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JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,238 Member
    JFT, Mon
    1. log all food :) But I was SO SO hungry yesterday ... all day long. So the rest of this week I really have to watch it. But , I did eat all healthy foods ... even left the girl scout cookies alone!
    2. mindful eating :)
    3. jan challenge = 8+ water :)
    4. feb Challenge - 1 snack tonite :/ First it was cottage cheese and peaches, then a apple, then some walnuts. Just one of those nites :/
    5. mar challenge ... forget it! It is 5 degrees out right now, with a high of only 17 degrees ... and sidewalks are icy. I need sunshine and warmer temps so badly. :'(
    6. work on baby quilt :)
    7. do not give up. This is a lifestyle change .... it will not happen overnite. (But why does it seem like the pounds went on overnite!!) :)

    JFT, Tue
    1. log all food
    2. drink plenty of water ... jan challenge 8+ c
    3. mindful eating
    4. eat slowly
    5. feb challenge -- 1 snack. Tonite I have to make sure and follow this!!!
    6. do not give up...

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    JFT, Mon
    1. log all food :) But I was SO SO hungry yesterday ... all day long. So the rest of this week I really have to watch it. But , I did eat all healthy foods ... even left the girl scout cookies alone!
    2. mindful eating :)
    3. jan challenge = 8+ water :)
    4. feb Challenge - 1 snack tonite :/ First it was cottage cheese and peaches, then a apple, then some walnuts. Just one of those nites :/
    5. mar challenge ... forget it! It is 5 degrees out right now, with a high of only 17 degrees ... and sidewalks are icy. I need sunshine and warmer temps so badly. :'(
    6. work on baby quilt :)
    7. do not give up. This is a lifestyle change .... it will not happen overnite. (But why does it seem like the pounds went on overnite!!) :)

    JFT, Tue
    1. log all food
    2. drink plenty of water ... jan challenge 8+ c
    3. mindful eating
    4. eat slowly
    5. feb challenge -- 1 snack. Tonite I have to make sure and follow this!!!
    6. do not give up...

    Dont beat yourself up about the snacks, well not too much.
    I know you want to limit them to one a night and thats great, but even though you had more than 1 last night, take a look at ehat you actually had!! ALL healthy!
    No junk, just fruit and nuts and some cottage cheese for a bit of protein!
    And well done on avoiding the cookies!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,238 Member
    Today is another crazy busy day ... I again, am going to try and get on here tonite to respond to so many posts! But you are all so important to this thread. I love the encouragment, humor, uplifting that goes on everyday ... we are family. <3

    It is freezing cold out ... it was 11 degrees when I left the house .. but I got my workout in. And. .. the sun is out! I think I do OK with the cold if we can have sunshine.
    anyhow, hope you all have a great day! I'll catch up later.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,238 Member
    edited March 2019
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    Dont beat yourself up about the snacks, well not too much.
    I know you want to limit them to one a night and thats great, but even though you had more than 1 last night, take a look at ehat you actually had!! ALL healthy!
    No junk, just fruit and nuts and some cottage cheese for a bit of protein!
    And well done on avoiding the cookies!

    And this is why we all love you on here @Bex <3 !! Thanks for being my diet coach ... I should have gotten on here last nite instead of eating all nite, but, at least I ate healthy stuff! (See... I am learning to give myself credit :) )
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,238 Member
    Mytime6630 - I so agree with you about the scale. It is up down, up down for me too. Mine is between 177-179 and has been for weeks and weeks. It’s why I started doing averages. I don’t understand it. Yesterday I was 179.6 today I was 176.2. This is the lowest number I’ve seen but I’m not sure I believe it.

    thank you for your support. I am not doing the March challenge yet as it’s been so very cold here. Our driveway and sidewalks are still layers and layers of ice, so I’m doing planks instead. Next week we are supposed to go above 0 and I’m hoping it stays that way! It’s been a long miserable Fall and Winter, we got our first snowfall on Sept 13 and it stayed cold and miserable since. This was after August that was too smoky to get out and walk. I think my last outside walk was October. In saying all of that I should say that we are very fortunate to have lots of lots of windows and we see the sun shining.

    I think I’m just down because I want to work and have the money I need to make life easier. EI is about 1000 a month less than I normally earn. That’s a substantial difference. I didn’t hear anything on the job I really wanted, I’m not hearing anything on any of them. I can see on Indeed if my resume has been viewed and it’s only been viewed about 4 times now. It’s a really tough job market.

    I hadn’t thought about volunteering, but maybe that is something I should look into.

    Hugs to you. I remember those days when hubby lost his job, and we had to live on only mine. I will say a prayer that something turns up for you. I think during the winter months companies don't hire .. hopefully soon you will hear something. Don't give up ... that right job is out there for you.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,908 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    4. feb Challenge - 1 snack tonite :/ First it was cottage cheese and peaches, then a apple, then some walnuts. Just one of those nights.

    Do you find that some nights you are just craving something, but you can’t figure out what it might be? I have those nights and sometimes think, “if I just had a bag of chips and a can of coke I wouldn’t eat so much trying to satisfy the craving”.

    You’re doing great. I would have had much more than that!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    edited March 2019
    My weightloss program's topic for the next 21 days is "messy in the middle." I think this relates to a lot of us on here. (not all, or course!) We had a strong last year, filled with positive change, new habits being formed, and now we are in between the beginning and the end.

    It's about this time that I have given up, given in, and just given out. We feel frustrated that we are, "side-tracked, way-laid, bored, frustrated, or overwhelmed" or even complacent.

    "It’s the period in the middle where the novelty of the adrenaline rush that often accompanies the newness of a task or project wears off. Where the excitement of the commitment we made at the start comes face to face with the reality of the work involved."

    This is only the second day of lessons so I don't have any earth shattering answers for you, lol (I'll keep you posted)

    But, I keep thinking that this is where we are showing our true mettle. What we are really made of. We no longer have the adrenaline rush to keep us going. But what do we have?

    We have our past. If you have one, go find a before picture of last year. See how far you've come.

    We have our good habits that we have created and are still working on to keep them in place. Water, walking, becoming more deligent in getting up early, cutting back on drinking, on sweets, on salt.

    Look how more mindful you are now. Considering what you are going to eat later so you can make modifications now. Having the munchies and choosing fruit and veggies over chips and dip.

    We have done an inner search and have discovered areas that are holding us back: fear, guilt, being controlled by another's actions, work stress, kid stress And we are working on not allowing our circumstances distract or derail us from getting to our goal.

    And IT IS MESSY! We have slipped, we've tripped, we've tumbled. And yet we get up. We keep moving. Why? Why is this time different from other times (and there have been so many other times).

    I think, in large part, it is due to this group. It's a place where we can set goals. Say them out loud, making them real, making them important, by sharing them.

    I want to encourage us to press on. To gird ourselves and push through this marsh that we seem to be stuck in. For me, it's plain old complacency. My goal is still the same, the reasons for setting the goal are still the same. And now, I get to find out if all the strength I've gained this past year is going to be enough to push me/jump start me to get me going again. And I truly think I have what it takes to get it done. And I think you do to!


    So, let's keep making those small but impactful decisions and get our mojo back! In the meantime, I'm so thankful to be
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Happy Tuesday!
    WOY: Discipline

    How I practiced discipline yesterday: I passed up dessert after I had two pieces of cornbread. I used a small bowl for my chili.

    Drink 5-6 cups of water/herbal tea
    Log food---I still have not gotten back in the habit to do this :(

    Another lesson on free motion quilting
    Messy in the Middle lesson

    Peace and joy!
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Hi all,

    Good luck with your efforts to overcome the challenges that the rest of the day throws at you.

    @Faebert I hope your children recover and the rest of the week is better. It sounds as if you are working really hard to look after them and meet you goals. Try to remember your word and don't put too much stress on yourself

    @PackerFanInGB hope you feel better soon

    @Snowflake1968 I am sorry you've not had a good response to your job hunting. Hopefully Spring will bring something for you

    @Bex953172 Good luck with next week's move, there's more than enough goals/tasks hidden in that one!

    @maryrobinson40 Thank you for your positivity, humour and cheering pictures

    @mytime6630 This is a lovely thread. Thank you

  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,454 Member
    I woke up feeling fine. I drank vinegar water... This is one of those please don't try this at home just because I did it
    type things...😂😂😂
    I've gotten in some exercise and I'm feeling good about today. There's no schedule for me today.
    I am expecting to do well.
    Ok. On to another subject... Body Hair ... Yeah! That's right. I said body hair. I love me. I love how
    I'm made. WOMAN😀, BUT!!! I have an issue with the man part of me.... The proverbial facial hair 😯😨
    REALLY?!!! I mean WHOA! MAN👈 🔨
    HOW DO YOU GET RID OF THE STUFF? GEE WHIZ?!! I wanna give the man part back😂
    vinegar water? have heard of others drinking this but what is the benefit? do you feel better or ? and am wondering if only the apple cider bragg's kind is beneficial or will balsamic give the same benefits?
    hair - waxing works great all over the body but facial skin can be more sensitive, there's threading too - both if done ongoing, that area will thin. Or if just random goat hairs, tweezing.
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    cory17 wrote: »
    I woke up feeling fine. I drank vinegar water... This is one of those please don't try this at home just because I did it
    type things...😂😂😂
    I've gotten in some exercise and I'm feeling good about today. There's no schedule for me today.
    I am expecting to do well.
    Ok. On to another subject... Body Hair ... Yeah! That's right. I said body hair. I love me. I love how
    I'm made. WOMAN😀, BUT!!! I have an issue with the man part of me.... The proverbial facial hair 😯😨
    REALLY?!!! I mean WHOA! MAN👈 🔨
    HOW DO YOU GET RID OF THE STUFF? GEE WHIZ?!! I wanna give the man part back😂
    vinegar water? have heard of others drinking this but what is the benefit? do you feel better or ? and am wondering if only the apple cider bragg's kind is beneficial or will balsamic give the same benefits?
    hair - waxing works great all over the body but facial skin can be more sensitive, there's threading too - both if done ongoing, that area will thin. Or if just random goat hairs, tweezing.

    Fat burner and supposed to help cleanse the kidneys and liver; but we'll see.
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,440 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »

    It's about this time that I have given up, given in, and just given out. We feel frustrated that we are, "side-tracked, way-laid, bored, frustrated, or overwhelmed" or even complacent.

    "It’s the period in the middle where the novelty of the adrenaline rush that often accompanies the newness of a task or project wears off. Where the excitement of the commitment we made at the start comes face to face with the reality of the

    This is only the second day of lessons so I don't have any earth shattering answers for you, lol (I'll keep you posted)

    But, I keep thinking that this is where we are showing our true mettle. What we are really made of. We no longer have the adrenaline rush to keep us going. But what do we have?


    And IT IS MESSY! We have slipped, we've tripped, we've tumbled. And yet we get up. We keep moving. Why? Why is this time different from other times (and there have been so many other times).

    I think, in large part, it is due to this group. It's a place where we can set goals. Say them out loud, making them real, making them important, by sharing them.


    So, let's keep making those small but impactful decisions and get our mojo back! In the meantime, I'm so thankful to be

    Thanks for sharing. I needed to hear those things.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,238 Member
    edited March 2019
    toaljasa wrote: »
    My weightloss program's topic for the next 21 days is "messy in the middle." I think this relates to a lot of us on here. (not all, or course!) We had a strong last year, filled with positive change, new habits being formed, and now we are in between the beginning and the end.

