JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,249 Member
    edited January 2019

    Sooooo... Now she's been admitted to a behavioral Health Center by order of the magistrate and
    there's nothing I can do to get the psychiatrist to call me so that I can get them to understand that
    my daughter's case is more physical than mental.

    I'm hanging in there, but my concern isn't about me... I'm fine... I'm still remembering the tasks at
    hand. I'm still putting forth effort daily.
    Keep Keeping On Ladies! You're all doing an awesome job on here and in your homes! I'm proud to call you
    Sisters! Love you💝🌹

    Oh Mary ... I am so very sorry. This has to be so very hard. I have a daughter with mental issues ... but I also understand how frustrating it is when the doctors will not talk to us because of Hippa laws. Especially in your case where it is more physical than mental ... nothing worse than to be treated for something other than the main root of the problem. Prayers for you dear friend. If you ever need to talk .... we are here for you. I remember when they put my daughter in the hospital ... and they would not let me get her out. They said they would get a court order to keep her there .... why the doctors think they know more than a mother. UGG!! Don't get me started there! But you are there for your daughter ... and right now ... that is all you can do. I am happy your husband is being better to you and communicating more. Love you .... and again ... please write anytime. You are such a important person to all of us.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,249 Member
    Not the best day for me yesterday. I can do great for 2-3 days, then just fall apart. Even though it was all healthy foods, its still calories. Got into peanuts again.

    SO, new day today
    1. log my food.
    2. concentrate on water
    3. go to the gym ... already did this,but a short workout, as very tired
    4. get out ... even if just to go to walmart.
    5. work on pc boards ... we are so far behind work-wise

  • appletospare
    appletospare Posts: 17 Member
    I let my holiday get the better of me, but it’s back to healthy eating now!

    Bought yoghurt, veggies and apples for tomorrow. Will drink lots of water.
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member

    1. Drink 6 waters >:)
    2. Take a break!!! Spend some QT with DH :)
    3. Be kind :)
    4. Log food >:)
    5. Review schedule :)

    Missed yesterday but back to it!
    1. Drink 4 waters
    2. Log food
    3. Set out interview outfit
    4. Moms for dinner
    5. Talk to E re: interviews
    6. Bed by 10

    Monday am
    1. Up by 6
    2. Smoothie, fish oil, elderberry, water
    3. Shower, teeth, hair, dress, makeup
    4. Review interview notes
    5. Positive affirmations
    6. Leave house by 7, check traffic
    7. Interview 7:45
    8. Unemployment office
  • littleblackskirt
    littleblackskirt Posts: 1,041 Member
    @HEGoddard0928 , you're doing exactly the right thing. All you can do is be there, listen when he wants to talk, and don't push him when he doesn't. Sounds like you are doing well.
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Sunday 27 January

    Another indulgent day enjoying the views from my window on Skye and good food. I'm still OK about being a piggy and gaining. All changes on Wednesday when I go back south and return to work and start the task of getting back to my maintenance weight!

    Reading about the challenges some of you are facing is humbling and I applaud your tenacity.
  • markandanna1
    markandanna1 Posts: 1 Member
    Just found this thread and really need some motivation to reach my goals! I'm aiming to lose 8-10kg after giving birth to my daughter nearly 6 months ago. I'm Still not at my pre-pregnancy weight, where prior to getting pregnant I was going to the gym 4-5 times a week and eating far less junk than I seem to be doing now. Not only do I have little time to work out, but it seems having a baby means countless meet ups with other new mums at coffee shops which inevitability means cake 😏🙄. I'm trying to get better at keeping the snacking at bay but the thing I miss the most is a hard workout session. Anyone have any tips on how to fit this in when you have a baby who is a terrible napper during the day? It would be great to connect with other mums who managed to achieve their goals!

    So anyway, goals for tomorrow are:
    1. No snacking
    2. Drink at least 2l of water
    3. Log my food for the day

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    @HEGoddard0928 - being there is all you can do. I learned that you can’t force the grieving process, it lasts as long as it lasts and until someone else has been through it they won’t understand it. I can’t speak to Matt’s mind or thoughts but I know from my experience when my Dad was sick that there was a lot of anger and guilt in the years following his death.

    My Dad was wasting away to nothing and was in so much pain. We couldn’t even hold his hand because it caused him so much pain. I prayed for God to take him, I told the nurses to give him more morphine. I did anything I could think of to make his suffering end. I have felt guilty and then angry at myself ever since. My Dad passed in 2012, i still feel guilt when I think about it. Have patience when Matt is angry at times it might be self directed.

    Another thing that really bothered me was no one talked about my Dad. It was like I came back to Alberta after the funeral and Dad no longer existed for anyone. When I finally blew up about it to my family (about a year later) I found out they were taking cues from me, they were scared to bring him up and upset me and I hadn’t brought him up because I thought they were tired of hearing it. So talk keep communication open. I don’t know how much she changed physically in the last while, those are hard images to get out of your head. Find favourite photos from years gone by and look at them if that’s what Matt wants down the road. It’s going to be rough but you’ll get through it together.

  • frenchfancy2014
    frenchfancy2014 Posts: 277 Member
    I feel for those with tough times at present. I just lost my dad on Friday. He slipped away and God took care of him and me, amazing His strength to help me bear it. I pray for all of you in your tough times. Keep trusting and keep taking those small steps. Especially @maryrobinson40 and HEGoddard.

    Keep logging and being mindful of what eating.


  • Graceandmiracles
    Graceandmiracles Posts: 22 Member
    Hello, I’m new to the forums. Long story short, I was an obese baby, toddler, teen and adult. At 42, in 2010 I got serious and over 8 years lost 77 pounds. I’ve put on about 5 pounds since thanksgiving and feel like poo because of a very poor diet. I had given up all foods I couldn’t control, except one which I’ll get to. Things like bread, pasta, potatoes, crackers, cereal, processed junk I’ve reduced to occasionally. I’ve been doing great since reaching my goal weight of 120 until this past holiday season. It’s the sugar that does me in. And then that leads to the bread, pasta etc... I’m so addicted physically and psychologically, I’m having trouble stopping. I want to commit to quitting all sugar but I honestly don’t feel I can, yet. I have always been fine with a small amount each day but only in the form of my iced coffee. That doesn’t make me binge. I’ve tried allowing a cheat day but I still end up out of control and then I struggle with the craving for days. I need support and that’s why I’m here. I can commit to only having my sweetened iced coffee for tomorrow but beyond that time will tell. So I guess I will be back in the morning to post my commitment for one day at a time.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,249 Member

    The DH had a good day yesterday but woke up really sad this morning. So I spent a while just holding him and telling him I love him. I have no experience with death. Like none. I lost all 4 of my grandparents before I was 11. And the closest person that that has ever died between friends and family was an Uncle who lived 6 states away. So I have no idea how to help him through this. I've just been holding him and trying to make him smile and laugh. I just listen when he talks about her and his history with her. I know it will take a while but I know that he will get through this. It's just something that I don't know about.

    We are so happy to see you back, but I am so very sorry to hear of the loss of your MIL. I will say a prayer for you and your DH. As for dealing with death, unfortunately, I have seen more death than I want to. It is hard ... it is hard to know what to say, because nothing can help to ease the pain and emptyness. All you can do is be there for you DH... hold him in your arms like you are doing, and just comfort him. He will go through the many stages of grief, and that is normal. So the only way you can help him.... is just be there. Prayers and hugs to you.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,249 Member
    I feel for those with tough times at present. I just lost my dad on Friday. He slipped away and God took care of him and me, amazing His strength to help me bear it. I pray for all of you in your tough times. Keep trusting and keep taking those small steps. Especially @maryrobinson40 and HEGoddard.

    Keep logging and being mindful of what eating.


    OMG --- you just lost your dad? Wow ... I am so so sorry for you also. It seems like a lot of us on this thread are going through very hard times right now, but we are all here for each other. I am so very sorry for your loss.. Hugs and prayers to you. Take good care of yourself at this time. <3
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,249 Member
    3kidsinvt wrote: »
    Hello, I’m new to the forums. Long story short, I was an obese baby, toddler, teen and adult. At 42, in 2010 I got serious and over 8 years lost 77 pounds. I’ve put on about 5 pounds since thanksgiving and feel like poo because of a very poor diet. I had given up all foods I couldn’t control, except one which I’ll get to. Things like bread, pasta, potatoes, crackers, cereal, processed junk I’ve reduced to occasionally. I’ve been doing great since reaching my goal weight of 120 until this past holiday season. It’s the sugar that does me in. And then that leads to the bread, pasta etc... I’m so addicted physically and psychologically, I’m having trouble stopping. I want to commit to quitting all sugar but I honestly don’t feel I can, yet. I have always been fine with a small amount each day but only in the form of my iced coffee. That doesn’t make me binge. I’ve tried allowing a cheat day but I still end up out of control and then I struggle with the craving for days. I need support and that’s why I’m here. I can commit to only having my sweetened iced coffee for tomorrow but beyond that time will tell. So I guess I will be back in the morning to post my commitment for one day at a time.

