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What commonly given MFP Forum advice do you personally disagree with?



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,419 Member
    People trash talking cardio. I'm a runner and I enjoy running and I don't appreciate it when people talk about running as if it's going to kill you. Now I understand that some people don't like running and that's fine -- you have to find a workout program that works for you -- but the belittlement of people who like to run, or people who like cardio in general, sometimes makes me feel like running isn't a good workout and I should go to the gym to lift. Of course I never do that because I don't like going to the gym. I'd rather run outside and do calisthenics than go to the gym and lift weights. That's what works for me.

    I also dislike the whole, "if you run you're going to eat up all your muscles" idea. Or the general cardio is going to cause your muscles to waste away and you're going to be left with all this flab and turn into a stringy, fat laden, skinny noodle person.

    Where have you seen people who enjoy running being belittled here? I'm just curious because I don't think I've ever seen that.

    I've seen it here, but not often. It's shown up occasionally, like in threads where people are talking about doing/liking whatever cardio (not always running) but wanting to add/preserve muscle and asking for help with that. Somebody comes in and says OP has to give up the long-form cardio (maybe do HIIT instead, of all things) because cardio just burns up muscle. Then others say that's stupid bro-vice, and the OP gets pointed to the "which lifting program" thread, and is told they'll be fine as long as they fuel their total exercise load.

    So, yeah: Have seen it, but it pretty much gets poo-poo-ed and dismissed quickly.

    There was one thread, though, where there was a more extended kind of a battle of JPGs, showing ultra-thin distance runners who had, to put it gently, a seeming lack of interest in upper body development. I'd link it, but I can't remember what it was.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    People trash talking cardio. I'm a runner and I enjoy running and I don't appreciate it when people talk about running as if it's going to kill you. Now I understand that some people don't like running and that's fine -- you have to find a workout program that works for you -- but the belittlement of people who like to run, or people who like cardio in general, sometimes makes me feel like running isn't a good workout and I should go to the gym to lift. Of course I never do that because I don't like going to the gym. I'd rather run outside and do calisthenics than go to the gym and lift weights. That's what works for me.

    I also dislike the whole, "if you run you're going to eat up all your muscles" idea. Or the general cardio is going to cause your muscles to waste away and you're going to be left with all this flab and turn into a stringy, fat laden, skinny noodle person.

    Where have you seen people who enjoy running being belittled here? I'm just curious because I don't think I've ever seen that.

    @quiksylver296 does it to me all the time.....



    WTF is that?

    That is Major Bedhead from Big Comfy Couch. My daughter used to love that show.
  • Copper_Boom
    Copper_Boom Posts: 85 Member
    You can eat your calories burned from working out. I don't like this advice.

    You may like the reddit loseit forum then.... They are hardcore into saying most folks should not eat back their calories burned from working out (one of the reasons I stopped lurking there for the most part).