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Have you been both overweight and underweight?



  • an0393na
    an0393na Posts: 840 Member
    Never been underweight, probably never will be
  • Cassandraw3
    Cassandraw3 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I have spent most of my life overweight. The lowest I have been was 120 lbs at 5'4", which isn't technically underweight, but for my build it was very small (I had to wear a belt with size 0 pants). I did get made fun of in middle school for being on the heavier side, but I went to a school which had a bullying problem. Other than that, the only other comments really just came from my mother. Most of her comments on my weight were due to her own insecurities, both overweight and at a lower weight. At one point she accused me of being anorexic (which I was not). For me, comments on being overweight were more hurtful because I was also insecure about my own body at higher weights.

    On the other side of this, I had a friend who is underweight. She was born with an autoimmune disease and finds it incredibly difficult to gain weight. People often commented on her weight and how she should gain more weight, without knowing her details. She would often find it hurtful that people would comment on it.

    As far as what is worse, this will be incredibly individual and will depend on that persons history with their weight. Moral of the story, unless you are the persons doctor, mind your business about everyone else's weight. You don't know what they are going through.
  • Cassandraw3
    Cassandraw3 Posts: 1,214 Member
    edited February 2019
    smolmaus wrote: »

    On the other side of this, I had a friend who is underweight. She was born with an autoimmune disease and finds it incredibly difficult to gain weight. People often commented on her weight and how she should gain more weight, without knowing her details. She would often find it hurtful that people would comment on it.

    Ceoliac? Because that's me too. As a child I couldn't gain weight if I tried. I used to eat as much as the grown men in the family and be hungry in 90 minutes so my hunger and fullness signals are very very broken.

    Once I was diagnosed and puberty hit I stopped getting the "look at you, you're so skinny" comments which felt like praise since all the women in my family just used to talk about how fat they were. Once that stopped, even though I was at probably a perfect weight, still slim, it made me feel fat, like I used to get praise and now I didn't so I must have gotten too fat. I've had disordered, weird eating habits my whole life basically but nothing dangerous.

    I got to ~150lb (overweight, I'm 5'2") due to depression, comfort eating and alcohol about 6 years ago. Lost that weight down to a slim but healthy 110-115lb and maintained for about 2 years, then went through a breakup, started using weight loss, very strict calorie restriction and the gym to distract myself, and eventually got to 97lb. Could see ribs everywhere, I had no idea I had so many ribs. I was getting the "oh you're so skinny" comments again but they were less positive now! Obviously that wasn't sustainable and eventually the dam broke and I've been struggling to contain a binge eating problem since June.

    That's a lot of words lol

    Hers is an issue with her lungs. I am not quite exactly sure of the details, but she regularly goes to specialists and is in and out of the hospital fairly frequently and has been her whole life. I just know she would eat all the time (college roommate, I saw how much she actually ate) and never gain weight. I believe she was also about 5'1"-5'2" and usually weighed between 90-100 lbs.

    It is unfortunate we are in such a weight obsessed world. People don't realize how harmful their comments can be, as innocent as the intention is. I am in a constant internal struggle with food. I was raised in a house where you eat what you want until you are full and don't waste food. I was never taught moderation or balance and struggle with that now as an adult and I know better.

    ETA: I feel ya on the binge eating struggle. I am struggling with it too right now.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,602 Member
    I'd been overweight most of my life but unintentionally became underweight for a while when sliding into maintenance and *that's* when the weight started to really come off.

    I blame my ulcerative colitis for that, tho.

    I did get some comments. One was from one of our nurse client's who asked if I was sick. My boss, his girl friend at the time, and their neighbor/our client told me I should eat a burrito.

    Truthfully, since I'd been overweight for so long, I took all that as a compliment. :)
  • amorfati601070
    amorfati601070 Posts: 2,866 Member
    Too skinny when I weighed like 56kg. I’m 180cm tall btw...they were probably right.
  • dippy_duck
    dippy_duck Posts: 18 Member
    I have been both overweight and underweight. I found that people are much quicker to comment if you are underweight- it must be more socially acceptable to mention?
    Both of my weights were self inflicted so at both ends of the scale I knew I had a problem with food. In that sense it wasn’t really offensive when people bought it up because i knew they were trying to help me.

    People definitely pity you more when you’re underweight and feel sorry for you. I think that makes them kinder. Being overweight is so frowned upon that they aren’t as kind at that end of the scale. There’s definitely more judgement for being overweight compared to being underweight.