JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    I will start small.
    Just for today, I intend to do the following:
    1. Do 2 min plank, side & front
    2. Walk for 3 Km
    3. Do sudharshana kriya

    I'll be googling "sudharshana kriya".
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    sarah74_vt wrote: »
    I just saw this morning that I've been on MFP for a year now. I'm not exactly where I wanted to be a year later, BUT I've made progress and I know that's the important thing. I've slacked some lately with my eating, but I've still been good about getting to the gym, so I haven't lost the progress I made previously. In a year I'm down about 40 lbs and go to the gym regularly (something I NEVER thought I'd say...haha). I have a good way to go, but I'll keep chugging along...slow and steady wins the race, right?? :wink:

    JFT (Monday, 11/26/18)

    1) Log ALL my food for the day
    2) Go to the gym
    3) Drink 8 glasses of water BEFORE having a Diet Coke
    4) Stay "in the green" with my calorie intake for the day

    Congratulations & good for you for sticking with it. Hope you have another incredible year!

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member

    I’ve started reading the Beck Book and have found it very helpful. I’ve made my Advantage List. Decided on my diet; a simple nutritional one with more fruits/veggies and less sugars/carbs. For the back up (I doubt I’ll use it but the book says to choose one so I’m heeding the advice) I chose the South Beach b/c I did it way back when and got good results from it. I’m on Day 3 today and am committing to sitting down for every bite. My downfall is when I taste things as I cook but I’m really going to put my best foot forward and stay on plan. The book makes a lot of sense and it’s a novel approach to weight loss/maintenance so I’m totally on board. Thank you so much for your input on this. It motivated me to get it and follow it. :)

    So glad you got the book. I think it will be more motivational for all of us now following this ... we an help each other as well! I dug mine out again, and trying to incorporate the things she says.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    My weight is up .. no surprise to me. It has been a very emotional few days. I did get the phone # for my niece... and have been trying to call her all weekend, but she does not answer. She just keeps posting these things on facebook about how depressed she is with losing her husband.. how she has nothing to be thankful for.. no reason to live, etc. . So I know she is also having a very hard time. Holidays can be very hard for so many people. I think our expectations are unrealistic in many ways ... and we cannot go back ever to how things used to be. My siblings who are gone would not want me to be sad ... this is what I have been trying to tell my niece. Why is it that I can't even listen to my own advice.

    Last nite I watched a Half Size me you tube about how to get started dieting ... and how to be successful. She suggests instead of a "daily" calorie , have a "weekly" calorie goal. So this is what I am going to try and do. I am still going to shoot for my 1200-1300 goal, but she made a lot of sense to keep track of the weekly caloric goals. That way, if I give in, and eat something over my calories, or we go out to eat, it will be easier to plan -- just keep the weekly caloric goal.

    SO my goals for today.
    1. log all my food
    2. go to walmart -- buy a food scale! I have not been measuring my food ... I know this is also a part of being successful.
    3. mindful eating. Stop and drink water, especially in the evenings when I want to give into emotional eating
    4. check YMCA for classes in the evenings.
    5. read response cards during the day
    6. work on tote bags
    7. clean up sewing room
    8. help hubby with work
    9. write in journal. I also started a new journal, to keep track of my weekly caloric goals, and to write my feelings, thoughts, etc.
    10. try and call niece again
    11. sit down while I eat!!
    12. get back on here ... be accountable. Do not give up. Remember that nothing taste as good as being healthyfeels. feels.

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    3. Do sudharshana kriya

    I am also going to google this. I don't usually suffer from depression, but I do during the holidays. That is my hardest time, and the time I give into emotional eating. So I will check this out!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    My weight is up .. no surprise to me. It has been a very emotional few days. I did get the phone # for my niece... and have been trying to call her all weekend, but she does not answer. She just keeps posting these things on facebook about how depressed she is with losing her husband.. how she has nothing to be thankful for.. no reason to live, etc. . So I know she is also having a very hard time. Holidays can be very hard for so many people. I think our expectations are unrealistic in many ways ... and we cannot go back ever to how things used to be. My siblings who are gone would not want me to be sad ... this is what I have been trying to tell my niece. Why is it that I can't even listen to my own advice.

