
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Machka- That is an impressive number of steps/miles! The views are fantastic!

    Thanks!! :)

    I try to do at least one walk/run each week that's up around 10 km ... feels good!

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    Rebecca Darn your middle sister. To avoid dealing with her, you had to miss out on seeing other family members & celebrating your aunt's birthday! Your sister wields a lot of power...t2651.gif

    Pip Do you know Bronners? You probably do. They have a 27 acre brick & mortar Christmas ornament store in Michigan & a booming mail order business:
    Lisa Nice painting!

    BCKAREN Congrats! Twins! Wow! Looking forward to pictures.

    Yvonne I find it interesting to hear what other people are thinking about future living situations. I am nearly certain our next move will be to a CCRC. My partner is totally sold on it, and I am open to the idea. She would move today if the opportunity presented itself. It would certainly simplify our lives.

    Machka What beauty you are surrounded by!


    Yesterday was a lo-o-o-ong day.

    I woke up allergic & stuffy & logy from the white wine the night before.

    My partner was still asleep at 7 a.m. when it was time to take the lawn tractor to be serviced, so I went by myself, which would ordinarily not be a big deal. The morning interstate traffic was fast & unforgiving for an old woman hauling a lawn tractor. I stayed in the right lane, drove not too fast & not too slow, gave ample signal time for exits, and made it safely there. The most worrisome moment was just as I arrived at the business. There was a big logging truck on my tail. They can't stop on a dime. I slowed & signalled well ahead of time, but pulling into the tractor place is a somewhat tricky maneuver involving exiting directly off the thoroughfare (no exit lane). The business is just on the other side of an overpass & can't be seen until you are upon it, so you have to time it correctly based on memory, or you miss it altogether. With that big truck bearing down on me, my heart skipped a beat, but I executed it perfectly, so it was fine. I was glad to get the lawn tractor off the trailer & head home. Pulling an empty trailer is much easier!

    Then my grandson & I had online school. He wanted to have a snow day because we had a few snowflakes coming down, LOL!!! His mom was no help, either, as she had fixed them both mulled cider & snuggled with him on the couch instead of starting him on his work. She wanted a snow day, too, so by the time mean old Grammy arrived to burst their bubble, they were firmly in denial about school (she's a teacher, so they both have school every day). Needless to say, I was persona non grata, but my grandson heaved a big sigh & buckled down to get his work done after he could see I was impervious to his pleas for a snow day.

    Then I went to work from 3-10. Luckily, we were not terribly busy, & we got out on time, so it was a bit of a reprieve from the rest of the day.

    I'm glad it's a new day.


    The eulogy President George W. Bush gave for his father was so poignant, so funny, so moving, so authentic. I am glad for the Bush family to be in College Station (where Cheri lives). :'(


    Love to Everyone. Karen in Virginia

    Never heard of it, I will show kirby, thx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Good morning all! Happy Thursday! The interview with the new family last night went well. They will be sharing one of my full time spots during the day shift. It will give me only a bit more financially each week, but next fall, when I have a full time opening, this little girl will slide into that and come here full time. By that time she will be almost one year old. Trentin was here while I spoke with them and he was PERFECT! He came in and said hello and then went back into the living room to play. Whew!
    Karen BC- Congrats on the twins! Glad everything went well for your daughter. <3
    Karen VA- Bronners! I have been there a few times! It is in a wonderful little town (Frankenmuth) and is a great little place to stop. My family sets up a "field trip" there every couple of years. You sure get a lot done in a day! Errands, tutoring, work... B)
    Pip-Curious, do you still buy/collect ornaments? Or are these all from years past and your tree is full?
    Heather- Enjoy your time visiting your friend! I am positive she enjoys your visits. You seem to be the perfect guest/visitor by NOT making extra work for her and by knowing how long to stay. I think those are important things to remember.
    Lisa- Great job on the painting! That is something that I have never tried and would like to.
    Jultime61- Welcome! Let us know what you would like us to call you, come back often and remember to book mark the page! Great group of women, here!
    Machka- That is an impressive number of steps/miles! The views are fantastic!
    Yvonne- So nice to see you back! lol I have missed your daily posting regarding which daily holiday we are celebratiing! DH and I have talked about moving south in a few years. We both really enjoyed our travels through Arkansas. Mid Arkansas would put us half way between Michigan and DFW area of Texas (where daughter/grandson lives).

