Looking good for the New Year- challenge!



  • gettingfitnebr
    gettingfitnebr Posts: 5 Member
    sounds like the perfect challenge for me - I have currently lost 80 pounds since 11/17/09. My goal is to hit 100 by the end of the year. So, 20 to-go. The scale has been bouncing around since I hit 80 so I really need to focus. I will have to get my measurements.

    BW - 242.5
    CW - 162.5
  • chelsiburnett
    sw 144
    weigh in
    week1- 143.2
    not quite a pound but I will take it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • jeniineko
    Well, only down one pound to 223, however, that's pretty good considering I haven't had too much time to exercise and I have been surviving off of catered food while at training.

    I also recently started 30DS...!
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    I weighed myself this morning, and I'm down 3lbs from yesterday! I ate a decent amount of salt over the last day or 2, so I think it was water weight?? Either way, I don't care, I'm thrilled!!!! Really this only means I'm back to my original "SW," but it also means that I'm moving in the right direction! :happy:
  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    Morning ladies!! I'll be updating the spreadsheet for us today (as soon as I get some real work done, hehe!) How was your weekend?
  • becky_turcotte
    Week 1 Weigh in: 197.8 (up .5 lbs) BOO!! But more motivation to keep going this week.
  • Karen_need_2lose
    Had a hard week and I am bloat but I am still at 240. Kicking but and taking names this week.
  • nikmay
    nikmay Posts: 21 Member
    Well I had a crappy eating weekend, bad cough so no exercising and hard time getting my water in. Lets hope for a better week so my weigh in on Friday will be exciting. :happy:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I am back from Chicago where I gained officially 6 lbs. I am being the process of detoxing today. Hopefully, by weigh-in day, I will have lost the 6 lbs. :ohwell:

    Hope you all have a great week. I plan to start the 30 day slimdown today if anyone is interested. It incorporated her 3 DVDs, 30 DS, NMTZ and BFBM. I can post the schedule if anyone is interested.

    I think on easy days of the slimdown, I will do some C25K

    Peace :flowerforyou:
  • CarissaNew
    CarissaNew Posts: 223 Member
    I did pretty good this weekend. I did go to the fair yesterday and enjoy some fair food, but went on my speed walk last night to make up for it. :smile: I stepped on this scale this morning and was down another 2 pounds!!!! Hope it stays that way till Friday, official weigh in day :wink: This group has given me some new motivation!!!!
  • Maghenta
    Maghenta Posts: 100
    Hello all... my wknd was good, did some walking and dancing, Am almost done with my organizing my home process.... :`) and I am eating lighter although this weekend I didn't do so good...... Keep up the good work Ladies....
  • ReneeJM
    ReneeJM Posts: 117 Member
    My weekend was good! My daughter (who is also doing MFP) and her family were here. I stayed under my calories all weekend. The tough one will be this weekend. We are camping for 5 days with our three grandkids and our church family. No cell or internet service so I won't be on MFP. I need to do a good job of pre-planning all of my meals.
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    My weekend and monday was not good! i didnt do too bad eating but not good at all! my baby girl went off to kindergarten yesterday! that was awful!!! i cried and was sad, she was happy and strutted in the place like she owned it. it was cute tho her bff and partner in crime is also named madison and the two of them went hand in hand into the school like gang busters!! sad day, but my mom did take me shopping and i got a new outfit that is the smallest size i have worn in my adult life. but back to normal today!! off to get the kids to school, excercise and get this house in order since i begin work on friday!!! boooo! oh well summer is over :( but now i can get on a normal schedule :)
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    Boy was I bad on Saturday! I didn't feel that well - hay fever - and ended up eating like a pig! Sunday was a little bit better but not much. I did do 30 minutes of Wii Zumba on Sunday but I usually like to go for a couple of really hard workouts on the weekend. It's going to be tough to take a pound off this week - still have to get rid of the half pound that I gained over the weekend!

    Last night I went for a bike ride, what I really need to do is run. I dread running, I was a cross country runner in high school and used to love it. In my junior year I started to hate it and haven't been able to enjoy running since. I haven't found any other exercise that has as much impact for me as running. I will have to lace them up a couple of times this week if I want to lose any weight. I have a wedding to go to on Saturday which will make it hard to get in a good workout that day too....

    Can't give up..my boyfriend keeps encouraging me and tellingme how much I am toning up and how good I look. Still a long way to go!
  • madyncaden
    madyncaden Posts: 312 Member
    well ladies (i think we are all ladies sorry if not) i am yet AGAIN up on the scale, BUT i am in a much better mind set after my mini break down due to starting school and stuff! i am committed to complete this journey and get this weight off for good. thanks for all your help and support! have a great day :)
  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    madyncaden- You've had a tough week girl!! Glad you're feeling better now! I know I'm gonna be a wreck in a few weeks when my little one starts!!

    hallzz- I hate running too...soooooo much. it's an evil thing. LOL Glad you've got some support at home. That makes everything so much easier!!

    Renee-Have a great time camping! It's hard to worry about calories when you're camping. Just make good choices, and enjoy your time away!!

    Keep up the good work everyone!!!

    As for me- my food choices have been crap lately, I've gotta get my head in the game. Work has been sooo stinkin busy. (I run a hotel, so summer is always super busy for me) And at home we're trying to get ready to go on "vacation" for a week and the boy starts school the monday we return. Then a few days ago my HS choir teacher asked if I wanted to sing in a chorus onstage with Barry Manilow tomorrow!! How awesome, right?! So i've been trying to make that happen (it's about 3 hours from here.) Also I'm trying to finish a quilt for the boy before school starts...rriiiiiight, we'll see if that happens. LOL!

    I've updated the spreadsheet finally! Here's a link again- Great job everyone, keep it up!

  • ReneeJM
    ReneeJM Posts: 117 Member
    I'm weighing in early this week. I won't have Internet access while I am camping. I weighed 195.6 this morning! Down just slightly over 1 lb.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Hi everyone! so far this week has had a lot of ups and downs...example...just ate bag of m and m's..ehhhh oh well... i stepped on the scale this morning and it said 153 :smooched: hope and pray that will be my weigh in this friday!
  • hallzz
    hallzz Posts: 131 Member
    Ok I will start the weigh in this morning with bad news and hope that others can change the trend! I've been bad and gained a pound this week. I'm struggling to get beyond the 5 pound weight loss. I may need to go to more drastic diet and change my calorie goals for 2 lbs lost per week? Any advice is welcome.

    CW - 170. :explode:
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    Week 2 weigh-in: 190
    Down 3 from last week!

    But really, only back to my starting weight... But headed the right direction! :happy: