JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    I have to share this picture. Michaela decided this year she loves Nutcracker’s and I was given this one free. I think this made her whole day.

    ADORABLE! I love this pic. It's a framer...
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    edited December 2018
    1. Journal every single bite, even the chocolates I've been grabbing here and there all day at work. :)
    2. Drink half my weight in water :(I got two 20 oz bottles in and that was it.
    3. Listen to Half Size Me podcast ;)Never had time to myself to listen, so this is pushed to tonight.
    4. Walk Maddie when I get home, no excuses acceptable. :( Well, may not be acceptable excuse, but my husband and BIL from Texas cooked up a nice dinner for the 3 of us and were waiting for me to get home. I felt like I just couldn't go then...
    5. Think before I speak and try to phrase things in a kind manner. Don't blow your top over stupid *kitten*. :)I did it! I didn't blow my cool over stupid $h*t one day in a row!
    6. Begin making notes about the family meeting I'm going to call after the first of the year. (yeah...putting the hammer down. won't be fun or pretty.) :(I should know better than to make goals like this when we have company staying at the house...
    7. Beck's Diet Solution steps: ARC's, eat sitting down, mindfulness. Read next chapter. :(Again, see above.
    8. Bedtime: Unplug at 8:00. :) Bed at 9:00. :( Gratitude Journal :( / Dodie book :( / Simple Abundance. :( Calm app and lights out at 10. :(

    Well, that was a major fail. I love when my BIL comes to visit. I enjoy his company so much. But I have to admit I am ready to get back to normal. I want to not worry about being rude if I read a book while we are in the livingroom watching a movie. I want to take a walk if I want instead of sitting down for a big dinner. I want to not EAT a big dinner! And I really miss my evening routine of bed at 9:00, gratitude journaling/ reading my inspirational books and listening to the Calm app. It's been a few weeks but this one has been mostly because of my head hurting when I read because of the stupid concussion/migraines.

    Now that I'm done whining and placing blame on everything except my own self, I will make some goals for today. Bwahahaha!

    1. Journal every bite
    2. Eat only while sitting
    3. Read my ARCs
    4. Total of 30 minutes of activity today
    5. Half my weight in H20
    6. Listen to the Half Size Me podcast
    7. Take 15 minutes of alone time to meditate or think about how to handle family meeting I plan to call in the next few weeks
    8. Prep for tomorrow, tonight: Set out tomorrow's clothing, pack tomorrow's breakfast, lunch and snacks, pick my 3 top priority tasks
    9. Beck's Diet Solution - next chapter, next step
    10. Perform one random act of kindness
    11. Evening routine: Unplug 8:00 p.m. / Gratitude Journal / Dodie / Simple Abundance / read something random to make my eyes tired.
    12. Morning: GET UP WITHOUT HITTING SNOOZE!!!!! GOOD LORD, WOMAN! YOU'VE HAD THIS GOAL ALL YEAR AND HAVEN'T DONE IT YET! (oooops...did I say that out loud? :mrgreen: )

    Peace and love to all y'all... :heart:
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    edited December 2018
    my next few goals until new year is to

    1. Get everything back on track
    2. Find a place for everything
    3. Find bullet journal book and pens(?!?)
    4. Make a list of what needs fixing in the house...and fix them.
    5. Think about New Year goals and put them on a big pie e of paper.. a bit like a mood board?
    6. write down a routine for myself and the girls.
    7. DEEP CLEAN. (this includes the oven 😭 )
  • frenchfancy2014
    frenchfancy2014 Posts: 277 Member
    This inspired me❤️

    My list
    1. Get everything back on track
    2. Find a place for everything
    3. Make a list of what needs fixing in the house...and fix them.
    4. Clean and tidy my bedroom and sort clothes in my wardrobes as a start.
    5. Get a fresh haircut for the new year
  • frenchfancy2014
    frenchfancy2014 Posts: 277 Member
    Oh and give my feet and hands a treat of moisturiser and massage each night before bed.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,249 Member
    Goals for the rest of this week... and ending out the year:
    1. declutter my closet. Pack away clothes that are just taking up space
    2. declutter my kitchen cupboards. Hubby got me some new pots/pans and silverware, so either throw away old pans, or take ones that are still good to Goodwill
    3. search for healthy recipes to try
    4. buy 2 notebooks.... one to write down each week what my plans are. The other notebook is for daily use to write my daily goals
    5. make a list of go-to recipes when I am in a hurry and no time to cook
    6. buy another notebook ... this will be my gratitude journal.
    7. be a inspiration to someone ....
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,249 Member
    Oh and give my feet and hands a treat of moisturiser and massage each night before bed.

