kid is safe and happy. What the schools are offering as a solution simply isn’t a solution otherwise we wouldn’t be needing to have this conversation right now.

    Children in Canada receiving "jab to the nose" advice are fortunate to have the freedom to mete out their own brands of vigilantism. I just wished such was the case for the 2 blonde children in a sea of wealthy casino natives. They have been slammed against the bus too, actually hitting the girls back. However, 2 small white blonde children are no match for pubescent 5th grade girls, who are close to me in height - I am 6ft. It's an uneven matchup.

    How horrific for you and your son. I cannot even fathom how you must have felt hearing your baby say his defeated line, which only compounds the preemptive bullying deterrents you'd attempted. Wow! I would not handle that in a sane way ... I would lose it. It's going to turn ugly.
  • CaptainFantastic01
    CaptainFantastic01 Posts: 9,557 Member
    Thinking of water
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    Thinking of water

    Thinking about baseball

    Thinking about sugar plum fairies
  • CaptainFantastic01
    CaptainFantastic01 Posts: 9,557 Member
    Thinking of water

    Thinking about baseball

  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    My son is being bullied at school and is receiving death threats each and everyday. I tried so hard to give him strategies to help it stop, but it only seems to make things worse. I have gone to the principle on several occasions, but it hasn’t helped. It’s devestating to watch him suffer and have no control over the situation except assure him that it all truly doesn’t matter.

    Go straight past the school and right to the board. The schools “zero tolerance” policy is merely an attempt to save face. The louder the case you make the more they will listen to you. And I know you’re not going to like this Jenny but most of the time all the bully needs is a jab right in the nose, to shut them right up. All these strategies we teach children about ignoring them and walking away typically don’t work. The school has to care enough to take it seriously. But I assure you when they don’t the board doesn’t like it!

    No. Violence is NOT a solution.

    Immediate expulsion of the perpetrators is the solution but this is an impossibilty in public schools as is anything else that makes sense. Anything goes in these places and public schools should be completely boycotted in my opinion.

    If this is the case in public schools in your area @newmeadow , then what is a non-violent solution? If children here engage in verbal assaults, they are placed on probation which is lodged with the local police. These are Public Schools in CA.

    Really I don't know. The videos that students take of other students acting like feral jackals towards teachers and students alike in public schools all over the U.S. is epic. Although I think You Tube censors these videos now.

    I'm not a parent though and I don't know about the current disciplinary climate in the public schools in my area.
    But I do live within a ten mile radius of where I was born
    and raised.

    I'm sure it's infinitely more permissive in every way, based on the gratuitous use of profane and vulgar language minors use loudly in public and pretty much everywhere they go. That *kitten* used to get us kicked out of class but I doubt that would fly today. The classrooms would be empty.

    I have actually been sent those viral vids. Live beatdowns oftentimes boy related. At least the vids sent to me were. The publicity is highly likely the reason our public schools are so averse to bullying and violence, at the local government level, yet in these parts, the poorer you are, the more likely the child is to get picked on. Wrong shoes. No iPhone. Wardrobe bought from the wrong store. I have noticed that children in LA are less picky about frivolities. Meangirl behavior from people who don't earn a cent.
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    My son is being bullied at school and is receiving death threats each and everyday. I tried so hard to give him strategies to help it stop, but it only seems to make things worse. I have gone to the principle on several occasions, but it hasn’t helped. It’s devestating to watch him suffer and have no control over the situation except assure him that it all truly doesn’t matter.

    Go straight past the school and right to the board. The schools “zero tolerance” policy is merely an attempt to save face. The louder the case you make the more they will listen to you. And I know you’re not going to like this Jenny but most of the time all the bully needs is a jab right in the nose, to shut them right up. All these strategies we teach children about ignoring them and walking away typically don’t work. The school has to care enough to take it seriously. But I assure you when they don’t the board doesn’t like it!

    No. Violence is NOT a solution.

    I’ve seen this again and again and again. Solutions that the schools offer very rarely work. Except one common denominator seems to solve the solution. And that’s the child defending himself. So I’m going to disagree with you. Because teenage suicide is on the rise, and not enough kids are defending themselves. Instead they are turning their back and having their heads kicked in. I’d rather my kid not be a statistic. Violence is unfortunately a solution. A sad one. One I wish wasn’t but still a solution.

    Violence is NOT an option in my part of California. The innocent child will be sent to juvenile detention. Oftentimes, bullies are more popular. Witnesses will side with the bully. Video evidence as suggested by @SnackherBarrell is more plausible here. I just wouldn't want someone's child who could be physically incapable of handling the likely ramifications of an altercation, to be severely injured from us advocating child on child violence.

    Don't misread me. I grew up in a time where you hit people to shut them down.

    It’s a lot different in Canada. No child is going to juvenile detention for protecting them selves here. Please understand I’m not telling her to send her kid to school and start smashing him in the face. I’m saying protect yourself. Video evidence for sure is a great idea, and I don’t know how old Jenny’s son is. But mine was nine when he was having his head smashed into the ground repeatedly and most nine year olds don’t have cell phones. After telling him to deal with it civically, after talking to the principal, after talking to the parents, after taking it to the school board, after putting a audio recording device on him, after hearing my kid tell me he doesn’t want to live anymore, I told him to defend himself. And that very same day he was never bullied again. He was never scared to go to school again. And finally he was happy again. And that’s my job, to make sure my kid is safe and happy. What the schools are offering as a solution simply isn’t a solution otherwise we wouldn’t be needing to have this conversation right now.

    Children in Canada receiving "jab to the nose" advice are fortunate to have the freedom to mete out their own brands of vigilantism. I just wished such was the case for the 2 blonde children in a sea of wealthy casino natives. They have been slammed against the bus too, actually hitting the girls back. However, 2 small white blonde children are no match for pubescent 5th grade girls, who are close to me in height - I am 6ft. It's an uneven matchup.

    How horrific for you and your son. I cannot even fathom how you must have felt hearing your baby say his defeated line, which only compounds the preemptive bullying deterrents you'd attempted. Wow! I would not handle that in a sane way ... I would lose it. It's going to turn ugly.

    I can agree. We are fortunate enough. Still it makes my heart sad that I have to tell my child to hurt anyone. That is the life we live in however. So I couldn’t imagine being in your shoes and my child not even having the right to defend himself. I don’t agree that the laws change state to state. I feel sorry for your little girls because I know what it feels like to be bullied but I also know what it feels like as a parent and not know what to do next. I pray your little ones will be okay, and that a resolution will come to fruition. We may not agree on how to deal with it but our goal is the same. Safe, happy kids. And all kids deserve that. Even the bullies because as we all know bullying usually starts at home. Children are not naturally cruel they are generally taught it, which is even sadder.

    The onus has been placed on all the adults in our community to be proactive, whether they're your children or not. Children oftentimes may keep bullying from their parents, which is sad. It's a horrible time to be a parent and worse still, being a child victim.
  • newmeadow
    newmeadow Posts: 1,295 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    My son is being bullied at school and is receiving death threats each and everyday. I tried so hard to give him strategies to help it stop, but it only seems to make things worse. I have gone to the principle on several occasions, but it hasn’t helped. It’s devestating to watch him suffer and have no control over the situation except assure him that it all truly doesn’t matter.

    Go straight past the school and right to the board. The schools “zero tolerance” policy is merely an attempt to save face. The louder the case you make the more they will listen to you. And I know you’re not going to like this Jenny but most of the time all the bully needs is a jab right in the nose, to shut them right up. All these strategies we teach children about ignoring them and walking away typically don’t work. The school has to care enough to take it seriously. But I assure you when they don’t the board doesn’t like it!

    No. Violence is NOT a solution.

    Immediate expulsion of the perpetrators is the solution but this is an impossibilty in public schools as is anything else that makes sense. Anything goes in these places and public schools should be completely boycotted in my opinion.

    If this is the case in public schools in your area @newmeadow , then what is a non-violent solution? If children here engage in verbal assaults, they are placed on probation which is lodged with the local police. These are Public Schools in CA.

    Really I don't know. The videos that students take of other students acting like feral jackals towards teachers and students alike in public schools all over the U.S. is epic. Although I think You Tube censors these videos now.

    I'm not a parent though and I don't know about the current disciplinary climate in the public schools in my area.
    But I do live within a ten mile radius of where I was born
    and raised.

    I'm sure it's infinitely more permissive in every way, based on the gratuitous use of profane and vulgar language minors use loudly in public and pretty much everywhere they go. That *kitten* used to get us kicked out of class but I doubt that would fly today. The classrooms would be empty.

    I have actually been sent those viral vids. Live beatdowns oftentimes boy related. At least the vids sent to me were. The publicity is highly likely the reason our public schools are so averse to bullying and violence, at the local government level, yet in these parts, the poorer you are, the more likely the child is to get picked on. Wrong shoes. No iPhone. Wardrobe bought from the wrong store. I have noticed that children in LA are less picky about frivolities. Meangirl behavior from people who don't earn a cent.

    True. I moved a lot growing up and went to way too many schools.

    When I went to schools in the low income districts the bullying was more physically violent. Like you said, it was usually girls fighting over boys or other matters pertaining to envy. Also it was predominantly racially motivated. The whites, girls especially, were physically brutalized and constantly threatened and it's something I'll never forget.

    In the higher income schools I went to, the bullying was psychologically ruthless and equally distributed to both boy and girl victims. The smug attitude of superiority by which this abuse was delivered by the perps was also something I'll never forget. The bullying wasn't racially motivated at the higher income schools as the districts were homogeneous and not multicultural.

  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    edited November 2018
    This reminds of when I was in the 7th grade...

