

  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,614 Member
    Pip- Congratulations on your run! You are such an inspiration! In fact....last night with only 3000 steps for day, I thought of you and your boot, and got walking! I caught up with all you ladies and ended the night with 11,000 steps! Thank you for your continued inspiration!

    Sharon- Taxes.. Our long time accountant tried to retire 2 years ago. His replacement, that he worked with for 2 tax seasons to make sure he was comfortable with him, screwed up a lot of taxes! We are thankful that our original accountant came back out of retirement for a few select clients. I think after this year, even with our rental properties our taxes will get easier. Only one property left that is shared instead of 3!

    I think I am caught up.....have a safe, healthy, and productive day!

    Kylua in warm Ohio for now
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,614 Member
    Allie- you are doing great planning for the unexpected. Trust me, you missed nothing exciting about the Super Bowl!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hi sorry I’ve been missing. I’ve been dealing with family issues, nothing to worry about, just trying to give mum more support. We’ve also been decluttering her bedroom, think I’ve mentioned before I know now where I got my hoarding gene . Sorting through her many many many skirts, there was a small sized one (mum is rather on the larger size) I asked if that should be put in the charity bag, but she said “No I used to be able to fit into that and I like to look at it and remember how thin I was” I did manage to get her to give some of her skirts to charity, but that made me laugh.

    We’ve had a few days of snow, the temperature has been a low -10 degrees (well very low for us lol) today though it is a beautiful sunny day and quite mild. Most of the snow has melted, but it’s quite muddy now on the dog walk. In fact I slipped yesterday and I couldn’t get up! I know I was laughing but I was flat on my back in the mud and it took such an effort to get up, I’ve lost all flexibility and had to roll over onto my knees, then it still took me a while. How did this happen, when did I become an old woman?

    Even though I don’t reply to individuals often, I do appreciate you all being here, I love seeing all your photo’s of holidays, children and dogs. Everyone is always ready to give advice and the occasional boot when needed

    I am trying to limit my time on the computer, and I am so behind, I'm up to P87 and I think we are now in the 90s but I'll do my best to catch up.

    Viv from mild sunny UK

    Thanks Machka for pointing me in the right direction to February :)

    I thought I had caught up, but I see there are another 9 pages to read :o:( Forgot we start a new thread every month. Hey Ho I'll catch up - hopefully before the end of the month!!

    Love to all and hope those who are under the weather with bugs etc feel better soon, <3<3
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :)aprilmz, welcome. I hope you will come back here daily. Tell us more about yourself so we can get to know you. I have been posting on this thread for a long time and the encouragement and support have helped me to make huge changes in how I live my life. I walk my dogs every day no matter what the weather. Today is the coldest day so far this winter and I am making use of all my cold weather gear. It's not cold here like other places in the US but we have snow on the ground and temperatures below freezing.

    :)Viv, Helping someone else clear their clutter can be educational like seeing how your mother wanted to hold onto clothing to remind her that she used to be that size. There are so many reasons we hold onto things that we don't need. There are several areas of my house that I plan to attack this year that include sentimental items that I know will be difficult.

    :)Allie, good decision about the Super Bowl.

    :'(Heather, sorry your recovery is progressing so slowly,

    <3 Barbie from beautiful snowy NW WA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,667 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Pip- Congratulations on your run! You are such an inspiration! In fact....last night with only 3000 steps for day, I thought of you and your boot, and got walking! I caught up with all you ladies and ended the night with 11,000 steps! Thank you for your continued inspiration!

    Sharon- Taxes.. Our long time accountant tried to retire 2 years ago. His replacement, that he worked with for 2 tax seasons to make sure he was comfortable with him, screwed up a lot of taxes! We are thankful that our original accountant came back out of retirement for a few select clients. I think after this year, even with our rental properties our taxes will get easier. Only one property left that is shared instead of 3!

    I think I am caught up.....have a safe, healthy, and productive day!

    Kylua in warm Ohio for now

    That’s how u do it girlfriend!!!!!!!
  • Graceandmiracles
    Graceandmiracles Posts: 22 Member
    Well I was a foodie this weekend but still down a pound from last week. In the past I would panic and reduce my calories to an unhealthy level but I’m going to resist that urge and stay with my plan. One of the reasons I came here was to try and reduce the panic I feel when I don’t lose fast enough and to lose the fear that I can’t lose and maintain weight without unhealthy periods of calorie restriction. So, workout done, 1/2 cup of oatmeal with dried fruit eaten. One water down. Heading to visit a friend who is a full time caregiver for her mom. Going to bring veggies, my iced coffee and a protein bar.

    Goals for today:
    Log all calories
    No added sugar(my addiction)
    4 veggies
    4 cups of water
    Stay just under calories

    Have a great day everyone. Looking forward to getting to know you all. For now I will be quiet and learn from you all.

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    New week and new resolve to keep doing what I need to do. We went to DS’s ranch Saturday afternoon and spent the night with him. It was nice to have him all to ourselves for a few hours. Unfortunately, I didn’t take food like Allie did so we had to eat what he brought. Thankfully, the scale was kind to me this morning.
    Lisa- best wishes for your surgery and sending prayers for you and your medical team. Let people pamper you for awhile.
    Better get moving. Have a great day.
    SueBDew in TX
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,324 Member
    Rachel - Welcome! ! Sorry to hear about the brain tumour. Willpower is an elusive thing and doesn't always turn up when required, but strategy is easier to set up and follow. Developing good habits again bit by bit is much better than trying to change your life in one fell swoop. Just pick one small thing you can change today. <3

    This afternoon we set off in the car for a different supermarket to see what it was like. Easy to get to and lots of parking. We bought things we couldn't get locally and the dinners for the next few days. I was feeling quite lacking in energy and when DH asked me about food and veggies I just couldn't think. I really don't feel like preparing food at all. Gone off it completely. He was a bit frustrated, but we managed to pick up a few bits. He is still in the old habit of buying LOTS of veg and bread, but we don't have the room in the fridge and we don't need to with excellent shops nearby. I had to persuade him that was not why we drove there.
    One thing I did want to look at, because I'd seen it advertised in magazines, was their new home ware range. Of course, that was not on his agenda! I went off and found it and AMAZINGLY found the perfect table mats for our breakfast. Really cheap, really pretty and the perfect colours for our extension. I bought four, because we rarely have more than two guests for breakfast. We looked at cereal bowls as our old ones are a bit tired, but although we liked them, we didn't love them. B)

    So I'm happy and we are having Hairy Bikers for dinner. :D

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Machka: Congratulations on your rain! I hope there is enough water to make a big difference in the fires and the air quality. :star:

    Kelly: Your idea of running a marathon causes my bad knee to wince in sympathy for your body. I have bursitis in that knee, and I’m currently a few pounds heavier than it wants me to be, so it is grumpy. I’m in the sweet spot as far as MFP stats are concerned, but not as far as my knee is concerned. I’m taking the weight back off. :ohwell:

    Heather: I’m sure your son loves you. The beer festival is a weight on his shoulders. & he seems to be very busy. :flowerforyou:

    Allie: Congrats on time and a half! It is a step in the right direction. :smiley:

    Rita: Congratulations on your success! Your belt is proof that you are succeeding. :smiley:

    Barbie: I envy you the snow. We haven’t had more than a few morning frosts so far. :noway:

    Lisa: Thinking of you today. I hope your surgery goes very well and you’re soon ready to take on the world. :heart:

    Cheri: Nice to see your face! :bigsmile:

    Barbara: It looks like we might get a little mixed rain and snow today and Friday but I’m not holding my breath for actual snow on the ground. :noway:

    Kylia: Eat canned water pack tuna for protein if you have no other sources. Egg whites are nearly pure protein. All the fat is in the yolk. Good liuck finding the right foods to keep your system happy. :smiley:

    Rachel: Welcome! Heather has given you excellent advice. I’ll add an encouraging word on logging. It is a powerful tool and will help you sort out what you are doing and what you want to do. :heart:

    Yoga this morning with a favorite teacher. Yay!!!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,403 Member
    Good morning Ladies! Happy Monday!

    Rita - very good on the inches lost - cute belt! The scale can be deceptive as to how well we are doing, but the jeans and belt don't lie, lol.

    Barbara AHMOD - are you seeing any snow? Thanks for the advice on my frostbitten nose, lol. I didn't have any petroleum jelly to put on it but do keep Vitamin E capsules around so it has a nice slick coating. Doesn't look too frightful yet.

    Lisa - wishing you the best and very successful knee surgery. After 2 abdominal surgeries within 6 months of each other several years ago (both laparoscopic) it wasn't the wound healing or any pain that was troublesome, it was the fatigue that seemed to last for weeks, especially after the second one. Medical question - why is that?

    It was 34 at our house when we got up this morning at 5 and it's getting colder by the hour, now down to 30. I put a suet block out for the birds and I see they discovered it. DH hung the hummingbird feeder out, I need to check it to make sure it's not iced up.

    Karen in NY - I love to see what you are cooking, your Indian recipes always inspire me.

    - chicken and veg curry in the crockpot - YUM, I will have to try that. I made some on the stovetop a couple weeks ago and dumped in a can of drained chickpeas.

    - glad you got out to see the new grocery store - is your DH normally a patient shopper if he goes with you? Mine waits in the car, lol. It's not that he picks things we shouldn't have, it's that he's so impatient it ticks me off. Although now it's getting harder for him to walk far and trips to town other than the doctor exhaust him, so the trip to a store together is very rare.

    I'm making my "Progresso" lentil soup in a bit. Always add many handfuls of chopped fresh spinach which wilts down nicely.

    I think I'm going to cancel my cleaner for tomorrow, need to call her. Our private road will be an ice rink - low of 20 tomorrow morning, plus we won't bother heating the back of the house and I don't expect her to try mopping and cleaning in cold bath rooms. And DH will be in and out tending the woodstove, and I'll be around the house as well. I know she needs the $$ - will see if she can make an alternate day although the next week is predicted cold, night-time lows in the low to mid 20's. And snow!

    Keep warm ladies!

    SW WA State

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited February 2019
    r154chel wrote: »
    7 F's= 5'4" , fifteen st + ,fifty ,Fat , Fedup , Flipping Fatigued

    So have been a member of this site for some years and did really well on it but 23 months ago I lost my everything to a brain Tumour in just 32 days ,, but now I need to sort my self out stop functioning and start living but need some help to kick my will power in to touch 😬

    I am not quite clear on your reference to losing my everything to a brain tumor. Is it you personally or did you lose a loved one? Sorry for your circumstances! Glad you are here you will get a lot of support and helpful information.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    thanks Lanette <3<3