

  • susiemcmac
    susiemcmac Posts: 356 Member
    @tiabirdie56 - thinking of you and your family and sending peace and light.
  • Sweetzyd
    Sweetzyd Posts: 915 Member
    @tiabirdie56 prayers for you and your family ❤. I am just catching up to all the posts from yesterday
  • abowersgirl
    abowersgirl Posts: 3,409 Member
    @deepwoodslady great NSV!! WTG!!
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    Male - 5' 10" - 52 years old \ Original Start Weight 182 lbs in May 2016 \ Goal Weight 165 lbs

    Late Start - February 2nd - 168 lbs End of Round - February 7th - 168.8 lbs
    Round 31
    Start Round - 02/07 - 168.8 End of Round - 02/16 - 167
    Round 32 - My 3rd Round
    Start Round - 02/17 - 167.4 End of Round - 02/26 - 167.2
    Round 33 - My 4th Round
    Start Round - 2/27 - 168 End of Round - 3/8 - 167
    Round 34 - My 5th Round
    Start Round - 3/9 - 168 End of Round - 3/18 - 166.6
    Round 35 - My 6th Round
    Start Round 3/19 - 168.4 End of Round 3/28 - 166
    Round 36 - My 7th Round
    Start Round 3/29 - 166.6 End of Round 4/7 - 167.8
    Round 37 - My 8th Round
    Start Round 4/8 - 167.2 End of Round 4/17 - 167.2
    Round 38 - My 9th Round
    Start Round 4/18 - 167.8 End of Round 4/27 - 167.2
    Round 39 - My 10th Round
    Start Round 4/28 - 167.6 End Round 5/07 - 169.4
    Round 40 - My 11th Round
    Start Round 5/08 - 169.6 End Round 5/17 - 167.6
    Round 41 - My 12th Round
    Start Round 5/18 - 168.6 End Round 5/27 - 167.6
    Round 42 - My 13th Round
    Start Round 5/28 - 168.6 End Round 6/06 - 166.8
    Round 43 - My 14th Round
    Start Round 6/07 - 166.6 End Round 6/16 - 168.4
    Round 44 - My 15th Round
    Start Round 6/17 - 169 End Round 6/26 - 168.8
    Round 45 - My 16th Round
    Start Round 6/27 - 169 End round 7/06 - 168.4
    Round 46 - My 17th Round
    Start Round 7/07: - 169.4 End Round 7/16: - 169.0
    Round 47 - My 18th Round
    Start Round 7/17 - 170 End Round 7/26 - 169.4
    Round 48 - My 19th Round
    Start Round 7/27 - 169.6 End Round 8/05 - 170.4
    Round 49 - My 20th Round
    Start Round 8/06 - 170.2 End Round 8/15 - 170.2
    Round 50 - My 21st Round
    Start Round 8/16 - 169.8 End Round 8/25 - 169.4
    Round 51 - My 22nd Round
    Start Round 8/26 - 168.8 End Round 9/04 - 169.8
    Round 52 - My 23rd Round
    Start Round 9/05 - 169.2 End Round 9/14 - 171
    Round 53 - My 24th Round
    Start Round 9/15 - 170.8 End Round 9/24 - 168.8
    Round 54 - My 25th Round
    Start Round 9/25 - 168.8 End Round 10/4 - 169.0
    Round 55 - My 26th Round
    Start Round 10/05 - 168.8 End Round 10/14 - 173.0
    Round 56 - My 27th Round
    Start Round 10/15 - 175.6 End Round 10/24 - 169.6
    Round 57 - My 28th Round
    Start Round 10/25 - 169.6 End Round 11/03 - 168.4

    Round 58 - My 29th Round
    11/04 - 169.0
    11/05 - 169.8 Social eating yesterday
    11/06 - 170.2
    11/07 - 169.4
    11/08 - 169.6
    11/09 - 169.4
    11/10 - 168.8
    11/11 - 168.2
    11/12 - 168.8
    11/13 - 169.8
  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,396 Member
    Kres567 wrote: »
    Round 56 SW - 207.4 EW - 206.8
    Round 57 SW - 206.6 EW - 205.6

    11/04 - 205.6. So happy with this number. Weekends are normally so tough for me but I really tried to treat it like a normal weekday and it has worked so far. Planning to do the same today.
    11/05 - 206.8. Ate late last night plus a bunch of junky Food through the day. Lazy Sunday’s are not always good for me. Back on track today.
    11/06 - 206.6. Have to drink more water today. Was so busy at work I didn’t get enough in.
    11/07 - 205.8. More water and steps today.
    11/08 - 206.2
    11/09 - 205.8. Need to stay in track over the weekend to really make a difference. Weekends are always a challenge for me.
    11/10 - 206.6
    11/11 - didn’t weigh in
    11/12 - 207.6 - not sure I will recover from the weekend to post a lost for this round but I’m going to try my best. My real problem is the weekends. This my next habit I’m going to try and improve on - treating weekends like every day during the week.
    11/13 - 206.2. Unfortunately I’m not posting an overall loss this round but I’m still down from when I joined this amazing challenge group. Celebrate the small things, right?

    But you’re doing much better overall, don’t you think, Jen? I think you are more controlled. Now to just keep weekends more in check and you’ll be knocking on the 190’s in no time! I’m planning you a party!
  • bkajo
    bkajo Posts: 32 Member
    Age 60 from Westerville, Ohio
    Height 5‘6“
    Round 58 - SW 175.6, EW - 174 down 1.6 — I can‘t believe I finished all 10-days!! :smile:
    HW: 213
    LW: 148
    CW: 175
    UGW: 150-155
    I was heaviest in late 90‘s/early 2000‘s, when I couldn‘t tie my shoes or walk around the little league field without losing my breath, it was time to change.

    Lost 65 pounds over several years w/WW, SparkPeople, Beck Diet Solution (life changing!!!), MFP, Body for Life (and many more fitness books) and tracking diligently and working out. Became passionate about fitness and earned my trainer certification.

    Fittest in 2009/2010/2011. Then a few years of curve balls: donated a kidney to my husband, had hip surgery, gained 10#, cared for my husband and lost him, moved half-way across the country with my job, job sucked (60-80-100 hour weeks), gained 20#, bought a house, found a new job last year, lost 10#.

    Time to lose 10 or 20 more and have fun with fitness again... If you‘ve read this far, thanks for indulging my rambling...

    Commitment for 10 days:
    1 - track every day... I’ll log calories/macros here to keep me honest (gulp!)
    2 - working out: No more pushing until after the virus — new goal: 30’ of something/anything every daytwo red and two amber sessions...
    I use the HeartWatch app and it’s colors for level of intensity are:
    ....... warmup/health
    ....... fat burn
    ....... building fitness
    ....... high intensity workouts

    ...Doing dates upside down so I keep the end in sight...
    Date ** Weight ** Nutrition ** Exercise
    T 11/13 - what will i weigh if i track and workout consistently? how will i feel?!?!. The consistency feels great — overall, I‘m eating much better and moving and wanting to move and wanting to eat well! Win, win, win... 10-days done and it‘s been a fresh start! :-)
    DANG! Forgot to weigh in today of all days!!! Dang, dang, dang...
    I‘m going to guess that I would have bounced up at least a pound and call it 174...
    ** 2167 46/23/31 ** 30‘ walk with the dog
    M 11/12 172.8 ** 1934 (oops!) 47/21/32 ** walked the dog a couple times for a total of 45‘, still fighting a cold, time for a good night‘s sleep...
    S 11/11 175.2
    S 11/10 174.8 ** 1767 44/21/35 ** easy walk with the dog and heavy house cleaning.... Mostly in the warmup/health range, some in the fat burning range. But given that I‘m all stuffed up w/minimal energy, I‘ll take it :-). Without this challenge, I‘d have given up and laid on the couch. With this challenge, I‘m closing my apple activity rings every day, despite having a cold. And I‘m still tracking and I‘m eating better... I‘ll take it...
    F 11/09 174.4 ** 1722 53/21/26 ** 30’ walk with the dog wow - thought i was taking it easy - the body truly does work harder when there‘s a virus in play too!! Also some light house cleaning and lots of couch time to rest... BONUS — I was still able to close all my apple-watch-fitness rings even being sick - woohoo!! I‘m still on track for closing them every day in November
    T 11/08 176 ** 1741 50/22/28 ** rolling & stretching, walking the dog. Needed a good restorative workout after yesterday’s dorky class left me oddly sore. Gotta revise my warm up for next Wednesday’s class...
    Revived an old habit — tracking my food before the day starts so I know I‘m on track... ended with better results for calories and macros - now we‘ll see what the scale says tomorrow...
    W 11/07 175.6 ** 1856 48/20/32 core workout class
    Glad to see the scale drop today - must have been sodium yesterday... New workout class this morning - sort of dorky but I’ll stick with it for 6 weeks - it will be good for me, lol... and it was a good workout after all :-)
    T 11/06 177.0 ** 1599 46/23/31 ** power cleaned the house and walked the dog
    UGH!! Up 1.6 this morning - yikes... good motivation to eat cleaner and stick to the calories and macros...
    M 11/05 175.4 ** 2183 42/19/39 ** rehab and walked the dog
    S 11/04 175.6 ** 1891 47/21/32 ** circuit training class :-)
  • bubblegum2fitness
    bubblegum2fitness Posts: 143 Member
    Sheila. F/21/5’2” HW:226 CW:191.5.9 GW:185 UGW:126
    Round 55 SW: 195.4 EW: 194.6 (-0.8lbs)
    Round 56 SW: 194.6 EW: 195.9 (+1.3lbs)
    Round 57 SW 195.9 EW: 193.9 (-2lbs)
    Round 58 SW: 193.9 EW: 191.5 (-2.4lbs)
    Other goals: 10,000 steps at least 4 days a week. Strength training 4 times a week. Run 3 times a week. Do a yoga flow daily. Eat at a deficit. Prepare for the Banquet next round. Be more consistent about hydration/
    11/04 193.9 Bloating is awful.
    11/05 191.5. I’m happy, but I don’t think this number will stick. It’ll probably go up to 192.x, hover there, and then come down again.
    11/06 190. I think this is a woosh, or my body actively trolling me. “You think I’m going to regain that water weight? Well then I’m gonna drop another pound and a half! Deal with it!” I’m happy, but I’m also kind of in shock lol.
    11/07 191.3. Knew yesterday’s weight was too good to be true. Oh well. This number is nice too.
    11/08 191.3.
    11/09 193. Overate yesterday, but most of this water weight I think. Will try to drink a lot of water today and get in a good sweat session.
    11/10 192.8 forgot to update.
    11/11 191! I had about 300 calories left last night, but listened to my body and decided that I wasn’t hungry. I probably wouldn’t have eaten very well if I did eat something. I tend to mindlessly munch at night.
    11/12 192.1
    11/13 191.5! A nice number to end the round on. I was really bad at checking in this round, so next time I’ll do better. Also, as a NSV, I bought a pretty red mini dress yesterday, and I’ve gone down a size! It’s so pretty, but also definitely mini. I’m pretty short and it doesn’t reach my fingertips. https://ardene.com/ca/en/sleeveless-lace-mini-dress/37428AD-R2-9A.html?dwvar_37428AD-R2-9A_color=9A-AP00286&cgid=1-10-Party#start=1
    Total lost this round: 2.4lbs!
  • emilyc0525
    emilyc0525 Posts: 10 Member
    I am a 38 year old, 5'7" stay-at-home mom. This is my 2nd round here.

    OSW 10/24/18: 290
    End R57: 277.8 (-12.2)

    Round 58:
    11/04 276.6 (-1.2) Continuing to track everything, even the extra chocolate I ate yesterday.
    11/05 276.6 (-0.0)
    11/06 277.8 (+1.2) Not surprised by this with how I ate yesterday. But I tracked it all, so that's a victory.
    11/07 276.6 (-1.2)
    11/08 276.2 (-0.4) My mom has been visiting... I'm surprised that I'm down at all today. I will be happy if I can finish this round without gaining.
    11/09 276.4 (+0.2)
    11/10 no scale - spent the night at Mom's house
    11/11 277.6 (+1.2) got home yesterday and the heat was broken, and it was only 59 degrees in the house. Ate far too many cookies than I want to admit from the stress.
    11/12 276.8 (-0.8)
    11/13 276.2 (-0.6)

    Down 1.6 pounds total this round.

    I didn't do very good posting my results daily, but I have been keeping track. It was a rough week, with hubby out of town and me taking care of the 2 little ones. Then my mom came to visit to "help", which really didn't help much at all. Then our heat broke when it was below freezing. So, all in all, I'm very pleased that I didn't throw in the towel after a rough week and that I'm back on track.
  • taxgirl1
    taxgirl1 Posts: 1,287 Member
    I'm back! :D I went to a naturopath and feel much better. She gave me some digestive enzymes, just to help with the uncomfortable and heavy feeling I've been having lately and the enzymes are definitely helping. I am waiting for the results of the food allergy test and when those results come back in a couple of weeks, I am going to go over the results with the nutritionist and make a game plan on what to do. I am also going to see my PCP this Friday just to make sure there isn't anything more, but based on the fact I am starting to feel better with the enzymes I definitely believe there are food allergy/sensitivity issues.

    11/4--218.4 Joined the gym last week and started Strong Curves. Went to the gym this morning and did W4D2 of c25k yesterday. Going out to dinner tonight and then taking my MIL to see Joan Baez in concert. My MIL loves Joan Baez.
    11/5--220.6 Water weight from dinner and lack of water. Will probably show up again tomorrow as I took my MIL out for breakfast and did not drink a lot of water today. I will be travelling for a presentation tomorrow, so my schedule will be out of whack for another day. Even though it was my day off today, I got up early and went to the gym.
    11/6--220.4 Will be going out for lunch today. Goal today is to get water in.
    11/7--220.9 The last of my days where I am eating out. Today I'm back on track and getting my water in. Yoga tonight.
    11/8--220.6 Woke up 45 minutes earlier this morning and went to the gym before work. Felt bloated and heavy all day yesterday and still feeling a little bloated this morning. I forgot to take my digestive enzymes at lunch yesterday and I forgot to bring them with me to work today again, ugh.
    11/9--220.0 Happy hour/good-bye party tonight for co-worker who is leaving. Plan is to drink a lot of water today and eat lighter for the rest of the day to limit the amount of damage tonight.
    11/10--220.9 Had a little too much to drink last night and feeling it this morning. Other than a walk with the dog will definitely be taking it easy today. Went to my PCP yesterday and she didn't find anything wrong with my gallblader, liver, or pancreas. She did find that my large intestines were a little distended, but she was not surprised on that based on my bloated/fullness symptoms. She agreed that my symptoms are most likely food related and agreed with working with the naturopath/nutrtionist on possible food allergies, so that was reassuring.
    11/12--220.0 Forgot to post yesterday. Stomach is feeling weird again today. I'm being more conscious of how I feel after eating certain foods and I think I'm starting to figure some things out about how what foods are affecting me, but until I get the results of my allergy test it's still hit or miss.
    11/13--219.3 This is from not eating a lot because my stomach was bothering me yesterday, so there will probably be a bump up tomorrow.

    EW: 219.3 AW: 220.1