Lose 5 Pounds a Month August 2011 Challenge



  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I started with the July challenge but I was coming out of a plateau and didn't make my 5 pounds for the month although I started losing by the end of the month a little. The good news is that yes I am coming out of this plateau. After finally drinking the 14 glasses of water for my weight yesterday:drinker: I have lost another pound after losing on Monday. So I am only 0.8 lbs away from my target for today. I almost never lose on Fridays.
    08/01/2011: 232.2
    08/05/2011: camping
    08/15/2011: 231.2
    08/19/2011: 229.8
    08/26/2011: ? GW 228
    08/31/2011: ? GW 227

    I have been working so hard. I have stayed under my calorie goal for the most part. I have exercised 1 hour or more 6-7 days a week. Wednesday I finally added in some weight training. I have been doing C25K and am on Week 8 next week. Fridays is Zumba. I have been at 26.6 pounds for ever and now I have finally lost a total of 30 pounds. I broke the 230's finally. I have been working through months of this plateau.

  • AmandaB4588
    Ok, so I think the universe is trying to support me in my no-popcorn victory last night... My daily peek at the scale was 148 today (from 150 yesterday)! My first time in the 140's in over 6-7 years. A sign for sure, considering we're planning to take the kids to see the Smurfs this afternoon, and I will be tempted by popcorn again. Official weigh-in is not unti Monday, so let's see if I can keep my weight down over the weekend - a tough one for sure, considering we are going camping with about 6 other couples, which means there shall be lots of food and booze involved.

    omgomgomgomgomgomgomg!!!!!! FANTASTIC!!!
  • AmandaB4588
    Two NSV's to report today:
    1. I was able to take my wedding ring off. After a few weeks of healthy eating, the swelling in my fingers has finally dropped down enough to remove it. I've got a bit of heat rash under it, so it's a relief.
    2. I did not eat popcorn at the movie! WHAT?! That is crazy for me.

    Amanda, DO's are not common in Canada (if we even have them at all?), but she'd be more like a DO than an MD... She is actually an "ND" - Doctor of Naturopathic medicine. A quick definition for those who are not familiar: "Practitioners of naturopathic medicine prefer to use natural remedies such as botanical tinctures/medicinal herbs and foods rather than synthetic drugs. Prevention through stress reduction and a healthy diet and lifestyle is emphasized." Where my BC is a synthetic hormone, and I have been taking them for over 20 years (other than two short breaks - ha ha!), and many of my 'issues' are hormone-related, she's thinking it's time to see how my body reacts naturally. She did not actually tell me to stop them, she just suggested I may want to consider it, and in doing so, she recognized that this was obviously something I would need to discuss with my hubby... I think she was kind of hinting that he could get taken care of (snip snip)...

    Jenn, Wow!! You've lost almost 5 inches and 5 lbs in August, and it's only the 18th?! You're really kicking it this month, dear! Glad you're getting reunited with your co-workers; sounds like you're taking being the hot gossip in stride. You're smart to let your ex have the time to figure it out and not force the kids on him when he doesn't want them. You don't want him resenting them and them having a terrible time with him. He'll come around eventually.

    Oooo, I love that definition! One day, I will live a life like that. I have always wanted to be one of those people who is natural about everything... even to the point of it getting "weird." I just love the idea!
  • AmandaB4588
    Hello everyone,
    I started with the July challenge but I was coming out of a plateau and didn't make my 5 pounds for the month although I started losing by the end of the month a little. The good news is that yes I am coming out of this plateau. After finally drinking the 14 glasses of water for my weight yesterday:drinker: I have lost another pound after losing on Monday. So I am only 0.8 lbs away from my target for today. I almost never lose on Fridays.
    08/01/2011: 232.2
    08/05/2011: camping
    08/15/2011: 231.2
    08/19/2011: 229.8
    08/26/2011: ? GW 228
    08/31/2011: ? GW 227

    I have been working so hard. I have stayed under my calorie goal for the most part. I have exercised 1 hour or more 6-7 days a week. Wednesday I finally added in some weight training. I have been doing C25K and am on Week 8 next week. Fridays is Zumba. I have been at 26.6 pounds for ever and now I have finally lost a total of 30 pounds. I broke the 230's finally. I have been working through months of this plateau.


    Good job breaking through the plateau! This is an awesome time for you. Woohoo!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I resisted the movie popcorn for a second time! Yay me!

    I did eat a 1/2 ice cream sandwich after supper tonight - we were having a family dessert so I split one with my youngest. Only 75 cal, so not too bad.

    I took my C25k workout outside tonight. I completed Week 5, Day 2. Thanks for motivating me to get outside for C25k, Amanda. It was actually much more enjoyable than I imagined it would be. I always thought it would be 'easier' to just set the speed and go, but it was actually a bit 'freeing' to just run at whatever speed was comfortable and have no judgement of whether what I was doing was 'good' or 'bad'. We live next to a "potato research farm", so I have a perfect loop going through the fields. I really should be out there more often!

    chella - congrats for hitting your month-end goal early! Keep going!!

    megamoo - great work!

    Keri - You're doing great - I'm always impressed when people can fit in an hour or more of exercise! I struggle to get 30 minutes sometimes. I'm just a few weeks behind you in C25k - you're almost a 'graduate'!!

    Amanda - me too, although I can laugh at some of the extremes, in general I am actually simply impressed by natural living. My husband called my ND a 'quack' and couldn't believe that our medical insurance would pay for 80% of the visit.

    I will do my best tomorrow at not going too far off-track! Stay focused on protein, fresh fruits and veggies, then the other stuff can't take over, right?
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    I resisted the movie popcorn for a second time! Yay me!

    I did eat a 1/2 ice cream sandwich after supper tonight - we were having a family dessert so I split one with my youngest. Only 75 cal, so not too bad.

    I took my C25k workout outside tonight. I completed Week 5, Day 2. Thanks for motivating me to get outside for C25k, Amanda. It was actually much more enjoyable than I imagined it would be. I always thought it would be 'easier' to just set the speed and go, but it was actually a bit 'freeing' to just run at whatever speed was comfortable and have no judgement of whether what I was doing was 'good' or 'bad'. We live next to a "potato research farm", so I have a perfect loop going through the fields. I really should be out there more often!

    @dmgaloha You are coming up on the exciting Week 5 Day 3 - 20 minute run! I hope it goes well. I thought Week 4 was actually harder. It feels great once you get finished with Week 5. Can't wait to hear how it goes.
  • AmandaB4588
    A quick message before I leave for my WW meeting---- so I did a couple of "cheat weighs" this week. Yesterday morning, I was at 151.2. This morning, I am at 155!!!!!! :huh:

    I ate on plan, did W2D2 of C25K, and walked 3 miles with my dogs since then. What the heck! I am so disappointed because all day yesterday I was thinking about the awesome weigh in I would have (would even reach my 10% at WW!)

    Frustrated. :grumble:
  • BrunetteWife
    BrunetteWife Posts: 2,108 Member
    Aug 1st SW: 191.4
    Aug 4th 193.2
    Aug 12th 195.6
    Aug 19th 195.2
    Aug 26th
    Aug 31st

  • AmandaB4588
    8/1: 155.8
    8/6: 156.8
    8/13: on vacation!
    8/20: 154.8

    :explode: <-- That is me right now, ready to explode!!!

    Alright, and now it is time to get over it. If I have learned ANYTHING over all these months with you guys, it is that I cannot beat myself up over this kind of thing. Plus, if things go next week like I expect them to, I will get my 10% at WW and hit over 15 lbs lost. Have a good week, everyone!
  • AmandaB4588
    Amanda - me too, although I can laugh at some of the extremes, in general I am actually simply impressed by natural living. My husband called my ND a 'quack' and couldn't believe that our medical insurance would pay for 80% of the visit.

    80% coverage is AWESOME. I love the idea of natural living so much. I think I will always shave my legs, though. :laugh: I hope you learn a lot of cool things from your ND!

    Running around a potato research farm sounds awesome. I wish we had something like that here. Maybe I will check out the arboretum around here to see if they have any good trails. It would be quite a drive, but it could be a "fun run" on the weekends or something. Good job sticking with C25K and YAAAAAAAAY for the 140's!!!! I cannot wait to see your official weigh in. I am so excited! Keep staying away from the popcorn!
  • BrunetteWife
    BrunetteWife Posts: 2,108 Member
    If anyone wants a good and funny yet partially serious book to read, check out 'the non runners marathon guide for women' even if you don't plan on ever completing a marathon, its still a very good book.

    Found it at Borders 40% off yesterday, but its totally worth full price ($14.99 I think).
  • AmandaB4588
    Bru, holy crap!!!!! Your new default pic--- WOWZA!
  • BrunetteWife
    BrunetteWife Posts: 2,108 Member
    Bru, holy crap!!!!! Your new default pic--- WOWZA!

    THANKS! I went to the mall in search of workout clothes and saw that dress on clearence for $17 and decided to try it on just for the hell of it.. Size 12p and currently sitting in my closet! :love:

    Also, I've decided 2 things. After this month is over I'm only going to weigh in about 2x a month, though I'll still keep posting here. The second...


    Am I nervous? Sure! But I have a plan and I've got this! Here's my blog on it if anyone cares to read it:

  • hydranger
    hydranger Posts: 23 Member
    Wow, I've had a great week, I don't know how I managed to lose 3lb in 1 week when I haven't done anything different but I'm not complaining, I've met the challenge but going to continue anyway..

    08/01/2011: 143.00 Start
    08/05/2011: 142.00
    08/12/2011: 141.00
    08/19/2011: 138.00
    08/31/2011: Goal
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    August 1: 119
    August 8: 116
    August 15: 115
    August 22: 112
    August 29:
    August 31:

    Total: 7lbs or 5.9% of my weight in 3 weeks.
  • futurefitgirl88
    count me IN
  • MummaSue
    MummaSue Posts: 242 Member
    1 Aug: 190.4
    8 Aug: 187.6
    15 Aug:186.8
    22 Aug:184.6
    29 Aug:
    31 Aug:

    Woo Hoo think that's the 5! But I'm off on holiday at the end of this challenge so need to keep losing :O)
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    01/08/11 = 184.5
    08/08/11 = 183
    15/08/11 = 182
    22/08/11 = 183
    29/08/11 = ?

    Not a happy bunny. Blew all my hard work in one night...at a BBQ - ate and drank too much - back to old ways. I was straight back on it the next day but the damage had been done.

    Back to basics this week, and at a 40th birthday party on Saturday night so will be drinking Gin & Slimline tonic and eating very conservatively.

    At least I have proved to myself quite a lot that there are consequences to over-eating, even if it is only one day...will make me think twice next time I'm in a similar situation

  • Trellm
    Trellm Posts: 11 Member
    I would love to join the September Challenge.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    @dmgaloha You are coming up on the exciting Week 5 Day 3 - 20 minute run! I hope it goes well. I thought Week 4 was actually harder. It feels great once you get finished with Week 5. Can't wait to hear how it goes.

    KeriA, I've done C25k off and on over the years, and have always done most of my training on the treadmill. After doing my last run outside, I was really excited to go outside again last night. Before I started, I decided to go easy on myself and re-run W5D2 if I had to (since I'm not used to running outside), but once I got started, everything really seemed to come together. The run itself seemed more or less effortless (?!). There are 2-3 spots on my route that have a bit of incline, so those got me working harder, but still not killer. When I completed 20 minutes, I felt like I could easily keep going, so I ran another 5 minutes, which would be Week 6, Day 3 (I'm catching up to you...). I probably could have gone even farther, but it was getting dark, and I was out alone and had told my hubby I'd be home within 30-40 min or so. Maybe next time. I'm definitely going to need to start looping through my route a second time, I ended up running up and down my street to finish last night.