Stay At Home Mommies Unite! 60 Day Challenge Week 5



  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    Loving the cardio challenge & spreadsheet, can we do it again next week I didn't realise we were doing it till sat! It's SO getting me motivated! Did 50 lengths instead of 30 at swimming earlier and doing a 2 hour walk tomorrow! I think a challenge next week should be to burn a percentage, e.g. 10% more cals than this week!
  • bella_babe_86
    bella_babe_86 Posts: 503 Member
    We should all share how we burn our calories here to give eachother idaes. So lets see it ladies, how do you burn those calories?

    I just copied mine from my exercise journal here, it was super easy!

    I do anywhere from 60-80 minutes on the wii fit. 15 minutes of yoga, 15 minutes of strength training then 30-50 minutes of aerobics and fun stuff including rythm boxing, hula hoop, and cycling. Then I do 30 minutes of steps(about 3000). Generally I burn just under 600 calories.
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 322 Member
    I burn anywhere from 420-520 calories doing 30 minutes of exercise at Curves. I love it there! Other then that, I do cardio videos at home, some Yoga or Dance off the Inches (on netflix). =D
  • losinit_4_good
    losinit_4_good Posts: 731 Member
    NSV for the day:

    After working out today I was getting ready to jump in the shower and caught side of my reflection in the mirror. Still lots of flaws, cellulite and general jiggle going on, but what I noticed was that my arms are getting slimmer and more toned. Still some jiggle in the triceps but when I flex, you can actually see muscle!!! I was so proud!!

    And then, post shower, toweling off, I noticed how my thighs are also getting smaller! Yay me!!!

    Don't get me wrong - I'm a looong way from my goal but the fact that I noticed these little changes made me so happy :happy:

    I've decided to take full body measurements by the end of the month. I should have done it when I started the 30DS workout but I was too scared. Now that I'm seeing results I'm curious and kinda wish I had taken formal measurements. So I'm making a date with the tape measure Sept 1st!
  • sisa2324
    sisa2324 Posts: 164 Member
    Loving the cardio challenge & spreadsheet, can we do it again next week I didn't realise we were doing it till sat! It's SO getting me motivated! Did 50 lengths instead of 30 at swimming earlier and doing a 2 hour walk tomorrow! I think a challenge next week should be to burn a percentage, e.g. 10% more cals than this week!

    I would love to see that, too!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    The calorie burn spreadsheet is here to stay for the remainder of the 60 day challenge!!!! Yay!! It will be here again with the challenge this week along with a strength challenge and 2 other challenges, I am so glad you all liked it! It really helped me stay motivated too.
  • jennyfair24
    jennyfair24 Posts: 273 Member
    We should all share how we burn our calories here to give eachother idaes. So lets see it ladies, how do you burn those calories?

    I just copied mine from my exercise journal here, it was super easy!

    I do ChaLEAN Extreme, bike riding, walking and once a week I go on a 3 mile jog with my mom. Once I get our treadmill moved to our new house I'll be using that too :smile:

    You guys are all doing so great!! Keep it up!
  • SunshineKB
    SunshineKB Posts: 178 Member
    I do Zumba, Bike riding, elliptical, upright bike, circuit training, Just Dance 2, etc

    Everyone is rocking it out! I need to go in there and fill out the spreadsheet thingy for calorie burn...I am really bad with that kind of thing but I'll work on it! (spreadsheet not burning calories lol)
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I rotate exercise dvds.....burn between 300-450 calories. Tomorrow I am tryin Jillian Michaels "No More Trouble Zones".....very excited!
  • Emmabella11
    The calorie burn spreadsheet is here to stay for the remainder of the 60 day challenge!!!! Yay!! It will be here again with the challenge this week along with a strength challenge and 2 other challenges, I am so glad you all liked it! It really helped me stay motivated too.

    I love the spreadsheet too! It helps me try to stay motivated and it is fun to look at what everyone else is doing as far as how many calories they are burning.
  • natijade
    natijade Posts: 146 Member
    I try and do different things every day. I love Zumba but can't do it more than 2 times a week because I have weak ankles and calves. Yesterday I went swimming and I walk most days, today I'm going for a 2 hour walk to a play centre with my LO! :-)

    Do weights as often as I can but don't really do that for the calorie burn, just to increase my metabolism! :-)
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
    Emotional Challenge:
    What excuses have you made (to yourself or others) in the past for your weight, and how do you stop yourself from falling back into the "I am heavy because...." attitude?

