

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    1948Peachy wrote: »
    Beth ~ I think you should let your brother know that it is too dangerous a time of year to be driving to your Dad's with your disabled son and that the gift HE has chosen is just to expensive. Let your Dad know that you will visit when the weather is better and that y'all will celebrate his birthday again at that time. JMHO!

    Carol in GA

    <3Beth, Carol said exactly what I was thinking. Additionally, I don't think your family would enjoy the event with your brother and his family present but will have a great time when you go with your own family when the time is right for you.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    ((((Beth)))). No advice. My dad will be 90 on Feb 1. There will probably be family drama as well. I feel for you.

    I have everything bought except a toy for one of my great nieces. I have an outfit for her. I wanted a toy. I’ve shopped and shopped and nothing has struck my fancy. The things I like and pick up to buy all say age 3+. She is 2. Sigh! The outfit is really enough. I’m not sure why I’m stressing over it.

    As for the husband who is so hard to buy for....what about consumables? Even if he just bought some, he will use them up and need more. Wine, chocolate, really luxurious nuts, a sack full of his favorite toiletries, etc. I read somewhere that men really like getting stuff like that. I know my daddy loves getting a sack full of his favorite snacks, and my DH smiles as wide as Texas at a case of his favorite beer.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    My husband and I have never really exchanged gifts at Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, or anything.

    Instead ... we both love travelling, so a trip somewhere is usually our gift to each other. And in 2012, when we spent 8 months travelling, that was Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, and all for 2 or 3 years! Then if we spot something on our travels that we like ... we'll get it. A little souvenir or something. :)

    Sometimes on birthdays we'll go to a restaurant that is a little above our usual price range ... somewhere we wouldn't normally go.

    Or we'll do stuff like for a few years now on my birthday, we have done a long bicycle ride and then we've gone to the Speedway ... and if there's a play on at the theatre, we'll go to that too. I celebrate my birthdays over 2 days because of the timezone difference between here and Canada. :grin:

    This year, my husband and I went for a walk the other day, looking in shops, and I spotted a bicycle helmet I liked. It fit nicely and turns out it was on sale for quite a discount! So he got it for me. Then I got him a two-pack DVD set of a movie and sequel he likes. They're both sitting next to the tree right now, with a red bow on them.

    My parents each find something they'd like for Christmas, and then the other buys it for them and wraps it up ... and then they act all surprised when they open it. It's cute!! :)

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,821 Member
    Well went to the movie,its was sorta corny..gonna go to sleep and get up in the am and go to work.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    81824br5uyrfrsr.gif Today was the holiday party at my line dance class. Many people wore festive clothing and many brought treats---sweet and savory. I planned 12 familiar dances to holiday music. Everyone seemed to be having fun and many thanked me for the dances. I brought home some treats for Jake but didn't eat them myself. Jake fixed lunch for me today for the first time since he started his cancer treatment. He said he finally had enough energy to be useful. After lunch we all took a nap---me for 90 minutes, him for three hours.

    <3 Barbie
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Went to the water class today. Plan for tomorrow is to do Mel B’s Workout DVD.

    Karen UK – very happy early birthday. Stop in more often. I’m sorry about your mom. Have fun on your trip!

    It rained quite heavily yesterday. I thought it might be raining this morning but it isn’t. The weather says it’s supposed to stop at about 6, but, as usual, they can’t predict until it’s on the ground. Sometimes it’d be good for them to look out the window. Anyway, if it’s not raining, I’ll go to this grocery store that sells dry ice. I never knew they sold it! Evidently there isn’t a minimum you must buy but there is a minimum of 10lbs you have to get at this one place here in Hickory.

    Lisa – what lovely pictures, and you have such an infectious smile. Love it! Congrats to Cory!

    Welcome Cat!

