

  • PressingPatience
    PressingPatience Posts: 49 Member
    edited December 2018
    Ah, finances... my first marriage we shared everything and when I left I left with a small inheritance I got from my grandmother (which allowed me to leave basically). It's a long story. My second marriage was a manic mistake and we didn't share anything, including finances. This is my third and final marriage and he's the only breadwinner so there's nothing to share. I am disabled and do not qualify for disability. He says it's "our" money, and so I guess it is, but since I have bipolar and have been known to go on manic spending sprees in the past, I leave the finances in his hands. It's just better that way.

    Willow in WA
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Welcome Jessica! Don't worry. We discuss lots of topics. You aren't interrupting.

    Karen in Virginia
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,592 Member

    Felicia - He doesn’t have any grandchildren of his own. His daughters, too old now to have children, are both visiting over the Christmas period. He regards my grandchildren as the most wonderful bonus of his life. And of course they adore him. <3<3:D:D Max is coming to play on Friday. They are great friends. He lights up when the kids are around. And they have eyes for no one else. :laugh:

    Oh, I can see that in the pictures you've posted and how you describe their relationship. I had two grandfathers and a step-grandfather, and my step-grandfather was much more a grandfather to me than the other two. He was always just "grandpa."

    The move sounds like it was overall a positive step for both of you, but speaking as someone who suffers often from buyers remorse, I kind of understand how your DH may be smarting a little. As he sees the benefits of the move, perhaps the sting of the financial hit will weaken.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,592 Member
    Mary Poppins I can't wait to see it! Anyone else?

    Do you want to go with my husband? He really wants to see it. I am not sure. But of course, I will go.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member

    My close-up of my Advent Calendar! Kept it simple this year. My middle no empathy sister seems to be getting blasted by the horn there! Haahaa!
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Rebecca - it's good to see you!

    On the financial thing, yes it can be horribly stressful, but at least it's not politics or religion, which we do stay away from as a group.

    You are all giving me much food for thought, and blessing my lucky stars that I married a) men who work, and b) men who are happy to let me deal with the finances... but then, the relationships wouldn't have worked for long had it not been that way. I really meant it when I said there was no judgment on my part of whether folks do or don't. I've just always wondered why some people do keep their finances split - and it had been on my mind because my son made it clear that he would be keeping his finances separate from any woman he ever marries again. His divorce should be final two days after Christmas, and after hearing his reasons, I understood his original statement more. Funny the stuff you find out after a relationship is over.

    And it all boils down to past experience on either ours or our partners' part of situations where merged finances did not work well, for whatever reason. Felicia, my sympathies.

    Busy, but thoughtful day.
    Back to it!

    Lisa in AR
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy National Oatmeal Muffin Day!

    "Known for its health benefits, millions of people start each day with an Oatmeal Muffin. ... The American muffin is similar in size and shape to a cupcake. Recipes for Oatmeal Muffins began to appear in American cookbooks in the mid-1800s." Today is a good day to try out a new oatmeal muffin recipe!

    Becca - So sorry your cookies didn't turn out well. Oh, well, at least you gave it a shot!

    Lisa - How exciting! Wishing you luck with your higher education journey.

    Janet - Congratulations on the good news about your eyes. That's huge!

    Karen - Ooh, I know about that tender ego. I've been the primary breadwinner since Philip transitioned out of tech and into massage therapy several years ago. Our income all goes into one basket for bill paying and we each get an allowance out of that. (We both have access to each other's personal accounts for estate reasons.) Sometimes I resent the fact that he gets tip money that doesn't get accounted for. He's always got cash, but I think a lot of the tips go into our cash entertainment fund so I leave it be. Whenever I need cash I just ask him for it. It's not easy on his pride to make so much less than he used to, so I try hard not to poke him about it. He is SO much happier now so it's worth it. The good thing is that he's taking another day a week off his job in Austin starting in January in order to add a day to his schedule here. The more he builds the local practice, the greater his take-home pay - the Austin employer only pays him a fraction of what they charge his clients.

    Pip - I always figured the boob smash must be much worse with smaller breasts. All that pinching and pulling, yeowtch!

