What made you fat?



  • FaithfuLEEfit
    FaithfuLEEfit Posts: 72 Member
    Like the poster above, eating more calories than my body burned. That is the simplicity of it. Getting to the reason why is a bit more complicated. For me, I went from a job where I was on my feet and busy all day to a job behind a desk. Decreased overall TDEE, plus increased time to be able to eat/snack/think about food out of boredom lead to my weight creeping up. I enjoy food, and one of my bad habits that I constantly struggle with is eating out of boredom. I am working to find "distractions" to change my thoughts for when I want to eat yet I am not hungry, as that is the root cause of my excess calories.

    Wow.. I thought I was the only one who ate out of boredom lol.

  • FaithfuLEEfit
    FaithfuLEEfit Posts: 72 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    I gained it on purpose. I wouldn't say I got fat but I had to cut back down after to reveal what I built.

    I did that too, and it didn't really work out the way I wanted it to. :/

  • gallicinvasion
    gallicinvasion Posts: 1,015 Member
    Eating to experience happiness when happiness was in short supply. Defining myself by my love of food. Being a little bit addicted to processed foods.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,051 Member
    What it boiled down to was eating more than I burned.

    WHY that happened:

    I went from active jobs (outdoors working at a horse stable doing barn chores and riding several horses a day and/or teaching riding lessons) while also tromping around a college campus to a job that had me sitting on my tush 10+ hours a day, leaving me exhausted at night (aka, more sitting around) but paid more which also meant more eating out, more starbucks fru-fru coffee, etc. Since I had never really had to worry about my weight most of my life to that point (in my early 30s), it didn't occur to me that my activity had changed too much.

    The weight crept on. I knew I was getting heavier, but it wasn't like I was obese, so it didn't really bother me enough to really change my lifestyle.

    Until the day I couldn't squeeze into my "fattest" work pants no matter how uncomfortable I was willing to be, even with a belt leaving the button undone. I couldn't get into them.

    That was my wake up call.

    Still have a ways to go to my ideal weight, but slow and steady loss is happening.
  • Cahgetsfit
    Cahgetsfit Posts: 1,912 Member
    I got pregnant, reduced exercise dramatically and increased eating dramatically. Post-Partum I got depressed and therefore ate even more and continued to not exercise much.

    I have always been a bit of an emotional eater, but when I was more active back before I got fat fat, when I had bouts of putting a little bit on due to emotional eating, as soon as whatever emotional thing was over I was able to just be mindful and i'd lose the weight easily again. I'm talking a couple of kilos, not 10s of kilos.

    After baby though being mindful wasn't enough. I had to use drastic measures (as in counting calories LOL) and have turned to lifting. I am now fitter than I probably ever was.
  • GemimaFitzTed
    GemimaFitzTed Posts: 260 Member
    Emotional eating from having two small kids, working full time, husband who had been unemployed and then studying for about 3 years and then working contract-to-contract, and being the sole bread winner. I stopped caring for myself. Worse, I stopped loving myself. I stopped all exercise and just ate whatever, and whenever I wanted. That made me fat. Sorry, that made me morbidly obese.

    I am am firm believe in mindfulness, self-care and self-love now. For without it, this journey was going to fail before it started.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Getting married and trying to keep up with hubs (food and drink). At the same time stopping exercise to spend more time together. Piled on about 50# in the first 10 years.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    edited February 2019
    Bad habits that started in childhood got me started on the wrong path. Going out to dinner multiple times per week. Dessert after just about every lunch AND dinner. Sedentary lifestyle of being a bookish artsy type. Being big/tall compared to my peers and just thinking "I should be eating more than them because I'm bigger"...but then in my teens, when I stopped growing, that didn't really apply anymore. I kept doing it though.

    Later...I was married to a guy who was obese as well, and had a bunch of friends who were also big and/or obese. I ate less than all of these guys and thought I was doing okay. So I was still eating 3 big slices of pizza and having 2 vodka cocktails. Just because they may have eaten 7 slices of pizza and 5 beers didn't make my portions okay for my body size, so I kept gaining weight.

    Eating for every reason...stressful day at work, exciting accomplishment, grief, holidays. Everything.

    Drinking my calories! I drank big glasses of milk as well as juice, lattes, mochas, etc, and not realizing how terrible they were when it came to the calories and sugar. I stopped drinking sugary soda around age 22 - but just kept drinking all of these other things without a second thought...even after I really started to work on my weight, but before I started counting calories, this was an issue for me. Even 6 years into MFP and maintaining a major loss, it pains me to think of how many thousands of calories I drank in Starbucks without realizing it was "that bad" (i.e., thought of a latte as similar to coffee w/ creamer rather than it actually being closer to a small milkshake).
  • sdewey415
    sdewey415 Posts: 93 Member
    Peanut butter and apple juice when I was young.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Scientifically, consuming an excess of calories.

    Psychologically, engaging in every activity that led to a promotion of self-destructive behavior so I could create a negative feedback cycle to validate my negative behavior.
  • stephslife88
    stephslife88 Posts: 24 Member
  • Amazon314
    Amazon314 Posts: 19 Member
    edited February 2019
    All the extra weight has been added just the last few months. Went from playing at the top level internationally in my sport (roller derby) to not playing at rec level. I could no longer afford to play at the top anymore (made me sad), but never adjusted my eating for the reduced activity. I also love ice cream wayyyyy too much
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    Active social life with too much booze and Happy Hour junk. I do fine when I stay at home! LOL Also, we love brunch. Oops.

    Bruuuunch. Brunch is the worst! My girls want to do brunch soon and moderation is not their idea of brunch. We have an all you can eat/drink place and it's the best place in the world and the worst place for a healthy lifestyle
  • mengqiz86
    mengqiz86 Posts: 176 Member
    Foot injury took me out of a 30-35mile/week running routine.
    Moved from the city to the suburbs where I hardly ever walk anywhere anymore.
  • granitepeak1981
    granitepeak1981 Posts: 148 Member
    I made me fat