    I like this goal!
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    I have been a very very bad girl :'( WAY too many sweets, cookies .... just not even caring. I almost just gave up ... thinking maybe if I just quit coming on here ... try something different .... that this time, I can make it work, without feeling like such a huge failure. I have not even weighed myself ... I know my weight is way up!

    But no ... I am not going to quit! I have to tell myself, that even though all last year I did not lose ... at least I did not quit. That there is always tomorrow .... always time for a new beginning.

    Today is my hubbys birthday, but today is the first day in awhile that I am really trying to watch what I eat, and drink a lot of water.

    I have not been to the gym either in like a week. And I'l tell you why. Everyone at the gym was bringing in sweets ... cookies, gooey butter cake, candy. I know it is the thought that counts, and I think everyone just wanted to give small gifts, and didn't know what to do. So it was homemade goodies. But then my hubby said something that really made me feel bad. He told me that all I do is socialize at the gym ... that for me .. going to the gym is not doing any good, and making me eat more.

    At first I was so hurt ... so I just stopped going, and figured why even try. But then today, I told him that hurt my feelings. And I reminded him ... that yes... I do enjoy going to the gym, and I have met a lot of people there. But ... I also reminded him that when I started going to the gym a year ago ... I could only do about 30 minutes on the treadmill, with the speed at 2.8. Now, I can easily go 60-80 minutes on the treadmill, with my speed at 4.0, and my incline at 8 or 9. So maybe physically he cannot tell, I can tell in my heart being stronger. And isn't that the most important muscle to work at making stronger!

    sorry for the rant. I think I have been so down on myself all week, and just feel so defeated. A part of me thinks maybe I need to find another site, and start completely over. But .... I would miss you guys. You guys do not judge me, or call me a failure... because I think you all understand.

    So next monday, do you all want me to start a another new thread ... or just stay with this one. For me, either way, I plan on being back. Next year, has to be my year to try even harder, and I need all you guys help!

    I have tried to message you twice and it keeps erasing my message and kicking me off this site.
    I have something I want to say to you...
    Happy Birthday to hubby.
    This thread is my life line
    You're making a difference
    You're Strong, Sensitive, and Successful!!
    call me 704-728-9906
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »

    This is SO TRUE! Thanks for sharing! I needed this tonight. I’ve been feeling much the same as you. But I’m sticking around because it doesn’t matter what site I use if I don’t do my part! Hugs my friend! ❤️
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Goals for the rest of this week... and ending out the year:
    1. declutter my closet. Pack away clothes that are just taking up space
    2. declutter my kitchen cupboards. Hubby got me some new pots/pans and silverware, so either throw away old pans, or take ones that are still good to Goodwill
    3. search for healthy recipes to try
    4. buy 2 notebooks.... one to write down each week what my plans are. The other notebook is for daily use to write my daily goals
    5. make a list of go-to recipes when I am in a hurry and no time to cook
    6. buy another notebook ... this will be my gratitude journal.
    7. be a inspiration to someone ....

    You can put a smiley face by #7 because you inspired me tonight once again! 😁
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    @mytime6630 please don’t go anywhere! I understand why you feel fed up, especially after hubby’s comments about the gym but don’t let this derail you!

    You said you’ve been ‘a very bad girl’. I have this kind of thinking all the time and I need to let go of it and stop attaching moral values to food/eating. There is no good/bad (because this feeds the emotional rollercoaster of yo-yo dieting and binge/restrict). Instead try and see it as simply times where you are on track and times where you are not. You were not a very bad girl, you just had a few days living your life where dieting and fitness wasn’t the priority.

    I’ve had a terrible week of eating as well. I got very annoyed with myself too. But that hasn’t helped anything. It’s up to us now. We can let this slipping off track be just a minor blip, or we can let it become significant by allowing it to take us further off track.

    I’m going with chin up and back to it. Thank you so much for this thread and know that you do inspire us and keep us together.

    Love and hugs x
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Not very successful day for me yesterday. No plans for today so hoping to finish off lots of jobs and stay on track.

    Thursday goals recap:
    - morning workout 🙁 came on this morning and period pains sent me back to bed
    - Finish daughter’s room clearout/rearrangement ❎ nearly there but we were out nearly all day!
    - Movie and lunch - make good choices ✅
    - Groceries ❎
    - Put away laundry❎
    - Meet sis at train station for coffee before she heads home✅
    - Early night✅

    Friday goals:
    - morning workout
    - Finish laundry
    - Finish daughter’s room
    - Walk/jog with kids for coffee/lunch out
    - Groceries
    - Afternoon movie or board games? Some quality time with the kids
    - Early night

    Have a lovely day all x
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    Oh Joan! I know how you feel. I had a totally crap year too! I gained back 15lbs! I've wanted to quit too. I've wanted to just give up. I feel like I've lost so much ground but I know that if I buckle down in 2019 I can lose a few pounds and be closer to my goal weight. I know that you can too. Please don't leave us! You have created such a beautiful thing here. It would be a tragedy to lose the person who started it all. We have become such a family here. We need you!
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    Hello! Merry Christmas! I hope everyone had a great day! We did. Nice and quiet.

    Only simple goals today.

    1. Log what I eat😑
    2. Make something for dinner (turkey burgers?)😑
    3. Do the dishes right after!!😑
    4. Fold clothes! 😑
    5. Work on my outline😑
    6. Bed early.😑

    Yeah...I kinda knew that was going to happen. I need to get back into the habit of actually hitting my goals. So I think I'm going to rearrange them a bit and see how that works.

    1. 3 Waters 😶
    2. Make taco turkey for dinner(I need stuff to bring to work for lunch lol)😁
    3. Prep shopping list😶
    4. Finish the effing dishes!😶
    5. Shower and lay out clothes for tomorrow😁/😶

    Okay. Have a great day everyone!

    Had another sh!tty day but at least I managed to make a healthy dinner. Things just didn't line up the way I wanted them too. The DH and I got into it on the car ride home from work. I remembered that anger isnt usually anger, its frustration with himself because his brain isn't working the way he wants it to. I think I've mentioned that he has Post Concussion Syndrome. So he got irrationally angry about something stupid. We got home and I took a shower, thus using up all the hot water, while he calmed down. Didn't end up doing the dishes because the water wasn't hot enough by the time I wanted to do them. And by that time the DH was really upset with himself for yelling at me. We ended up going to bed before 9. Of course I set the alarm wrong so we got up at 530 instead of 630. Lol. So last night was kind of rough. Today will be better though. Its Friday! The DH and I get 2 days to spend together. We're going to do some shopping tonight. A way to get out of the house together. The DH is having a bit of cabin fever I think.

    Onto goals!

    JFT, 12-28-18

    1. Log food
    2. Drink 3 waters
    3. Prep shopping list
    4. Put food in the crock
    5. Work 815-515
    6. Do the effing dishes!! SERIOUSLY!!!
    7. Spend time with the DH
    8. Bed whenever
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Hello! Merry Christmas! I hope everyone had a great day! We did. Nice and quiet.

    Only simple goals today.

    1. Log what I eat😑
    2. Make something for dinner (turkey burgers?)😑
    3. Do the dishes right after!!😑
    4. Fold clothes! 😑
    5. Work on my outline😑
    6. Bed early.😑

    Yeah...I kinda knew that was going to happen. I need to get back into the habit of actually hitting my goals. So I think I'm going to rearrange them a bit and see how that works.

    1. 3 Waters 😶
    2. Make taco turkey for dinner(I need stuff to bring to work for lunch lol)😁
    3. Prep shopping list😶
    4. Finish the effing dishes!😶
    5. Shower and lay out clothes for tomorrow😁/😶

    Okay. Have a great day everyone!

    Had another sh!tty day but at least I managed to make a healthy dinner. Things just didn't line up the way I wanted them too. The DH and I got into it on the car ride home from work. I remembered that anger isnt usually anger, its frustration with himself because his brain isn't working the way he wants it to. I think I've mentioned that he has Post Concussion Syndrome. So he got irrationally angry about something stupid. We got home and I took a shower, thus using up all the hot water, while he calmed down. Didn't end up doing the dishes because the water wasn't hot enough by the time I wanted to do them. And by that time the DH was really upset with himself for yelling at me. We ended up going to bed before 9. Of course I set the alarm wrong so we got up at 530 instead of 630. Lol. So last night was kind of rough. Today will be better though. Its Friday! The DH and I get 2 days to spend together. We're going to do some shopping tonight. A way to get out of the house together. The DH is having a bit of cabin fever I think.

    Onto goals!

    JFT, 12-28-18

    1. Log food
    2. Drink 3 waters
    3. Prep shopping list
    4. Put food in the crock
    5. Work 815-515
    6. Do the effing dishes!! SERIOUSLY!!!
    7. Spend time with the DH
    8. Bed whenever

    F*cks Sake woman! do you want me to come and do your dishes! (you can do my laundry LOL)
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Hello! Merry Christmas! I hope everyone had a great day! We did. Nice and quiet.

    Only simple goals today.

    1. Log what I eat😑
    2. Make something for dinner (turkey burgers?)😑
    3. Do the dishes right after!!😑
    4. Fold clothes! 😑
    5. Work on my outline😑
    6. Bed early.😑

    Yeah...I kinda knew that was going to happen. I need to get back into the habit of actually hitting my goals. So I think I'm going to rearrange them a bit and see how that works.

    1. 3 Waters 😶
    2. Make taco turkey for dinner(I need stuff to bring to work for lunch lol)😁
    3. Prep shopping list😶
    4. Finish the effing dishes!😶
    5. Shower and lay out clothes for tomorrow😁/😶

    Okay. Have a great day everyone!

    Had another sh!tty day but at least I managed to make a healthy dinner. Things just didn't line up the way I wanted them too. The DH and I got into it on the car ride home from work. I remembered that anger isnt usually anger, its frustration with himself because his brain isn't working the way he wants it to. I think I've mentioned that he has Post Concussion Syndrome. So he got irrationally angry about something stupid. We got home and I took a shower, thus using up all the hot water, while he calmed down. Didn't end up doing the dishes because the water wasn't hot enough by the time I wanted to do them. And by that time the DH was really upset with himself for yelling at me. We ended up going to bed before 9. Of course I set the alarm wrong so we got up at 530 instead of 630. Lol. So last night was kind of rough. Today will be better though. Its Friday! The DH and I get 2 days to spend together. We're going to do some shopping tonight. A way to get out of the house together. The DH is having a bit of cabin fever I think.

    Onto goals!

    JFT, 12-28-18

    1. Log food
    2. Drink 3 waters
    3. Prep shopping list
    4. Put food in the crock
    5. Work 815-515
    6. Do the effing dishes!! SERIOUSLY!!!
    7. Spend time with the DH
    8. Bed whenever

    F*cks Sake woman! do you want me to come and do your dishes! (you can do my laundry LOL)

    I'll gladly do your laundry! Dishes will be my downfall! I spent 8 years doing multiple loads of dishes a day at a previous job. I hate then with a burning passion! Lol
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,184 Member
    So much that I want to say.
    @mytime6630 Wow! I'm new to this thread. Just started posting a few days ago. That's how much your thread inspires! That took a lot for me to start at the end of the year on an ongoing year long thread! So how's that for inspiring someone?!

    You all are wonderful & already helping me.

    As far as your hubby's comment about the gym, I want to clobber him! This is when you got to be strong on the inside, know you are doing something good & productive for yourself, and block it out. Fingers in your ears & sing"Lalalala" loudly, basically. Block out his words in your mind when you start hearing them, even the reverberation of his words later, you must do something to try to block the thoughts when you start having them. Hopefully you won't have any more of those. I have been on mfp a very long time, but Dang it! I'm not giving up! One thing I'm not is a quitter & it doesn't sound like you are either. Im gonna get healthier & lose weight. It's gonna happen. I know it! I'm hoping your thread will be here for 2019, but I'll understand if you want to try something different.

    Yesterday, I had some success-- at least with mfp goals.