    Jessica - Welcome! Yep, just jump right in! I find that I'm more accountable when I post to the group daily instead of logging/tracking alone.

    Feeling better today, finally... I'm not well yet, but I think I will live now. And after today I've only got one more work day before I'm off work until the 31st. I probably won't have much to do that day either, so I should have time for hoppin' john and bayberry candles. It's been a long, long time since I had a week off and I don't know what I'm going to do with all that time!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • mprocyszyn
    mprocyszyn Posts: 56 Member
    JerseyPort wrote: »
    My name is Jessica and I am new to this discussion board (is that what it is called?), so please forgive me for just jumping into this with an introduction and feel free to tutor me on how to use this feature of MFP. If there is a more appropriate place to intro myself (I am well over 50 and could use, and maybe offer, support on fitness goals), let me know. In the meantime, I apologize for interrupting the thread of discussion about finances to intro myself here. I just really want to get started and don’t know how else to do it.
    I am not new to MFP as a tracking tool, but, after two recent messages from two different doctors that losing 25-30 lbs would greatly enhance my well being, and after some frustrating attempts at going it alone, I am doubling down on my efforts and am feeling determined to do whatever it takes. So that’s it. Hello and thank you to anyone who reads this!

    Welcome Jessica..I myself am also new and don't post very often. I am in my late 60's and this time I have weight coming off so I am so happy. Nothing is worse when no matter how hard you try and that scale just does nothing. I am finding that keeping track of everything you put into your mouth is working for me and it's a lot easier on this site with the food data base in both US and Canadian brands. I am eating low carb....trying to stay under 90 carbs per day at 1400 calories per day. I am finding I am able to be under each day and I am not hungry. I started Oct. 28th and so far 11 pounds. I weigh myself once a week and so far it's been one pound a week. Hopefully this will continue as I have a long way to go...wish I could switch amounts having to lose with you. LOL I message more on another discussion board with women over 60 and have learned some tips from those ladies to curb or have good snacks for evenings that have helped. Anyways just welcome and the tracking of food is working at least for me. Mary from Ontario, Canada
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,439 Member
    edited December 2018
    Barbie - thank you for sharing that photo and your explanation about "taking sides". That is what has made this the least controversial and most respectful group I have ever encountered.

    Our household finances are like yours and Jake's. I was the one with the stable jobs (grateful they had retirement plans) and a bit of inheritance. I'm the saver. DH is the spender. We put his small pension in an account which is his "walking around" money - he doesn't have to account to me or explain where/what he spends it on. That's important to him.

    The rest of our $$ goes into the communal pot and I control the finances as best I can with our annual budget in mind. We planned years ago that when we retired, we wouldn't have any debt. So we didn't take trips, kept driving our old cars until the wheels fell off, etc. And despite some hiccups, we recovered. Very grateful. Now putting extra $$ when we have it in the "nursing home" and "home repair" accounts, lol. Hope we never have to use the first one! We don't have long-term health care insurance, our priority was paying off debt.

    DH has always wanted to know his DNA/ethnicity make-up, so I bought 2 of the kits from AncestryDNA.com with the idea of giving him one for Christmas and I can verify that I'm German/French through and through. We don't want our information plastered for the world to see, don't want to be part of their family tree service, etc. At least not now. I was just looking at the website and think it will be OK to send my spit and see what they say. I've read warnings recently that having your DNA tested like this can expose your private information (I don't think so if I go in under my maiden name, for example and don't fill in anything else?)

    Does anyone have experience with this?

    SW WA State with a windstorm coming our way tomorrow

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
    ydailey wrote: »
    Happy National Oatmeal Muffin Day!

    "Known for its health benefits, millions of people start each day with an Oatmeal Muffin. ... The American muffin is similar in size and shape to a cupcake. Recipes for Oatmeal Muffins began to appear in American cookbooks in the mid-1800s." Today is a good day to try out a new oatmeal muffin recipe!

    Becca - So sorry your cookies didn't turn out well. Oh, well, at least you gave it a shot!

    Lisa - How exciting! Wishing you luck with your higher education journey.

    Janet - Congratulations on the good news about your eyes. That's huge!

