3-Month Weight Loss Challenge, February - May, Pick Your Difficulty



  • Kickastina
    Kickastina Posts: 101 Member
    A little late to post, still thought I'd join in. :)

    Challenge Start Date: February 2nd, 2019
    Challenge Starting Weight: 182.5 lbs
    Challenge Level: Level 3 - 15 pounds ★★★
    Challenge Goal weight: 167 lbs
  • jonilynnmayson
    jonilynnmayson Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in! I have been doing a low carb thing since the 1st. My starting weight was 203!
    Current weight - 195
    Level - ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Challenge goal weight - 165

  • Kiyomoo
    Kiyomoo Posts: 354 Member

    CSW: 280
    Level: 4
    CGW: 260

    2/1: 280
    2/8: 278.8
    2/15: 274.4

    Not too shabby.
  • 13ecca4
    13ecca4 Posts: 201 Member
    I'll join!
    I actually have my weights from the 1st Feb so that's handy.

    Challenge Starting Weight: 288lbs
    Challenge Level: Level 5 - 25 pounds ★★★★★
    Challenge Goal weight: 263lbs

    1st Feb - 288
    8th Feb - 281
    15th Feb - 278
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    edited February 2019
    Current weight: 148lbs
    Goal weight: 123lbs
    Challenge Level: 5 (25lbs)
    Right now, I'm aiming to go down two jean sizes so I can wear all my 'save for later" sizes.
  • Brester8
    Brester8 Posts: 6 Member
    edited February 2019
    Weekly weigh in
    SW: 170
    Level: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
    GW: 150

    2/7: 170
    2/15: 168
  • BethE238
    BethE238 Posts: 222 Member
    Challenge Starting Weight: 194.2 (1/31/19)
    Challenge Level: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Challenge Goal weight: 169.x

    Will check in weekly on Fridays

    2/1: 194.8 (+0.6 😆)
    2/8: DNW - was out of town
    2/15: 190.6 (-3.6 lbs )
    5/1: GW 169.x 🤞
  • tthickens637
    tthickens637 Posts: 312 Member
    On a roll!
  • tthickens637
    tthickens637 Posts: 312 Member
  • katiey1123
    katiey1123 Posts: 74 Member
    I’m in!! I’m a little late as Feb has started already, but better late than never 😁

    Challenge Starting Weight (Feb 17): 152.56
    Challenge Level: ★★★★
    Challenge Goal weight: about 130.5
  • LadySaton
    LadySaton Posts: 500 Member
    Challenge Starting Weight: 164
    Challenge Level: ★★★
    Challenge Goal weight: 149

    Feb10: 161.6
    Feb17: 159.8
  • tthickens637
    tthickens637 Posts: 312 Member
    Yup... no weight loss for me this week despite diligent calorie counting and meeting exercise goals! I did more weight lifting and higher intensity workouts though, so suspect I'm trading fat for muscle. I feel stronger and I'm fitting in my clothes better. So I'll check again next week and KEEP ON KEEPING ON! KOKO everyone🤗

    Challenge Starting Weight: 171
    Challenge Level: 🤸🏽‍♂️💃🏼🏃‍♀️🙅
    Challenge Goal weight:150

    I shoot for 10000 steps per day, 6 days per week and 3 solid workouts per week (strength training, rowing, aerobics, etc). I also shoot for a 1000 calorie deficit per day - which meets my goal of 2 lb loss per week (1 lb of fat = 3500 calories). Looks good on paper, but not so tidy in reality (a lot of up and down:). My main goal is to 'Keep on keeping on - koko.' I know slow and steady will win this race!!

    Have a great week everyone...

    Weekly check-in:

    2/1: 171.1
    2/8: 168.3
    2/15: 168.4
  • mustangem82
    mustangem82 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi everyone,

    2/1 starting weight : 154
    Challenge level: ★★
    5/1 goal weight: 146

    2/8 & 2/15 still 154. Slow start i guess!

  • myst036
    myst036 Posts: 19 Member
    edited February 2019
    Hi. Sw 204.6
    Challenge Level <3<3
    Gw 194.6
    So in. The accountability is good!
  • EliseTK1
    EliseTK1 Posts: 483 Member
    I'm in! I've lost more than 10 lbs since November, but this past week with all the social events I've had some trouble staying on track. I could use the structured accountability.

    Challenge Starting Weight 2/9/19: 168.2 lbs
    Challenge Level: 2- 10 lb loss
    Challenge Goal weight: 158 lbs

    If anyone wants to friend me, I'm all about it!

    Challenge Starting Weight 2/9/19: 168.2 lbs
    Challenge Level: 2- 10 lb loss
    Challenge Goal weight: 158 lbs

    CW 2/18/19: 165.8 lbs

    I was not expecting that! I've bounced around a lot, but ultimately I had a major whoosh this week. Love when that happens!
  • MsArriabella
    MsArriabella Posts: 469 Member
    Challenge Starting Weight: 169.8
    Challenge Level: ★★★
    Challenge Goal weight: 154

    2/1: 169.0
    2/8: 168.6
    2/15: 170.4
  • mercbenz9
    mercbenz9 Posts: 16 Member
    Week 2 of the challenge for me was spent on vacation. Tried to watch, but it's hard when eating out a lot to know just how food is being prepared. Overall not too upset.

    Challenge Level ❤️❤️❤️ 15 pounds
    Starting weight 194.4 pounds

    2/11 : lost 4.8 pounds
    2/18 : gained 2 pounds
  • mercbenz9
    mercbenz9 Posts: 16 Member
    Question...is there a way to edit my first post so I just add my results each week, rather than having yo write a whole new post? I post on an iPhone or iPad rather than a pic, if that matters. Thanks!