JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Elbee1 wrote: »
    I've been ill over the weekend & this morning. (Something I ate did not agree & this morning woke up with migraine).

    Monday dec. 31
    Make it thru the workday
    Make it to & thru NYE party at friends house
    Make wiser food choices.

    Btw, yesterday I was very low in calories. Due to being sick.

    I'd like to do the 2 notebook idea, too, for 2019..
    Make schedule for myself
    Feet idea is good too. And I need to focus on my dry hands, arms, legs too.
    Earlier bedtime & wake up time.
    Wiser food choices
    More water

    All above are goals for the year. But when listed seem overwhelming.

    I hope you feel better soon dear heart... Long distance hug🌹💕🙏
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @slittlemeister Happy to see you on here! Happy New Year!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,253 Member
    Weigh in

    Mini goal by January 1st: 195
    Mini goal: 180
    2nd mini goal weight:175
    2nd goal weight: 170
    (5'11" tall, 67 years old)

    Starting weight Jan 1, 2017: 217
    Jan 1: 217
    Feb 1: 211
    March 1: 205.4
    April 1: 202.6
    May 1: 204.6
    June 1: 200.4
    July 1: 199.2
    August 1: 195.6
    Sept 1: 192.8
    October 1: 191.8
    November 1: 187.7
    December 1: 193.5

    Starting weight Jan 1, 2018: 195.5

    January 1: 194.5
    Feb 1 : 190.2
    March 1 : 193.6
    April 1: 197.6
    May 1: 197.2
    June 1: 194.6
    July 1: 189.8
    August 1: 190.7
    Sept 1: 194.7
    October 1: 196.6
    October 8: 197.6 --- starting weekly weigh ins.
    October 15: 199.2 -- Son was in town, so I am hoping this is just water/food weight.
    October 22: 200.2 :s:'(:s This is a number I NEVER wanted to see again .... OK, time to get to work harder at this!!
    October 29: 202.6 :'(:'( It has been an emotional week for me .... and as a result, the scale shows it.
    November 5: 200.1 -- but got into the halloween candy again last nite, so this week, I need to work much harder to get out of those 200s.
    November 11: 204.0. :'( What can I say ... . my own fault :'(
    November 19: 201.0 --- I did really good all week, but got off track this weekend. Need to focus everyday on healthy habits.
    November 26: 203 --- Thanksgiving week, and too much last nite. But hoping this is just food/water weight. Monday - wednesday I did OK, just not the last half of the week.

    December 3: 200.0 - back where I started in November, so nothing gained, nothing lost. Hoping to get back to the 190s this week though.

    Dec 10: 199.2.

    Dec 17: 197.4

    Dec 31: 207.0 :'( --- OK, time to end this year, and start a fresh start!
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    The last day of 2018... I may as well "SHUT UP AND DANCE"... IJS... Lol…
    My last ditch effort for 2018... Hahahaha... Moving something and not sitting like a bump on a log... LMBO
    I'm gonna get up bathe, get dressed, put on some make up, perfume, and clean my room
    Hoping a Hot Young Man Will Show Up at my door with A box of Kleenex tissues, Muscle Rub,
    A Blanket, and Ice cream...😂😂😂😂 Now That's The Makings of a good evening...
    Anyway, let me stop being nutty.

    JFT (Monday)
    Up at 6a.m.😑 Didn't get up at 6 because my monthly visitor kept me awake back pain.

    Bathroom Routine 😑
    Exercise 7 a.m. 😑 didn't happen yet, but will get it in.
    7:30 make Green TeaTea😁🙌
    8:15 a.m. read and start laundry 😑 starting late on everything, timing off, but joy!😁👏 laundry!
    I'm working on accomplishing things today.
    10a.m. make changes to my room
    11 a.m. get dressed
    Drink water

    Not caught up yet with my initial plan, but I'm filled with joy and excitement for myself
    AND everyone that I know. Of course we're not going out of 2018 without a fight...
    We've done darn good! Not looking at the things that didn't go as planned,
    But smiling about what WE DID DO! We didn't quit, We showed up for the task each day,
    We had rugs snatched from under us, but we shook ourselves and WE GOT BACK
    UP!!! UP I SAY!
    We held on tighter, gritted our teeth, stomped our mental feet, We dug in, and
    Fought our way to here TOGETHER💕💕💕
    Does anyone know how to get American currency to Bex953172 I don't know the process
    , but I feel something has got to be done.. I can relate to her situation.. I would be homeless
    had my sister not stepped in, and I'm 54 and couldn't get help here and our shelters were full
    I'm just saying... Trouble doesn't discriminate, and help shouldn't either... These systems...
    Well anyway, before I go off in a tangent. I want to help if I can
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,920 Member
    JFT - Sunday December 30
    2L of water - 1.5
    Calories in Green - 🙂
    5 fruits and veggies - 5/5
    Stay conscious of my actions. Do not disappoint myself! - 🙂

    JFT - Monday December 31
    2L of water
    Calories in Green
    5 fruits and veggies
    Stay conscious of my actions. Do not disappoint myself!

    Just got home from the doctor, my chest pain is a twofer. A viral infection that inflames the chest wall and inflamed muscles from the way I was sitting while crafting. No meds except Advil, take 2 three times a day to get the inflammation down and Voltaren.

    I am not surprised by the crafting causing an issue. I suffered from shoulder pain for almost 20 years and was diagnosed with tendinitis, when it got so bad in 2012 I couldn’t lift anything I went to physio turned out to all be posture related. I got that all fixed and within a couple years had overcompensated and had locked my hips up. Fixed that and started having lower back pain. It seems I have overcompensated yet again. I really should have listened more to my Grandmother as a child when I was told to sit and stand straight. I remember her trying to teach me by having me balance a book on my head while doing homework.

    I’m finishing a coffee and then going to clean my craft room!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,920 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    hey everyone, I picked ash up at around 2pm yesterday, he's in quite a bit of pain understandably but he's got painkillers and he's glad to be home.
    we had a long chat about everything and weighed up our options. we have a few, some are t the best but it's not the end of world and would work out for us as we are young.

    we've decided to stick together, us against the world and everyone is being kept at arms length until were sorted, we dont get any help off anyone so they're not having the good times whilst were miserable. so everyone will be told yo fo end until we sort ourselves

    I think keeping others at arms length is good in situations like this. It took me a lot longer in life than you to realize that. Ash is a very lucky man to have you. I hope you get things resolved with the payments fast!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,920 Member
    The last day of 2018... I may as well "SHUT UP AND DANCE"... IJS... Lol…
    My last ditch effort for 2018... Hahahaha... Moving something and not sitting like a bump on a log... LMBO
    I'm gonna get up bathe, get dressed, put on some make up, perfume, and clean my room
    Hoping a Hot Young Man Will Show Up at my door with A box of Kleenex tissues, Muscle Rub,
    A Blanket, and Ice cream...😂😂😂😂 Now That's The Makings of a good evening...
    Anyway, let me stop being nutty.

    JFT (Monday)
    Up at 6a.m.😑 Didn't get up at 6 because my monthly visitor kept me awake back pain.

    Bathroom Routine 😑
    Exercise 7 a.m. 😑 didn't happen yet, but will get it in.
    7:30 make Green TeaTea😁🙌
    8:15 a.m. read and start laundry 😑 starting late on everything, timing off, but joy!😁👏 laundry!
    I'm working on accomplishing things today.
    10a.m. make changes to my room
    11 a.m. get dressed
    Drink water