    Last nite I watched a Half Size me you tube about how to get started dieting ... and how to be successful. She suggests instead of a "daily" calorie , have a "weekly" calorie goal. So this is what I am going to try and do. I am still going to shoot for my 1200-1300 goal, but she made a lot of sense to keep track of the weekly caloric goals. That way, if I give in, and eat something over my calories, or we go out to eat, it will be easier to plan -- just keep the weekly caloric goal.

    This is basically what I'm doing now. I keep a running tally of my 'overall weekly balance' and aim to have it at net 0 at the end of the week.

    You can see it at the bottom of my posts!

    I think it's good to do it that way as it means you can eat a little more on days when there's a good reason to (e.g. eating out) and then make it back just a little across the days.

    It makes me less likely to say 'sod it, it's a red day' when I'll need to make that back on another day!

    Re your niece, that's a really difficult situation, it must be really frustrating and worrying. If she's not answering her phone, could you send her a nice email or card to let her know that you're thinking of her and caring about her? I'm assuming she doesn't live near enough to just turn up on her doorstep?!

  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    edited November 2018
    sarah74_vt wrote: »
    I just saw this morning that I've been on MFP for a year now. I'm not exactly where I wanted to be a year later, BUT I've made progress and I know that's the important thing. I've slacked some lately with my eating, but I've still been good about getting to the gym, so I haven't lost the progress I made previously. In a year I'm down about 40 lbs and go to the gym regularly (something I NEVER thought I'd say...haha). I have a good way to go, but I'll keep chugging along...slow and steady wins the race, right?? :wink:

    JFT (Monday, 11/26/18)

    1) Log ALL my food for the day
    2) Go to the gym
    3) Drink 8 glasses of water BEFORE having a Diet Coke
    4) Stay "in the green" with my calorie intake for the day

    40 lbs is excellent!

    That's just under a pound a week, which is great going. I reckon it's hard to lose weight faster than that - I know lots of people including me aim for 1lb a week but realistically life does get in the way sometimes!

    So thinking about your next year... How much are you going to lose, and how are you going to get there? (In my experience the loss slows over time, so you have to mix it up to keep losing at the same rate)

    What habits are you going to...
    ... Start?
    ... Stop?
    .... Maintain?

    For me it's:
    Start: ACTUALLY making healthy choices when I socialise (e.g. eating out, dinner parties, etc.).... Including not eating all the food that is on my plate if the portion is large/ I am full!
    Stop: Drinking wine in pubs. It's terrible value for money, racks up the calories, and makes me crave stodge
    Maintain: My exercising and lack of snacking

    I imagine yours are different from mine!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    3. Do sudharshana kriya

    I just found a youtube video on sudharshana kriya.... I love how many things we can all learn about with the group. Never heard of this before... so its something I am hoping to incorporate into my morning routine. Like you said, it can't hurt! Thank you so much for the suggestion! Now, as for the plank ... I guess I should be trying that also!
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    edited November 2018
    @Saragirl2 Thanks! :smile:

    @slittlemeister Thanks! I'd love to be able to lose another 40 lbs this next year, but we'll see. As long as it's going down over time, I'm ok with it being slow. I like your question about habits.
    Habits I'm going to start - I'm a stress eater, so I'm going to pay close attention to what I'm eating during those stressful times that come up. I just picked up my crochet again, so maybe I can grab that when I'm tempted to "stress eat".
    Habits I'm going to stop - I need to stop snacking so much. Many days that's where most of my calories are going (at least lately).
    Habits I'm going to maintain - Definitely going to the gym. It's been the one thing I've been able to keep doing even when I fall off track with my eating.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    I'm here! I'm alive! I don't know why I keep doing this! I think it has to do with not waking up in the morning with enough time to log on. I try hard not to spend much time on my phone while at work. So when I'm at work I can't really check in or anything. I need to figure out a better system to keep myself accountable on here.

    Okay! My holiday was good. I don't think I really overate. I had small portions of many things but they were all pretty delicious. I don't think I got uncomfortably full until I tried to eat that second piece of pie 😅 Tonight however was a totally different story! I really need to get back to cooking meals. It's not like I don't have the food or anything in the house! I just haven't felt like it. I think we actually ordered in all week. I think the last time I cooked was Sunday night. How terrible is that. I'm pretty certain I'm going to be up when I step on the scale on Sunday. Tomorrow is going to be a water day. Lol.