    Welcome ... and that is what this thread is for. Just one day at a time! You have done great to lose that much weight ... so proud of you. You did it once, you know you can do it again! But you will find the most helpful people on this thread ... so come back ... no matter what your day has been like.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,451 Member
    JFT goals for Jan 27 : Results
    • Toastmaster closeout for Level 1 :|worked on it - website not yet giving me All Done - send notice to club VP Education >:)can't until website gives me All Done ....
    • Usual weigh in o:) / morning 7 minute HIIT session >:) / food pre-logging o:)
    • Walk to visit friend (1 km away) - probably watch a Netflix movie - bring my own pre-popped popcorn with me. she wan't up to company - she is doing well for post-op recovery but had a big day (for her energy level) yesterday
    • Usual mini-trampoline jogging / exergame. o:)o:) Log exercise and step totals in various accountability groups. o:)did almost 2 hrs "active play" time and burned ~350 calories. So ok that I'm not doing the 7 minute HIIT session today. All reports in.
    • Was just about break-even in the Green BEFORE the exercise calories. Can consider upping after-supper snack if I choose.

  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member

    JFT, 1-27-19

    1. Log all food 😁
    2. Take a short walk 😁 Ended to being a long walk
    3. Finish the laundry😁 Left the last load in my parents laundry room... Will make Matt pick it up tomorrow
    4. FINISH THE EFFING DISHES!!!!(Yes I'm still having an issue with this!)😁
    5. Clean off the table 😢 Totally forgot honestly
    6. Work on the bathroom😢 Thought about it and then just didn't
    7. Figure out dinner 😆 Figured it out alright. We got take out... Though I got a salad
    8. DO DISHES AFTER DINNER!!! 😁 Have a crock pot soaking... See below
    9. Night routine(Shower/teeth/face)🤬😡I did the dishes at 7pm... At 930 I went to take a shower... NO HOT WATER!!! Called Dad (aka landlord) and told him. He said he would look into it and in the mean time take showers at the house.... He had better fix it soon. Taking showers at their house is SUPER inconvenient
    10. Bed by 10:30 😀953 at the moment. Turning the light out in a minute after I finish this.

    JFT, 1-28-19

    1. Log all food
    2. Take shower before work
    3. Bring lunch
    4. Food in the crock pot
    5. Drink 4 bottles of water
    6. Weigh in
    7. Catch up on work stuff(not looking forward to this)
    8. Food store after work
    9. Dinner/dishes
    10. Fold clothes
    11. Bed prep at 930
    12. Lights out by 10 30
  • michiwano
    michiwano Posts: 21 Member
    JFT 1/27 Goals Recap:
    - 👍🏾Log all the food I eat
    - ❌Spend 30 minutes on the elliptical
    - 👍🏾Report results/progress at the end of the day

    JFT 1/28 Goals:
    - Log all the food I eat
    - Spend 30 minutes exercising
    - Report results/progress at the end of the day
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    @frenchfancy2014 - I’m so sorry for your loss. Hugs x

    @HEGoddard0928 - sounds like you are being an amazing support for Matt. Hang in there, I’m sure there will be ups and downs but just keep holding him tight x
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    @AJB1014 - GOOD LUCK! Hope the interview goes well. I will be thinking of you today x
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    So as some of you know I had a tough day Saturday but managed to resist emotional eating - yay! Yesterday was tricky again. I barely slept Saturday night and it was just a very long and frustrating day. I’d planned to go for a run and was excited to be able to run in daylight for a change! But wet, windy, stormy weather put the dampeners on that plan! Went to hot yoga instead in the am but by lunchtime I was just bored and snacky and my healthy planned foods weren’t going to cut it! Put a stop to it early though so overall not a disaster.

    Sunday goals recap
    - morning run ❎ there was windy rainstorm at the point I was going to go out. So I booked in for a hot yoga class instead. Still exercise and I walked there and back so ✅
    - Obs lesson plan ✅ ✅and did some extra work too so a double tick
    - Bf place to hang out??? ❎ decided against this. Not to be petty but because I didn’t think I’d relax in the couple of hours I’d have to spare
    - Check girls have done homework, pack bags etc ✅
    - Re-read 2019 goals - stay mindful. Follow yesterday’s win with another good day to close out the weekend with positivity ❎ I read them, but I didn’t adhere to them completely.
    - Early night ✅

    Monday goals
    - morning workout
    - Early to work - meeting, GaG, reply to parent emails
    - Print work from weekend
    - Find counters for lesson tomorrow!
    - Prep resources before leaving
    - Health food store after work
    - Online grocery shop - remember stuff for L birthday tea party
    - look online for coat for L
    - Early night

    Wishing you all a good start to the week x