fit for october challenge



  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    day 6 of shred completed jillian is still kicking my butt i thought it meant to get easier im pooped at the end i could stay there on the floor and sleep lol

    cdpm i told you gemlins in the scales tom puts them there hide all scales and avoid until after hes gone

    i am now going to do some wii bowling with the kids doesnt burn many calories but its fun lol
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Good morning
    I finished my 1st week of ChaLEAN Extreme last week so week 2 starts tonight. I will be upping the weights on most of the exercises since last week I was just getting used to how much I could lift. That means a little more intense and probably more sore this week but it will get me stronger!

    Wii bowling is fun, I need to do some of that this weekend.
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Whoops - Sorry Monkeysmum! I will not worry about the scales this week - I'm going to look at the tape-measure instead!!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning and happy friday woohoo weekend tomorrow altho a busy day for me my dad and stepmom and 2 step bros are visiting tomorrow so i need to clean my whole house they are thinking the boys might want to stay for a week so i need make sure that all the house is clean and tidy so they can fit in i will make time for jillian to whip my behind an dthen the rest ios cleaning sweeping vacuum and mopping if i feel brave i may even dust usually i make kids do with baby wipes as the dust makes my sinus kill

    cdpm good tapemeasure only when tom visits the scales will only depress us and then we eat junk and then we feel bad so no scales only tape measure

    nelski well done on week 1 chalean completed i need to invest in some decent weights all i have are the kind that velcro onto ure wrists or ankles they work but they are bulky

    mabrywynn how ar eyou today are you avoiding cookies and getting workouts in?

    daisy80 how is the 17day diet going? is it any good or is it all same kind of foods etc?

    mindiejean how is it going logging foods again are you feeling any better in yourself?

    bjshooter the sclaes may be stuck but are the inches going down i need encouragement for shred and if the inch loss is good ill feel better
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member

    Daisy, what is the basis of the 17 day workout, are you limited to certain foods?

    The 17 Day Diet is basically a low carb/high protein diet like South Beach etc. I really like it though as you can have fruit as long as it is before 2pm. It is called 17 day diet as you add certain foods every 17 days. You drop a lot in the first 17 days and then it slows down a little. I have dropped 5lbs in my first 5 days! I find it easy to follow and like the food I can have!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Good morning
    I finished my 1st week of ChaLEAN Extreme last week so week 2 starts tonight. I will be upping the weights on most of the exercises since last week I was just getting used to how much I could lift. That means a little more intense and probably more sore this week but it will get me stronger!

    Wii bowling is fun, I need to do some of that this weekend.

    How heavy are the weights that you are using?
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member

    daisy80 how is the 17day diet going? is it any good or is it all same kind of foods etc?

    As mentioned above it is going well. I have lost 5lbs in my first 5 days. I even had one bad day where I had a burger and wine. I really like it. I don't feel like I am on a diet. I was doing South Beach before so low carb is not unusual for me. Once you got the hang of it it is easy to follow. The quick weight loss in the first 17 days is just very motivating.

    So far I would recommend it!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    daisy80 well done on 5lbs down glad the diet is working for you jillian so far is just kicvking my behind

    this weeks achievments are

    daisy80 loss 5lbs
    aakifahsiebert loss 6.4lbs
    cdpm loss 2.2lbs brilliant way to go all of you
    nelski week 1 chalean completed
    monkeysmum 7 days of 30day shred done and woohoo it hasnt killed us yet altho jillians coming close lol
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member

    How heavy are the weights that you are using?

    So far I haven't used anything more than 10. I'm using 5, 8 or 10. There are a couple lower body exercises that I know I'm ready to go to 12 maybe even 15 so I need to buy those ASAP. I just wish they were cheaper! Chalene does say if you don't have the heavier weights right now to just do the movements really slow to create more resistance.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    My challenge for the weekend is to not overdo it on the splurging. That's when I'm the worst. Today is a rest day from Chalean Extreme but my husband and I are still going to try to get in a walk or bike ride tonight. Tomorrow we are going out to dinner and to a comedy club so as long as I'm good tonight, get in a workout tomorrow & limit my splurge to tomorrow night ONLY then that will be a huge improvement for me.

    Have a good weekend everyone!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    morningz happy saturday

    hope ure all being good

    today ill be busy my dad is viisting with step mom and step bros so i need cook enough to feed them an dit smeat which i suck at wish me luck
    i also plan fit jillian day 8 in

    i will check on you all later
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I semi-completed my own challenge last night. My husband almost talked me into happy hour but I made the right decision to stay in and didn't give into having any beers with him. We did end up ordering out but I got a chef salad. Not the lowest in calories or sodium with all the turkey, ham, cheese & ranch dressing but better than many other things I considered getting. We did plan to go for a walk or bike ride last night but it rained so that's a bummer but oh well. Not a great start but a MUCH better start to my usual weekends. Chalean Extreme and mowing the lawn should give me a decent calori burn to start the day!

    Good luck on cooking for everyone Monkeysmum, I'm sure you will do great!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    i am whacked but i loved having my dad visit he brought a tarantula for my daughter hers died last week so he got it as an early birthday presant she was sooo pleased he also moved the tropical fish into the old spide rtank and cleaned the fish tank to be the spiders new home so oldest daughter happy she can now have more tropical fish and he fixed my tvs upstairs so they all have proper aerials now and we can watch all channels he then took a broken ds and ipod touch and hes going to repair them for free did i mention how much i love my dads visits lol

    the cooking went down well i made the veal into curry 3kg meat 5kg potatoes and its all gone so they must have liked it i had left over steamed veg from yesterday so i even stayed good with food i did day 8 of shred and got in some walking when we went to get fish things for bigger tank busy busy day and im shattered but i loved everyminute of it well except jillian kicking my butt

    nelski well done on being good we can do it when we try and we are trying so we will succeed
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning and happy sunny sunday

    its not good that the weekend ends so soon

    todays plans involve wii jogging and jillan day 9 and if i can sleep my lovely 4yr old kept me awake alot in the night she was awake so she figured i needed to be too lol but otherwise im taking it easy i feel shattered

    hope everyones having a great weekend and being good
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Hello everyone.
    I have had a bit of a slack week and as advised I stayed away from the scales - so i did!
    I know i've had a bad week, bad food, a few drinks (whoops!)
    But now i know that I can't make up any more excuses. It's back on the no carbs after 2pm tomorrow. My parents are coming to visit at the weekend and I need to show my mum that I have made some progress since she last saw me! I'm not doing it for her. I'm just using her as an incentive!

    Hope everyone has had a great weekend!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    cdpm we all have bad weekends and weeks as long as we can kick our own behind and start again we will be fine i know for me i wont get to where i need to be if i keep being slack so i have to do this no one can do it for me and i get so happy when my clothes fit again etc i start to slip but i need to realise if i want to get there and stay there i need to look at my lifestyle and change that not just presume the scales will stay wher ei want them to just because i got there once im here for the long term and as long as i am i will give u a boot in the butt when u need it as long as you can do the sam efor me and we will be all sexy skinny and we dam well will stay that way we working too hard not too
    besides tom will bog off soon and the scales will be kind again
  • Gembo82
    Gembo82 Posts: 29
    Hello everyone, i joined before but then i quit :( so i have come back so that people will hopefully spur me on when i lose motivation again. I have purchased 30 shred on a good friends advice (monkeysmum) so hopefully that will help me to lose some weight and tone up. I have done day 1, it hurt but aslong as i see results i will be happy. I look forward to getting to know you all and all reach our personal goals together.
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    Hello everyone, i joined before but then i quit :( so i have come back so that people will hopefully spur me on when i lose motivation again. I have purchased 30 shred on a good friends advice (monkeysmum) so hopefully that will help me to lose some weight and tone up. I have done day 1, it hurt but aslong as i see results i will be happy. I look forward to getting to know you all and all reach our personal goals together.

    welcome back and you can bet i will kick ure behind on here and fb if you slack again no way am i getting skinny alone and im not having jillian whip just my butt either lol
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    good morning and happy sunny monday well maybe not it seems unfair that monday arrives so fast

    im 2lbs down today woohoo and i started level 2 shred yesterday couple days early but i wasnt even feeling like i worked out on level 1 level 2 omg definately harder which i prefer need to work on the moves as my ankle hurts today and my hamstring so i need go easier on it so i dont do them in completely but i have to say 30ds has potentional now i really wasnt getting into level 1 havent lost any inches as yet but we will see when i get to the end

    hope you all been good this weekend and if not get your butts back here start logging again and avoiding junk working out and generally kicking butt so we reach our goals for october there is only 8 weeks left for me to reach target time to kick it up a notch me thinks
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Good morning.

    Great job Monkeysmum on the loss and sticking with 30DS!

    I wasn't that good this weekend but still better than most. My small victories are that I only drink 1 day this weekend and didn't have any sweets. Usually I have to have an ice cream or chocolate treat.
    I bought more weights...12 and 15 lbs so I'm ready to push harder on ChaLEAN. I'm still a little sore from Saturday's workout but I'm ready for more!