    Not caught up yet with my initial plan, but I'm filled with joy and excitement for myself
    AND everyone that I know. Of course we're not going out of 2018 without a fight...
    We've done darn good! Not looking at the things that didn't go as planned,
    But smiling about what WE DID DO! We didn't quit, We showed up for the task each day,
    We had rugs snatched from under us, but we shook ourselves and WE GOT BACK
    UP!!! UP I SAY!
    We held on tighter, gritted our teeth, stomped our mental feet, We dug in, and
    Fought our way to here TOGETHER💕💕💕
    Does anyone know how to get American currency to Bex953172 I don't know the process
    , but I feel something has got to be done.. I can relate to her situation.. I would be homeless
    had my sister not stepped in, and I'm 54 and couldn't get help here and our shelters were full
    I'm just saying... Trouble doesn't discriminate, and help shouldn't either... These systems...
    Well anyway, before I go off in a tangent. I want to help if I can

    Maybe your bank can give you a suggestion for getting funds to Bex. I’m with you, hardships do not discriminate. I would love to help too, but since both my and my husband’s accounts are in the negative right now. There is nothing I can do. :(

    I’m so glad you found this group and bring your positive outlook to it.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    It's New Year's Eve, and I'm at work in a very quiet office today. I usually take this day off but don't have vacation available this year. It's okay though because it is so quiet that it's actually kind of peaceful just to get away in my own little cubby today! (I'll deny I ever said that if it gets back to my husband! Bwahaha! :mrgreen: )

    I wrote a lot last night in my notebook. I have a lot of ideas floating around in there. I think the approach I'm taking this year though is to pick one habit or behavior that I want to change and begin with that. I want to get one behavior turned into a habit before I move onto trying to add another. Baby steps until I have a new lifestyle that will stick. I made a list of many activities I can do to get exercise in, and I only wrote things I ENJOY doing....options for inside and out. I wrote what my idea of a good morning routine is and what a good evening routine for me would be. I wrote things I'd like to make into a standing task on weekends. I wrote goals I'd like to accomplish during 2019 in general...both big and small.

    Next up, I plan to think of healthy foods that I actually like and search for recipes I can use those foods in so I don't get bored with eating the same things. I plan to make recipe cards for each one so they are easy to grab and make.
    It gets me in trouble if I get bored with the same old, same old, foods because I will start shoving Doritos in my mouth by the handful and I won't stop until the bag is empty. So, healthy foods that I LIKE and recipes to make them is my next list. I think that might be enough for now....between that list and my Beck's ARC cards I should have enough written motivation and reminders. LOL!

    Tomorrow I plan to measure and weigh myself so I can begin 2019 with a fresh current numbers. I'll probably post my new lists, just to keep myself accountable and so I can go back at the end of the year and see how I did. I'll try to hide most of them on here so I don't take up a huge page and bore you all silly.

    Today is Tim and my 19th wedding anniversary. We've been together almost 26 years, but married 19. Usually that means a crab leg or lobster dinner...not sure this year though as it kind of snuck up on both of us! :mrgreen:

    Just for Friday, 12/31/2018:
    1. Journal every bite
    2. Stick to pre-logged breakfast, lunch and snacks
    3. Eat only while sitting down. Be mindful.
    4. Drink more water than yesterday
    5. Read my ARC's and read next Beck's Diet Solution chapter
    6. Give myself credit for what I do right and use kind words for self-talk
    7. 30 minutes of activity
    8. Run to Aldi's during lunch hour and pick up some fresh salad veggies
    9. Close kitchen at 8:00 p.m. (no snacking)
    10. Unplug tonight and be really present with my husband
    11. Lymphatic massage of arm. It's irritated and swollen again ever since I fell on ice.
    12. Self Care: Body / Mind / Spirit
    13. Bedtime Routine: Gratitude Journal / Dodie / Simple Abundance / Read until tired

    That reminds me....I have to go buy a new gratitude journal for 2019! Today is the last page in my current journal. Wow, the year sure went by fast!

    Peace, everyone!