    It's about this time that I have given up, given in, and just given out. We feel frustrated that we are, "side-tracked, way-laid, bored, frustrated, or overwhelmed" or even complacent.

    "It’s the period in the middle where the novelty of the adrenaline rush that often accompanies the newness of a task or project wears off. Where the excitement of the commitment we made at the start comes face to face with the reality of the work involved."

    This is only the second day of lessons so I don't have any earth shattering answers for you, lol (I'll keep you posted)

    But, I keep thinking that this is where we are showing our true mettle. What we are really made of. We no longer have the adrenaline rush to keep us going. But what do we have?

    We have our past. If you have one, go find a before picture of last year. See how far you've come.

    We have our good habits that we have created and are still working on to keep them in place. Water, walking, becoming more deligent in getting up early, cutting back on drinking, on sweets, on salt.

    Look how more mindful you are now. Considering what you are going to eat later so you can make modifications now. Having the munchies and choosing fruit and veggies over chips and dip.

    We have done an inner search and have discovered areas that are holding us back: fear, guilt, being controlled by another's actions, work stress, kid stress And we are working on not allowing our circumstances distract or derail us from getting to our goal.

    And IT IS MESSY! We have slipped, we've tripped, we've tumbled. And yet we get up. We keep moving. Why? Why is this time different from other times (and there have been so many other times).

    I think, in large part, it is due to this group. It's a place where we can set goals. Say them out loud, making them real, making them important, by sharing them.

    I want to encourage us to press on. To gird ourselves and push through this marsh that we seem to be stuck in. For me, it's plain old complacency. My goal is still the same, the reasons for setting the goal are still the same. And now, I get to find out if all the strength I've gained this past year is going to be enough to push me/jump start me to get me going again. And I truly think I have what it takes to get it done. And I think you do to!


    So, let's keep making those small but impactful decisions and get our mojo back! In the meantime, I'm so thankful to be

    So beautiful .... thank you so so much for sharing!!! I am so thankful you are a part of this group ... you inspire us so much!
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    edited March 2019
    Tuesday 5 March

    Log accurately :) I think I have been on previous days but the scale disagreed this morning - I'm assuming it's mistaken as I could not have put that much on overnight!
    Stay in the green :)
    5 fruit and veg :)
    Fitbit excercise goals :)
    January challenge :) Gulped water early evening as I'd not been so good in the day!
    February challenge :) will do so before going to sleep
    March challenge :) stomped along trying to solve work issues, thought I had some bright ideas but felt I'd forgotten some of them by the time I settled at my desk ;)

  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Oh @toaljasa that is just where I am- real mess in the middle. I’ve just lost my 66 day streak on logging in so back to square one.....I feel fat and hopeless. So gritting my teeth and starting over again. Thanks for showing I’m not the only one that messes up ❤️❤️

    Progress, Not Perfection!!!!

    Don't let a number, a streak, control you. Use the streak, the mini-goal to motivate you. Don't let it rule you. Life happens. If you have found it helpful then get back to doing it. In fact, I have been quite remiss in logging---how about we make a commitment to log our food tomorrow...every bite. Are you in? This would be a good motivator for me.

    Peace and joy.

    And remember: progress, not perfection (repeat after me: progress, not perfection! Progress, not perfection! Pro.......!!!
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    So I was in the middle of filling out a form to get my fingerprints done for a job I'm applying for at a school and my laptop died... And of course my charger isn't working. So I had to go and order a new one. Thank God for Amazon Prime. It'll be here on Thursday. Makes me sad though. If I want to work on the next scene for my WIP I'll have to do it the old fashion way. With pen and paper. Problem is... I'm sitting in a laundromat currently. I had planned on doing it while I was sitting here. So much for that idea. Ugh! I even looked at a notebook sitting on the table before I left and thought 'Nah. I've got my laptop.' So much for that.

    Le sigh.