Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-August 2011



  • 80lbslost
    80lbslost Posts: 93 Member
    Well I took a break from working out today since I did 3 days in a row! I went to my ultrasound appt. yesterday afternoon and the Dr. only saw a gestational sac (I was 5wks 2 days). He said he's "slightly" worried because of my history of ectopic so I'm going back tomorrow to see if we see a yolk sac. Any of you ladies have an ultrasound at 5 weeks and only saw a sac? I need some reassurance cause I'm VERY worried, unlike the Dr. Oh, and also I got weighed and since my last appt. in May (pre-pregnancy) I weighed 117 (I usually weigh 115 w/o clothes) and yesterday I was 119....yikes! I did not want to gain yet but oh well :( Hope you all have a good day :smile:

    Praying for you... :)

    Thanks :) Have you had an early ultrasound yet??
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    how many times a day can you take fiber gummies? I need as much fiber as I can get right now!

    You can also eat lots of vegi to get fiber (or some high fiber cereal). I got pretty much enough fiber daily and I don't need any supplement for that.

    The prenatal I'm taking contains body-ready heme iron, which it claims no stool softener required. So far, I haven't had much trouble taking it. There is also other prenatal contains softener to help with your situation. So check with your doctor, or search for different type of prenatals yourself.

    FYI, my prenatal is Prefera OB + DHA (2 smaller size pills):
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Good Afternoon Prego Friends!

    My question today is how soon did you all start to notice weight gain? I'm only at 5 weeks and my belly is definitely sticking out more than before - probably bloating? And I've gained 3 pounds. I'm just wondering if it really happens this soon or if it's just because I've increased my calorie count?? Just interested to see what ya'll have to say!!

    Happy Pregnancies!!

    Like freaking right away, that's how I knew I was pregnant. I slashed calories when I saw my weight going up and still it climbed, and it went to my boobs and belly, which never happens. My stomach is usually flat and it has been stuck with a little pooch since 5 weeks. I think it's water gain from progresterone and maybe some from increased carbs, etc. Hang in there, I hear some women's water weight falls off in the second trimester :happy:
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    SO, i spoke to my OB today and she told me to switch to a low or no iron prenatal formula for now and to take tons of stool softener and miralax to get things moving again.

    Has anyone else used the GNC prenatals?????

    My OB was completely okay with me taking the Kroger brand generic once-daily women's vitamin in place of prenatals. He verified that it had enough folic acid and iron and it was fine. I only switched to prenatals this month because insurance will pay 100% for them, but won't for OTCs.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good Afternoon Prego Friends!

    My question today is how soon did you all start to notice weight gain? I'm only at 5 weeks and my belly is definitely sticking out more than before - probably bloating? And I've gained 3 pounds. I'm just wondering if it really happens this soon or if it's just because I've increased my calorie count?? Just interested to see what ya'll have to say!!

    Happy Pregnancies!!

    I'm not a good one to ask this question because I was on Prometrium which is Progesterone to try and keep my levels up so I didn't miscarry again. Progesterone is also known to cause weight gain so I started gaining weight immediately (I was taking them at ovulation). But many women see a few pound gain in the beginning due to hormonal shifts that cause bloating and water retention. So don't worry about those few pounds right now. Just think of have to eat an additional 3500 calories above your maintenance and any calories you burn during exercise to gain a single pound. You know how much food that is?! lol! So if you are staying in your maintenance calories and still being active then any weight gain is due to the hormones at this point. :)
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member

    For all the new mommies...I definitely hope this does not sound like a horror story, just an example as to why you should make sure your doctor knows what's important to you with your delievery...with my first pregnancy I wanted to go natural but my doctor worried that she was getting too big so scheduled me for inducement and ended up giving me pitocin. I found out later that I was actually going into labor on my own and could have done without it. I didn't want an epidoral but the nurses talked me into it telling me I wouldn't be able to handle it and I had several hours to go. As soon as they gave me the epidoral the doctor came in to check me and said it was time to push. So, I could have done without that too. I was 18 at the time and clueless so I just felt that I should do whatever they told me to do. I expressed my feelings afterwards, but should have stressed what I wanted more beforehand.

    I had a ceserean with my last pregnancy, so my doctor automatically was planning on me having one this pregnancy. After reading about VBAC I asked my doctor is it was possible to have a natural delivery. Now he sees no reason why I shouldn't be able to, so I'm glad I asked instead of just going with the flow.

    I totally agree! Your story is a perfect example of what can and does happen to women who aren't educated in what they want for their experience. I think it is important to be educated in this whole process. Like I said before, we research when we buy a car, a house, or a computer but then we walk into a hospital and just expect that the doc will know what is best for you...which is obviously not always the case with labor/delivery. I applaud you for taking your health into your own hands and being proactive about what you want this time! You go girl!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning my awesome fit and fabulously preggo friends! :)

    Well I slept in this morning cause I'm going to pick up Al from the airport this afternoon and I wanted to not be so sleepy around "nap time". We are swinging by the store to pick up Charlee's nursery furniture (or what we can fit into our vehicle) and are gonna work on her room this weekend! I'm so excited! I even ordered her mattress yesterday so that should be in within the week. Who knew picking out a crib mattress would come with so many options and such a brain overload to pick one! I ended up going with the Naturpedic Organic 2 in 1 seamless mattress. I'm pretty excited about it all coming together. I'm starting to work on some projects for her room as well. I'm not very crafty but with the help of a friend and some great ideas I've found online, I think her room is gonna be super cute!

    Well I had another awesome hike yesterday. I put on sunblock but I still got some more sun and a heat rash to boot. Oh well...being outside was so worth it! Probably won't get a workout in today but this weekend I will try and at least walk depending on what our plans our.

    I hope all of you ladies have an awesome Friday and weekend and make lots of healthy choices!
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    Well I took a break from working out today since I did 3 days in a row! I went to my ultrasound appt. yesterday afternoon and the Dr. only saw a gestational sac (I was 5wks 2 days). He said he's "slightly" worried because of my history of ectopic so I'm going back tomorrow to see if we see a yolk sac. Any of you ladies have an ultrasound at 5 weeks and only saw a sac? I need some reassurance cause I'm VERY worried, unlike the Dr. Oh, and also I got weighed and since my last appt. in May (pre-pregnancy) I weighed 117 (I usually weigh 115 w/o clothes) and yesterday I was 119....yikes! I did not want to gain yet but oh well :( Hope you all have a good day :smile:

    Praying for you... :)

    Thanks :) Have you had an early ultrasound yet??

    I haven't! I go in next Tuesday. I'm really anxious for that appointment because I just want to KNOW that there really is something in there...
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    Good Afternoon Prego Friends!

    My question today is how soon did you all start to notice weight gain? I'm only at 5 weeks and my belly is definitely sticking out more than before - probably bloating? And I've gained 3 pounds. I'm just wondering if it really happens this soon or if it's just because I've increased my calorie count?? Just interested to see what ya'll have to say!!

    Happy Pregnancies!!

    Like freaking right away, that's how I knew I was pregnant. I slashed calories when I saw my weight going up and still it climbed, and it went to my boobs and belly, which never happens. My stomach is usually flat and it has been stuck with a little pooch since 5 weeks. I think it's water gain from progresterone and maybe some from increased carbs, etc. Hang in there, I hear some women's water weight falls off in the second trimester :happy:

    Fabulous!! That's so good to know. I know I'm going to gain weight, I just don't want to gain more than needed!
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    Good Afternoon Prego Friends!

    My question today is how soon did you all start to notice weight gain? I'm only at 5 weeks and my belly is definitely sticking out more than before - probably bloating? And I've gained 3 pounds. I'm just wondering if it really happens this soon or if it's just because I've increased my calorie count?? Just interested to see what ya'll have to say!!

    Happy Pregnancies!!

    I'm not a good one to ask this question because I was on Prometrium which is Progesterone to try and keep my levels up so I didn't miscarry again. Progesterone is also known to cause weight gain so I started gaining weight immediately (I was taking them at ovulation). But many women see a few pound gain in the beginning due to hormonal shifts that cause bloating and water retention. So don't worry about those few pounds right now. Just think of have to eat an additional 3500 calories above your maintenance and any calories you burn during exercise to gain a single pound. You know how much food that is?! lol! So if you are staying in your maintenance calories and still being active then any weight gain is due to the hormones at this point. :)

    That's true, thanks so much!
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Happy Friday all!

    I got to swim laps 2x this week, and forgot how tiring swimming can be... and I only swam 30 min lol ! I started riding my bike to my kettlebell workouts which gives me an extra 40 min of cardio. I am aiming to get about 60 min of activity a day, even if it involves only a 30 min walk with the dogs. We are going to NY in 2 weeks and need to be able to keep up . I have been trying to eat super healthy right now because I have so many crazy weekends and dinners out. This way I am eating good at least half the time. I met with a girl from my prenatal class yesterday who did a natural home water birth. After hearing her story I feel much more confident that I can do this also. Anyway have a great and healthy weekend!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    how many times a day can you take fiber gummies? I need as much fiber as I can get right now!

    I think it has a receommended dose maybe? There were days I would take 2-3 twice a day. They taste good too!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Good Afternoon Prego Friends!

    My question today is how soon did you all start to notice weight gain? I'm only at 5 weeks and my belly is definitely sticking out more than before - probably bloating? And I've gained 3 pounds. I'm just wondering if it really happens this soon or if it's just because I've increased my calorie count?? Just interested to see what ya'll have to say!!

    Happy Pregnancies!!

