JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Morning, y'all! I hope you're having a good start to your day.

    Day Two on MFP:
    1) still not smoking (day 8)
    2) worked out this morning on the elliptical
    3) had a healthy breakfast
    4) on track to lose that 20 by May


    KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK QUITTING SMOKING! That's an incredible feat and I'm proud of you!!!
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    My home page is not loading, and my diary wont let me add food on the website - the app seems to be working okay though, but frustrating!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,483 Member
    edited January 2019
    Recap T 1/8 ~ Another morning when I skipped my workout and reset the alarm :s
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work / 5 somethings = Fitbit 10,144 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 & 38 floors :smiley:
    2) Food day in office ~ at this workplace, unfortunately, we all gather in conference room & eat together, not the help-yourself-eat-at-your-desk-and-work style I'm used to. Lots of high calorie choices so I ate very sparingly, left most choices untouched, only stuff I really wanted, and logged / usual meals & leftovers for supper / net calories w/i 100 of zero / 14c water = An ok day, at least better than it's been... net calories -306 :/ , sodium -1.064 (too many veggie straws for snack) :/ , sugar -15 (fruit salad, potato dill bread), fiber & protein excellent (yay) & 15c water (my body was CRAVING water)
    3) Evening: laundry :smiley: 2 loads & everything folded/hung, taken upstairs & put away :D added to my floors total on Fitbit / maybe workout video? / maybe pack more Christmas decorations & store? / other? washed dishes :smiley: and clean kitchen counter again
    4) Unplug 9:00 :neutral: except for MFP / FLOSS :smiley: / RETAINERS :smiley: / set/verify early alarm, BED & TV OFF 10:15 :neutral: 10:40 to watch local news/weather pushed back (treadmill before work W)

    JFT W 1/9 ~ Yay ~ I got up for early alarm (after several snoozes) and worked out... know this won't be so hard once I do it a few more times. Vacation & holidays sure screwed up my schedule & habits.
    1) X-trained w/ weights & circuit-training (not enough time for treadmill & I'm fine w/ this) before work :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work / 5 somethings
    3) Usual meals/snacks prelogged / happy hour w/ former colleagues ~ preview menu online & choose wisely / enjoy 1 adult beverage in company of friends / net calories zero / 14c water
    4) Evening to-do's? Check headlamp & LED vest for F event & charge if necessary.
    5) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / set/verify early alarm, bed & tv off 10:15 (treadmill R before work)
  • pam46815
    pam46815 Posts: 20 Member
    I met yesterday's goals of drinking my water, not eating after 8:00 and I got a load of laundry done! Although, I think my dryer just took a dump on me and don't know how I'm going to pay for that... I also went to the Y and did a new exercise class. I've also set a goal of losing ten pounds in five weeks. I'm feeling really motivated and optimistic. My goals for today are:
    1. Log all my food into MFP
    2. Drink a bottle of water an hour after noon.
    3. Do not eat anything after 8:00
    4. Resist buying popcorn at the movies tonight. I love movie theater popcorn!
  • reneinitaly7
    reneinitaly7 Posts: 15 Member

    my goals for today yesterday...
    * track everything 💜✅
    * choose one app and stick with it💜✅
    * Get back to the gym💜💜✅
    * Get back to flylady💜✅
    * Participate✅💜

    Love this.... I used to be part of a weight watchers thread very similar to this. Break in it down to Daily Goals makes it do able....

    my goals for today
    * track everything
    * continue with MFP
    * Exercise
    * keep on with flylady
    * Participate
    * Drink enough water
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,746 Member
    JFT - TuesdayJanuary 8th
    2L of water - 🙂
    Calories in Green - 🙂🙂🙂 I thought I was close to the red and didn’t have enough for a snack. When I entered the snack I realized I had a lot more. When I logged the exercise and snack I was still in the red by 300+
    Walk 1 Mile - 🙂🙂🙂 a 3 mile Leslie Sansone
    5 Fruits and Veggies - 2/5
    Only 1 evening Snack - 🙂
    5 something at bathroom break - 😈
    Write in Journal - 🙂 I realized last night I have been writing 2018 since Jan 2. I went back and corrected that!
    Do not disappoint myself, be conscious of my choices. - 🙂

    JFT - Wednesday January 9th
    2L of water
    Calories in Green
    Walk 1 Mile
    5 Fruits and Veggies
    Only 1 evening Snack
    5 something at bathroom break
    Write in Journal
    Do not disappoint myself, be conscious of my choices.


    Had a frustrating day yesterday. I have been trying to get out of the house each day as it forces me to get dressed and out in the fresh air. On my third stop yesterday the car wouldn’t start. My daughter came and rescued me and took hubby over to look at it. He got it going and it’s home again, but I have no clue what is wrong with it and no money to get it fixed.

    I applied for a couple more jobs yesterday. I need to sit down and write a cover letter that I can adjust easily for each position. I really need to have a computer to do this and hubby uses the laptop all day. I get it around 9 at night when I am less inclined to have to think.

    The Wedding party girls have decided on a trip to the mountains for the Bachelorette party. The theme will be Diamond and Twine. It is based on a song of that name by Ryan Hurd. It sums up Kaitlyn and Brodey’s relationship nicely. I like that this will have none of the wedding theme at all!

    I have to do some tidying today and I have some things I want to do in the craftroom. I am finding myself spending the first couple hours of my morning reading posts on this group and another one that I follow. I think I need to give up the other one and maybe only visit it occasionally.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,746 Member
    edited January 2019
    @Faebert - I think your word BALANCE is an excellent word. I can imagine how difficult finding that can be when it comes to maintenance. I have lost the same 20-25 pounds 3 times now and can’t get it to stick, so I’m nervous about this one too. Heck I couldn’t even keep my kids below 180 for two weeks!

    @slittlemeister - woohoo good for you! That must have been difficult to avoid those pastries and a snack trolley!!!

    @maryrobinson40 - I like your idea of a timer and dancing.

    @Bex953172 - I’m sorry you are struggling, I’m not surprised as you have so much going on. I don’t have any real encouraging words. I am having the same battle getting myself kickstarted. I read a lot of motivational quotes, and just tell myself how I will feel if I don’t do it. I check in here quite regularly throughout the day too to remind myself others are doing it, I can too.
    How is Ash doing?

    @sofiaalegre I have been having the same struggle with overeating. I think mine is boredom, I need to be working. I don’t like being home without a set schedule. I think this is where determination comes in, you just have to do it.

    @celiacgirl2008 - woohoo over a week! Pretty soon it will be a month. For my first year I made a fb post every month saying how long it had been. I still do it yearly. I can’t believe it’s been 10 years in May! I have never had even a drag off of one and only twice have picked one up and thought about it. Both times I was having a terrible fight with my husband. I still see someone light up at a red light though and think I should have one too. I have to remind myself I don’t do that and then I laugh at myself.

    I decided earlier this year that I am not willing to give up a bedtime snack. I have been having those since before I can remember. I gave up breakfast instead. It helped me save calories for later in the day when I really wanted it and I was never a big breakfast person anyway.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,076 Member

    @Bex953172 - I’m sorry you are struggling, I’m not surprised as you have so much going on. I don’t have any real encouraging words. I am having the same battle getting myself kickstarted. I read a lot of motivational quotes, and just tell myself how I will feel if I don’t do it. I check in here quite regularly throughout the day too to remind myself others are doing it, I can too.
    How is Ash doing?

    Do you think that's what it is? that I've just had a rough time so i just haven't got the oomph. because j WANT to do it, but I just .. dont do it..

    ash is doing okay!
    he had his cast redone. his hand is black from bruising, its healing as best as they could hope for. he wont need surgery again the metal pins are doing their job. they actually go into his hand from the outside so you can see two rods of metal sticking out when this old cast was taken off. they can just pull these straight out without going under the knife.
    so 3 weeks of this, then the pins out, then another 6 weeks in another cast.
    then intensive physio, although his hand is permanently changed, the actual structure of it, his knuckles aren't straight anymore and this may affect his grip so he will have to learn how to use it again for writing and stuff we think (we'll see after his first physio.) it just sucks that he mangled his dominant hand..
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    JFT 1/8
    1. IF eating & keto eating ✅
    2. Coffee , & H20 during my fasting times smile✅
    3. Sugar free✅
    4. at least 11/8oz cups h20✅
    5. Stay within my 3 hr eating window✅
    6. Walk at least 8000 steps per day✅
    7. 60 min yoga & meditation ✅
    8. Start reading The stressless brain chapter ✅
    10. Read chronological bible reading plan 👎🏻
    11. DDD workbook week 1👎🏻

    JFT 1/9
    1. Fasting 24 hrs
    2. Coffee, supplement & H2O during my fasting times smile
    3. Sugar free
    4. at least 11/8oz cups h20
    5. Stay within my 3 hr eating window
    6. Walk at least 8000 steps per day
    7. 60 min yoga & meditation
    8. Read The stressless brain chapter 2
    9. Read chronological bible reading plan
    10. DDD workbook week 1
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    @mytime6630 Re: your friend and the water. I was so glad to see this happen to you! Why? Because of your healthy reactions. You were emotionally spewed on, and worse, there was no justification for it. But what did you do? You communicated with your husband (and good for him for reacting in a positive manner). And best of all, you communicated with your friend. Confrontation is not always easy but look at you. YOU chose to not allow emotion to control you. YOU chose to control your emotion.

