10lbs before new year, who’s with me?



  • sagahmed
    sagahmed Posts: 2 Member
    I’m in
  • teranga79
    teranga79 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello recent joiners. Hope you're all getting on ok..... how's everyone's Wednesday going?
  • HaleCry
    HaleCry Posts: 387 Member
    My Wednesday is going good! But I’m so sore... don’t my first pole fitness class yesterday and I’m aching, big time. Managed my run this morning still and so far, this week is going good and the rest of it will too!
  • BRMYsBody
    BRMYsBody Posts: 2 Member
    I’m in!
  • nicnz
    nicnz Posts: 159 Member
    Being unwell for the last couple weeks 😥. Didn't track consistently nor done much excersize due to horrible coughing fits all the time 😖.
    Finally feeling better today, and get bk on track...first day back at gym it is tonight.

    Yeah, did put a few pounds bk on sigh, but no more. 6 weeks to go till year's end eeek!

    Enough of my rambling, off for a walk on this sunny Thursday afternoon! 😎
  • Mirelda_Avelar
    Mirelda_Avelar Posts: 1 Member
    I’m in. Currently at 150 too! Motivation is key, lets do this!!
  • teranga79
    teranga79 Posts: 202 Member
    The wheels fell off a bit yesterday! Had been going great for over a week but did have a bit of a binge yesterday (although honestly, nothing like the previous few weeks so I guess that's progress of a sort lol). Feeling very much on the edge today.... damn hormones!
  • lizziekeats
    lizziekeats Posts: 4 Member
  • lizziekeats
    lizziekeats Posts: 4 Member
    I can't figure out how to add you?! @HaleCry
  • dewit
    dewit Posts: 1,468 Member
    Joining the club, even if late. I have less to lose, but I need consistency!
    I'm working on breaking a few bad habits and eating clean, as much as I can.
  • HaleCry
    HaleCry Posts: 387 Member
    @lizziekeats we’re already friends! :smiley:
  • patrickreeveboyd
    patrickreeveboyd Posts: 701 Member
    Yayeee I want to do this too. I love the concept where everyone is chiming in. Good going @HaleCry
  • harleyjax
    harleyjax Posts: 109 Member
    I'm in! Adding you as a friend, anyone else is free to add me if they feel like it. I need all the motivation I can get!
  • jess427
    jess427 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm in!
    Starting weight 155.9
    By January gw:128
  • jess427
    jess427 Posts: 36 Member
    Could use inspiring/motivating friends, please add:)
  • asteriskthat
    asteriskthat Posts: 73 Member
    I'd like to join! I'm using metric and going for .5kg a week - which is about a pound.
    Height: 171cm (5'7.5")
    SW: 84.7kg
    CW: 75.3kg
    GW: 69kg
    GW at end of challenge: 71.8kg
    I'm taking off .5kg because I plan to maintain over the Xmas/NY break. But if I get to under 72 I'll be very happy with myself!
  • yoilnits
    yoilnits Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in!

    CW 159.9
    GW 149.9
  • foxyroxytm87
    foxyroxytm87 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone! Hope you’re all doing well as the week wraps up!
    I weighed in this morning at 132, from 134.8 on Monday. Now I’m sure some of that weight was just water weight and that’s how it dropped off pretty quickly, but still happy to be moving closer to 130.
    I’ve been really getting into my workouts the past week and I’m starting to feel stronger. I pushed myself to do them even though it was late and I felt tired. If anyone needs some exercise motivation, go watch some Mel Robbins videos on YouTube, she’s really helping me see things from a different perspective. She says that you may never like exercise, and that’s ok, but stop waiting to feel like it because it may never happen. Just do it anyway, like a daily task you do, I.e. making the bed or doing the dishes. Make it part of your routine. Don’t count on motivation to keep you going, because it comes and goes. Make it a habit.
    Anyway sorry for the long story, I just thought it could help someone else out there who had also always been resistant to exercising, ha ha!
  • laurenmc2325
    laurenmc2325 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm up for that!