    Like freaking right away, that's how I knew I was pregnant. I slashed calories when I saw my weight going up and still it climbed, and it went to my boobs and belly, which never happens. My stomach is usually flat and it has been stuck with a little pooch since 5 weeks. I think it's water gain from progresterone and maybe some from increased carbs, etc. Hang in there, I hear some women's water weight falls off in the second trimester :happy:

    I've gained 3-4 pounds so far too and have a little pooch. I'm sure it's water weight also and some bloating . I was also taking Wellbutrin before I became pregnant and started slowly tapering off when I found out. I'm not sure if that would cause weight gain or not. I know it made me lose a lot of weight when I started taking it years ago, but I'm assuming it wouldn't make me gain when I stopped. Who knows? Anyways, as long as we're eating healthy, and staying as active as possible I'm sure the weight gain will be "healthy" weight. :)
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Ok - when do you usually start wearing maternity clothes when you're pregnant?? I'm just over 3 months and I can't fit in ANY of my pants without the zipper completely undone :( My pants fit me everywhere else, I just can't do up the zipper/buttons.
    I've worn leggings ALL week and today is jeans day and I am wearing a pair of jeans with a belly band but I find it really annoying because I'm constantly having to readjust it

    I feel like I shouldn't need maternity clothes yet! I'm starting to freak out and think I'm going to have a massive baby lol

    Sorry if I sound like a freak, I'm just curious and hoping that maybe someone else had to get maternity pants around this time! lol
    My mom and sister said they didn't have to until 5-6 months!!
  • dmcohee
    dmcohee Posts: 99 Member

    I'm not a good one to ask this question because I was on Prometrium which is Progesterone to try and keep my levels up so I didn't miscarry again. Progesterone is also known to cause weight gain so I started gaining weight immediately (I was taking them at ovulation). But many women see a few pound gain in the beginning due to hormonal shifts that cause bloating and water retention. So don't worry about those few pounds right now. Just think of have to eat an additional 3500 calories above your maintenance and any calories you burn during exercise to gain a single pound. You know how much food that is?! lol! So if you are staying in your maintenance calories and still being active then any weight gain is due to the hormones at this point. :)

    I've been taking the 17P injections but can't really find a whole lot of information on side effects. I have found over the past few weeks my weight gain has really increased, and so has my swelling and varicose veins. Do you think the injections could be contributing? Of course I haven't been eating the best either though. I've recently become very exhausted and have been turning to comfort food at night :sad:
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Rayna, I'm a week behind you and I feel like regular pants are becoming more constricting too. For some reason, I can still fit perfectly in to my jeans (I've also gained no weight at all yet though and they have a lot of stretch in them).

    Last time I was pregnant though, I was in maternity clothes already at this point. It has nothing to do with the size of the baby. It probably has more to do with your body type and if you have more narrow hips the baby seems to show a lot sooner. I'm glad you said that about the bellyband because I was planning on buying that and try to stay in my regular clothes till I'm 5 months along, but I guess that's not realistic.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Rayna - I've been in maternity clothes for the last few weeks. They are just way more comfortable. I have about 30 pairs of jeans and can only fit 2 of them comfortably now and they are the two that were too big to begin with. I think most people are wearing maternity clothes by this point. I'm also glad to hear about the belly band, was just looking at them yesterday and thinking about getting one. Maybe I'll keep thinking about it.
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    Ok - when do you usually start wearing maternity clothes when you're pregnant?? I'm just over 3 months and I can't fit in ANY of my pants without the zipper completely undone :( My pants fit me everywhere else, I just can't do up the zipper/buttons.
    I've worn leggings ALL week and today is jeans day and I am wearing a pair of jeans with a belly band but I find it really annoying because I'm constantly having to readjust it

    I feel like I shouldn't need maternity clothes yet! I'm starting to freak out and think I'm going to have a massive baby lol

    Sorry if I sound like a freak, I'm just curious and hoping that maybe someone else had to get maternity pants around this time! lol
    My mom and sister said they didn't have to until 5-6 months!!
    Honey, as soon as I say the word pregnant I'm in maternity clothes. I have friends that go 7 months in their regular clothes, boy would that be nice. Maternity clothes are more comfortable anyway. Wear them while you can!!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Woke up this am with visible abs, a 1.5lb weight loss, and hardly any pooch. Boobs are still big though. I don't know whether to be happy or worried. The fact that I diagnose miscarriage almost every shift makes me see it everywhere. :frown:
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member

    I'm not a good one to ask this question because I was on Prometrium which is Progesterone to try and keep my levels up so I didn't miscarry again. Progesterone is also known to cause weight gain so I started gaining weight immediately (I was taking them at ovulation). But many women see a few pound gain in the beginning due to hormonal shifts that cause bloating and water retention. So don't worry about those few pounds right now. Just think of have to eat an additional 3500 calories above your maintenance and any calories you burn during exercise to gain a single pound. You know how much food that is?! lol! So if you are staying in your maintenance calories and still being active then any weight gain is due to the hormones at this point. :)

    I've been taking the 17P injections but can't really find a whole lot of information on side effects. I have found over the past few weeks my weight gain has really increased, and so has my swelling and varicose veins. Do you think the injections could be contributing? Of course I haven't been eating the best either though. I've recently become very exhausted and have been turning to comfort food at night :sad:

    Progesterone can cause weight gain from water and is definitely an appetite stimulant. We use it on patients with aids and cancer to get them to eat. So it can definitely be a problem! Just make sure you are getting in your 5 a day of fruits and veggies and a few servings of protein and there won't be much room left to do damage with