JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT Tues
    1. 2 waters before lunch >:)
    2. Eat packed lunch :)
    3. Log all food :)
    4. Empty dishwasher :)
    5. Move laundry :)
    6. Be Kind :)
    7. Bed by 9:30 >:)

    JFT Weds AM
    1. Smoothie :)
    2. Fish Oil :)
    3. Pack lunch >:) I forgot I was going out to lunch with my aunt today

    JFT Weds
    1. 2 waters before leaving work - another 3 at home
    2. Cook dinner at home
    3. Log all food
    4. Move laundry
    5. Be kind
    6. Bed by 9:30

    JFT Thurs AM
    1. Smoothie
    2. Fish Oil
    3. Up by 7
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,383 Member
    Oh @toaljasa that is just where I am- real mess in the middle. I’ve just lost my 66 day streak on logging in so back to square one.....I feel fat and hopeless. So gritting my teeth and starting over again. Thanks for showing I’m not the only one that messes up ❤️❤️
    There's a way to get the streak back. Send an email in the help area to reset the streak, it can be done.
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Wednesday 6 March

    Log accurately :)
    Stay in the green :) even with a whisky to distract an argument with my husband over how to set up a spread sheet. I really need to learn that we are not compatible in this area and that it's an instant recipe for an argument!
    5 fruit and veg :)
    Fitbit excercise goals :)
    January challenge :)
    February challenge :)
    March challenge :) Quick mile before work. I appreciated the spring flowers but not the long worms adorning the footpath!

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    So my OH has put another "car ban" on. To save on petrol, which is fair enough we need to savd the money!

    And so ive realised ive been taking part in March challenge whether i like it or not!
    Im doing great at it LOL

    Thats one way to get the challenge in! LOL!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member

    I managed to stop though. I had actually texted my boyfriend about going to get a burger, but pulled it back and decided to have some wine with dinner at home. So I had extra unplanned wine, but that was way better calorie-wise than a burger! So, whilst I'm not happy about the snack attack, at least I stopped it getting completely out of control.

    I'm not quite sure what led to the snack attack. I had quite a frustrating day, full of meetings that weren't very productive and which were annoying in other ways. I'm also working on some fairly big problems at the moment which are quite challenging and I'm not managing to make much progress on them as I'm not getting much help (and I'm always in sodding meetings!). I think this overall led to feelings of frustration which left me vulnerable when I remembered the cakes were there.

    For the future: I'm going to try to avoid having days that are jam packed with meetings, which leave me drained. .

    You did great!! I think those snack attacks are going to always hit us, but look at you ... you stopped it. And you figured out a way to salavage the day, and not let the entire day be ruined. And ... you looked for ways to avoid this, by figuring out what triggered it! Awesome job!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member

    Daily Intake:
    Log every bite. :)
    Stay in the green :)
    <29g added sugar :)
    Eat only when sitting :)
    Eat mindfully. Enjoy each bite. Be present. :)
    Eat only if actually hungry. :)
    Give mysef credit: star on the kitchen calendar if I stay green :)
    Drink 64 oz of water :(

    Activity Was not active. Was home sick from work.
    30 minutes activity to include:
    6000 FitBit steps
    Body Groove or Wii Fit
    Lift hand weights. Start with 10 reps, targeting 3 different muscle groups
    Check out the gym and see if membership is still active

    Half Size Me - either forum or podcast :)
    Read a chapter from "The Wahls Protocol" :(
    Prep for tomorrow, tonight :)
    March bills / budget / start gathering 2018 tax paperwork
    Gratitude Journal :) | Joyce or Dodie :)| Simple Abundance :) | Calm app :)

    Didn't get a chance to hop on here and set goals for today. Returned to work and was swamped. So, I'm just going to list the things I did choose to do mindfully...

    I logged all my food, stayed under 29 g of sugar, ate only my pre-logged planned food. I stayed in the Green. I did walk laps around a conference room to get 15 minutes active on my FitBit. I resisted candy from the candy dish. I did not eat anything out of the vending machine. I did listen to both of my favorite podcasts. I did unplug and watch Survivor with my husband, being fully present with him. (It's his favorite show and I know he enjoys watching it together.) I got through ALL my unread emails which had built up after being off two days and had a good day at work. I walked away from negativity and gossip situations. I picked up 6 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies which I had ordered when I was hungry, obviously, but I did not even open one box.