    Exercised, then went to this supermarket to get some dry ice. Went to WalMart to get some things to make lasagna with (boy, they are getting crowded), then took the package to send to one of Jess’ friends who sends us barbecue every year. I should have made some brownies or something to send to them also. I tried very hard to cut back on the amount of baking I did this year, I think I was pretty successful. We’re supposed to go to an open house at the end of next week, I should probably make something to take with us. We have an extra bottle of wine from Christmas Eve so I think I’ll take that.

    Felicia – can your husband buy something for himself and give it to you to give him? At least then he’d know he liked it.

    A friend of ours from ceramics and her husband came over. Had some snacks, cheese, some crackers, nuts and cookies. Now the end of the holiday stuff. OH, we have one open house to go to. I was going to make something to take with me, but we have some cookies in the freezer so instead of making something, I’ll just take those along with a bottle of wine that we had left over from Christmas. That’s enough.

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I’ve had a good time crochetting hats for my son, daughter in law, grandson & DH. it started with a hat for dh & went on from there. I’ll be mailing hats to DDIL & Grandson. Son & DH already have theirs. Unfortunately I didn’t have enough of the great stuff I used for the guys. I found matching colors but not as thick as the yarn for the guys. I hope they are enjoyed even if they aren’t quite as cozy.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited December 2018
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    ((((Beth)))). No advice. My dad will be 90 on Feb 1. There will probably be family drama as well. I feel for you.

    I have everything bought except a toy for one of my great nieces. I have an outfit for her. I wanted a toy. I’ve shopped and shopped and nothing has struck my fancy. The things I like and pick up to buy all say age 3+. She is 2. Sigh! The outfit is really enough. I’m not sure why I’m stressing over it.

    As for the husband who is so hard to buy for....what about consumables? Even if he just bought some, he will use them up and need more. Wine, chocolate, really luxurious nuts, a sack full of his favorite toiletries, etc. I read somewhere that men really like getting stuff like that. I know my daddy loves getting a sack full of his favorite snacks, and my DH smiles as wide as Texas at a case of his favorite beer.

    Kay Maybe a wonderful book? There are so many fabulous books for little people. I know Kelly could recommend something in the toy department.

    I like these toys:


    Beth I agree with the others. It sounds as if your brother, whether deliberately or not, has created an unhealthy family dynamic around your father's birthday and gift. Add to that the stress of driving in January with your disabled son...no fun for you and your family. I would bow out, but go ahead & make plans with your dad for later in the spring. That way you aren't just left out, but have made your own plans with your dad. I know you didn't ask for my advice, but what you have described made ME feel stressed, and I'm not involved!

    Karen in Virginia
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member

    On the first day of my holiday, I slept for 10.5 hours!! And then I went for a run, a cool-down walk, lifted weights, did a series of stretches, and went for a bicycle ride with my husband. :)

    Run -- a bit slow, but that's OK. There was some climbing involved and it's been a little while since I've run more than 5 km.
    Distance: 7.61 km
    Elevation: 126 m
    Moving Time: 1:01:28
    Elapsed Time: 1:02:07
    Pace: 8:04/km

    Ride -- a nice ride around a little local town with my husband.
    Distance: 16.45 km
    Elevation: 139 m
    Moving Time: 1:08:00
    Elapsed Time: 1:10:36
    Speed: Avg: 14.5 km/h | Max: 31.7 km/h

    After our grocery delivery arrives, I'll probably tidy up the house a bit.

    Machka in Oz
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    edited December 2018
    Missing Wendy, Mary in AZ, KJ, Lenora, Terry, Rye ;{

    Whew finally caught up (a few pages a day) since last week's trip.

