Lose 5lbs + in January 2019

Hey guys, another year has been and gone, and I’m continuing this monthly challenge into 2019 :)

Anyone and everyone is welcome to join or leave at anytime, this is an open challenge. If you do decide to join us for these challenges, remember to highlight the star in the top right corner to mark the page so you don’t have to keep searching for us :)
Weigh in as often or a little as you like in this format :

Original starting weight -
January starting weight -
January goal -
Ultimate goal -

January 1st -
January 8th -
January 15th -
January 22nd -
January 28th -

Total loss for January -

But remember to change the dates to fit YOUR weigh in days

This is a friendly challenge, be supportive and respectful to each other. We are all working towards the same the thing.
Feel free to share other things within the chat, such as new recipes you liked and thought other may like to try, if you’ve accomplished something, if you struggled with anything etc
We are all here to support one another too :)

Let’s shed those little weight gains over Christmas and then some more - bows the time to get back on track :)

I hope you all had a magical Christmas and I wish you all the best for 2019

Let’s do this :) xx


  • sweetneat75
    sweetneat75 Posts: 52 Member
    Definitely can use the motivation
  • jenn990205
    jenn990205 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Back again! Hopefully I can make up for December. I maintained which I guess is good, but didn’t lose much. I am looking forward to seeing that 140 decade this month.

    Original starting weight - 178
    January starting weight -
    January goal - 145
    Ultimate goal - 135

    January 1st -
    January 3rd -
    January 10 th -
    January 17th -
    January 24th -
    January 31st -

    Total loss for January -
  • dmmains
    dmmains Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in too. This is just the motivation I need. Thanks for hosting this challenge. I'll post my stats on Tuesday. Happy New Year everyone.
  • tessa419
    tessa419 Posts: 4 Member
    Can't wait!!
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,025 Member
    edited December 2018
    •Lose 5 lbs in January 2019•

    December 2018 - Lost 2.4lbs 😃

    Original starting wgt: 253
    January starting weight:
    January goal: 170
    ❄Updating every day through January until completely back on track.

    •Monday Updates•📌
    📌 1/7
    📌 1/14

  • Birder165
    Birder165 Posts: 484 Member
    edited December 2018
    Original Starting Weight - 271.8 - Oct 9/18
    January Starting Weight - 251.2 - Dec 31/18
    January Goal - 245
    Ultimate Goal - 165 or lower

    2019 Goal - 199 - ONEderland!

    Dec 31 - 251.2
    Jan 01 -
    Jan 03 -
    Jan 10 -
    Jan 17 -
    Jan 24 -
    Jan 31 -

    Total loss for January:
    Total loss so far: 20.6 #
  • karenesg
    karenesg Posts: 318 Member
    Original starting weight - 218
    January starting weight - 188
    January goal - 183
    Ultimate goal – 161

    January 4 -
    January 11 -
    January 18 -
    January 25 -
    January 31 -

    Total loss so far in January -

    Am assuming I’m not going to gain any more today. Although in reality I just may lol. I’ve been off the wagon for the last few weeks: not weighing & measuring my food, not logging what I eat, not drinking enough water. Have been drinking too much alcohol, eating too many cookies. Big change starting tomorrow! Back to taking good care of myself! Happy New Year everyone! Hope 2019 brings you to where you want to be. Cheers! B)
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,633 Member
    Original starting weight - 191 Oct 27.18
    December 31.18 starting weight - 183.3
    January goal - 174.3
    Ultimate goal - 118

    January 1st -
    January 2nd -
    January 3rd -
    January 4th -
    January 5th -
    January 6th -
    January 7th -
    January 8th -
    January 9th -
    January 10th -
    January 11th -
    January 12th -
    January 13th -
    January 14th -
    January 15th -
    January 16th -
    January 17th -
    January 18th -
    January 19th -
    January 20th -
    January 21st -
    January 22nd -
    January 23rd -
    January 24th -
    January 25th -
    January 26th -
    January 27th -
    January 28th -
    January 29th -
    January 30th -
    January 31st -