meanest people ever



  • 1Prettypain
    I was told earlier this year, by family, that I would never succeed at the goal I was shooting for! I was looking fir encouragement on training for a triathlon.... Well I proved them wrong, I did it without them! it made me push harder prove them wrong..
  • keb80
    keb80 Posts: 394
    This actually happened recently. My boyfriend and I were waiting in line at Subway. I laughed at something my boyfriend said and the guy in front of me thought I was laughing at him. He looked at me and said "what are you laughing at you ugly fat @$$ B****?" And I said "excuse me?" I couldnt believe I had heard him right. He said it again and I told him I wasn't laughing at him. It got to the point where I couldn't even look up without him saying something else horrible to me. My boyfriend tried to tell him to chill out but it only made it worse. I have never seen so much hate in someone's eyes. This was by far the worst thing I have ever experienced. It was 10 times worse than any childhood experience. I was actually in fear for my life as well as my boyfriend's. I was trembling for 2 hours when I left and was scared he had followed us home. I haven't been back to that Subway since, in fear I might see him again.

    Wow!! I don't blame you for being scared. That guy sounded unstable. That thought really scares me... that some random stranger, possibly the person behind you in line at the grocery store or even someone you inadvertently piss off, could be the type to simply snap. Even if you HAD been laughing at him, that reaction is STILL over the top!
  • Rosie_66
    Rosie_66 Posts: 27
    What really bothers me is many of the cruel things said on the forums. At times I am shocked at how mean and out right vicious people can be to the person who posted a question or to someone who has a different opinion. A friend posted a topic about vacation temptations. Most of the folks who responded were so nice and encouraging. However there was of course that ONE rotten banana in the bunch who was a bit rude. Also, I saw a post from a girl who said she was literally sitting at her computer in tears over the responses people gave her when she inquired about being tired all the time after getting 10 hours of sleep. It once again broke my heart.
  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    My husbands brother and I have never gotten along, mostly because he is crazy...but several years ago when I was actually still fairly small (130lbs) he looked at me and said " your *kitten* is huge!" I was much quieter and really shy years ago, so I shocked the heck out of him when I turned around and said "I may be fat, but you are ugly and I can lose weight!" Everyone laughed, and he still has never forgiven me for that! Big loss in my life!

    I can't figure out how people can be so ugly with each other, I beleive in karma and what goes around comes treat people the way you want to be treated!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    That I should hang myself and there would be a good place in hell for me. Also, being compared to Casey Anthony.
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    I'm a nurse. I could spit out a list of things I've been told and called by patients and their family members that would fill up this page. LOL

    LOL! OMG I am right there with you! People are soo mean when they feel like you "owe them health care as a service" regardless of their behavior. Before I lost any weight a patient said to me... "Are you preganant?" I said no she said "Well yah look like it!" BURRRRRN!!!!
  • quichebradford
    quichebradford Posts: 327 Member
    The lady who lived in the apartment above me hated me from the day she moved in. 'Til this day I still do not know why. She would stomp on the floor above my bedroom at 3am and scream are you awake now you f****** b****. Talk about startling. She would tell the office my daughter was tormenting her and I was stealing from her. I had only seen the woman a couple times and never even spoken to her. One day as I was leaving she was coming in and I held the door for her to be nice. She refused to walk through the door and told me straight out she did not like me. She waited until I closed the door so she could open it her self and walk through. I was completely dumbstruck that another adult could behave in such a way. lol!!

    :noway: I'm speechless!
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    That I should hang myself and there would be a good place in hell for me. Also, being compared to Casey Anthony.


    Long story. I was 25 years old and in my doctor's office (he'd been my doctor for almost 20 years) because I had found two lumps in my left breast. He had balked at ordering a mammogram and ultrasound, but I had persisted. After the radiology gig, I had gone to his office. He did a cursory, utterly half-assed exam, then proclaimed that there were no lumps (though the radiologist and rad tech had both found them easily). He snarled at me (really) to "get dressed," then told me to meet him in his office.

