

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,673 Member
    I'm just used to the hard, skinny bike si at that looks uncomfortable but isnt
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,971 Member
    :)Naomi, bravo to you for finding a way to accommodate both you and your parents. There is a way to eat the way you want to in spite of whatever challenge there is in your life and you have set an awesome example.

    <3 Barbie from NW WA
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,382 Member
    Naomi – that’s great that with your parent’s bland way of cooking you’re not like that. Vince finally admitted to a friend of mine that the reason he eats such bland food is due to his mother’s way of cooking. Her idea of spices was salt, pepper, and ketchup. Many times what I do is add spices to foods after I prepare them.

    Who will go to the Y tomorrow for the last time this trip….boo
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Sharon – herbal tea is my go to! Good Earth original is caffeine free and has some natural sweetness.

    I got caught up in reading, but not so good on notes.

    Pip – I am impressed you found somewhere to do a cremation for that cheap – for cremation and dividing the ashes in to 2 bags for 2 events is going to cost about $3,000 here. I love California but it is more expensive.

    Things have been busy, but I am plugging along getting stuff done. I was given some asparagus plants and found time to plant them in a raised bed today. I love asparagus, and it grows well here, but does take a lot of room, as it needs a bed of it’s own with little summer water.

    Loads of embroidery which is good.

    Kim from N. California
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rita: That is a handsome vulture. I think of them as one of nature’s best clean up teams. They take care of all sorts of dead critters and keep our lands cleaner. :flowerforyou:

    Naomi: Great strategy in cooking some foods that will please your parents and others that will please you. :flowerforyou:

    (((Lisa in AR))): I hope tomorrow is a better day. :heart:

    Barbie: I am surprised every day that you still have snow. I’ll bet people in your community will talk about this winter for years to come. Stay warm. I love the Borland quotation that you shared. :star:

    I had a riding lesson at the stable today. Arrow was a good boy, but I did not perform very well. I was out late for a meeting yesterday evening and today I haven’t had as much energy as I need to do my best. I may get a lesson next week. I hope to do better next time because my teacher is not patient with excuses and I would like to become a better rider.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,327 Member
    Hi all. So enjoy reading your posts!

    ........ It’s 15 degrees here tonight in Missouri. Looks like a week at the gym this next week as temperatures will b like this all week, so no walking this week!

    Have a great Monday everyone!

    There are great walking videos on YouTube which are excellent if you can't get out to the gym. I recommend Leslie Sansone as she does a variety of different levels and distances.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    morning lovely ladies, ahh I am so lucky to be returning to work today to see my sleepy, grumpy students and get things going again. Despite feeling jet lagged yesterday, I got up and got laundry done, grocery shopping and the gym, I just powered through. I've made my red lentil soup, yogurt and hummus from scratch and am happy to see I didn't gain or lose a single ounce on the trip---pasta/pesto and tuscan ham, genovese salami, and oh yes, hazlenut gelato are happy memories, just for the taste of them, the experience of them, I didn't overdo. I enjoyed the food experiences (like Heather) and the proportions were spot on. On average we walked about 7 miles per day, about 14 flights per day also. Now for reentry into my working world, I can do this!

    Kim and other gardeners I'm thinking about composting in my suburban back yard (new york) what do you think of commercial compost bins, such as Aerobin 4000 or a tumbling one?

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,121 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Wed- manual treadmill- 30min .90mi 97ahr

    Thursday-Treadmill- 40min 2.3sp 1.0incl 20min 1.5incl 15min 86ahr 1.5mi

    Fri- recumbent 50min 2-5 resist 7.19mi

    Sat 45min 106ahr 77w 78r 10mi

    See, I have been taking it slow. I didn’t ride the bike all week. The first time I all the years since I’ve been riding (over 15 years). Monday I plan to start riding again

    Riding a recumbent bike at the gym is murder on my *kitten*! I don’t know how people do it, that hurts!

    I've been fortunate to have had the opportunity to try some recumbents outside, and yes, if you don't get them set up just right, they can be pretty awful.

    Riding comfort is all about getting the right saddles. :)

    Personally, I use a Brooks on all my outdoor bicycles, and oddly enough, a cheap saddle that came with one of my bicycles on my indoor bicycle. Normally, we'd remove that kind of saddle and toss it into a box and replace it with a decent one, but for some reason it just seems to work for indoor cycling. <<shrug>>

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,121 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Machka: I am sorry that your registration system is so unpredictable. Are they having computer trouble? Personnel trouble? :huh:

    I don't know what it is. It seems to me that they are very unprepared at the start of each semester in many ways. The lecture starts on Wednesday (day after tomorrow) and the unit outline isn't available yet. It's like, suddenly they wake up and realise they've got students coming and classes to organise. I've been to a lot of different universities and colleges, and this one is the worst for this.