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member

    Not caught up yet with my initial plan, but I'm filled with joy and excitement for myself
    AND everyone that I know. Of course we're not going out of 2018 without a fight...
    We've done darn good! Not looking at the things that didn't go as planned,
    But smiling about what WE DID DO! We didn't quit, We showed up for the task each day,
    We had rugs snatched from under us, but we shook ourselves and WE GOT BACK
    UP!!! UP I SAY!
    We held on tighter, gritted our teeth, stomped our mental feet, We dug in, and
    Fought our way to here TOGETHER💕💕💕
    Does anyone know how to get American currency to Bex953172 I don't know the process
    , but I feel something has got to be done.. I can relate to her situation.. I would be homeless
    had my sister not stepped in, and I'm 54 and couldn't get help here and our shelters were full
    I'm just saying... Trouble doesn't discriminate, and help shouldn't either... These systems...
    Well anyway, before I go off in a tangent. I want to help if I can

    I agree! I have been with Joan on the JFT thread since I think 2016? 2017 and 2018 I felt like I failed, but when I looked back at what I DID accomplish, I really did get some big things done in my life that affected both my physical and mental health! So no, we did not fail. We succeeded in many things this year!

    I know nothing about our currency is versus UK currency, but I'd be willing to help if I could! @Bex953172 maybe a GoFundMe page?

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    JFT - Sunday December 30
    2L of water - 1.5
    Calories in Green - 🙂
    5 fruits and veggies - 5/5
    Stay conscious of my actions. Do not disappoint myself! - 🙂

    JFT - Monday December 31
    2L of water
    Calories in Green
    5 fruits and veggies
    Stay conscious of my actions. Do not disappoint myself!

    Just got home from the doctor, my chest pain is a twofer. A viral infection that inflames the chest wall and inflamed muscles from the way I was sitting while crafting. No meds except Advil, take 2 three times a day to get the inflammation down and Voltaren.

    I am not surprised by the crafting causing an issue. I suffered from shoulder pain for almost 20 years and was diagnosed with tendinitis, when it got so bad in 2012 I couldn’t lift anything I went to physio turned out to all be posture related. I got that all fixed and within a couple years had overcompensated and had locked my hips up. Fixed that and started having lower back pain. It seems I have overcompensated yet again. I really should have listened more to my Grandmother as a child when I was told to sit and stand straight. I remember her trying to teach me by having me balance a book on my head while doing homework.

    I’m finishing a coffee and then going to clean my craft room!

    I'm sorry to hear about your chest pain! Is it costochondritis by chance? I had that once and it was SO PAINFUL just to breathe!!! I hope that is not what you have! Take care of yourself!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,253 Member
    Today is New Years Eve day .... and it is a rainy, dreary day. Our daughter was out again last nite sobbing, so I am planning on writing another letter to her doctor.

    But when I look back at where we have come .... there is still much improvement. So for that, I am truly grateful. Tonite she will join us for dinner, and then maybe we can all watch a movie or something. We are hoping to convince her to spend the nite. Tomorrow, I am going to attempt again to have her let me help her to clean her apartment.

    As I look back at this year, yes, I am disappointed in myself for not only gaining weight, but for not losing. And I only had like 15 pounds to lose .... now I am back up to having to lose almost 30.
    But .... I have gained so very much! I have learned so much from each of you. I have made the most wonderful online friends, who I care about so much. In a world where all you hear on the news is negative stuff, this thread is a blessing. The goodness and kindness here is unbelievable .
    I have learned to be more grateful, and appreciate so much each day.

    @Bex ... yes, I would love to contribute in any way I can also. I think the GoFund Me page would be the best way for us to help you .. that way we do not have to worry about currency, etc.

    So as we end this year, I am so proud of all of us. So proud that no matter what life threw at us, we all kept going. We did not throw in the towel. We have been here for each other. So thank you all so much!

