Sisterhood HCP Week 5



  • hopetobeinshape
    Thompsons- It was pretty pricey, I bought mine on ebay thinking I got a great deal and 3 of the dvd's didnt work. So I ended up having to order those separately on ebay :grumble:

    So i dont recommend getting them on ebay. Good thing is they are intense and there is no going to the gym which I love :heart: I like to workout on my own time and my gym isn't open during those hours. Plus the set is a great workout. :drinker:
  • hopetobeinshape
    YogaX is my most hated enemy... I work my way through it, but by the end of it I feel an intense dislike towards Tony Horton for being able to do all the poses:laugh: . I am finishing up my phase 2 recovery week in the Lean program, and I have decided to switch to the Classic program starting on Tuesday... I am really looking forward to making the change, because I love the weight training aspect of this program. I'm NOT loking forward to Plyo, from all that I've read about it... Which one are you on?

    Yea I hear that yoga is horrible thats maybe why I am holding off on buying it :laugh: I just do the alternating schedule of the cardio dvd's and the strength trainging. I sort of follow the classic in the sense that I still do legs, arms, chest on alternating days so there is still the muscle confusion. But I do a cardio day instead of the yogax, so I do the full 6 days just alternating between those then I do xstretch on my rest day.

    Today I made a vow to myself to not miss any days for four wks straight now matter how early or how late I must stay up at night to do it :angry:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Do you have a list of the rotating phases and workouts? I can send you a copy of the program if you need it. Just don't forget, there is a recovery week every 4th week, where you should only be doing cardio programs... I love P90X because it keeps changing, so you never get bored with one routine, and my hubby is even thinking of trying the program. Our schedules conflict, though, so he'd have to workout at different times than me.
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    iwanttostayhealthy- Sorry if you felt left out! We kind get in our own little land here. I didn't think you asked anything, if so sorry:( Seems to me like you and your daughter are doing well together. I wish I had someone to go through this journey with! I hate not haveing a workout buddy:( In NY I had a group of 4 friends and we would go and talk the whole time it was so nice. So are yo uall getting a new tredmil and time soon or sticking with the grat outdoors? If you like workout videos then you should try Leslie Samson Walk Slim or Walk Away the Pounds. They are in home walking from 1 mile to 5.

    Pepamint83- Sorry we left your Mom out! Nothing intentional. Glad you were able to do the 30 day shred. I was thinking of ordering it cause everyone raves about it. I love my workout videos but am getting kinda burnt out. Also I dont mind sharing names. Not sure about everyone else. My name is Christine and I am from MD originally and we have moved alot due to Military which has put in in Germany for the time being. Which is why I am almost a day ahead all the time.

    Ok as for me! I had a good weekend, and am down to 196!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited, I want to scream on the roof top. I have also had like 4 people tell me that I have lost weight and look good. Not to mention that my hubby is noticing when we get on the webcams. He is wishing he was home to enjoy! I actually took a day off of working out yesterday. I have not taken a day off since I started. Most days I do cardio two times a day. I was just feeling really lazy. I thought I deserved it also. So today I did a video but then had a birthday party to go to. I didn't know she would have snacks out and I ate more than I should have. Not too much but it was basically and early dinner. Which is ok cause I am still not hungry. I have a real weakness for buffets and party's. Well I have to get my lo to bed. Hope you all have a great Sunday! Only two more days till weigh in!

    first off congrats on the 25 pounds christine thats amazing and for people telling you they notice wow. thanks for being so nice about my mother who i will let introduce herself. Kacee i got my 30 day shred from amazon 9 bucks but i hope you get yours soon but like i said be careful i am more positive than ever that it is ment to be its own workout.

    so since i brought it up :blushing: the names Ariella and like many of you know i am from the big apple NYC (New York City) born and raised :love: no place i rather be. but when you guys talk about the outdoors i get it cause my dad takes us camping every summer for two days and we do canooing its amazing (great cardio) today i am soaking wet as i write this because i did my 2 1/2 + walk outside uphill in the rain (which decided to get worse the longer i was outside):bigsmile: and i feel great i did 50 minutes and went the extra path cause my mother had to work and i heard her voice in my head. i am worried about weigh in on tues not cause i did anything wrong (ive actually never excercised this much in my life and my dad told my mother hes so proud) but because of what happend the last two weeks but af is gone and ive been eating a little more like u guys said so we shall see.

    so thats my story name Ariella living in NYC and im coming to the end of my first year of grad school and summer cant come any faster (biking hiking swimming hopefully and camping canooing can not wait)

    hope everyone is enjoying this fine sun :drinker:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Ariella is a beauuuuutiful name!!! Mine is Terresa(missresa was a nickname I had in highschool) and I think that it is neat to know people's real names. I hope that your mom doesn't feel left out in any way... I apologize if we did not include her enough on this thread, but we really do enjoy reading her posts!!! You two are always inspiring, and we love to read about your walking adventures!!! Let her know I'd really enjoy being put on her list as a friend!!!

    Thompsons...Or should I start calling you Christine? I am so happy for you and the huge amount of success you have had. You have really set the bar for us, and it's great to hear about all of your triumphs so far. It always feels so nice when someone notices how much you've changed, and I hope those compliments keep on coming.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day-I'm going to be taking some Mucinex and vegging out on the couch... I hate being sick, but it gives me a chance to talk to you all!!!!!:laugh:
  • abullock
    abullock Posts: 36 Member
    Hello Angie from AZ here. I'm still around but never have a lot of time to post (though I love reading about everyone is doing). I am doing well. After a couple of rough weeks I seem to be back on track. I generally weigh-in on Saturdays and yesterday I was very happy to see that I have finally hit 140 - that means I am down 18 lbs since I started Jan 6.

    Glad to see that everyone is sticking with it and doing so well! Go team!!
  • hopetobeinshape
    Do you have a list of the rotating phases and workouts? I can send you a copy of the program if you need it. Just don't forget, there is a recovery week every 4th week, where you should only be doing cardio programs... I love P90X because it keeps changing, so you never get bored with one routine, and my hubby is even thinking of trying the program. Our schedules conflict, though, so he'd have to workout at different times than me.

    I do have the phases saved somewhere on my computer :tongue: But thank you!

    I totally forgot about the recovery week! I am in week 2 of phase one so I'll have to make sure and do that week 4. Thanks for reminding me :flowerforyou:

    Even if your hubby does it at a different time at least you will have someone that is feeling the same pain as you are :laugh:
  • tidwelljw
    I'm doing the P90X Program. I know there are a couple of us on here that are doing it. It is pretty intense, if you are not looking for something that tough, which it really isn't too bad once you get into the routine of it, it can mostly be done with 25 lb weights and below. You might want to look into the Power 90. I did one week of that and I realized it was just too light for my taste. I needed something with a little more grit to keep me interested. The Power 90 program is also done by Tony Horton and is a great way to get used to the principals used in the P90X workouts. As of right now I am on phase 2 the second week. I haven't followed the diet at all on the first round. I do however plan on following it the second round. Because we just booked our annual beach trip with the friends on Friday and I have to be in good shape by the second week of May!!!

    By the way, my name is Jeremy from Alabama!
  • tidwelljw
    Oh by the way....I was at Walmart last night and they had a heart rate monitor on sale for 25 bucks, it does all kind of things but the main reason I bought it was because it also keeps track of how many calories you have burned. The thing that was the neatest was that it double as an actual watch and you can wear it all day and just keep checking you pulse through out the day and it will keep up with the calories burned all day. I get real excited about simple things though!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I just bought a HRM, too!!! I'm getting it in the mail by Tuesday... I really need to know how much I'm burning, so I'm really excited that my hubby let me get it!!! It's a pain to guess how many calories that we burn, and I think that's why some people don't eat all their exercise calories listed by MPF-they might not be that accurate, so you might not see any weight loss. My hubby made out, though. He gets to buy an Ipod since I get my HRM...:bigsmile:
  • hopetobeinshape
    What kind of HRM did you get? I am going to get one this week but am unsure of which kind to get. I really dont want to spend $100 on one, but if I have to I will. I have heard that the chest strap ones are the best because you dont have to check your pulse when you are running, etc.
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    Ariella is a beauuuuutiful name!!! Mine is Terresa(missresa was a nickname I had in highschool) and I think that it is neat to know people's real names. I hope that your mom doesn't feel left out in any way... I apologize if we did not include her enough on this thread, but we really do enjoy reading her posts!!! You two are always inspiring, and we love to read about your walking adventures!!! Let her know I'd really enjoy being put on her list as a friend!!!

    thank you so much :flowerforyou: but i cant take credit for the name my parents chose it lol :laugh: yeah i think after 5 weeks it was safe enough to get to know everyones real names and where we are from (and when we all started) my mother is great she didnt feel left out but i wish she would write more i think she will she has been super busy with work and my siblings and everything but shes been eating and excercising :drinker: glad you enjoy her posts i love when she writes :blushing:
    so glad we/i can enspire thats what i was hoping to do when i joined a support group to not just be motivated and inspired but to do the same for others. our walks are deffinetly an adventure alone or together and we share them with each other as well. my mother actually came home from her walk (she went later than me today cause she was working and i was antsy) singing the songs i put on my ipod for her i made her a walking playlist :bigsmile: you friend her she will def accept i can assure it. (but ill let her know so maybe she will friend you :bigsmile: )

    Oh by the way....I was at Walmart last night and they had a heart rate monitor on sale for 25 bucks, it does all kind of things but the main reason I bought it was because it also keeps track of how many calories you have burned. The thing that was the neatest was that it double as an actual watch and you can wear it all day and just keep checking you pulse through out the day and it will keep up with the calories burned all day. I get real excited about simple things though!

    i want! i want! besides having a slight obsession with watches i would be fascinated to know how many calories i am actually burning especially throught the day. whats the name of it????
    hope all is good with everyone i cant believe another week is upon us. (really week 6 starting already????)
  • tidwelljw
    Hey I found you two of them at Walmart. The first one I listed is the one I have. it's pretty god for what I do. I think it's like $29 on line. The second one is the next step up, i didn't see it in the store but I think the this one would be better for you because you do a lot of walking. It has a built in step and stride counter and also tells you how far you've walked and also lets you know if your are getting too low or high in your zone, it's only $39. I have only had mine for a day or so but I wore it all day and it seems to work pretty well. Hope this helps, these are about the cheapest ones I have found with the best features so if you are in the market for one these may not be bad, and if you hate it you can always return it!
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    Hey I found you two of them at Walmart. The first one I listed is the one I have. it's pretty god for what I do. I think it's like $29 on line. The second one is the next step up, i didn't see it in the store but I think the this one would be better for you because you do a lot of walking. It has a built in step and stride counter and also tells you how far you've walked and also lets you know if your are getting too low or high in your zone, it's only $39. I have only had mine for a day or so but I wore it all day and it seems to work pretty well. Hope this helps, these are about the cheapest ones I have found with the best features so if you are in the market for one these may not be bad, and if you hate it you can always return it!

    omg you rock and are so sweet not only to look these up but to find one specifically cause i walk. i am going to look into these and most likely get the second one based on what you said (i'll let you know)

    thanks so much:drinker:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I got a Polar F6, which runs around 109. It is pretty spendy, but I heard that it is one of the most reliable without breaking the bank-We don't have a Walmart where I live, and the only HRM the have here isn't very accurate when I researched it...
  • tidwelljw
    Well I found a sweet polar that I wanted, but I am expecting a child and building a new house. Any extra spending money that I have I'm saving for our trip to FL in May. That's why i went with a cheaper model, If I can find something that gets me pretty close to what my heart rate and calorie burn is. I don't mind if it's off a little.
  • dsangel
    Hello all, how is everyone?? Congrats to everyone who has lost, great job!!

    I however have gained 2lbs.:grumble: :grumble: :mad: :mad: Maybe it's because I haven't exercised. hmmm theres a thought.:grumble:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Well I found a sweet polar that I wanted, but I am expecting a child and building a new house. Any extra spending money that I have I'm saving for our trip to FL in May. That's why i went with a cheaper model, If I can find something that gets me pretty close to what my heart rate and calorie burn is. I don't mind if it's off a little.

    I totally know where you're coming from!!! My husband's recent trip to Guam is the only reason that we were able to afford one-we came into a little extra money just in time... Otherwise, I would have had to stick with MFP to guestimate how many calories I burn:sad:
  • hopetobeinshape
    Resa- can you let me know when you get yours? I am pretty set on getting the F4 but I want some feedback first. Especially since we are doing the same workouts, with the P90x system and all.

    Hope everyone is have a great day! :drinker:
  • tidwelljw
    They had one when I bought mine that came with the chest strap and everything for like 30 bucks. I probably should have gotten that one, but the craziest thing is that it didn't calculate calories burnt. I found that to be odd. I can't wait until I get to feeling better and I can workout with my new monitor and see where my HR is during the workouts!