    For a while now, I've changed my mind set on how I perceive my weight. Ever since that DREADFUL night in the dressing room where my 5 year old said, "wow mommy, you're fat" I've come to terms that I am NOT in anyway skinny, and I'm not going to beat myself up about it anymore. It's just time to CHANGE!!!!
    The excuse in the past that I believe that I use the most is " I'M TIRED". That's my #1 excuse for anything!! Or the runner up to that one, I find something that hurts on my body and use that as an excuse. Whether it be a tiny pain in my toe, or a hang nail. I would find any and all things wrong.
    For the attitude, I just tell myself, this is how I look, who I am, and the only way for me to change..... is for me to love me for who I am no matter what size.
    I thank you ladies, all of you, for the friend requests, the support you give to me and the others, and this challenge.
    Press on all!!
  • linake11
    linake11 Posts: 72 Member
    I just cheked out the calories burned spreadhsheet, and I am WAY excited to see the weigh ins tomorrow. Pink team is doing FABULOUS, and I can't wait to see what their loss is. I know I'm on team purple, but shoot, you go girls!!!!
  • renubhat_82
    renubhat_82 Posts: 549 Member
    As most of you are aware, I burn most of my calories through dancing, dancing and dancing.. any form of dance, Indian dance burn maximum around 400 to 600 per hour... sometimes i try Zumba.. some cardio dancing.. yes I do Leslie walking when I am in no mood of dancing.. try few videos on and exercise TV... Yoga is also my one of my fav...
  • chellaJKR
    chellaJKR Posts: 146
    Finally getting around to posting wht the calorie burns are from!
    In the morning first thing I do my 30DS dvd, i the afternoon if I'm lucky enough to have all 3 babies napping at once I run 15 mins on the treadmill. Thursdays I've been hitting up a zumba class since the try something new challenge =) If I have a work shift its a mile walk to and a mile walk from, I try and keep a very fast pace. After a shift I sneak to the gym and hit the elliptical for 35-60 mins since the babies are asleep at home anyway so daddy has no stress. Sometimes I'm lucky enough that he lets me go after he gets home from work if I don't have a shift that day! So it's thats same 2 mile walk because the gym and my job are side by side. THEN, if I had a binge-y overeating kind of day that I'm so famous for, I do steps on a 6-8 inch step while me and hubby watch our recorded shows after the babies are sleeping!
    This has not been for very long, I just wanted to step it up a notch for this challenge since we are logging it on that incredible spreadsheet- GREAT motivation! It turns out I'm capable of a lot more than I ever thought I was when I played the "I don't have time" card. I know I won't be able to have THIS much time to devote to myself for long, so when I have the opportunity now, I seize it!
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    I lost the link to the calorie burned spreadsheet, can someone post it for me? Thanks so much!!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    I lost the link to the calorie burned spreadsheet, can someone post it for me? Thanks so much!!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member
    That is with only the 4 members we have right now, Great job GREEN TEAM!!!
  • NewLife_11
    NewLife_11 Posts: 964 Member

    Recipe Challenge: My little guy is too young to enjoy these but my neice and nephew think they ar the best!

    Fruity Fun Skewers
    5 large strawberries, halved
    1/4 cantaloupe, cut into balls or cubes
    2 bananas, peeled and cut into chunks
    1 apple, cut into chunks
    20 skewers
    1.Thread the strawberries, cantaloupe, banana and apple pieces alternately onto skewers, placing at least 2 pieces of fruit on each skewer. Arrange the fruit skewers decoratively on a serving platter.
    Nutritional Information
    Amount Per Serving Calories: 61

    **Thanks Lynda for this easy recipe!
  • daisyelaine
    daisyelaine Posts: 480 Member
    Ok, So I've been thinking about this for the last few days... Excuses?? Hmm. I know that for the last few years, I've fallen in to the "I can't find the time" crap, which I know.. is crap. Or, there's the " Life is so busy, I'm just too tired to get it all done" one. With my hubby being away from home as much as he is, people are reallly willing to enable me with that one too, or even stick that one on me without my preference! But, that's only been the last few years.
    When I think back to when I was in high school... and nothing comes to mind at first. I was one of the bigger girls in my class, at a weight that.. well, as an adult, can see that it really was fine. There were just some underweight girls in my class as well. It's crazy what a little perspective can give you! Anyway, I think I always let it slide because " I'm not as big as ***"" or " well, I'm funny and a nice girl, so... " . Sure, I was unhappy. Sure, it made me put up protective walls that I didn't really let anyone in to, thus making my time there a pretty solitary experience( in a small town high school, with a grad class of 60 kids). Sure, I know it was my own doing. Didn't make it any easier. And that kind of crap follows you. It's really annoying when even as a 33 year old woman, your own insecurities make it so that you don't talk to someone you went to school with because you're thinking in their head that they're thinking ( don't get lost there!) something about you with reference to livestock. Or assuming that "{that person} doesn't want to talk to me.. they think they're better than me.. why would they lower themselves to do that?" so you're quiet and trying to look strong. Heck, it was only a year ago that my "quiet and shy, but strong" persona could have been taken as a "she thinks she's better than us" theory. Ack!

    Geez, I think too much about what other people think.

    Oh. wait. I seem to have gotten a little off track. Well, it's all healing, right?

    Anyway, after high school, I even used the excuse of putting others before myself. Not their needs, no.. their worth. Again, being one of the bigger ones in my circle of friends.. I even would stop getting healthy because "then ---- would be the "fat one'. I can't do that to them.." Not to worry about my own self worth.. *sigh*.
    So what keeps me out of that slump? my own new found ability to kick my own *kitten*. I'm determined and don't out up with bull-- I don't like it from other people, and I'm starting to not take it from myself either. I have always pictured myself in the future being a healthy active mom.. she's been waiting a while to get out of there! And, I'm seeing glimpses of her now! And I know that if I REALLY want it, I just have to make it a priority. I'm happier, I'm making a better life for my kids.. all important.