    I went into his office (think GWH/Ernest Hemingway--a lot of plush leather, brass studs, and a big, solid mahogany desk), and he lit into me. Told me that I was a worthless POS excuse for a human being, that I was a manipulative rodent who made up a story about lumps in my breast in order to torture my family. I was a using, lazy, sociopathic monster, and he wished I DID have breast cancer because I deserved it, and the world would be a better place without me.

    I knew what was going on--he had mistaken me for my older sister. I kept trying to defend myself, kept trying to tell him that I was KRIS, but he was relentless, and, eventually, he did reduce me to tears. When he finally stopped, he sat, staring at me for a few moments, and then turned to his good friend my mother (who had made no move to defend me), and said, "Oh, Jesus--I got the wrong daughter, didn't I?"

    Understand that, at this time, I was dealing with a succession of increasingly abnormal pap smears, and now had lumps in my breast. I was not doing well, emotionally. He stood up, walked over, and said, "Come back to the exam room--let's have a look at those lumps."

    Think about that for a moment. When he thought I was my sister, he lied and said there were no lumps. Once he figured out I was ME, there were lumps. Think about the implication there--he was willing to lie in order to let a possible cancer advance in my sister. Can you even imagine? He put his arm on mine to lead me out, and I LOST it. Told him if he touched me again I would tear his damnable arm off and feed it to him. I stormed out, left my coat (and my mother) in the rush. When I got home, he called me personally (something he never did) to tell me that I had forgotten my coat, and that he could bring it to me. I told him that my husband would pick it up. He said, "Kris, I think we should talk." I said, "Russ, I think you should shut the F@*# up and listen, because the answer you give determines whether my next call is to an attorney--you screwed up here--unbailably. You're too old and too stupid and too damned incompetent and mean to be practicing anymore. If you haven't hung it up in the next month, I'm suing the living daylights out of you."

    The letters announcing his retirement went out two weeks later. His practice was closed two weeks after that.

    I've had a lot of mean things said to me, but I think being told that I deserved cancer and that the world would be happier if I died was probably the worst, especially considering the source.

  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    That I should hang myself and there would be a good place in hell for me. Also, being compared to Casey Anthony.


    Long story. I was 25 years old and in my doctor's office (he'd been my doctor for almost 20 years) because I had found two lumps in my left breast. He had balked at ordering a mammogram and ultrasound, but I had persisted. After the radiology gig, I had gone to his office. He did a cursory, utterly half-assed exam, then proclaimed that there were no lumps (though the radiologist and rad tech had both found them easily). He snarled at me (really) to "get dressed," then told me to meet him in his office.

    I went into his office (think GWH/Ernest Hemingway--a lot of plush leather, brass studs, and a big, solid mahogany desk), and he lit into me. Told me that I was a worthless POS excuse for a human being, that I was a manipulative rodent who made up a story about lumps in my breast in order to torture my family. I was a using, lazy, sociopathic monster, and he wished I DID have breast cancer because I deserved it, and the world would be a better place without me.

    I knew what was going on--he had mistaken me for my older sister. I kept trying to defend myself, kept trying to tell him that I was KRIS, but he was relentless, and, eventually, he did reduce me to tears. When he finally stopped, he sat, staring at me for a few moments, and then turned to his good friend my mother (who had made no move to defend me), and said, "Oh, Jesus--I got the wrong daughter, didn't I?"

    Understand that, at this time, I was dealing with a succession of increasingly abnormal pap smears, and now had lumps in my breast. I was not doing well, emotionally. He stood up, walked over, and said, "Come back to the exam room--let's have a look at those lumps."