    My goals today are simple
    1. log my food
    2. plan healthy choices tonite when we go out
    3. be grateful for all that God has given me ..... friends, good health, family
    4. get out the beck diet solution
    5. GO and get my notebooks -- 3: One for weekly planning, one for daily, and one as a gratitude journal

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,253 Member
    edited December 2018
    Here is the link to the 2019 thread!! I hope you all come over there with me!!!!! 2019 will be our year, but no matter what, the friendships formed on unbreakable!

  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Ooh a blank thread, a blank page - ours to write a new story for ourselves! I set my goals for 2019 and they are mostly a heap of work I need to do on my thinking and emotions. I don’t feel able to share it all but I know I have the best support on here.

    I wish you all a blessed and peaceful new year and better times in 2019. You all deserve the very best in life. Lots of love to you all xx
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Today is New Years Eve day .... and it is a rainy, dreary day. Our daughter was out again last nite sobbing, so I am planning on writing another letter to her doctor.

    But when I look back at where we have come .... there is still much improvement. So for that, I am truly grateful. Tonite she will join us for dinner, and then maybe we can all watch a movie or something. We are hoping to convince her to spend the nite. Tomorrow, I am going to attempt again to have her let me help her to clean her apartment.

    As I look back at this year, yes, I am disappointed in myself for not only gaining weight, but for not losing. And I only had like 15 pounds to lose .... now I am back up to having to lose almost 30.
    But .... I have gained so very much! I have learned so much from each of you. I have made the most wonderful online friends, who I care about so much. In a world where all you hear on the news is negative stuff, this thread is a blessing. The goodness and kindness here is unbelievable .
    I have learned to be more grateful, and appreciate so much each day.

    @Bex ... yes, I would love to contribute in any way I can also. I think the GoFund Me page would be the best way for us to help you .. that way we do not have to worry about currency, etc.

    So as we end this year, I am so proud of all of us. So proud that no matter what life threw at us, we all kept going. We did not throw in the towel. We have been here for each other. So thank you all so much!

    My goals today are simple
    1. log my food
    2. plan healthy choices tonite when we go out
    3. be grateful for all that God has given me ..... friends, good health, family
    4. get out the beck diet solution
    5. GO and get my notebooks -- 3: One for weekly planning, one for daily, and one as a gratitude journal

    Yes! GoFund me... I thought about that too... Yes!! Great idea
  • frenchfancy2014
    frenchfancy2014 Posts: 277 Member
    Now to the goals...

    Doing well in my moisturise and massage hands and feet each night✔️✔️✔️ proud of myself as feet starting to look better- still cracked heels but it’s wearing down. 👣🦶

    Cleaning gone to pot....that’s tomorrow’s task after work.

    Logging each day doing well but the calories are still over.....so I’m being honest but failing to curb the appetite.

    I was so inspired by this goal that I started this today myself! I never take the time to put lotion on my hands, let alone work on my dry feet! My heels are so cracked that I could probably sand a whole floor just by dragging my feet across it! :mrgreen:

    Today, I soaked my feet twice and used that thingamajig that you use to buff your heels for dry skin and used lotions and essential oils on them and just the simple act of taking the time to do some self-care really made me feel great!

    Thank you for the idea! xo

    So glad you took the time to pamper yourself. It really does lift your mood I find and even if I failed at everything in the day it’s the last thing I can do to end the day well🤗I so fell about laughing at your comment on sanding floors🤣🤣🤣 my cracked heels are just like that! I invested in some cotton socks for bed and really slather the lotion on then pop them on and get in bed.... not a sexy look but it’s really breaking down the hard skin. Soaking feet feels so good🤗🙏
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,920 Member
    JFT - Sunday December 30
    2L of water - 1.5
    Calories in Green - 🙂
    5 fruits and veggies - 5/5
    Stay conscious of my actions. Do not disappoint myself! - 🙂

    JFT - Monday December 31
    2L of water
    Calories in Green
    5 fruits and veggies
    Stay conscious of my actions. Do not disappoint myself!

    Just got home from the doctor, my chest pain is a twofer. A viral infection that inflames the chest wall and inflamed muscles from the way I was sitting while crafting. No meds except Advil, take 2 three times a day to get the inflammation down and Voltaren.