    It's currently 12:40am and the only reason I'm still awake is because I'm waiting for my head phones to charge so that I can block out my husband talking to his friend while they play video games.

    I hope everyone had a great holiday. Thank God it's the weekend!

    I'm going to post my goals and go to bed!

    JFT 11-24-18

    1. Up BY 10
    2. Put chicken in crock pot
    3. Gym for a while
    4. Fold the damn clothes!!!!
    5. Finish laundry
    6. Thrift shopping with DH and M
    7. Actually cook dinner!
    8. Bed at a reasonable time.

    This is my problem too! I have food in the house and I just don't feel like cooking, or I feel like cooking and hubby wants something else. Often I will still make myself something but way too many times I will succumb to his high calorie choices! Tonight I am cooking because I haven't cooked since last Wednesday I think...
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    Jft Friday
    1. Do not make cookies :)
    2. Drink at least 2 more waters, the sooner the better! >:)
    3. Coconut bar for dessert, no more snacks >:)

    JFT Sat am
    1. Fish oil :)
    2. Smoothie for breakfast :)
    3. Water upon waking :)
    4. Weigh in and start 10 day challenge - the scale is just data! :smile:

    Jft Saturday
    1. Drop off dog with mom
    2. Vacuum
    3. Clean bathroom
    4. Open/pin back curtains
    5. Adams farm meats - butter and half and half too
    6. Easy dinner, chicken pot pie and biscuits casserole or similar bake and serve dish
    7. Log all food
    8. Drink water, fill up tumbler on the hour

    I have been doing this too for about 15 or so rounds now, I find it helps me a lot with not being obsessed every day because overall I'm losing. Sodium is the enemy of the scale for me LOL
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    Well I had a heck of a workout this afternoon! There has been a metal frame for a tarp shed just sitting in my side yard for about a month now. The DH and I finally succeed in wrestling the rest of it together. I then spent another hour filling it with stuff from my bedroom that I needed to get out. Now I have plenty of room to do some at home workouts and they dont have to be insanely early in the morning so I dont disturb the DH. I am very happy but very very tired. Lol. Tonight is definitely going to be an early night if I dont fall asleep on the couch. Lol. I have a few chicken breast cooking in the crock pot that I am going to keep in the fridge for some easy weeknight dinners. I'm also going to use some of it to make my super easy honey sesame chicken for dinner tonight. Using precooked chicken cuts the cooking time in half. And since the chicken is already shredded it looks like a lot more food on the plate as opposed to just cut up chunks of chicken. Lol

    Still kind of quiet! I hope it gets busy here again during the week. I miss everyone!

    What is your sesame chicken recipe, that sounds like something I might actually like LOL
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    Monday weigh-in:

    Goal weight: 154
    October 15th: 164.25
    October 22nd: 167.25
    October 29th: 163
    November 5th: 164.25
    November 12th: 165.75
    November 19th: 164.25
    November 26th: 162.5

    Numbers are going in the right direction!

    Now need to keep it up for this week. Monday - Wednesday should be ok, but Thursday - Saturday could have overeating if I'm not careful - will need to make a plan for how to avoid that.

    Look at you go!!!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    Just for today, I intend to do the following:
    1. Do 2 min plank, side & front
    2. Walk for 3 Km minimum
    3. Do sudharshana kriya
    4. Do Not spend more than 30 bucks

    Things I need to work on gradually:
    1. Be consistent in exercising
    2. Work on saving money
    3. Drink enough water

    After looking at my spending this weekend I should put a daily goal of what to spend as well. Good idea
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    My weight is up .. no surprise to me. It has been a very emotional few days. I did get the phone # for my niece... and have been trying to call her all weekend, but she does not answer. She just keeps posting these things on facebook about how depressed she is with losing her husband.. how she has nothing to be thankful for.. no reason to live, etc. . So I know she is also having a very hard time. Holidays can be very hard for so many people. I think our expectations are unrealistic in many ways ... and we cannot go back ever to how things used to be. My siblings who are gone would not want me to be sad ... this is what I have been trying to tell my niece. Why is it that I can't even listen to my own advice.