    Think about that for a moment. When he thought I was my sister, he lied and said there were no lumps. Once he figured out I was ME, there were lumps. Think about the implication there--he was willing to lie in order to let a possible cancer advance in my sister. Can you even imagine? He put his arm on mine to lead me out, and I LOST it. Told him if he touched me again I would tear his damnable arm off and feed it to him. I stormed out, left my coat (and my mother) in the rush. When I got home, he called me personally (something he never did) to tell me that I had forgotten my coat, and that he could bring it to me. I told him that my husband would pick it up. He said, "Kris, I think we should talk." I said, "Russ, I think you should shut the F@*# up and listen, because the answer you give determines whether my next call is to an attorney--you screwed up here--unbailably. You're too old and too stupid and too damned incompetent and mean to be practicing anymore. If you haven't hung it up in the next month, I'm suing the living daylights out of you."

    The letters announcing his retirement went out two weeks later. His practice was closed two weeks after that.

    I've had a lot of mean things said to me, but I think being told that I deserved cancer and that the world would be happier if I died was probably the worst, especially considering the source.


    I don't care WHO you are! It's none of his business who you are! You're a PATIENT! HE'S GETTING MONEY TO TREAT YOU! I would have disowned your mother if she were mine for not saying anything in your defense after all of those HORRIBLE things he said to you! That is JUST F*CKING COLD!

    That being said, I am SOOO glad that that horrible excuse of a doctor is no longer in practice.
  • pumpkinmoccasin
    I was a goth in high school so I'm pretty desensitized to people saying mean things to me, the most annoying one at the time, though, was this group of guys that didn't know me following me around for a couple of days asking rude questions and yelling things at me like "hail Satan", etc, because of the way I dressed. Despite my odd wardrobe I was pretty popular with kids that had classes with me and had a reputation for being very kind to people regardless of who they were/what other people thought of them... People were generally pretty quick to my defense so that didn't go on for very long.

    I also worked in fast food for around four years, that job was rough... It taught me that a lot of people have a situational sense of morality and will say/do the most awful things to people working jobs they consider sub-human. It's disgusting.
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    When I was married my husband told me that he hated me, he hoped that I would die, and that he wished that all the bad things in the world happened to me and only me. He also said that saying I do was the most pathetic thing he had ever said in his life. After 7 years... What a nice guy. LOL
  • cmonskinnylovee
    I was told by a group of girl that I should go kill myself because I was taking up space and wasting their air.

    Why? Because one of them stole my boyfriend, and I was sad about it.

    high school SUCKED. Thank GOD it's over.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    When I was married my husband told me that he hated me, he hoped that I would die, and that he wished that all the bad things in the world happened to me and only me. He also said that saying I do was the most pathetic thing he had ever said in his life. After 7 years... What a nice guy. LOL

    When I assured my ex that I WAS in fact leaving, he looked me square in the eye and said exactly this "You are a trash *kitten*, and a garbage parent. I hope you die giving birth to my son. The only thing special about you is that you're psychotic." It made me that much more glad that I was leaving. lol And almost a week later, the *kitten* had the gall to beg for me to come back!
  • jasmineconley
    jasmineconley Posts: 438 Member
    When I was married my husband told me that he hated me, he hoped that I would die, and that he wished that all the bad things in the world happened to me and only me. He also said that saying I do was the most pathetic thing he had ever said in his life. After 7 years... What a nice guy. LOL

    When I assured my ex that I WAS in fact leaving, he looked me square in the eye and said exactly this "You are a trash *kitten*, and a garbage parent. I hope you die giving birth to my son. The only thing special about you is that you're psychotic." It made me that much more glad that I was leaving. lol And almost a week later, the *kitten* had the gall to beg for me to come back!

    Mine loved to try to get in my pants afterwards. I'm glad my daughter doesn't why to see him so I dont have to feel with his crap. Which is sad because he tells so many lies on me know that he forgot the truth. Apparently I'm a *kitten*, a bad mom, worthless, I keep her from him even though he hadn't tried contact her in over a year, so many more to choose from... I doubt I will ever get married or have a child with anyone again. Thats not even adding what his gf and her sister that have never met me have to say.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    When I was at uni I was walking down the street with my husband and someone shouted "she's really crap in bed!" out of a car window at us.

    We both looked totally non plussed and walked on. I used to get that kind of thing a lot in Durham. At the time I assumed all Northerners were just rude and offensive, but since then I have encountered mostly very nice people from up north, so no idea what the issue in Durham was.

    I was also told I was fat by a complete stranger once. When I weighed 112lbs.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Edited just in case
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    considering that i have battled with my weight for 20 years, I have not had to deal with insults for the most part. however, this past June, i was insulted twice in a short period. By people who i believe are just ignorant. I don't think they intended to hurt me, they just clearly do not understand how what they say can be interpreted as hurtful.

    I teach preschool at a montessori school. one of the grandparents actually poked me hard in the stomach and said "you haven a baby?"
    a week later, my sister in law (who is just 2years younger than me) and i went for a mani/pedi. we had been chatting to each other for nearly an hour, and to any casual observer, it would be clear that we were contemporaries, but the woman doing my nails asks me, "is she your daughter?" wtf, i am told all the time that i do not look my age (40), so how the heck could I possibly look like her mother? even if she only looked 30, that would make me 50...*sigh*
  • bahrainbel_2
    A couple of years ago I was in a bar in bahrain and heard one guy say to his mate "see (and motioned to me), she's big, but she's still attractive" as i walked past their booth. i was upset about that, i thought i looked good that night, not "big".
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    That I should hang myself and there would be a good place in hell for me. Also, being compared to Casey Anthony.


    Long story. I was 25 years old and in my doctor's office (he'd been my doctor for almost 20 years) because I had found two lumps in my left breast. He had balked at ordering a mammogram and ultrasound, but I had persisted. After the radiology gig, I had gone to his office. He did a cursory, utterly half-assed exam, then proclaimed that there were no lumps (though the radiologist and rad tech had both found them easily). He snarled at me (really) to "get dressed," then told me to meet him in his office.

    I went into his office (think GWH/Ernest Hemingway--a lot of plush leather, brass studs, and a big, solid mahogany desk), and he lit into me. Told me that I was a worthless POS excuse for a human being, that I was a manipulative rodent who made up a story about lumps in my breast in order to torture my family. I was a using, lazy, sociopathic monster, and he wished I DID have breast cancer because I deserved it, and the world would be a better place without me.

    I knew what was going on--he had mistaken me for my older sister. I kept trying to defend myself, kept trying to tell him that I was KRIS, but he was relentless, and, eventually, he did reduce me to tears. When he finally stopped, he sat, staring at me for a few moments, and then turned to his good friend my mother (who had made no move to defend me), and said, "Oh, Jesus--I got the wrong daughter, didn't I?"

    Understand that, at this time, I was dealing with a succession of increasingly abnormal pap smears, and now had lumps in my breast. I was not doing well, emotionally. He stood up, walked over, and said, "Come back to the exam room--let's have a look at those lumps."

    Think about that for a moment. When he thought I was my sister, he lied and said there were no lumps. Once he figured out I was ME, there were lumps. Think about the implication there--he was willing to lie in order to let a possible cancer advance in my sister. Can you even imagine? He put his arm on mine to lead me out, and I LOST it. Told him if he touched me again I would tear his damnable arm off and feed it to him. I stormed out, left my coat (and my mother) in the rush. When I got home, he called me personally (something he never did) to tell me that I had forgotten my coat, and that he could bring it to me. I told him that my husband would pick it up. He said, "Kris, I think we should talk." I said, "Russ, I think you should shut the F@*# up and listen, because the answer you give determines whether my next call is to an attorney--you screwed up here--unbailably. You're too old and too stupid and too damned incompetent and mean to be practicing anymore. If you haven't hung it up in the next month, I'm suing the living daylights out of you."

    The letters announcing his retirement went out two weeks later. His practice was closed two weeks after that.

    I've had a lot of mean things said to me, but I think being told that I deserved cancer and that the world would be happier if I died was probably the worst, especially considering the source.


    WOW, NO WORDS FOR THAT! I'm glad you stood up for yourself!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    That my workout for them was easy.