    I am not surprised by the crafting causing an issue. I suffered from shoulder pain for almost 20 years and was diagnosed with tendinitis, when it got so bad in 2012 I couldn’t lift anything I went to physio turned out to all be posture related. I got that all fixed and within a couple years had overcompensated and had locked my hips up. Fixed that and started having lower back pain. It seems I have overcompensated yet again. I really should have listened more to my Grandmother as a child when I was told to sit and stand straight. I remember her trying to teach me by having me balance a book on my head while doing homework.

    I’m finishing a coffee and then going to clean my craft room!

    I'm sorry to hear about your chest pain! Is it costochondritis by chance? I had that once and it was SO PAINFUL just to breathe!!! I hope that is not what you have! Take care of yourself!

    Ummm I can’t remember the name of the viral infection it was in Latin I’m sure. That sounds like it might be it though.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,920 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Here is the link to the 2019 thread!! I hope you all come over there with me!!!!! 2019 will be our year, but no matter what, the friendships formed on unbreakable!


    I will definitely be seeing you there!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,920 Member
    I saw this and it made me chuckle. Hope it makes you chuckle too.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,603 Member
    Finally back to JFT on the last day of the year, and too late for goals today. Sorry I've been MIA, more on that later. I caught up with all the posts just before, and oh my! So, so sad to see the struggles some have to go through. Many hugs to all, especially @Bex953172 and @mytime6630! Please include a link Bex, if there's a GoFundMe for you ~ I'll definitely contribute. We are all such good friends on this thread, and I always look forward to catching up for the support, ideas, accountability, etc. Joan, so, so happy you have posted a new thread for 2019, I have already bookmarked it. I started JFT sometime in January 2017, and it made all the difference to me on MFP. Looking forward to another year with old and new friends! Before I forget, @PackerFanInGB congrats to you, Tracie and Tim, on your anniversary!

    Hubby and I have been on a sort of stay-cation over the holidays, me since 12/22 and he since 12/23. It's been glorious. Spent several days with my side of the family (unfortunately included 3 hours in the car each day). Last night was date with hubby, and we walked through the Garden of Lights at the local botanical garden. I'll try to post some photos in a bit.

    As for logging, it didn't really matter, since I pretty much ate whatever I wanted. I cooked big meals prior to Christmas so we would have healthy leftovers between the visits, and I wouldn't have to cook each day. Christmas Day and other family day were no-logging days and I totally enjoyed. Then, middle brother and his new wife gave us a platter of cookies (they both love to bake), and hubby got a box of (wonderful) chocolates from one of the depts. he works in. Most of cookies and chocolates are gone... hubby and I shared, so not just me. I've decided to enjoy this time & food & drinks, and get back on track when I return to work on Wed. when my days will be much more structured.

    I have been trying to keep drinking plenty of water, doing ok with that. And I've walked the dog at least 3-4 miles most days, although side streets (no sidewalks in outskirts of town) were icier than I expected yesterday, had me very nervous and slowed me down... had several slips, but no falls ~ yay me! I think Caye understood I was nervous because she actually stayed at my side or behind me in icy stretches ~ unheard of! Dog walks are over for now, though. This morning was really gloomy so I checked my weather app & winter storm watch in effect. By late morning we had sleet, which has turned to snow & sometimes sleet.

    Tonight hubby and I have special foods / drinks to celebrate, although I already warned him, I may not stay awake until midnight. No logging food for that at all, time to enjoy.

    Happy New Year to all, and see you on JFT 2019!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    I saw this and it made me chuckle. Hope it makes you chuckle too.

    Congratulations you gotta laugh out of me!

    yoh have ALL been so kind!
    we've added stuff up and j think we will just about manage.
    its will be tight but we will do it.

    someone very amazing helped with the washer door so going to get that bought and fitted asap.
    j have a fairy godmother after all