    Karen - Ooh, I know about that tender ego. I've been the primary breadwinner since Philip transitioned out of tech and into massage therapy several years ago. Our income all goes into one basket for bill paying and we each get an allowance out of that. (We both have access to each other's personal accounts for estate reasons.) Sometimes I resent the fact that he gets tip money that doesn't get accounted for. He's always got cash, but I think a lot of the tips go into our cash entertainment fund so I leave it be. Whenever I need cash I just ask him for it. It's not easy on his pride to make so much less than he used to, so I try hard not to poke him about it. He is SO much happier now so it's worth it. The good thing is that he's taking another day a week off his job in Austin starting in January in order to add a day to his schedule here. The more he builds the local practice, the greater his take-home pay - the Austin employer only pays him a fraction of what they charge his clients.

    Pip - I always figured the boob smash must be much worse with smaller breasts. All that pinching and pulling, yeowtch!

    Jessica - Welcome! Yep, just jump right in! I find that I'm more accountable when I post to the group daily instead of logging/tracking alone.

    Feeling better today, finally... I'm not well yet, but I think I will live now. And after today I've only got one more work day before I'm off work until the 31st. I probably won't have much to do that day either, so I should have time for hoppin' john and bayberry candles. It's been a long, long time since I had a week off and I don't know what I'm going to do with all that time!

    -Yvonne in TX

    Having had bigger boobs and now smaller ones, no diff
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,300 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    ydailey wrote: »
    Happy National Oatmeal Muffin Day!

    "Known for its health benefits, millions of people start each day with an Oatmeal Muffin. ... The American muffin is similar in size and shape to a cupcake. Recipes for Oatmeal Muffins began to appear in American cookbooks in the mid-1800s." Today is a good day to try out a new oatmeal muffin recipe!

    Becca - So sorry your cookies didn't turn out well. Oh, well, at least you gave it a shot!

    Lisa - How exciting! Wishing you luck with your higher education journey.

    Janet - Congratulations on the good news about your eyes. That's huge!

    Karen - Ooh, I know about that tender ego. I've been the primary breadwinner since Philip transitioned out of tech and into massage therapy several years ago. Our income all goes into one basket for bill paying and we each get an allowance out of that. (We both have access to each other's personal accounts for estate reasons.) Sometimes I resent the fact that he gets tip money that doesn't get accounted for. He's always got cash, but I think a lot of the tips go into our cash entertainment fund so I leave it be. Whenever I need cash I just ask him for it. It's not easy on his pride to make so much less than he used to, so I try hard not to poke him about it. He is SO much happier now so it's worth it. The good thing is that he's taking another day a week off his job in Austin starting in January in order to add a day to his schedule here. The more he builds the local practice, the greater his take-home pay - the Austin employer only pays him a fraction of what they charge his clients.

    Pip - I always figured the boob smash must be much worse with smaller breasts. All that pinching and pulling, yeowtch!

    Jessica - Welcome! Yep, just jump right in! I find that I'm more accountable when I post to the group daily instead of logging/tracking alone.

    Feeling better today, finally... I'm not well yet, but I think I will live now. And after today I've only got one more work day before I'm off work until the 31st. I probably won't have much to do that day either, so I should have time for hoppin' john and bayberry candles. It's been a long, long time since I had a week off and I don't know what I'm going to do with all that time!

    -Yvonne in TX

    Having had bigger boobs and now smaller ones, no diff

    I agree Pip. I couldn’t tell any difference from 40DDD to 34C. Well, more skin to have to move out of the way for the poor technician, but that’s about it.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    I'm home ...long day at work...met the new Dr seems very nice.. Hope he truly is...
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,439 Member
    edited December 2018
    Beth - your parents had the perfect fiscal partnership! What a nice thing to be exposed to as a child in my opinion.

    - some of the happiest days in our marriage were when we were just living from paycheck to paycheck. As we both got jobs and started saving money, we had some bitter fights on how or if should be spent. Henceforth, DH now knows I make ends meet and the rest is already committed. Location of/or existence of "Pin" money remains undisclosed. B)o:)

    SW WA State watching the barometric pressure drop!