Weight gain at 1400 a day



  • neonmage0
    neonmage0 Posts: 23 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    I know text can come across harsh, I'm not meaning to be, if it sounds that way. Just trying to help you dig through what might be going on.

    It’s cool I get it. I’ve been struggling with this for ages and my depression and anxiety don’t make it easier lol
  • felixg1109
    felixg1109 Posts: 172 MFP Moderator
    Do you binge?
  • neonmage0
    neonmage0 Posts: 23 Member
    felixg1109 wrote: »
    Do you binge?

    I do if I get overwhelmed but not very often
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Listen to @nutmegoreo she gives sound advice.. 🙂 I hope the scales start shifting..

  • felixg1109
    felixg1109 Posts: 172 MFP Moderator
    Well concerning your diary you seem to eat low volume and high calorie food a lot. Even the measurement of cups is weak point concerning accuracy of logging.

    If you combine this with a "regular but not to often" binge it may kill your deficit.

    In my oppinion you should get rid of the fast food and the high-calorie food (and drinks?) first. You could try eating more vegetables and salad to make your stomach full. This helps a lot concerning urges to binge and staying within a certain limit of calories. I.e. you can make a 3kg (6,6lbs) vegetable stew with about 500 calories and take a bowl of it when you are getting hungry.

    Do you do sports/walking?
  • neonmage0
    neonmage0 Posts: 23 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    neonmage0 wrote: »
    neonmage0 wrote: »
    amy19355 wrote: »
    Did you use any tools to figure out how many calories a day to eat for weight loss? That’s really a good place to start with learning how many calories you need just to maintain your current weight. Then you can calculate a lower than that number and give it a whirl.

    It might seem counter intuitive, but, it requires calories for your body to do any of the movements it does, like your heart beating, and stuff. So too few calories is a risky place to be.

    Lots of good info here at MFP/

    Yup used lots of them unfortunately for my weight they can be drastically off. Most of them tell me I should be eating between 2400 and 3000 calories per day

    Hi, you need to go on here MFP put in your age, height and weight. Then choose do you want to lose I am guessing 2 lbs a week. MFP will then tell you what your daily calorie intake should be. Also will ask if you are sedentary and sounds from what you said you are. That is the first step.

    Second step log everything single item you eat.

    And weigh every single item before you cook it, or eat it.

    Do not forget to count as calories any oil, or dressings you use in making anything you eat.

    Exercise is not required to lose weight, it is good for the body, but you do not have to do it.

    But if you are eyeballing portions, you really cannot say for sure how much you are eating calorie wise.

    It works the weighing and logging of food. I have lost 70 pounds, starting in May 2018.
    apullum wrote: »
    neonmage0 wrote: »
    apullum wrote: »
    Hi! My first concern would be whether you are truly eating 1400 calories. Are you using a food scale and measuring it out? When I started counting calories, I used to “eyeball” foods and realized I was overeating.

    I would definitely check on that. Otherwise I would think you would be losing a little more.

    Absolutely this. If you aren't using a food scale, then you're almost certainly eating more than you think you are. With your stats, you should be losing on considerably more than 1400. The minimum daily calorie intake for men is 1500, and you should not be eating less than that.

    In addition, how long have you been eating this way without weight loss?

    If you are using a food scale and carefully logging all your food, and if you have been doing this for several weeks with no weight loss, then I would visit your doctor to rule out underlying health problems.

    I’ve been to the doctor several times and I’m healthyer than I have any reason to be at my weight. I’ve been trying to loose weight for about a year now and have managed to get from 375 to 340 but 15 lbs of that we’re from last month when I was extremely sick.

    If you don't have an underlying health problem that would prevent weight loss or cause weight gain, then you are not gaining weight on 1400 calories per day. This is not mathematically possible.

    Put your stats into MFP and use the calorie goal it gives you. For your stats, you can choose up to a 2 lb/week rate of loss, though you can also choose to lose more slowly if you wish.

    Use a food scale for all solid food. Use measuring cups or spoons for liquids. Log everything you eat.

    Get as close as you can to your MFP calorie goal without going over.

    Give it a few weeks. Be patient and consistent.

    The calories it gives me is over 2000 eating that way causes my weight to skyrocket

    How long of a time period did you try eating at that amount? If you jump from lower calorie to higher calorie, particularly stuff that's higher in sodium, there is going to be a weight jump from water retention. Incremental changes are going to have less influence.

    Maybe a month or so?
  • neonmage0
    neonmage0 Posts: 23 Member
    felixg1109 wrote: »
    Well concerning your diary you seem to eat low volume and high calorie food a lot. Even the measurement of cups is weak point concerning accuracy of logging.

    If you combine this with a "regular but not to often" binge it may kill your deficit.

    In my oppinion you should get rid of the fast food and the high-calorie food (and drinks?) first. You could try eating more vegetables and salad to make your stomach full. This helps a lot concerning urges to binge and staying within a certain limit of calories. I.e. you can make a 3kg (6,6lbs) vegetable stew with about 500 calories and take a bowl of it when you are getting hungry.

    Do you do sports/walking?

    Not really im more the artistic type than the active
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    neonmage0 wrote: »
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    neonmage0 wrote: »
    neonmage0 wrote: »
    amy19355 wrote: »
    Did you use any tools to figure out how many calories a day to eat for weight loss? That’s really a good place to start with learning how many calories you need just to maintain your current weight. Then you can calculate a lower than that number and give it a whirl.

    It might seem counter intuitive, but, it requires calories for your body to do any of the movements it does, like your heart beating, and stuff. So too few calories is a risky place to be.

    Lots of good info here at MFP/

    Yup used lots of them unfortunately for my weight they can be drastically off. Most of them tell me I should be eating between 2400 and 3000 calories per day

    Hi, you need to go on here MFP put in your age, height and weight. Then choose do you want to lose I am guessing 2 lbs a week. MFP will then tell you what your daily calorie intake should be. Also will ask if you are sedentary and sounds from what you said you are. That is the first step.

    Second step log everything single item you eat.

    And weigh every single item before you cook it, or eat it.

    Do not forget to count as calories any oil, or dressings you use in making anything you eat.

    Exercise is not required to lose weight, it is good for the body, but you do not have to do it.

    But if you are eyeballing portions, you really cannot say for sure how much you are eating calorie wise.

    It works the weighing and logging of food. I have lost 70 pounds, starting in May 2018.
    apullum wrote: »
    neonmage0 wrote: »
    apullum wrote: »
    Hi! My first concern would be whether you are truly eating 1400 calories. Are you using a food scale and measuring it out? When I started counting calories, I used to “eyeball” foods and realized I was overeating.

    I would definitely check on that. Otherwise I would think you would be losing a little more.

    Absolutely this. If you aren't using a food scale, then you're almost certainly eating more than you think you are. With your stats, you should be losing on considerably more than 1400. The minimum daily calorie intake for men is 1500, and you should not be eating less than that.

    In addition, how long have you been eating this way without weight loss?

    If you are using a food scale and carefully logging all your food, and if you have been doing this for several weeks with no weight loss, then I would visit your doctor to rule out underlying health problems.

    I’ve been to the doctor several times and I’m healthyer than I have any reason to be at my weight. I’ve been trying to loose weight for about a year now and have managed to get from 375 to 340 but 15 lbs of that we’re from last month when I was extremely sick.

    If you don't have an underlying health problem that would prevent weight loss or cause weight gain, then you are not gaining weight on 1400 calories per day. This is not mathematically possible.

    Put your stats into MFP and use the calorie goal it gives you. For your stats, you can choose up to a 2 lb/week rate of loss, though you can also choose to lose more slowly if you wish.

    Use a food scale for all solid food. Use measuring cups or spoons for liquids. Log everything you eat.

    Get as close as you can to your MFP calorie goal without going over.

    Give it a few weeks. Be patient and consistent.

    The calories it gives me is over 2000 eating that way causes my weight to skyrocket

    How long of a time period did you try eating at that amount? If you jump from lower calorie to higher calorie, particularly stuff that's higher in sodium, there is going to be a weight jump from water retention. Incremental changes are going to have less influence.

    Maybe a month or so?

    You said that your weight skyrocketed. How much did you gain? Did you gain consistently over the four weeks? Or did the scale jump up initially, and then level out?

  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    Just to build on what @nutmegoreo is saying... You've had a lot of changes lately, including being sick. All of that can mess with your appetite, your perception, and your results. So throw the last couple of months out the window, forget about it. It doesn't tell you anything about what will work.

    Starting tomorrow, commit to logging accurately and consistently. Everything, everyday. Use a food scale whenever it's possible for all solid foods. Weigh your cereal. weigh luncheon meat. Double check that you are using accurate entries in the database - many are user entered and wrong. Aim for at least 1500 calories. Make notes of how you feel - hungry, full, satisfied, deprived. Learn from the process as you go. read the Most Helpful Posts threads pinned to the top of each forum. Hang in there - you can do this!

    Short and sweet! I like it.

    @neonmage0 Start again tomorrow, and commit to logging everything. The diary notes is a great way to help you look for trends. When you have a binge (if), you can look over the previous days to see if you've been under eating, low in any of the macros (fat, protein, carbs). You can also use it to track your emotional state, as well as your hunger levels. If it makes it easier to be completely honest with yourself, then lock your diary.
  • neonmage0
    neonmage0 Posts: 23 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    neonmage0 wrote: »
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    neonmage0 wrote: »
    neonmage0 wrote: »
    amy19355 wrote: »
    Did you use any tools to figure out how many calories a day to eat for weight loss? That’s really a good place to start with learning how many calories you need just to maintain your current weight. Then you can calculate a lower than that number and give it a whirl.

    It might seem counter intuitive, but, it requires calories for your body to do any of the movements it does, like your heart beating, and stuff. So too few calories is a risky place to be.

    Lots of good info here at MFP/

    Yup used lots of them unfortunately for my weight they can be drastically off. Most of them tell me I should be eating between 2400 and 3000 calories per day

    Hi, you need to go on here MFP put in your age, height and weight. Then choose do you want to lose I am guessing 2 lbs a week. MFP will then tell you what your daily calorie intake should be. Also will ask if you are sedentary and sounds from what you said you are. That is the first step.

    Second step log everything single item you eat.

    And weigh every single item before you cook it, or eat it.

    Do not forget to count as calories any oil, or dressings you use in making anything you eat.

    Exercise is not required to lose weight, it is good for the body, but you do not have to do it.

    But if you are eyeballing portions, you really cannot say for sure how much you are eating calorie wise.

    It works the weighing and logging of food. I have lost 70 pounds, starting in May 2018.
    apullum wrote: »
    neonmage0 wrote: »
    apullum wrote: »
    Hi! My first concern would be whether you are truly eating 1400 calories. Are you using a food scale and measuring it out? When I started counting calories, I used to “eyeball” foods and realized I was overeating.

    I would definitely check on that. Otherwise I would think you would be losing a little more.

    Absolutely this. If you aren't using a food scale, then you're almost certainly eating more than you think you are. With your stats, you should be losing on considerably more than 1400. The minimum daily calorie intake for men is 1500, and you should not be eating less than that.

    In addition, how long have you been eating this way without weight loss?

    If you are using a food scale and carefully logging all your food, and if you have been doing this for several weeks with no weight loss, then I would visit your doctor to rule out underlying health problems.

    I’ve been to the doctor several times and I’m healthyer than I have any reason to be at my weight. I’ve been trying to loose weight for about a year now and have managed to get from 375 to 340 but 15 lbs of that we’re from last month when I was extremely sick.

    If you don't have an underlying health problem that would prevent weight loss or cause weight gain, then you are not gaining weight on 1400 calories per day. This is not mathematically possible.

    Put your stats into MFP and use the calorie goal it gives you. For your stats, you can choose up to a 2 lb/week rate of loss, though you can also choose to lose more slowly if you wish.

    Use a food scale for all solid food. Use measuring cups or spoons for liquids. Log everything you eat.

    Get as close as you can to your MFP calorie goal without going over.

    Give it a few weeks. Be patient and consistent.

    The calories it gives me is over 2000 eating that way causes my weight to skyrocket

    How long of a time period did you try eating at that amount? If you jump from lower calorie to higher calorie, particularly stuff that's higher in sodium, there is going to be a weight jump from water retention. Incremental changes are going to have less influence.

    Maybe a month or so?

    You said that your weight skyrocketed. How much did you gain? Did you gain consistently over the four weeks? Or did the scale jump up initially, and then level out?

    I think it was consistent but it was a while back.
  • neonmage0
    neonmage0 Posts: 23 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »
    Just to build on what @nutmegoreo is saying... You've had a lot of changes lately, including being sick. All of that can mess with your appetite, your perception, and your results. So throw the last couple of months out the window, forget about it. It doesn't tell you anything about what will work.

    Starting tomorrow, commit to logging accurately and consistently. Everything, everyday. Use a food scale whenever it's possible for all solid foods. Weigh your cereal. weigh luncheon meat. Double check that you are using accurate entries in the database - many are user entered and wrong. Aim for at least 1500 calories. Make notes of how you feel - hungry, full, satisfied, deprived. Learn from the process as you go. read the Most Helpful Posts threads pinned to the top of each forum. Hang in there - you can do this!

    Short and sweet! I like it.

    @neonmage0 Start again tomorrow, and commit to logging everything. The diary notes is a great way to help you look for trends. When you have a binge (if), you can look over the previous days to see if you've been under eating, low in any of the macros (fat, protein, carbs). You can also use it to track your emotional state, as well as your hunger levels. If it makes it easier to be completely honest with yourself, then lock your diary.

    I noticed I normally binge if I’m under 1800 for the day.
  • felixg1109
    felixg1109 Posts: 172 MFP Moderator
    Well it doesn't matter if you are the artistic or the active type. But going for a walk a good thing to do. If you continue/start to loose more weight you even have to do something for your muscles or you will get problems with muscle degeneration. It's 90% food to loose weigth, but especially for high amounts to loose its neccessary to keep the muscles as good as possible (by eating a lot of protein and doing a bit for your strength).
  • neonmage0
    neonmage0 Posts: 23 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    neonmage0 wrote: »
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »
    Just to build on what @nutmegoreo is saying... You've had a lot of changes lately, including being sick. All of that can mess with your appetite, your perception, and your results. So throw the last couple of months out the window, forget about it. It doesn't tell you anything about what will work.

    Starting tomorrow, commit to logging accurately and consistently. Everything, everyday. Use a food scale whenever it's possible for all solid foods. Weigh your cereal. weigh luncheon meat. Double check that you are using accurate entries in the database - many are user entered and wrong. Aim for at least 1500 calories. Make notes of how you feel - hungry, full, satisfied, deprived. Learn from the process as you go. read the Most Helpful Posts threads pinned to the top of each forum. Hang in there - you can do this!

    Short and sweet! I like it.

    @neonmage0 Start again tomorrow, and commit to logging everything. The diary notes is a great way to help you look for trends. When you have a binge (if), you can look over the previous days to see if you've been under eating, low in any of the macros (fat, protein, carbs). You can also use it to track your emotional state, as well as your hunger levels. If it makes it easier to be completely honest with yourself, then lock your diary.

    I noticed I normally binge if I’m under 1800 for the day.

    Have you been diagnosed with binge eating disorder? Do you think that might be part of what's going on? If it is, that is something that you should reach out for treatment. I know it's difficult to reach out, but that's what you've been doing here, and it's really brave.

    How about giving yourself a range? Say 1800-2000 for these first 2 weeks, and see how it goes. I think if you can stay consistent, you might be surprised at the progress you will make.

    I found myself massively overeating after a week or two on 1200, and decided to aim for about 1700. It made so much more sense for me, because I could fit in a treat each day and not feel guilty about it. My biggest issue was learning to look at food differently, to take the guilt and shame out of it. Having the higher calorie goal, but not having the massive overconsumption, ended up being about the same calorie wise, but without the emotional baggage of beating myself up for it. I realize this may not be similar for you, but if it resonates at all, do consider it.

    Well worth the try. I probably have binge eating disorder but living in the USA I don’t have the money for health care.
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