    Some kid in the class use to always give me a hard time. Once he said something about my mom and you just don't do that to the son of a single mother...

    I grab him by his shirt and told him it was going to go down if he ever did that again...

    So he got his little gang together and plotted to jump me in between periods. I walk passed them all and at the end of the day, none of them wanted to help him because they really didn't like this kid anymore than I did..

    I heard the ring leader say to him, that they wouldn't help him if he was too scared to fight me on his own.

    Before that kid turned 20 he was shot in the head outside of a grocery store near where I lived by a rival gang... Crazy story
  • CaptainFantastic01
    CaptainFantastic01 Posts: 9,557 Member
    I have seen far fewer butts today than I’d have liked
  • CaptainFantastic01
    CaptainFantastic01 Posts: 9,557 Member
    I’ll send you some snaps;)
  • EsteeVibes
    EsteeVibes Posts: 60 Member
    edited November 2018
    First day on community and feeling confused 🙃😩😊
  • CaptainFantastic01
    CaptainFantastic01 Posts: 9,557 Member
    EsteeVibes wrote: »
    First day on community and feelint confused 🙃😩😊

    Step one, show us your butt

    Step two, do the hokey pokey

    Good luck
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    edited November 2018
    newmeadow wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    My son is being bullied at school and is receiving death threats each and everyday. I tried so hard to give him strategies to help it stop, but it only seems to make things worse. I have gone to the principle on several occasions, but it hasn’t helped. It’s devestating to watch him suffer and have no control over the situation except assure him that it all truly doesn’t matter.

    Go straight past the school and right to the board. The schools “zero tolerance” policy is merely an attempt to save face. The louder the case you make the more they will listen to you. And I know you’re not going to like this Jenny but most of the time all the bully needs is a jab right in the nose, to shut them right up. All these strategies we teach children about ignoring them and walking away typically don’t work. The school has to care enough to take it seriously. But I assure you when they don’t the board doesn’t like it!

    No. Violence is NOT a solution.

    Immediate expulsion of the perpetrators is the solution but this is an impossibilty in public schools as is anything else that makes sense. Anything goes in these places and public schools should be completely boycotted in my opinion.

    If this is the case in public schools in your area @newmeadow , then what is a non-violent solution? If children here engage in verbal assaults, they are placed on probation which is lodged with the local police. These are Public Schools in CA.

    Really I don't know. The videos that students take of other students acting like feral jackals towards teachers and students alike in public schools all over the U.S. is epic. Although I think You Tube censors these videos now.

    I'm not a parent though and I don't know about the current disciplinary climate in the public schools in my area.
    But I do live within a ten mile radius of where I was born
    and raised.

    I'm sure it's infinitely more permissive in every way, based on the gratuitous use of profane and vulgar language minors use loudly in public and pretty much everywhere they go. That *kitten* used to get us kicked out of class but I doubt that would fly today. The classrooms would be empty.

    I have actually been sent those viral vids. Live beatdowns oftentimes boy related. At least the vids sent to me were. The publicity is highly likely the reason our public schools are so averse to bullying and violence, at the local government level, yet in these parts, the poorer you are, the more likely the child is to get picked on. Wrong shoes. No iPhone. Wardrobe bought from the wrong store. I have noticed that children in LA are less picky about frivolities. Meangirl behavior from people who don't earn a cent.

    True. I moved a lot growing up and went to way too many schools.

    When I went to schools in the low income districts the bullying was more physically violent. Like you said, it was usually girls fighting over boys or other matters pertaining to envy. Also it was predominantly racially motivated. The whites, girls especially, were physically brutalized and constantly threatened and it's something I'll never forget.

    In the higher income schools I went to, the bullying was psychologically ruthless and equally distributed to both boy and girl victims. The smug attitude of superiority by which this abuse was delivered by the perps was also something I'll never forget. The bullying wasn't racially motivated at the higher income schools as the districts were homogeneous and not multicultural.

    I would have to agree with your recall assessmeant @newmeadow , as it reflects mine, with the exception of a non-coed private school. I found psychological mind games just as brutal as actual physical onslaughts between students. This monotonous bullying cycle keeps morphing much like movie franchises. Just when you think that a low has been reached, a newer low is established and redefined.

    I for one disagree with media censorship, as it muzzles the innocent. Filters protect the innocent inasmuch as it hibernates the guiltridden.
  • CaptainFantastic01
    CaptainFantastic01 Posts: 9,557 Member
    EsteeVibes wrote: »
    First day on community and feelint confused 🙃😩😊

    Step one, show us your butt

    Step two, do the hokey pokey

    Good luck

    How much luck does one need to hokey pokey?

    Depends who’s pokey she’s hokeying
  • EsteeVibes
    EsteeVibes Posts: 60 Member
    EsteeVibes wrote: »
    First day on community and feelint confused 🙃😩😊

    Step one, show us your butt