    Now....tonight, I will: Complete my food diary for today. Pack tomorrow's lunchbag; set out tomorrow's clothes; read today's Simple Abundance page(s); write 5 things in my Gratitude journal; listen to Calm app and get a good night's sleep.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    I DON'T MEAN TO COME OFF BRAGGADOCIOUS...IF I spelled that right... Lol…
    It's been the best day I've had in a long time. And because my spirit was so lifted, I've been
    UP all day. Hallelujah! And I invested that positive energy into myself and exercised
    royally I amped well today. I refused my phone and loved on myself by putting in the work.
    I totally hope you all had a successful day today. Love, Peace, Hugs, and Long Life for you🙏

    Good night loves💝

    Mary, I love your picture! You are beautiful both inside and out! Love, love, love you! :heart:
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    JFT Weds
    1. 2 waters before leaving work - another 3 at home
    2. Cook dinner at home
    3. Log all food
    4. Move laundry
    5. Be kind
    6. Bed by 9:30

    Quick updates so i dont forget...
    JFT Thurs AM
    1. Smoothie
    2. Fish Oil
    3. Up by 7
    4. Pay electric bill at walgreens
    5. Ask A about hiring paperwork
    6. Write K thank you card
    7. Throw away content of box in car
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    I DON'T MEAN TO COME OFF BRAGGADOCIOUS...IF I spelled that right... Lol…
    It's been the best day I've had in a long time. And because my spirit was so lifted, I've been
    UP all day. Hallelujah! And I invested that positive energy into myself and exercised
    royally I amped well today. I refused my phone and loved on myself by putting in the work.
    I totally hope you all had a successful day today. Love, Peace, Hugs, and Long Life for you🙏

    Good night loves💝

    So Happy you had a great day .... we can all feel your positive energy! And beautiful picture of you!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    JFT, Wed
    1. log all food :)
    2. jan challenge = 8+ water :)
    3. feb challenge - only 1 nite time snack :) I just ate my orange .... and now I still am hungry. ... but I will stop. I will get my glass of water, get on my sewing machine, and go and brush my teeth.
    4. mar challenge -- outside walking minimum of 15 minutes. Tomorrow will be warmer, so hoping the ice is off the sidewalks :) It is only 35 degrees out, so there was ice on the sidewalks ... but I still got a mile walk in. I live in a pretty quiet subdivision, so I am able to walk on the streets, which are clear.
    5. mindful eating :)
    6. eat slowly :) Someone said to not put more food in your mouth if there is already food there ... so I thought of this while I was eating.
    7. do not give up :)

    JFt, Thus
    1. log all food
    2. jan challenge - 8+ water
    3. feb challenge - only 1 nitetime snack
    4. mar challenge - 15 minutes outside walking
    5. eat slowly
    6. mindful eating
    7. do not give up

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    edited March 2019

    Had another phone call from son D, which made me feel very down. He sounds so defeated (and still no money). I know this won't last forever, it's just frustrating to keep trying to encourage him but know it's down to him to take action. Sorry, I know I go on about this, and some of you have much bigger worries about your children. I let it affect my eating and I know I shouldn't.

    Hope things get better for you son. Big or small .... when we have children, we all worry, and we all have things that we have no control over. It is so hard when you see your child feel defeated and you feel helpless. Hugs <3
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,217 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    (I said yesterday that I would give updates on things I'm learning in my messy in the middle online class) So, today we were asked to make one change that will help us toward the finish line.

    We can stay stuck in the middle and keep circling the same mountain day after day, or we can begin making mindful choices to get us moving toward victory! It's our choice.

    Think about one change you can make today that is proactive...not "I want to stop eating when I'm discouraged." That's not a pro-active change. Instead: I am exercising today. I am logging all my food. I am throwing out the chips, the ice cream, the... , I am avoiding any food after 8pm..., Just one. If you do more after that one, great. But make your goal to be ONE.

    I am tossing out the remainder of white chocolate chips. They have absolutely no redeeming factors and they have become a daily fixture.

    Peace and joy

    I love these updates ... thank you so much for sharing!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,786 Member
    My friend gave me a lot of old costume jewelry that was her Grandmother’s for Michaela and for a project I have in mind. Today was the first time Michaela has seen it and had to wear all the jewelry, ec4x768lxfz7.jpeg
    Then after supper we have this conversation:
    Michaela was all about jewelry today and after supper noticed my rings. She asked me if I was taking them off, I said “no, these are my wedding rings”.
    She stepped back with the most incredulous voice and says “you married?” I said, “yes, I’m married to Grampie”. She runs into Rodger and tells him that I am married to him. He says, yes we’ve been married for a long long time. She asks him why, he says “I don’t know”. 😂😂😂
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,786 Member
    @maryrobinson40 - who cares if you spelled braggadocious correctly or not, I personally am just so happy you had a day you want to brag about! Love your picture!!!!!

