Christmas Countdown Challenge (Closed Group) - Week 4



  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    CW: 257.4!

    I had a weirdly emotional/busy week, and I didn't do the challenges. I'm mad at myself for making excuses, but there's nothing to do about it now but do better :)

    I did try to get to bed a little earlier and that's helped, tho!

    Great job everyone!
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hey there CCC's I made yramesor33 - Zucchini Lasagna last night...I can never leave a recipe I added some fresh basil and fresh tomatoes to it. My husband had seconds!! The kids liked it too. The recipe is on the first weeks thread.

    I have gained and lost during this me a VERY small loss over all. But so what it's the right direction! I think inches have been lost - bright side! I want to share some snacks and goodies with you :flowerforyou: We all life in different parts of the world so I'm sorry if you don't have these stores in your town...but maybe you can find this stuff someplace else.

    Big Lot's - Underway drinks. Yummy... I was on the smart for life cookie diet a couple years ago.. I lost 25# (gained it back:grumble: ) they were selling these drinks for $1.50 each! Got them at BL for $2.00 for a 4 pack! They surpress your appetite with vitiamins and fiber, 20 calories per bottle. Also they had Jillian Michaels shakes 180 lots of protein $3.00/ 4pk!

    Costco hummus individual packs - 140 cal each...great to keep on hand. most important keep us eating the right size portion! I also bought their yummy mini sweet pepper, I used them to dip in the hummus. One more thing I got at Cost Co, Turkey Jerky. I know the sodium is high but lean protein. I have already made up 5 portions in ziplock bags 80 cal each. I am going to keep them in the car, since I am on the road all the time. Things like this will keep me from getting hungry and making bad choices!

    I'm in this to win it!!!!!!! Thanks for listening/ reading :happy:
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    CW: 195
    Same as last week!:frown:
    Getting frustrated but at least it wasn't a gain. I lost and gained the same pound for about 2 week.:angry:
    30 cross crunches done/gonna try to get them done by tomorrow
    sleep/did pretty good
    Congrats to all for sticking with it another week.:flowerforyou:

    i'm right here with you!!!! Slow and steady.... We can do it!!!
  • CW : 220 lbs.
  • Alright - I got the sleep in... though not in a consecutive run. I have a six month old and 2 year old. So there were a couple interuptions each night lol. As for the crunches.... not successfull, but I'm gonna keep on doing them today.

    Now as for the water, I used to be really good at drinking alot of water. Just a couple weeks ago we moved to a new city, and I can't stand the taste of the water here. Can anyone suggest a good water filter? or Should I just start buying water... (not very enviro friendly though...) I've been trying a brita filter, but it really is not cutting it for me. I've also tried crystal light flavors... not crazy about them either. Ugh...

    Now for my weight.... It's not good. I'm up another lb. I'm not sure what is going on with me... but I keep sabotaging myself. I need to just get my butt in gear and make it happen. Just under a month till my birthday, and I want to see some kind of results for then. And only 16??? weeks till Christmas!!

    CW : 220 lbs.
  • This week I did not do so well. It was the first week of school and I think the stress of it all has gotten to me. So for this week there has been no weight change :(

  • Last week= 194
    current weight= 190.4

    100 crunches completed
    Doing really well with my water (about 40 oz a day )
    Only went over my calories once this week!!
    Got the sleep thing a few nights but not all week.
  • CW....210 !!!! whoo hoo lost 3lbs (thought for sure after last nights vodka/ royal/coke and a few drinks called swamp water (lol) i woulda gained but i lost another pound yayyy !!! oh and after on the way home my hubby stopped at mc donalds and i didnt get anything !!! musta been all the dancing im so happy id do the happy dance but my knees r killin me lol !!! 11 more pounds 2 onderland !!! hope everyone has a nice relaxing sunday :)
  • Hey there CCC's I made yramesor33 - Zucchini Lasagna last night...I can never leave a recipe I added some fresh basil and fresh tomatoes to it. My husband had seconds!! The kids liked it too. The recipe is on the first weeks thread.

    I have gained and lost during this me a VERY small loss over all. But so what it's the right direction! I think inches have been lost - bright side! I want to share some snacks and goodies with you :flowerforyou: We all life in different parts of the world so I'm sorry if you don't have these stores in your town...but maybe you can find this stuff someplace else.

    Big Lot's - Underway drinks. Yummy... I was on the smart for life cookie diet a couple years ago.. I lost 25# (gained it back:grumble: ) they were selling these drinks for $1.50 each! Got them at BL for $2.00 for a 4 pack! They surpress your appetite with vitiamins and fiber, 20 calories per bottle. Also they had Jillian Michaels shakes 180 lots of protein $3.00/ 4pk!

    Costco hummus individual packs - 140 cal each...great to keep on hand. most important keep us eating the right size portion! I also bought their yummy mini sweet pepper, I used them to dip in the hummus. One more thing I got at Cost Co, Turkey Jerky. I know the sodium is high but lean protein. I have already made up 5 portions in ziplock bags 80 cal each. I am going to keep them in the car, since I am on the road all the time. Things like this will keep me from getting hungry and making bad choices!

    I'm in this to win it!!!!!!! Thanks for listening/ reading :happy:

    awesome !!!! glad you liked it :) my homade sauce has tomato chunks in it ....but next time im gonna try some basil !!!
  • CW: 129

    I definitely struggled this week but at least I stayed the same! Being on holidays it's hard to eat well and exercise but tomorrow is a new day and will be a better week!! :smile:
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    Sleep has been bad for most of the week except friday and saturday night I slept for 8 hours, which is loads for me :)

    Also did myself a new ticker so I have a visual of where I am on the Christmas countdown :)
  • CW 211.8
    Up 4 lbs. TOM and salt not a good combo. I am determined this week to get out of this rut. I am going swimming with the family tomorrow and I will get in a ton of exercise.

    As for he challenges, I have caught up on my sleep and this week I will get back into my routine. $5, check. Water, some good days, some bad. Crunches - work in progress.

    Here's to a great week and great results.
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Sleeping challenge = fail. I came to terms with my chronic insomnia years ago, but it's still frustrating because I like to complete all challenges.
    And, thus, because I was feeling frustrated and a failure, I didn't complete ANY of my crossovers, and really don't have any motivation to do them today.

    Hey hey hey!! You seem to be in a slump and I DON'T LIKE IT! Don't consider yourself a failure! And don't you dare give up on those crunches! Don't think you can do all 60 today, me either! But I know you can do SOMETHING! Squeeze in 10, maybe 20! Do NOT give up! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Thanks Jenn. Not wanting to disappoint, I got in 12 crunches for today. I'll do the rest of them next week on top of the new challenge. I punished myself by going on bike ride and swimming today. I know I need to keep working for that scale to keep going down!
  • KimertRuns13_1
    KimertRuns13_1 Posts: 702 Member
    No loss this week but I'm ok with that since it wasn't a gain and AF was here. I didn't make the best food choices.
    kicked butt with crunches adn all my other workouts. Only missed on run in my Half marathon training this week BUT it's only because I woke up very sick today. Sinus stuff is killing me.
  • Mary_Kate
    Mary_Kate Posts: 25 Member
    CW: 185

    Down 1 pound! Hurrah!

    Sleep has been absolutely awful this week. I can't sleep for more than 3 hours and I've been feeling really tired and miserable as a result but I will hopefully get more of a chance to relax this week.

    Down to 20 crunches left and will get them finished up tomorrow morning, plus I love putting away the £5 each week, I'm excited to buy something beautiful for Christmas.

    Keep up the great efforts ladies, just think how much better we'll look.... but also really importantly, feel about ourselves at Christmas!
  • liz4214
    liz4214 Posts: 63 Member
    Checking in for the week!! Hope everyone had a nice weekend!

    CW: 283
  • abeks
    abeks Posts: 68 Member
    CW 187

    Have a good week everyone!
  • MakinMoves
    MakinMoves Posts: 364
    No Change For Me This Week...But I Think I Got Some Good Muscle Growing hahahaha:heart:
  • jcannon15
    jcannon15 Posts: 148
    i caught my boyfriend digging in my goal jeans with my money in them ! he had no idea what they ment and felt really bad afterwards so he told me for every week i worked out and stayed with in my calories he'd double my money!
  • MaeKhaleesi
    MaeKhaleesi Posts: 61 Member
    Sorry I'm not more active on the threads during the week. My internet's been acting up lately and I have to fight with it just to send in my weight each week. :grumble: Anyways, this weeks weight was 142.2! I'm so close to the 130's! Hopefully I can reach them by next weeks weigh in. :happy: