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Keto diet -pros and cons



  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,146 Member
    I agree that keto has been around for several years but only for medical reasons (in this case epilepsy). What I meant, and sorry for not being more clear, is that I don't think that keto was around nine years ago as a diet to lose or control weight. But I may be wrong, it's Sunday after all...
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Gisel2015 wrote: »
    I agree that keto has been around for several years but only for medical reasons (in this case epilepsy). What I meant, and sorry for not being more clear, is that I don't think that keto was around nine years ago as a diet to lose or control weight. But I may be wrong, it's Sunday after all...

    It has been around in various forms for decades.
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,146 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    Gisel2015 wrote: »
    I agree that keto has been around for several years but only for medical reasons (in this case epilepsy). What I meant, and sorry for not being more clear, is that I don't think that keto was around nine years ago as a diet to lose or control weight. But I may be wrong, it's Sunday after all...

    It has been around in various forms for decades.

    That shows you how much I follow all kind of "diets." ;)
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I tried keto and there were no pros for me. there were plenty of cons such as lethargy,severe nausea, almost migraine like headaches, memory loss, severe pain and inflammation I have RA and it was under control until I started keto. I could not think straight,and then some. my health declined more and more every day. after 2 months passed I was ready to go to the E.R I was convinced my organs were shutting down. hubby told me to stop keto. I did and as the days passed my health started to improve and I started feeling better.doing keto for me yielded the opposite results of what is claimed. I lost no more weight than not doing it, I had no big loss either 5 lbs and then it was back to being slow again. I ate the same amount of calories too.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    teslac0ils wrote: »
    As other folks here have said, it all depends on what works for your body and your tastes.
    Personally, I tried strict keto and it didn't work well for me. I felt high anxiety and had no appetite, which is fine for calorie restriction but not so good to have energy for your workouts. Even after the initial week of "keto flu" symptoms I just.... didn't feel like eating, food was really unappealing to me and I had to force myself to get something to eat so my body didn't just cannibalize my muscles. I lost a lot of weight in a month, then gained it all back when I gave up because I just didn't feel good from the diet and couldn't keep it up.

    I've lost 30 lbs over the past 5 months and am still going on a less restrictive low carb diet of 50-65 net carbs a day. I just found out through trial and error that I personally feel best eating my calorie goal in that range of carb. I actually like low carb because it's good for keeping your appetite under control, keto just takes it to too much of an extreme for me. I still use a lot of keto recipes but then I'll also allow myself some delicious fruits & vegetables and the occasional whole grains.

    that range of carbs may be good for YOU to keep appetite under control its not that way for everyone. I cant stay under 100g without feeling starved to death.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    The post being quoted led with
    teslac0ils wrote: »
    As other folks here have said, it all depends on what works for your body and your tastes.

    I think they are aware it us an individual thing.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,369 Member
    Fatty_Nuff wrote: »
    I was alive and well in 1975 when Dr Atkins Diet Revolution was the weight loss diet of the year. He said then that ketosis was the magical key to weight loss, turning the body into a "fat burning machine'". In his follow-up book a few years later, he backed off of that claim, and admitted one could gain weight even while in deep ketosis, if calories are too high. As for appetite suppression, I think it's an illusion. After a week or so on a ketogenic diet, the limited food choices quickly become boring and you just get sick of it and eat less. One can only take a bunless hamburger or cauliflower rice for so long.

    Maybe for you - for me, I prefer to eat the same foods (or within the same category of foods) all the time. That means fewer decisions that I have to make and eliminates any angst that might arise from should I eat this or that. Also makes it very easy and quick to get thru the grocery store - get veggies, get meat that's on sale, get eggs, pay and out the door.