    Last nite I watched a Half Size me you tube about how to get started dieting ... and how to be successful. She suggests instead of a "daily" calorie , have a "weekly" calorie goal. So this is what I am going to try and do. I am still going to shoot for my 1200-1300 goal, but she made a lot of sense to keep track of the weekly caloric goals. That way, if I give in, and eat something over my calories, or we go out to eat, it will be easier to plan -- just keep the weekly caloric goal.

    SO my goals for today.
    1. log all my food
    2. go to walmart -- buy a food scale! I have not been measuring my food ... I know this is also a part of being successful.
    3. mindful eating. Stop and drink water, especially in the evenings when I want to give into emotional eating
    4. check YMCA for classes in the evenings.
    5. read response cards during the day
    6. work on tote bags
    7. clean up sewing room
    8. help hubby with work
    9. write in journal. I also started a new journal, to keep track of my weekly caloric goals, and to write my feelings, thoughts, etc.
    10. try and call niece again
    11. sit down while I eat!!
    12. get back on here ... be accountable. Do not give up. Remember that nothing taste as good as being healthyfeels. feels.

    I think that is the hardest lesson we as humans have to learn. Last Saturday marked the 6th year anniversary that I went home to be with my Dad who had cancer. He ended up in palliative care the day after I arrived and passed on December 9th. We hadn't "gotten over" the grief of his loss and it was the First Christmas and his birthday was January 4th, so all of big "firsts" were in the first month. I am finding myself struggling with being happy and positive and I bet you that it is just all of these dates coming around again. It's so difficult to deal with at times and until someone has been in that place and lost someone so important to them they don't understand. I hope your niece opens up to you, not that you need the added stress or emotional drain but at least she is opening up to someone. Biggest hugs to you.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,785 Member
    I have not posted goals since Friday? I think? This is the longest I have gone without doing so since I was so warmly welcomed to this group in March. I need to come up with a plan for finding a way to keep this up even on days that I am not near a computer in the morning. I do have a phone capable of it, I just find it so hard to type out on it.

    Today is my 299 day streak on MFP for this go 'round and it says 25lb loss in the header. It rounds up so the actual is 24.5, but I like the looks of that 25! I was shocked to see a loss this morning. I ate such crap last night!
    I also had a crap lunch today. I buy caeser salad and chicken drumsticks a lot for my lunch at work and with the lettuce recall I couldn't have that so I chose a form of fries instead... why do I do that on days I show a loss?

    I did not want to come to work today, I did because I needed to complete payroll for the staff otherwise I may very well have called in sick. I had a miserable day on Thursday the VP again hung up on me. My grandson is more mature than he is. His response to me telling him that one of our long term employees having to have emergency open heart surgery was "we aren't paying him his notice out" , then when I couldn't find staff to provide coverage he said "fire them all". I pointed out that we have had no work for them for months so of course they have taken other jobs, how did he expect them to survive? I have this week and next and will be so happy to leave here. The contract that we are losing ends on November 30th at 2359. He had me cancel mobile for all shifts but nights yesterday. Guess who had to go do an alarm response yesterday morning before going to her craft show.... So unprofessional!

    A lady that used to work with me stopped at my craft show yesterday and told me about a job in her company. I submitted my resume today. I am hopeful.

    I forgot to post my weigh in last Wednesday so will do it now. I'll start with my goals again tomorrow morning since its so late in the day today already.

    My Weekly Weigh In - averaged over 7 days for @mytime6630 's challenge:


    I'm not sure where @toaljasa has been, but on September 19th she challenged us to lose 8lbs by American Thanksgiving. I have been tracking that as well without averages, just the number on the scale and I lost 6 pounds as of last Thursday. If it had been by today's weigh in I would have made the 8. I'm pretty proud of myself for that because it sure doesn't feel like I've been making much progress.

    I've missed you all this weekend, I have a bit quieter weekend next weekend, at least it's not an hours drive to get there and back so I am hoping that I don't make this a habit on the weekend. 5 more show days to go!