THE Team - Week 3 - 2/20/09



  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good Morning.. I just logged in my calories from dinner last night.. We went to Red Lobster for my son's 27th birthday ( I hate Fish) but he likes to torture me... I ate a half of chicken cesar salad and a half a cup of Potato bacon soup and a bisquet.. WOW, over 700 calories.. I was still under for the day but holy crud.. I could of ate a whole plate of food there for less calories...

    Update on Kole.. He has made it through 2 nights.. The doctor has said right now its a 50/50 chance for him. They will re-evaulate his lung in two weeks to see where he is at. He can only stay on the ECMO-Machine for 30 days then that machine will start doing it's own damage.. If after 30 days he can't breath on his own then there is nothing more they can do. We are staying positive and very hopeful.. He is a beautiful baby.. He is under complete sedation while he is on the machine. They do not want him to move at all. Well enough of the sadness... Just lots of prayers our way...

    Question: I am so wanting to not exercise today. My muscles ache so badly.. Anyone else here take a day off from exercising? I did mop my floors this morning would that count? I have 2100 sq ft of laminate flooring it has to be damped mopped and then dried or its streaky heaven and make me very mad... I also ran the vacume in the bedrooms we have 5 bedrooms then mopped the floors in the bathroom 3 of em and mopped the laundry room.. All this took way to long.. I hate cleaning but since I am the only to do it, I do it.. Can I log that as my exercise for the day??

    Anita:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    Eating out really does add up the calories quick! Dont worry about it unless you do it all the time. Going over by a few calories on occasion wont kill ya as long as ya get back on track the next day.

    Glad to hear the baby is thriving!! My prayers are with your family.

    I take 2 days a week off from the gym and use those days to catch up on housework, errands, laundry and grocery shopping. You can certainly log housework as your exercise calories if you want to by putting in "Cleaning" under the cardio log on MFP. I checked it out on Thursday and it was there. I was just curious to see, but I dont count cleaning my house as cals burned because I figure I would have to do it anyways. Anyway, to answer your question- I dont exercise every day and on my off days but i do try to stay active. If your muscles ace bad, take some motrin, tylenol or advil and take a break for the day. Give them a chance to rest. Epsom salt baths also do wonders for sore achy muscles. I dont give myself 2 days off in a row because its just too hard for me to get motivated again after that long, but do what works for you. Giving your muscles a rest is good and keeps the stress level down. If you absolutely feel like you have to exercise to feel better, take it slow.. maybe a normal walk around the neighborhood and some light stretching? Otherwise, kick back and relax or get done what you need to get done around the house. Taking a day off from exercise is good for you, just remember to stay within your calorie allowance as close as possible. Hope that helps :flowerforyou:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member

    Ok, help for the technically challenged if this doesn't work! I am trying to post a picture of my dog. If this doesn't work, I will just add him to my photos and make him my pic for the day, here goes!

    Ok never mind, you can see him in my "main" photo now. :laugh:

    OMG he is so cute!! He looks like a big baby too! I love dogs... always have.. we just cant have one right now :frown:

    To answer the image share question...
    If you upload your images to you can share them here pretty easy inside a post or on your blog. You just add the image to your photo album on photobucket then mouse over the image. You'll see a bunch of different codes for sharing your image and the one to use for MFP is the BB code. Just copy and paste it into your post. The only thing you have to change is the image tag code. Photobuckets default is in capital letters [IMG]and it needs to be lower case for it to work with MFP so just fix it to lower case at the beginning and end once you copy and paste the code to your post. If your images are stored someplace else on the web besides photobucket you can share them too. Just add the img tags before and after the url of the picture and make sure there are no spaces. :wink:[/img]
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member


    :laugh: Here's the "HOW-TO" on adding pictures and emoticons to your posts.

    Get_fit, Click "Quote" on this post, and look at the tag on the little emoticon I added. It should start with "img" in brackets and end with "slash img" in brackets. Like Li4g said - no spaces. The url of your picture goes in between the two bracketed "img".

    The pictures HAVE to have a url, so must be uploaded from your computer to a photo-storing site.(as Li4g said)

    I :love: your pup picture!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member


    you got the image tags right, now just need to upload the picture to a photo sharing site and use the url that will look something like this http// Put the url between the image tags with no spaces and viola..:wink:
  • Anita, I'm so sore too. My legs and arms don't seem to want to do anything LOL I really think it's from not eating my calories and exercising too much. I have over 600 left for the day and no idea what I'm going to use them on. Ever been hungry and full at the same time???? Anyway, I'm praying for Kole. That is such a sad situation.

    I have no idea how to post a pic... I"ve never tried. I should try to do a profile pic sometime.
  • Anita, I'm so sore too. My legs and arms don't seem to want to do anything LOL I really think it's from not eating my calories and exercising too much. I have over 600 left for the day and no idea what I'm going to use them on. Ever been hungry and full at the same time???? Anyway, I'm praying for Kole. That is such a sad situation.

    I have no idea how to post a pic... I"ve never tried. I should try to do a profile pic sometime.
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    I will mess with this later tonight. He IS a cutie dog! I snapped that picture and he was feeling guilty because he's not supposed to be up on the bed, but my son lets him up there when he thinks I won't know about it. His highness already has a lambskin (fake) bed in our bedroom and one in the family room, but he looks all pathetic and then Trevor just can't help himself and lets him up on his bed. :laugh:
  • <
    There I am LOL
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Nita - I am soooo praying for Kole and your family. God can and will do amazing things for all of you through Kole's birth - and know without doubt He has a host of angels with that baby boy! Keep us posted, we are all sending strength his way.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Nita, same here, my prayers are with you and your family. :flowerforyou:
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    kelleighanne - cute pic! It's nice to see you!!

    getfit - did you paint those circles around your pups eyes?:happy: Toooo sweet. I have a black and white short hair too - but lots lots smaller than yours - mine is a rat terrier named Chewy, only about 14 pounds. We also had a black and white long hair - an Australian Shepherd named Dundee but we had to have him put down in October:brokenheart: Ya know, our cat is black too, I think I'm seeing a pattern here....:tongue:

    Lacijae - I met the weekend challenge to eat healthy and be active:bigsmile: I feel great! How'd you do??

    This week will be the real challenge for me!! Tomorrow is Lundi Gras and Tuesday is Mardi Gras and literally EVERYWHERE you go there is excess - too much food, too much drink, too much fun. Ackk! And King Cakes mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I have not had one single piece all season - it is a giant pastry (like a donut) filled with either cream, fruit or cinnamon filling and covered in a thick white glaze and then purple, green and yellow sugar is all over the icing. But the nice thing is that it doesn't even sound appealing:bigsmile: Instead of drinking, I put sparkling water with a splash of cranberry in a wine glass and I feel like I am part of the party!!:smokin:

    Have a great week everyone - TRY HARD EVERYDAY!!!! And Happy Mardi Gras!!!:drinker:
  • get_fit2009
    get_fit2009 Posts: 827 Member
    Fortunately, it is too cold and dreary this time of year for Mardi Gras to get too carried away, although today was nice. There was one year things got out of control downtown, but in my little neck of the woods - nothin'.

    I had King Cake once, I think. Is that the one with the baby in it somewhere? If so, it was yummy!!! Good for you for refraining!

    About the black and white dog thing - I didn't think about this until it was too late - but if you have a black AND white dog that sheds, you're kind of screwed no matter what you wear...I have to keep one of those little rollers of tape in my car and my drawer at work. :laugh: Sorry about Dundee. It is sad when we have to say goodbye to our 4-legged children.

    Ooh, try adding a squeeze of lime to your cranberry splash, that combo is close to a cosmo - but it's good for you!

    Ok, everyone have a good evening. I am going to go soak in the tub and relax. My throat is kind of sore, I hope I'm not getting sick, ugh.

    Nita, I will be saying a prayer for the baby tonight. Everyone take care!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    I too am sore. Woke up this morning and felt the weights and elliptical that I did yesterday in my back. Took a motrin and next thing I knew I was out cleaning out my garden of last summers veggies & weeds that were completely dead and ready to compost for this year. Yeah, Ive been putting it off....
    It looks way better out there and now I am ready to plant my spring veggies in a couple months when the weather warms up a bit. I got lucky enough that I got out there early to get it done cuz about an hour after I came in, it started pouring rain...haha!

    So, at least I got something accomplished today.

    I made cabbage rolls for dinner in the crockpot. They are sooooooo good, even my kids loved them!! They didnt wanna try them but once I made them.. they helped themselves!! I ate 4 of the dang things which completely wiped out my remaining calories for the but they were just so good I couldnt help it!! I will definitely make them again!! Again, if ya want the was posted by another member here on MFP and the link to her post is in my blog from last week.

    Anywho.. Im off to search for more ideas on things that I can do from home to make money. I have a pretty good idea so far.. just doing more research before I commit to it and try to get it off the ground.
  • Nita - I am soooo praying for Kole and your family. God can and will do amazing things for all of you through Kole's birth - and know without doubt He has a host of angels with that baby boy! Keep us posted, we are all sending strength his way.

    Nita, ditto on the prayers for Kole. We don't always understand why things happen the way they do, but God does have everything in His control. Look to Him for strength and He will not let you down. :flowerforyou:
  • <
    There I am LOL

    Nice photo.
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Hey healthymom - you got a pic too! Nice to see you! :happy:

    losingit - yay for getting your garden cleaned out!! I got my front garden all weeded today and trimmed down all the leerio (sp?) grass - get this, DH even mowed the grass today - the grass is still dormant but the wild onion was sprouting all over the place! Sorry you are sore - hopefully all better tomorrow!

    Getfit - Just wear all zebra print clothing:huh: - the only safe bet. Have you see the new pledge pet hair trap thingy? I have a shedding dog AND a super-shedding cat! I've thought of making a cat-fur-coat from what I scrape off the couch everyday!:laugh: I wanna try that Pledge thing.
  • Hey Teamies!!

    Ok so this weekend's wogging was ok... I did about 30 minutes saturday but only about 20 mins today because I had a baby shower to go to that I'd completely forgotten about. Needless to say, my diet wasn't so great today :sad: . But really, who can pass up baby shower cake??? from the best bakery in town??? it was TORTURE and I told myself I would only get a small piece so it wouldn't hurt :embarassed: .

    And then I kind of went and ate chinese with a couple of friends...yeah that wasn't so great either. I thought I was doing great not getting the fried rice (which by the way was VERY VERY VERY hard). Tomorrow, i'm comitting to having extra wogging time plus some much needed alone time with my Ab Lounge (I may have to dust it off from sitting untouched for a few days-- ok so it may have been a week or so :laugh: )

    Well weigh in isn't until Friday so I've got some time to get back under control :bigsmile:
    Good Night everybody!!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    Anita, I was on MFP last night, and came across this thread. What are the odds? It is very inspiring, if you feel you can read it. It is a happy thread. Several people with one lung (like Anita’s baby nephew, Kole) posted on the topic.

    Li4g, go to (I somehow missed your post yesterday..)
    It’s latin and hiphop and calypso dance, done to the BEST music, interval-style cardio workout. I have four DVDs. There are usually classes at gyms and YMCAs. I’m still sore, but I worked out today anyway. I was going to just walk, but I can’t get my heart rate up when I walk, so I had to break down and do the 1 min/3 min Wogging like yesterday. Managed to stay “in the zone” for 52 minutes, and I’m not as sore as I was. P.S. – I’ve NEVER run before... Amazing what a good sports bra coupled with a good-fitting underwire will do. (sorry Zano and Morgolis…T.M.I…)

    There are so many new pictures of you all! I love it. Thanks for sharing.

    I added my first day of the “100 Pushups Challenge” today. Which means I did 14 total “girliestyle” pushups. It’s a whole process of gradual progression – like any other exercise regime. Here’s the website. Pushups.gif

    Laci - I'm STILL on track with my calories and exercise. yesssmileyf.gif
    Cutest kitty pic EVER, Li4g!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    I just love how you guys are putting up pics! Its nice to see who Im talking too. :happy:

    Lulu, yes I feel much better about the veggie garden. I cant wait to plant it this year!! So much cheaper to grow it than it is to buy all the produce at the store! I still have alot of cleanup to do in the yard area but the weather isnt looking too promising here. We'll see what this week brings. I noticed we are getting some grass sprouting in areas of the back yard that didnt fill in when we seeded last year. That was a nice suprise. Im gonna have to get some more grass seed and throw it out there since its obviously growing now! We have to get a new lawn mower, ours blew up.. lol.. so Im hoping it stays dormant for a while and just fills in the bare spots!

    laci- great job on the wogging! I ususally wog 2-3 times a week depending on how I feel energy wise. This last week I was dead, but still managed to get in 2 really good woggs and it felt great afterwards. Keep it up girl! How do you like that ab lounge thingy? Do you feel it good? Is it hard? As Ive said, my abs are terrible, need to really work on toning them up.
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