    And now, because of this ucky circumstance you can do a happy dance! And you are assured that you have the POWER, and dare I say it, DISCIPLINE, to overcome your emotions of distress!!! Proof is in the puddin'!

    You are off to such a great start this January!!!

    Whoop-Whoop! Yea for you :)
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    @Faebert Balance. Ahhh...this is something so many of us continue to strive for. And when we reach it we have so much peace around us.

    Balance: a condition in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions. (love "correct propostions")

    @Bex953172 Discovery! That word demands an exclamation mark!

    Discovery Finding something unexpectedly during a search; the act of becoming aware of something

    @AJB1014 Driven I like the words found in the definition...relentlessly compelled.

    Driven relentlessly compelled by the need to accomplish a goal; very hard-working and ambitious.

    @mytime6630 My Word for the Year is also DISCIPLINE! I thought it was perseverance but discipline kept demanding to be heard and I finally just gave in and said, Okay, Okay! Have your way!

    Discipline: restraint exercised over one's own impulses, emotions, or desires.

    @PackerFanInGB Tenacious conjures up all kinds of word pictures. Steely eyes, bared teeth, almost snarling, lol! Did I give you the definition of your fabulous word? I thought I did but just in case...

    Tenacity: persistent in maintaining, adhering to, or seeking something valued or desired

    @slittlemeister A two-fer for you this year! Mindful and Moderation These are very strong words and are very active words.

    Mindful Aware. (In other words, "taking every bite captive!"
    Moderation in a way that is reasonable and not excessive

    @snowflake1968 Your word for 2019 is Determined. That is extremely powerful.

    Determine Firmly resolved (love the part "firmly")

    Oh, there is one more out there---please remind me who you are. Is your word Consistency?

    I always think of the adage "Slow and steady wins the race!"

    Consistency steady continuity

    Onward and UPward!!!
    Peace and joy

  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Yesterday was awful.
    I just binged and binged then binged some more. I couldn't stop! I dont know what was wrong with me, I'm never normally like that, not to that extent anyway.

    so starting even smaller today

    just 8 glasses of water.


    Right guys, give me your best advice to keep me going, all your tips and tricks because I've ran out of steam and i cant make myself get going again, I need some help!

    Sorry that you are struggling - as @Snowflake1968 said it is not really surprising given everything you're dealing with - don't beat yourself up!

    I have somd thoughts which may or may not be useful - will just throw them out there:

    1) you didn't say what you were binging on - was it food that you could not keep in the house/ find ways to prevent yourself from being able to access*
    2) do you think it was something specific that set off the binge? Could you have strategies in place to distract yourself if you experience that/another trigger again? Random example: if you feel the urge to eat, put on a CD and dance about like mad instead (or other distraction that works for you)
    3) In the Beck Diet Solution, you have to write down what you are going to eat each day and then you're not allowed to deviate from it. If you are tempted to deviate it from it, you tell yourself NO CHOICE and stick to your plan. Realistically this doesn't work every time but it does quite a lot of the time.

    * I bought my boyfriend a 'cheese locker' for Christmas so he can keep cheese in the fridge without me eating it. He's been wanting this for years because whenever he brings back tasty cheese from France I eat it

    Hope some of these help. Hang in there - things WILL get easier and that should make everything else easier as well!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    edited January 2019
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Yesterday was awful.
    I just binged and binged then binged some more. I couldn't stop! I dont know what was wrong with me, I'm never normally like that, not to that extent anyway.

    so starting even smaller today

    just 8 glasses of water.


    Right guys, give me your best advice to keep me going, all your tips and tricks because I've ran out of steam and i cant make myself get going again, I need some help!

    Sorry that you are struggling - as @Snowflake1968 said it is not really surprising given everything you're dealing with - don't beat yourself up!

    I have somd thoughts which may or may not be useful - will just throw them out there:

    1) you didn't say what you were binging on - was it food that you could not keep in the house/ find ways to prevent yourself from being able to access*
    2) do you think it was something specific that set off the binge? Could you have strategies in place to distract yourself if you experience that/another trigger again? Random example: if you feel the urge to eat, put on a CD and dance about like mad instead (or other distraction that works for you)
    3) In the Beck Diet Solution, you have to write down what you are going to eat each day and then you're not allowed to deviate from it. If you are tempted to deviate it from it, you tell yourself NO CHOICE and stick to your plan. Realistically this doesn't work every time but it does quite a lot of the time.

    * I bought my boyfriend a 'cheese locker' for Christmas so he can keep cheese in the fridge without me eating it. He's been wanting this for years because whenever he brings back tasty cheese from France I eat it

    Hope some of these help. Hang in there! The most important thing is to keep trying and not give up. Which you clearly aren't doing given you posted this!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    UGH! I’ve been swamped here at work and didn’t get a chance to check in yesterday and set goals for 1/8/19. To recap, I’m having a really hard time getting back on track. I’m logging everything but have just been overeating. Not as much as during the holidays b/c I have the structure that my job provides but I’m still struggling to cut down on my calories. I haven’t started exercising yet either b/c I’ve been doing things around the house in the early mornings.

    As a recap for Monday:

    JFT 1/7/19
    _Log, log, log everything I eat: :/ Went over my calories, not much but struggling to eat less.
    -Water, water, water: :/ I managed 2 30oz bottles. I was drinking 3 before my break
    _Read, read, read at least one page of posts: :/ I’ve skimmed things here and there and so wished I had a laptop at home to catch up b/c it’s hard for me to do so at work and doing it on my cell phone strains my eyes.

    Yesterday I logged everything and went way over my calories noticing that I ate beyond the point of being comfortable :'(
    I just had about 40 oz of water. :'(
    Couldn’t get on the thread b/c of all that I had to do. :'(

    At least I’m tracking everything, even if I’m in the red! :/

    I’ll get back on track at some point and start losing again. Thank you all for being here for me <3

    I think you should be proud of the fact that you are logging. That's a great achievement! I know that when I'm not on track, I have a tendency to let logging slip, and I know others on here are the same. Give yourself credit for getting that first, difficult step nailed!

    It's also great that you're logging because it means you have information that you can use to identify where you need to prioritise making changes. It's hard to change too many things at once, so why don't you use the data to identify where most of your surplus calories are coming from, and cut them out/ decrease them one by one?

    Going from lots to little at once (as many of us do after the holiday) is quite a big step (I was famished last week, I'd basically stuffed myself for ten days...!) So if you gradually reduce calories one step at a time it might be easier.

    Either that, or see my comments above to Bex about physically blocking your access to food ;)
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member

    Welp, it's day 9 of the rest of your life! How y'all doin? This is such a great place to be motivated. I'm grateful to belong to a group of gals who share the victories as well as take time to encourage others to keep going, not give up and to get back on track with a kick in the tushy when needed!

    But for all that motivation, it still comes down to me, myself, and I. No one can lose my weight except me. No one can get on that treadmill and burn calories, except me. No one can stay away from the chocolate for me, except me. I have to be the one who chooses to not allow feelings to control me. It's on me. I have to CHOOSE to do it, in order to be successful.

    So, while motivation is a great tool, in the end, I must have self-discipline. Motivation is generally an outward source. And its aim is to get you emotionally riled up to do what you need to do. Even when I am self-motivated, I am talking myself into doing what is right.

    But self-discipline comes from within. It is what is going to get us out of bed in the morning to exercise. It is going to be what will make us close the pantry door at 8:30pm. It has to be practiced and honed and executed over and over...even when motivation is nowhere to be found. And then results come: that thinner waist, tidier home, firmer arms, bigger savings account!

    And THAT is what has been rolling around in my head today!
    Peace and joy!

  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    JFT, 1/9/2019
    Word: Discipline

    Operation Red Cup (I am rocking this since I got out my handy dandy glass!)
    Enter my anticiapated meals in to MFP before eating
    Complete Day 3 of sugar detox
    Write 1 letter

    Peace and joy!

  • Lastchancetochange
    Lastchancetochange Posts: 146 Member
    Hi team, ate clean today, now day 4 in a row. Today I rested from the bike. Less headaches finally, always happens when i cut carbs. Have difficulty with measuring olive oil, how do you guys do it?
  • pam46815
    pam46815 Posts: 20 Member
    How do I post a reply on someone's post?
  • karabobera
    karabobera Posts: 26 Member
    Went over my calorie goal yesterday because my brother offered me a snack, haha.... and I didn't run long, but I forced myself on the eliptical which was a big part of my goal! Also took the stairs (5 flights) three times and went on a short walk. Ate waaaay too much sugar, though. Baby steps, I guess :P

    I've had a lot of sugary coffee today, so my goal is to keep it light tonight and run for longer than usual- I usually run for about 30 minutes but I'm looking to hit 35-40 tonight and clean my room, which should definitely burn some calories considering there's a lot to move around.

    Let's goooooo! :D
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Wednesday 9 January

    Failed to post goals again this morning as I was disorganised but I did have a few in mind.

    Log accurately :)
    Stay in the green :)
    Meet the water challenge :) but only just
    Fitbit goals :)

    I've been reading all your motivational words for the year and pondering mine. I could steal one of yours and apply it to myself but have finally decided on METHODICAL. This year is going to be both challenging and excitingly different so a methodical approach should help see me through it. It might just help with the daily tasks as well, soI will set the alarm for tomorrow morning and post my goals in the morning.