    Katla49 wrote: »
    DH has been having a lot of health problems lately and will be seeing his MS doctor soon. I plan to go along. He’s been very discouraged lately because of bowel problems. He is now talking about giving up our RV trip to see the kids, and sending me by air on my own. I am hoping we get a better plan than that and pray that his doctor can help him improve his situation. We’re planning to visit our attorney and have new wills drawn up. That is the smart thing to do and should have been done ages ago. :ohwell:

    Katla in misty NW Oregon

    That reminds me, I need to call our attorney and get her moving on our wills!!

    I hope you can come up with a good holiday plan. I'm also struggling a bit with ours. We'd like to go to Canada in the middle of our winter (Canada's summer) but it is a very long flight and I'm just not sure how my husband would handle it. I suspect we'd have to break it up into segments, but that can be a pain trying to determine where to hop to. Hobart to Sydney is obvious, but then what? In the past we've headed over to New Zealand and then to Vancouver but the NZ to Van hop is long. I don't know if Hobart to Brisbane to Tokyo to Van would be any better?? We'll have to figure something out.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,121 Member
    My husband and I at brunch the day after the Evandale Pennyfarthing Championships. :)


    M in Oz
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
    edited February 2019
    klanders30 wrote: »
    morning lovely ladies, ahh I am so lucky to be returning to work today to see my sleepy, grumpy students and get things going again. Despite feeling jet lagged yesterday, I got up and got laundry done, grocery shopping and the gym, I just powered through. I've made my red lentil soup, yogurt and hummus from scratch and am happy to see I didn't gain or lose a single ounce on the trip---pasta/pesto and tuscan ham, genovese salami, and oh yes, hazlenut gelato are happy memories, just for the taste of them, the experience of them, I didn't overdo. I enjoyed the food experiences (like Heather) and the proportions were spot on. On average we walked about 7 miles per day, about 14 flights per day also. Now for reentry into my working world, I can do this!

    Kim and other gardeners I'm thinking about composting in my suburban back yard (new york) what do you think of commercial compost bins, such as Aerobin 4000 or a tumbling one?


    I have two that I bought at Aldi's a few years ago. They have tops but air holes on the sides. I do have to remember to add water occasionally. These do not turn the compost so I do have to be careful I remember to have a a good mix of green grass clippings), brown (Leaves and brown paper like paper bags) , soil from my old pots. I add some sticks too for air because mine doesn't turn. I take the finished compost from the bottom. Because it is not the big piles like the community compost it does at least six months for mine to finish composting.

    Heat, waters, air, and the right mix of composting materials makes the difference how quickly things compost.

    I would go on line and read reviews about each one from those who have actually used each type. Either will need to have a sunny spot in your garden so it gets the heat it needs to work better.

    I like mine because it gives me a place to compost my kitchen scrapes no meat or fats. when the weather is warmer. I don't do it in the winter. Too hard to get out there and too cold to compost. This in why I like the enclosed ones. When I tried to do this with piles in our yard it would attract animals that would dig up the pile to get at the scrapes.

    You will also not want it too close to your house because there is some smell to the composting too.

    Hope this helps.

    Kelly (((Hugs))) and prayers. Is there a place you can put your phone in your room so it is there for an emergency but the pinging can be reduced so it does not wake you up? I still try to follow the rule like with phone calling no calling or texting after 8 pm unless it is an emergency, so I do not disturb a friend or relative. Unless it is an emergency no need to send or read texts into the night like that. It is disruptive to others sleep.Those who sent you those texts might not realize that they woke you up.

    Be kind to yourself today you went through major stress. Do what ever healthy activities work for you writing to us, walking, deep breathing, reduce alcohol and sugar, and stay away from evil twin if you can. He knows he upset you and may try to do it again soon. I see this in classrooms all the time when another students knows he/she can upset someone they get a twisted sense of power by goading the student. I tell the student who is upset one of two things or perhaps both do not let that student have your power or just because you see the hook you do not need to bite. Those of you who have been on here for awhile have heard me use that quote before.

    I agree Twin over stepped his bounds. Difficult to have a relationship when respect and trust is lacking. For different reasons this is what happened to older brother and myself. I do send him a Christmas card but that is the extent of the contact I will have with him.

    I am proud of DS he was very upset about something and rather than turn to drink he called me and we worked out different ways he could approach the problem. In his case the problem was not an immediate emergency I told him Mark Twain would put a problem aside for three days if possible and then revisit the problem. Many times the problem had resolved itself. If not he know his head was clearer and could work on the problem in a much more productive manner. Not an easy thing to do. Also fits another one of my favorite quotes between the stimulus and the action there is a space. What you do with that space can make all the difference.

    :heart: Margaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,673 Member