    Well, first kiddo has arrived so I better scoot and get breakfast going for him! Love and hugs to all who need them! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    We may buy one once a year, we replaced our other fake tree with a newer smaller one that has white lights on it, we may add more, like this year, also put red ones and white blinking ones. Cuz it’s smaller, kinda full lolol
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Karen in BC: Congratulations on your twin grandbabies! :heart:

    Heather: I hope your visit to your friend is a pleasant one. The train adventure sounds like fun. :star:

    Karen: I know of Bronner’s and get their catalog. I’ve ordered from them in the past. :smiley:

    Machka: Your area is beautiful! :star:

    Lisa: “And my weight is inching downward, proving that stress burns SOME calories, anyway.” Stress typically leads to over eating in my life. I’m glad to hear that it has some positive ourtcomes in yours. :wink:

    Okie: Glamorous! It looks like you all had fun. :smiley:

    Yoga today—and so far I’m waffling. I hope I kick myself into gear. Yoga defilitely helps my strength and overall health. DH just got up and I’m going to spend a few minutes with him before I go up and take a shower.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,597 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    ydailey wrote: »

    So so wonderful to hear from you, you've been on my mind. Unfortunately I don't have a magic solution to getting motivated and how to get your head in the game. If you recall, I had weight loss surgery and of course lost weight quickly. But the old saying "they do surgery on your stomach, not your head" rings true. The bariatric group suggests counseling but that is expensive and not an option for many of us. I have found by not looking at a large span of time at once can help. I tell myself for breakfast I will eat well, I can pass on that snack until dinner, etc. One meal, one bite at a time. If you mess up don't let it be for the entire day or week. DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP and that's a hard one for me. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I fail miserably, but I keep plodding along. Biggest Big hug, We're here for you!!

    Janetr OKC

    Janetr - you posted this a couple days ago and it's been on my mind ever since. I really needed to hear this right now....if I mess up, don't let it be for an entire day or week. Thank you, thank you! <3

    Yesterday was my monthly Area Agency on Aging meeting. Love the side conversations during breaks and before the meeting starts. Yesterday, several members discussed losing their sense of smell. One said he had a terrible flu about ten years ago, settled in his head/sinuses and his sense of smell never returned. Another spoke of his wife who has a little tumor on her pituitary gland and is losing her sense of smell. Very timely as I was just having this discussion with my DH yesterday morning. He doesn't notice smells at all while I am super sensitive, especially to chemical type smells and B.O., lol. He, on the other hand, seems to have ultrasonic hearing and mine is not good.

    Lisa - that is a great painting! I find my greatest treasures are what others made just for me. I'm sure your daughter will love it. Wishing you the very best in your final wind-up of the old job and starting up the new one. What a year!

    Okie - would you please quit posting photos of your teenage daughter and trying to pass them off as you? LOL! Love that dress. <3 Your girlfriends look awesome as well. What fun!! Glad you are feeling better.

    - love hearing about your days with the grandkids, or fixing up the house, or walking with your DH or checking out the shops.... I can tell your heart is at home there.

    - have fun at yoga! Were you doing yoga before you retired?

    Had a dentist appointment (cleaning) yesterday, all OK. I LOVE my hygienist, I told her I wish she was my foot doctor so I could talk more, lol. We share so many things in common and I always look forward to spending an hour with her every six months. She commutes quite a ways to her job - if she lived in town I'd grab her for lunch on one of her days off.

    And will start PT on my shoulder in a couple weeks. In the meantime, still icing, anti-inflammatories, some home PT and stretches. This is taking a lot longer than I wanted, lol. Doc said she can give me a cortisone shot but prefers that I try what the PT suggests first.

    OH, I filled up the gas tank yesterday, $3.29 per gallon. WA State has only sales tax and property tax, no income tax, so they load the taxes for road repair and other things onto vehicle fuel price.

    OK ladies, I need to get moving. Happy Thursday!!

