

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,059 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Amazon has bought the rights to the Sundance film Brittany Runs A Marathon. It looks so good. I have it marked on my calendar (it becomes available on Amazon in August) to remind me to find it and watch it. About a non-running couch potato who suddenly decides to run a marathon. Comedy. I am sure this will be right up my alley, as my brain forgets about my body and tells me that things like running a marathon would be a great thing for me to do. lol Have any of you seen it?

    Are you thinking of running a marathon?

    If so, I'd recommend starting to train early and building gradually. I think I jumped into it and built up too quickly.

    M in Oz

  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Barbara AHMOD, I hope you didn't get snow or ice down there. I know it's pretty rare, but I think of you out with the dogs. Thanks for the helpful and almost always cheerful posts!

    Matchka, I thought you were seeing the doctor Friday. Did I miss a post, or do you need more diagnostics? I'm sorry you need to keep off it so. Is swimming a pissibiluty, or no pool? Gentle or arms-only might give you a little exercise. Please take care!

    Your hot curry sounds so good right now in chilly AND snowy Seattle. I cook for one, and all the prep work is a bit beyond me now that I'm recovering from surgery and working. I come home so tired a can only microwave something, take meds and go to bed.

    Bianca, could she have matured or changed since the last time you were together? Has your son changed since then? If neither have, then perhaps best to just have the boys say hello and shake hands, then have other things to do. 12-yo do, after all. Think about whether you're willing to put up with her to see him. How does your husband feel about them? This was four years ago. I wouldn't bring it up right away, but wait to see how it plays out. You mention she is from another country. Some countries have very different ideas about twins, also.

    Bobeekay, hello and welcome. Let us know where you're from and what you'd like us to call you!

    Heather! I am going to call you on the carpet for thinking of how you're feeling as self-pity. Since you didn't get a diagnosis, there's noknowing just how serious it was, but from the sound of the symptoms you've both experienced I'd say it was DAMN serious! If anything, you minimize things. Please be sensible and take things s bit slower. Pushing the envelope the way you've been doing could have nasty consequences. I like the person I've gotten to know a little on here too much to entertain that thought.

    Kylia, my go-to proteins are canned light and dark chicken in broth, turkey meatballs, sardines in water, NOT albacore (too dry!), But ordinary tuna in water, cottage cheese, eggs, plain yogur, or tilapia. I mix them with salsa, or Pico de gallo, or soft cooked veggies, laughing cow light cheese, non-fat mayo, mustard, broth, bone broth, plain ol' salt (just a little), fresh fruit, applesauce. I'm still learning. I want to make split pea soup. I live that and lentil soup canned. I cook most of my veggies more than the bag says and take out 1/2-1/4 cup as needed. I avoid cheese most days, but had a tbsp. of parnesan with chicken broth, Lt and dark canned chicken and welk-cooked Brussels sprouts. This would be great with broccoli. I weigh EVERYTHING. I log EVERYTHING. So far it's worked well.

    It's lovely up here in the snow, but I'm trapped until our steep snowy, icy road thaws a bit. Meanwhile, please take care of yourselves.

    Sharon, buried in a robe, shearling throw, two cats and good intentions, Near Seattle
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,059 Member
    trucker743 wrote: »

    Matchka, I thought you were seeing the doctor Friday. Did I miss a post, or do you need more diagnostics? I'm sorry you need to keep off it so. Is swimming a pissibiluty, or no pool? Gentle or arms-only might give you a little exercise. Please take care!

    Your hot curry sounds so good right now in chilly AND snowy Seattle. I cook for one, and all the prep work is a bit beyond me now that I'm recovering from surgery and working. I come home so tired a can only microwave something, take meds and go to bed.

    I go for my MRI on Wednesday.

    And the curry is even better on the second day. :)

    M in Oz

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Wesseg: I hope PT goes well. Love the photo of you with your blue eyed horse. :heart:

    Barbie: Great snow photo! We have a little on the ground now & I wonder what morning will bring. :flowerforyou:

    Becca: Your snow photo is lovely! :star:

    SueBDew in TX: This snow is sort of a novelty for our area. Right now it is beautiful. I hope it doesn’t stay long enough to wear out its welcome. :noway:

    Michele: I love Tweetie Bird!!! :bigsmile:

    Machka: Sending positive thoughts for your MRI. I hope things are looking better. :star:

    Sue in WA: Enjoy the snow! Right now we have a smattering. We will see what tomorrow morning looks like. Fortunately, we don’t have to be anywhere unless we really want to go someplace, and we have an AWD car if it is snowy or slick.

    Our dog is on antibiotics for an infection and needs a pill every 12 hours. I’m getting organized so that I will have my intervals more accurate and have set an alarm on my phone for 7 am and 7 pm. I’ve been getting the right number of pills per day, but needed to improve my timing. I think this will work.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,764 Member
    Well I have been awake since about 12:15 am..my mind racing..thinking of all sorts of stuff...and I have a busy day ahead ..I'm sure hoping I can get a few more hours of sleep in.
    I dont want to get my boss upset but going to bring up vacation again..
    I am the oldest one there ,everyone in the whole office makes a lot more hourly than I do and I am there whenever needed,what is one week lousy vacation..
    My mind is just whirling...a co worker of mine thinks maybe Allison had some skeletons in the closet so there is that..
    I want to enjoy the day today..it is my DD 30th birthday we are going for a mani/pedi and out to lunch.
    Here us hoping I can catch a few more hours sleep

  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Got on the scale today, after a few weeks of barely under control eating (and a few total trainwrecks!). Not bad, up 1.2 pounds, I will accept it and move on. Made it to the gym this morning, and food intake was well under control. Plan is for the gym tomorrow morning, then going for a manicure, really looking forward to that! Had one Dec 5, just before our Christmas party, and for the most part, it's still there! The nails have grown out significantly, but the gel polish is still on quite nicely. Well, except for two nails, it came right off of both of them, but that's okay.
    Our son and daughter in law are expecting in May, they already have a boy. They had a gender reveal party on the weekend, it's going to be a girl! I am quite excited, haven't had a baby girl to cuddle! I'm planning on a pretty pink polish for the manicure! Now just have time for a few shout outs:
    Allie, I'm so sorry to hear that Allison has been let go and that you will have to spend time out front with Mary! Good for you for asking for extra pay for going in on Sunday. (and getting it!! :) That's awesome!) Too bad about the vacation and lack of a raise tho....
    Heather, so glad that you are feeling better, and I have to agree with Sharon in saying that you really don't need to beat yourself up about being sick! You need to be gentle with yourself. I get that you don't want to go too far over calories or get out of the habit of exercising (so easy to get out of the habit, not so easy to get back in!) but it sounds like you were well and truly ill and you need to just let your body heal.
    Lisa, by now I guess you've had your surgery. {{{{Healing vibes}}}} to you, hope all is going well.
    Machka, is the MRI on your hip? Sure hope it's not fractured, but in any case, sounds like you will have to be doing some relaxing. {{{{Healing vibes}}}} for you too!
    I am reading, just don't seem to have much time for commenting. In any case, as always, HUGS for those who need them, congrats to those celebrating (birthdays, anniversaries, inches or pounds lost) and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island, where we got a light dusting of snow and are in for more Arctic air.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,059 Member
    Well I have been awake since about 12:15 am

    Since ... 12:15 am????

    It's a rare night I'm in bed by 12:15 am!!

    M in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,764 Member
    Matchka I go to bed early.. I had broccoli for lunch yesterday and a burger no bun when I got home, but think i overdid and stress ate some lillys dark chocolate chips, and am paying for it last night and this morning.. slept horribly and exhausted and keep running to the bathroom.. I am hoping a shower makes me feel better. as today I am going out with my DD for her birthday. and I want to enjoy...
    between work and everything else it is taking a toll..
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    "Hey! What's all that white stuff?"
    Joe actually sounded cheerful, surprising as he really hated the snow back in Idaho.
    Got Barbie's "just enough to be fun" snow this morning, several times as the front swirled around and back and around and back again.
    It all melted away by evening, but now the moisture on the deck is freezing. Hope the Remay cover on my herbs will be enough, didn't have time to bring them inside.

    Kylia LT, MT and ST are Long Term, Medium Term, and Short Term goals... refer to things that I procrastinate about. If I can do one small thing towards each each day, I get a sense of accomplishment. Have a backup "plan B" list of alternatives, so when I procrastinate about one, there is a fallback something else I can do. Keeps me doing and not spinning wheels. e.g. Today should have been my SWSY day, but finished and filed taxes instead. I can live with that ;)
    Katla, just put both bathrooms' faucets on the drip. ;)
    Lanette "...we won't bother heating the back of the house ..." you and your DH are made of sterner stuff than we. ;)
    allie sure wish your DFIL's care facility would hire you as recreation director... like yesterday.
    Janet ((hugs))
    wessecg was admiring your horse's blue eyes, when I scrolled down and saw him sticking out his tongue at me :laugh:
    SueBDew 80 degrees? :noway:
    Sharon, it's Barbie who walks her dogs faithfully regardless of weather. Me, I'm a wimp and let Joe do it. ;) Saw snowy Seattle on the news this morning and thought of you. Hope that shearling throw is keeping you cozy and warm.
    Michele safe travels!
    Machka made your curry (without chicken) this morning and it was yummy, thanks! Next time I'll keep the chicken in, protein too low without it ;{
    Evelyn congratulations on the baby grand daughter news!
    Welcome Aprilrmz, r154chel, tthickens!

    Love love LOVE all the beautiful snow pics!

    Went to bed far short of all daily goals. Slept awhile, then got up, meditated, did knees, figured out how to meet protein goal and did it. Reminder that no matter how bad I think things are, they can always be improved. Kylia you're inspiring me to get up off my duff and try to make my step goal too. Thanks!

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    walk one more step 3/28, 60 g protein 4/28, rx/vits 4/28, meditate 4/28, knee exercises 4/28, SWSY 0/8, play with Tumble 3/28, hang up or purge art 0/4 AF 2/28.
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD!
    02/04 LT: finish and file taxes-Y MT: compile Aaron's burn ban PowerPoint-Y ST: make crockpot curry-Y
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,059 Member
    edited February 2019
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka made your curry (without chicken) this morning and it was yummy, thanks! Next time I'll keep the chicken in, protein too low without it ;{

    I use chicken mince. I "boil"/brown the chicken in a pan first, then put it in. On Day 2, I usually add a can of chickpeas to bulk it out a bit. :)

    Oh also, if I put potatoes in, I usually boil them lightly first just to get them going.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,059 Member
    Still organising. Still doing the filing. Still not exercising.


    M in oz