

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy National Cookie Exchange Day!

    "Christmas cookies date back to Europe in the Middle Ages, when biscuits with ingredients like cinnamon, ginger, and dried fruit were made. By the seventeenth century, different types of Christmas biscuits were popular in different European countries. The Dutch brought Christmas cookies to the United States in the seventeenth century. Many cookie cutters were being imported from Germany by the end of the nineteenth century, which led to the proliferation of cookie recipes in cookbooks. Christmas cookies made with cookie cutters often depict candy canes, angels, stars, Santa, and Christmas trees."

    Karen - Your Christmas holiday sounds so lovely. I hope you and your friend enjoy your seaside vacation.

    Lisa - You and Corey look very happy. I'm glad you had a good time at the party.

    Margaret - Giving away your cookies sounds like a great way to enjoy the baking without the consequences. As you said, Christmas goodies have a way of stretching into the new year!

    Cat - Good work losing 40 pounds, and good luck knockout out the pesky 7 pounds that sneaked back!

    Felicia - Is there an experience you could buy for your husband? A gift certificate for a massage, or tickets to an event, a class you might enjoy taking together, etc.? That's what I ended up doing for Philip since we're trying to reduce the stuff load. He's getting a gift certificate at an isolation float spa. (He tried it a couple of months ago and enjoyed the experience. I'm claustrophobic so that's one experience he can enjoy by himself, thank you very much!) As a massage therapist he spends so much time taking care of other people, it'll be nice for him to have some self-care time.

    Barbara - Growing up, when I wasn't at the library in summer I could usually be found at the swimming pool. Our house had one big window unit but we didn't use it much.

    MrsCot45 - Welcome! My husband is a skinny guy so I can sympathize... he has absolutely no idea why I have such a hard time losing weight or why it's so easy to backslide. It seems like an awful lot of doctors just can't look past a person's weight. Of course it plays a role in our health, but for pete's sake, it's not the ONLY thing!

    Yesterday we... well, mostly I... got the living room ready for Christmas day. Philip did help me with the massage chair. We had an old massage chair (the kind with the rollers under the back) that we didn't use anymore and that didn't fit well in our current space. I was going to give it to a friend, but when we got ready to load it into the truck I discovered that it had quit working. We turned it upside down and Philip poked and prodded for quite awhile before deciding that it is probably fixable but not something he wanted to take on. So he helped me haul it out to the curb and I apologized to my friend for offering before I checked out the chair. I guess we just let it sit too long.

    Today it's gorgeous out. Philip and I are planning to go to the park for a long walk, but right now I'm sitting here with my right hip just throbbing in pain. Hopefully it'll get better once I move around some more, so I'll get on my feet and take some ibuprofen once I post this.

    I don't know about you ladies but even though I love Christmas music I've always hated "Santa Baby." For a version you might be able to get behind, try Googling "Miley Cyrus Santa Baby" (from her performance on the Jimmy Fallon show).

    -Yvonne in TX
  • cariwaldick
    cariwaldick Posts: 189 Member
    Welcome MrsCot! You've found a diverse group of women who can/will talk about anything--not just weight. The conversation moves fast, so visit often and jump in and comment at will. Some have been hear for years. Some have met their weight loss and fitness goals. Some are still struggling--but not giving up.

    Sorry you're getting grief from your doctor. I had one who only cared about my blood pressure, no matter why I was there. If your house is burning, fight the fire before you start worrying about the decorating! Still, you're doctor is right. I know it's annoying to hear it--from everyone--but weight has a lot to do with your health. I've lost 66 lbs since August, and my health problems are disappearing like magic. I've gone from type 2 diabetic to borderline, my BP is down, my cholesterol is down, and my arthritis isn't giving me as much pain. I haven't had a headache in months, I'm sleeping better, I don't sweat as much (like I used to be drenched when I'd do the least bit of exertion,) and I've got more energy.

    The good part about losing weight is it's all in your hands. You CAN do it--even after 50, menopause, and years of bad habits. It will change your life.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Cari in TX: I envy your big family that is close by. My kids are far away and DH & I are on our own for Christmas again this year. His health issues make air travel a nightmare for him. We’ll see them in spring or summer, when travel in our RV is possible. I’d better improve my attitude—pity parties are not fun. :noway:

    Heather: Your cake is delightful! :star:

    Lanette: I love “Champion of my Own Race.” Thanks for sharing. I am copying this for my own use when I need to get out of a pity party.

    Lisa: Congrats to Corey and to you! :bigsmile:

    Margaret: Your comments about cookie exchanges reminded me of times long ago. Mom would take cookies to family and friends, and they’d bring cookies to us. I don’t miss the cookies a bit, but I miss the people who’ve passed away. I always liked mom’s cookies best. :star:

    Heather: I love the photo of your DH with Max. :flowerforyou:

    (((Beth))): I am sorry your brother is so clueless. :grumble: You deserve better. :heart: Carol in GA has given you excellent advice.

    Felicia: Your post made me think about DH. I’ve got no gift for him. Hopefully, he has none for me. I need to chat with him about it asap. :ohwell: Our coffee pot is failing. Perhaps a new one can be our gift to one another.

    Barbara: [i}“Goals: What Machka said about the unexpectedness of life really resonated. We need to set goals in order to move forward, but need to cultivate flexibility to deal with life. Where I get into trouble is when I try to CONTROL things so I can meet my "goals" or intentions.”[/i] This is good advice for me, too.

    Margaret: My mom participated in cookie exchanges. I always liked hers best. DH is diabetic and has numerous other food challenges so cookies are off of our island—and also off of our b*tts. :wink:

    I have an item mon my Christmas wish list. We need to replace our coffee pot. the automatic brew timer has quite working. I hope we can find one just like it! (except in new working order)

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    MrsCot45 wrote: »
    Good morning! I hope you don't mind my butting into this group. I am hoping that being able to reach out to other ladies in the 50+ age group will help keep me inspired and motivated. I have been wrestling with my weight my entire adult life. I wish losing weight was as easy as my doctor and husband this it is...
    Last week, I went to the doctor for a painful UTI and before he even discussed my UTI symptoms, he began lecturing me about my weight. Frustrating, depressing and frankly, infuriating!!

    :) I hope you will become an active participant on this thread. Here you will get suggestions and encouragement but no one will ever shame you or criticize you. I hope you can let go of your negative feelings from what the doctor said, and create a plan for yourself that you can live with. It helped me to plan my meals ahead of time and stick to the plan.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,814 Member
    I struggle keeping up without a computer to use, but wanted to comment about the song Santa Baby. I agree I’m not a fan of that song myself. Very seductive images can be conjured from it.

    I am finished all of my craft fairs as of yesterday. Today I have a couple of projects to get completed and groceries to be bought. I haven’t even bought my turkey yet. Tomorrow hubby is going out shopping with our youngest so I will wrap while he is gone. We are then going to a friends house for a small gathering.
    I feel like I will do a little baking tonight or tomorrow as well.

    Tracey enjoying a nice December in Efmonton

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,821 Member
    Wow it has been crazy here this morning ..double booked all the way until after 1 ..that's because we will be closed for 3 days lord I don't want to see Weds lol..
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,821 Member
    Heather- how adorable I'm sure you all are having a blast...🤩
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited December 2018
    Both photos.
    Eyeballing Father Christmas's elf. :D:D:D
    Ecstatic over her First Aid Kit. <3
    And her adorable Christmas sweater with stars on it.

    Karen in Virginia
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited December 2018
    Heather, it looks wonderful, old world fun... Edie doesn't look too sure about the lady in green behind Santa, though... :) Glad she liked her First Aid kit!

    I've been thinking about "respect" a lot as my word for 2019. My word for 2018 was "balance," and I think I came a lot closer by end of year than I was at the beginning! "Respect" has so many applications, but the first and foremost is respecting my body, not running it down, or letting my health suffer. Learning to respect its needs, helping myself understand that a healthy body is a healthy life, and that means that "needs" and "wants" are two very different things. Respect for others, too, and learning not to participate in the down-talking that happens with every group of people.

    It's the one at top of mind, for now. Still thinking about that.

    Laundry to do!

    Love y'all,
    Welcome to those who are new, we're a chatty bunch, but welcome everyone who chooses to stay.
    Lisa in Arkansas

    Oh, and on that note, here's an interesting post on self-care:
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Lisa, thank you for the article on self care. It definitely resonated with me.

    MrsCot, welcome! I might have to tell that doctor what I thought. “Doc, I know my weight is not ideal, but I would appreciate you focusing on the reason I am here today. Let’s get my UTI under control and then I might be in a better frame of mind to discuss my weight.” I’ve been practicing speaking my mind to doctors this week, and I feel much better because of it.

    Jenni, welcome. I like your word discipline. I feel so much better when I apply discipline to all areas of my life. I find that letting one slide just opens the door for others. Right now my house, sleep, and adherence to food boundaries all need work.
    I’m giving myself some grace since my mother has been sick, it’s Christmas, and the new year always brings new hope, I’m still leaning toward focus for my word.
  • KarenUK56
    KarenUK56 Posts: 143 Member
    Hi ladies: this is a Birthday gift that my daughter Lucy made for me. It shows a picture of my favourite place in the world during winter storms. It's where I'm going on Thursday.
    All the best
    Karen UK
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Heather, how very wonderful your pictures are. These memories will be precious to you for the rest of your lifetime and to the grands for long after you are gone. I think when we do these things with our grands, and they have such a wonderful time, it encourages them to make memories with their own families in the future.

    The cake is amazing. I'm always trying to imagine what that beautiful cake tastes like :) Thank you so very much for sharing your beautiful family with us <3

    Janetr OKC
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Karen UK ~ Happy Birthday! What a pretty jug!