    Sunny and cold (24 f) SW WA State
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    ydailey wrote: »
    Today is International Ninja Day!

    And I almost missed it because I started to post and then got busy. If ninja's aren't your thing, today is also Bathtub Party Day and National Sacher Torte Day.

    -Yvonne in TX

    Hooray!! I have missed the "Day" announcements. They are so fun. Thanks.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,090 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Tuesday night took myself to the Christmas Chorale. Held in the Crescent City Middle School auditorium and boy the seats looked and felt just like my high school's 50+ years ago. Squeaky and HARD. Had to keep coats and jackets on as they couldn't get the heaters working. When they did kick in, around intermission, they brought with them an unpleasant (tomcat pee) smell. I'd rather have had the pine, Okie ;)

    Barbie Happy Dance for good dental report. Big relief! Heartwarming story about the receptionist's kindess. Thanks!
    Tracey love the ornaments and most especially love the teamwork!
    Rebecca, you were so wise to absent yourself from a situation where you wouldn't be comfortable pretending everything was good between you and your middle sister. Boundaries. Ditto what Karen said tho' about your middle sister robbing you of the company of the rest of your family.
    Michele, while skimming I misread your tarts to be "Carb tarts"... guess that's cuz I'd like 'em better... ;)
    SuebDew "My the pictures are big!" The better to see all the details, my dear ;)
    Kate It really stinks that despite having UK sources, petrol is so expensive there... could it be to keep on par with the cost in EU?
    Karen in VA I envy you your tractor/snowplowing abilities! Heavy equipment scares me. Googled CCRC and WOW six figure entry fee PLUS $2500-$5400/month? Big GULP. Wish I'd won that lottery...
    Machka BRAVA! Your husband is truly blessed in having you as protector as well as advocate, carer, mate and sweetheart. Imagine pushing for squats with weights on someone with a numb leg and injured disc. :noway: Gorgeous beach pics, impressive walk for your husband. You are doing so very very well!
    pip... DANG, you all are a good lookin' couple! What's to work on? Seem to remember the fish skeleton from last year, what's its story?
    Okie might all that pine scentedness be to cover mold/mildew smell? Hope no lingering effects.
    Katla "almost happy I'm an only child..." me too, especailly after seeing Mama and Aunt Lil go at it everytime we visited Kansas City from California. SMH.
    Lisa so cheerful the flowers in the yellow boots... but somehow I'm seeing a little girl in the yellow boots stomping through puddles in the Spring rain... Big Whew sigh of relief for the exit interview.
    Michele, I'm so with you about tree style. Mama loved all one or two colors... I love the everything-but-the-kitchen-sink style. More treasured memories than pretty. ;) "wine and paint place" with me that would be a dangerous combination!
    Yvonne ((hugs)) hoping you find yoga pleasurable and the classmates welcoming. My T'ai Chi buddies keep me social.
    Karen in BC Con VERY gratulations! Twin pics soon please?
    Welcome DelSydney, jultime61. What is a massage ball?

    Oops, on second thought, below rant may violate our agreement to avoid discussions of religion, so edited to put in spoiler.
    Last night was the ecumenical Advent service. Had to email the local Episcopal priest to find out at which church (Presby, Luth or his) was hosting. When I mentioned to the coordinating pastor that I couldn't find location in the newspaper, he said he's only publicized in the participating churches. How can churches hope to reach the community if they don't advertise? SMH! Hoping he got the clue and will put something in the paper next week. Sheesh! Come Lent, Roman Catholics and Nazarenes join hosting Wednesday services (and soup suppers). Maybe if advertised other non-liturgical Christians would come. Will chat up the idea of an interfaith (including non-Christian faiths) Wednesday-before-Thanksgiving service for next year and see if any interest can be stirred. Have seen notices for synagogue and Bahai, perhaps some Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus or Agnostics would come? Guess I'm just a born busybody (sigh).
    Time to get moving. Want to bring the herb pots up to the porch and maybe put the plastic mini-greenhouse together.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    walk one more step 5/5, 60 g protein 4/5, rx/vits 4/5, meditate 5/5, knee exercises 5/5, SWSY UP 0/8, SWSY LOW 0/8, core 0/8, play with Tumble 4/5, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 4/5.

    Lmao! Don’t really need to b on mfp anymore, just am. That ornament is on the tree again. That was one of Kirby’s when we got together. I guess he just liked off beat ornaments
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,007 Member
    I'm home...its been a long day...the contractor came and for 100.00 told me virtually there is no way it could be done or it would cost thousands and thosands..so went to Lowes and cancelled everything...oh well...was not meant to be...will schlep it down to the laundry room..
    I also went up to my dads and walked around and took pictures and said goodbye to the house..
    I'm taking Alfie to the Vet for shots at 4 PM, then coming home and getting jammies on and hitting the hay...tomorrow will be a very emotional day.
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Today is Mitten Tree Day!

    "Mitten Tree Day most likely came to be as a result of Candace Christiansen's children's book, Mitten Tree. It is a book about an elderly lady who watches children gathering at a bus stop each morning. She notices a boy that doesn't have mittens and decides she will knit some and put them in a nearby evergreen tree for him to find. She begins knitting mittens each night, and the children begin looking for new mittens each morning. Some organizations, museums, and schools celebrate the day by reading the story, and by then having children cut out mittens from construction paper to decorate a cardboard tree with. Instead of using a fake tree and mittens, real mittens could be donated by children, and they could be hung on a real tree on the day, and then given to someone in need."

    Karen - Congratulations on the new grandbabies!

    jultime61 - That's interesting about the headaches! I can't chew gum... TMJ issues cause my jaw to pop with every chew so gum just makes my jaw really sore.

    Allie - It must have been bittersweet saying goodbye to your dad's home. I felt that way just saying goodbye to Dad's retirement apartment. He wasn't even there that long, but it was one of those things that kind of put a period on that loss.

    Tracey - To be honest, I don't really think I could handle living in the RV full-time. I like to have a nest, and at least a little more space than that (our travel trailer is not large!). I'd probably enjoy exploring the RV after retirement as long as I had a place to come home to. We are definitely coming up with firmer criteria for our retirement home than we had moving here... it has to have good, fast internet available and I'd prefer to land somewhere with an aquatics center. Bryan/College Station meets both of those criteria.

    auntibk - Oooh, now I really love tai chi! Wish someone here did tai chi classes. I am all excited at the moment because someone is thinking of starting up a bellydance class. I did that for quite awhile on and off, and would love to do it again even though I am hopelessly uncoordinated.

    Felicia - Here's a bonus day, just for you: Happy Gazpacho Day!

    I'm playing catch-up today because a conference call in the morning ended up re-writing my whole work day. But I was determined to take a few minutes to write something here while I eat at my desk.

    This is a bit of a hard time for me these days but I'm getting through it. My late best friend's birthday was the 2nd, Mom's was the 17th and she was the Christmas Queen, and Dad passed away last year on the 27th. So I keep having these little pangs where I feel those losses all over again. I think I might pull some decorations down from the attic this weekend, at least for inside the house. We don't have to go overboard, but that'll make things a little more festive. We were preparing to have Christmas dinner with Philip's parents last year when we had to leave suddenly to be at Dad's bedside, so this year we're making it up to them by hosting them at our house.

    Wishing you all a happy day!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Heather ~ My heart goes out to you and your friend!

    Allie ~ So sorry getting the laundry equip won't work! I hope the laundry is in your building and you don't have to go far.

    When my friends and I went to Dahlonega yesterday, we stopped so the one with really bad COPD could get coffee at a Chick Fil'a. It was in the 30's and when she tried to get to the door to enter, a lady in the carry out lane blocked her path. As a result, when she got inside she was so upset she had to sit down to get her breath. She told us how mad/bad the rudeness made her feel. A young man at the next table overheard and offered to go get her some coffee. He was a complete stranger and it really warmed our hearts that he would be so kind.

    Carol in GA
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Karen in BC ~ Love the baby pics! Know your daughter will appreciate your help so much! :)
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Lanette - as always, you are way too kind. Thank you. You are good for my self esteem.

    Barbara - No. Its a new house. She just loves pine. It’s only at Christmas that she uses it.