    Yvonne "as a child who practically lived in the library"... that was me. We had no A/C at home so spent summers in the library all but the lunch hour when they had to kick me out.
    Katla "...if karma rules are applied, may he come back as a cat" and that as a cat he poisoned, with full awareness of what he's done, to give him a chance to repent and learn.
    Felicia belated best birthday wishes!
    Kay "not be that symmetrical" that's great news!
    Rita holding good thoughts for your new plan. Dread the day my MD confronts me (or Joe) with our sugar addiction.
    Michele what a wonderful surprise to have Jess home early for Christmas! Some Wal~Marts carry dry ice.
    Sharon, you GO girl!
    Cari "live life and not eat it" hmm... now there's a great idea!
    Lisa WOW and hubba hubba! "RBF" Never new there was a name for it, describes my workface perfectly! Happy for you and Corey, your happy smiles say it all.
    Lanette so glad your local appliance store had the speed queens. Just curious, knobs or touchscreens? Great news no shoulder surgery required. Whew!
    allie maybe "Better" is next year's word?
    JanetR "won't need any surgery ..." Halelujah! ditto what others have said about your smiling pics.
    Rebecca :love: your advent calendar!
    Barbie ditto Lanette's thanks for your "taking sides" explanation. Thought of your tears of joy (and almost emulated them) at line dancing Thursday night.
    Michele when Vince went on Medicare your insurance was "accidentally" dropped? Glad you're getting it fixed/transffered, and Thank Goodness nothing serious happened to you in the interim!
    Karen in UK Happy Birthday!
    Machka thought what Karen in VA said ;} Glad you'll take a little time off uni and are finally getting the medical/dental attention YOU need. Your first day off sounds perfect, good sleep, run, walk, strength then fun bicycle ride with husband. Now that's how to relax and have fun!
    Suebdew jalapeno peanut brittle? Sounds yummy, do you have a favorite recipe?

    Goals: What Machka said about the unexpectedness of life really resonated. We need to set goals in order to move forward, but need to cultivate flexibility to deal with life. Where I get into trouble is when I try to CONTROL things so I can meet my "goals" or intentions. Just yesterday DH and I had a little spat. I was telling Joe (before he had any coffee) that I'd taken a ham hock out of the freezer for him to have with this can of beans for his lunch, but the hock was hard as a rock so I was thawing it on the chopping block. He asked me to put it back in the fridge and let it thaw safely and he'd have it in a day or two. "I'm making stir fry tomorrow, so eat it TODAY." I said in my do-it-now voice. [sigh] Well of course he resisted defensively. Fortunately I backpedaled and eased off my plans but jeez, I wouldn't want him to tell me what to eat and when...

    Finances: like Karen in VA said "there is a potential power dynamic that neither of us cares for". As I've always made 5 or more times what Joe has, I've always paid our household and health care expenses. Joe's social security $$ is his to spend as he wishes. He contributes $200 toward our mortgage, buys food that I won't, his brandy, pays for his van parts and other amusements. He's never been a saver, fortunately my work made it easy for me to contribute to a 401K automatically, it inspired me to start a "contingency" savings account for the stuff that comes up. Back in 2005, just after our bad patch, I broke my right wrist and had to have surgery. He helped by writing out the checks for the monthly bills. His brother once told me it was a real eye-opener for him. The one thing I never NEVER EVER want to do is to lord my earnings differential over him. I was blessed with more education and nurtured into a more ambitious mindset than he. So I guess in a way, "my" money is ours and his is his and I have chosen to be totally ok with that.

    DNA testing: I'm very interested in everyone's experience. As an adoptee I'd "like to know" but feel my father's side people would shudder at contact... ;}

    Weclome adhiker, New Me, daphnekoonce, Jessica, Cat from Northenrn VA!

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    walk one more step 15/20, 60 g protein 13/20, rx/vits 15/20, meditate 16/20, knee exercises 16/20, SWSY UP 0/8, SWSY LOW 0/8, core 0/8, play with Tumble 9/20, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 12/20.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,821 Member
    ok I am up and staggering having my cup of tea, just fed crazy dog...
    My heart is just not into the Holidays this year, It just has been wild and crazy and to top it off the upheavel (sp)
    at the office...and Christmas without dad this year,,,, I remember him sitting at my DD last Christmas Eve , his anemia was so bad all he basically did is sleep unitl we ate.. I remember leaving early as it was chaotic with Kyles family there and made me feel uncomfortable.. they wont be there this time..
    I woke up tired which is never good.. will work 7:30-1 alot of people shoved in the schedule before Christmas and the Dr is not great at showing up on time but gets in a snit when he runs behind.. no fault but his own...
    as my Dad would say anywho .. im going to finish my tea ,hop in the shower and get ready for work..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I don't know if you've seen the movie, Christmas with the Kranks, based on the book Skipping Christmas by John Grisham. Each time I watch it (they play it just about every year here), I'm rooting for the Kranks to go on their cruise. I always feel slightly disappointed when they don't. :tongue:

    M in Oz

    It's on now. :lol:

    We've been watching Christmas movies this evening. We started with National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, which I have on DVD, and then turned to Christmas with the Kranks on TV.

    M in Oz
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Machka- I loved the book Skipping Christmas; but was not overly fond of the movie Christmas with the Kranks. lol I think, it just didn't pan out the way my mind envisioned it. My movie day/night will be Christmas Eve. Note to self: Buy some wine and egg nog for movie night. lol KJ
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Morning, afternoon and evening, all...

    Thanks for the comments on the pics, all. And Heather, yes, the weight is staying off... But I think if I could lose even a quarter of what's on my butt, it would be 20 pounds gone in one swoop... :smiley:

    Sitting in my newly rearranged office, typing with a cat on my lap--who did not come home until about 1:30 this morning, at which point my husband got up out of bed, as she was yelling outside our door. Out "catting around," I'm thinking (sorry, I love bad puns). And yes, she's spayed, so there will be no unfortunate reminders of her adventures.

    Just trying to decide what to buy in our morning trip to the store that will feed six people for three days, as my sis and her two grown daughters are coming in tomorrow afternoon and staying until Christmas morning. They don't celebrate the holiday (long story), and they know we don't, but all have time off, so Elizabeth (the older daughter), called yesterday and said "Hey, whatcha doin the next few days, and we'd love to come see the house!" and they'll be here for a couple nights.

    My sis hasn't been here since before we brought the furniture in, so it's all new to her. We'll keep 'em busy on a couple projects that we've got going. Love the fact that they feel like they're always welcome, and pleased it will be comparatively warm, no rain until Christmas Day. Much like Heather, makes me feel blessed. Egg the cat, on the other hand, will not, as she's not fond of people, so she may well be staying in the woods after they get here, and until the coast is clear. Funny, weird, cranky kitty.

    Love y'all!
    Lisa in AR
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Karen VA- I love those toys! I have the Melissa and Doug Sandwich Shop, Cutting Foods, and Pizzeria set. The kids love them. I also have stacking cups and shape sorters. That dump truck shape sorter is FANTASTIC!

    <3 ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    Kelly Awwwww! Thanks!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    edited December 2018
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Machka- I loved the book Skipping Christmas; but was not overly fond of the movie Christmas with the Kranks. lol I think, it just didn't pan out the way my mind envisioned it. My movie day/night will be Christmas Eve. Note to self: Buy some wine and egg nog for movie night. lol KJ

    It is a little odd ... and I do keep wishing they can go on their cruise.

    One thing that amazes me in movies like that and National Lampoon's Vacation, and others of a similar era are the houses. They're massive!! And yet it appears to be a one-income family.

    Where I live, those houses would go for 2-3 million, and actually it's rare to see any that big.

    Of course is just a movie!

    Machka in Oz
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    For Christmas I asked that DS that I helped buy the house comes to the Christmas Eve service I where I sing. That is my Christmas present.

    I have been so busy with the house buying it is hard to believe Christmas is almost here. I added an Angel to our outdoor Christmas lights. She looks quite lovely!

    My mother never liked Christmas. She was either sick or crabby. A long time ago I made up my mind to decide what it was what was important to me around this holiday and not over do like she did. Hence the reason I do not feel I have to make thousands of cookies. She picked up that tradition from her mother. It died with me.

    :heart: Margaret