    @PackerFanInGB - isn’t returning to work after an absence a miserable event. I think email has really made offices worse instead of better, they are so hard to keep on top of sometimes.

    @mytime6630 - you’re doing great!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,786 Member
    Weekly Weigh in - 7 day average. My scale is fluctuating so much right now, I am weighing three times each day and taking the highest number. Today it dropped to 176.4, but had shown 176 and 176.2 too. Don't know if these numbers will stick around, but I am hoping.

  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Much better meeting yesterday. Still lots of meetings, but they were interesting ones and also meetings that didn't generate lots of actions for me within them :smile: This is another frustration with meetings. Not only do you not deal with your actual work, the meetings also often generate more work. And while you're in them, the number of unread emails grows too....

    I think I also got fewer emails to deal with than normal yesterday which also helped. I agree with @snowflake1968 - emails are the curse of the modern workplace! Every morning I dread the horrors I will find when I open my inbox.... It's quite surprising really that I have unread emails when I get in, as I tend to leave later and start earlier than most colleagues. However, other colleagues (mainly my boss) have poor work life boundaries and start firing off emails while they're commuting in, so I get them when I arrive. I guess overall they're worse off - they're the ones choosing not to use the commute for personal time! (Unlike me - I use it to post here!)

    Yesterday's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat :smile:
    - Stick to food plan :smile: I had some grapes at a meeting but had a smaller bag of crisps to make up for it. Overall healthier anyway!
    - Be in the green :smile:
    - 3+ bottles water :smile:
    - No alcohol :smile:

    - No eating whilst standing :smile:
    - Savour every bite :smile:
    - Monitor fullness after each meal :/ Forgot again!
    - Differentiate between hunger, desire and craving :smile: I think maybe I did today, in the meeting where there were grapes there, there were also lots of crisps and chocolates and while I was tempted to eat some - and even picked some up - I put them back and said 'no'. I didn't exactly label it as 'this is just desire not hunger' but I did tell myself 'you don't need it and are not eating it' so either way it was a big win (particularly as this meeting was 2 hours!). I think I will replace this goal with 'Talk back to sabotaging thoughts' in future
    - Give myself credit! :smile:

    - 30+ minute lunch break :/ Ran out of time after getting back from meeting. But I did have quite a nice 20 mins break where I chatted to colleagues about my holiday
    - Meditate :/ Didn't have time during shorter lunch break
    - 2+ of French book, article, podcast :smile:
    - Leave work at 5.15pm :smile:
    - Pack running stuff :smile:
    - Gratitude journal :smile:
    - Lights off by 11 :/ 11.30 by the time stopped faffing and reading

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Stick to food and drink plan, including ordering Mexican bowl or grilled chicken at Wahaca. No cocktails!
    - 4 bottles water
    - Run to work

    - No eating whilst standing
    - Savour every bite
    - Monitor fullness after each meal
    - Talk back to sabotaging thoughts
    - Give myself credit!

    - 45+ minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - Stay positive
    - 2+ of French book, article, podcast
    - Train home by 22.15
    - Lights off by 11

    Weekly calorie balance: 780 in the red

    Words for 2019: Mindful Moderation

    How I practised Mindful Moderation yesterday: By not eating the chocolate and crisps that were staring at me for two hours, and eating some grapes instead
  • ZizzyBumble
    ZizzyBumble Posts: 1,679 Member
    Thursday 7 March

    Log accurately
    Stay in the green
    5 fruit and veg
    Fitbit excercise goals
    January challenge
    February challenge
    March challenge
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    My friend gave me a lot of old costume jewelry that was her Grandmother’s for Michaela and for a project I have in mind. Today was the first time Michaela has seen it and had to wear all the jewelry, ec4x768lxfz7.jpeg
    Then after supper we have this conversation:
    Michaela was all about jewelry today and after supper noticed my rings. She asked me if I was taking them off, I said “no, these are my wedding rings”.
    She stepped back with the most incredulous voice and says “you married?” I said, “yes, I’m married to Grampie”. She runs into Rodger and tells him that I am married to him. He says, yes we’ve been married for a long long time. She asks him why, he says “I don’t know”. 😂😂😂

    Awh isnt she just the cutest!

    Totally blinged out LOL!