Less Alcohol - March 2019 - One Day at a Time



  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,608 Member
    My goals for March will be the same as the previous months - 4 AF days per week. I have found it to be a realistic goal for me. I hit my goal in February (and surpassed it a little). Daily accountability is good. I was a daily drinker before making this resolve.
    I log the next morning usually.

    March 01 - 3 drinks - yes, chose to do that because I have a free Saturday to sleep in, basically no responsibilities or commitments. I had a very busy week and it was so nice to finally kick back, have a great dinner and a few drinks.
    March 02 - AF
    March 03 - AF
    March 04 - AF
    March 05 - AF - technically my goal of 4AF for the week.
    March 06 - AF
    March 07 - 3 drinks
    March 08 - 3 drinks - time to rack up some more AF days. I think that I broke that good advice on here not to have drinks 2 days in a row. It too quickly can fall back into a habit that I don't want to go back to.
    March 09 - AF
    March 10 - AF

    7 AF days out of 10 days so far
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    This is how I survived not drinking like a fish while raising kids. It's not possible!! There is a reason to have children when your young lol. At 57 it was tough keeping up with a sick 7 month old and a wired for sound 3 year old. But we survived. Both kids are happy and healthy now. The best part, I was able to keep my drinking in check.
    Thursday night out with a few girls, not that kind of "out" :) No alcohol involved. Even though these are wine loving ladies also. However when I got home, had to have my two before going to bed.
    Friday.....I think I had two???
    Saturday, 3
    Sunday 4......huh ohhh I see a trend there LOL
    But, it is better then my plan I set out at the beginning of the month.
    Now, suppose to be 3 per night during the week...…..gonna be hard tonight once those kiddos head home. I will have to stay focused and remember how good it feels without that morning after sluggish feeling from a little buzz.
    @beebva4 I totally agree! We work hard during the week, then blow it on the weekend, especially late out night ravishing through the cupboards. Ugghhh ;)
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member
    March accountability ~11 days so far
    No Alcohol: 5 days
    Alcohol: 6 days (11 drinks)
    Goal: AF days 4 per week / 16 per month

    You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine. - John C. Maxwell
    Including the last few days of February to monitor my weekly goal which I missed this time around.
    Feb 25 - AF
    Feb 26 - 2 glasses of wine
    Feb 27 - AF
    Feb 28 - AF - @ fishing camp for long weekend which is always a challenge!
    Mar 1 - 2 glasses of wine
    Mar 2 - 2 glasses of wine
    Mar 3 - 2 glasses of wine - driving this evening 5 hrs but then unexpected dinner at my sisters afterwards for spaghetti & wine

    Mar 4 - 2 glasses of wine - DH picked up a bottle for dinner
    Mar 5 - AF: Don’t order alcohol on plane even though you have free drink tickets! DH did but I ordered bloody mary mix instead. Then at dinner after we landed I drank water while he had wine.
    Mar 6 - 2 glasses of Albariño (white spanish wine). San Francisco: One glass at each restaurant we explored (Hog Island Oyster Co & Coqueta 5 Spanish tapas) and NO nightcap back at the hotel!
    Mar 7 - 1 beer - DH's sales rep had a beer waiting for me when I joined them after I strolled through the San Fran MOMA for 4 hours. No will power to turn it away when sitting in 3rd Street Tap Room.
    DH & I made a pact no alcohol for the rest of Lent which will commence for us Friday! This will be very challenging for the both of us.
    Mar 8 - AF
    Mar 9 - AF
    Mar 10 - AF
    It was a rough week of challenges but managed to pull together 4 of 7 days AF!
    Mar 11 - AF
  • SallyLuvsFitness
    SallyLuvsFitness Posts: 13,724 Member
    gladys0919 wrote: »
    I started off really strong, was going into weekend number 2 AF. Friday was a breeze, saturday we even went out to eat and i didnt order booze, order seltzer water! YESTERDAY however, girls came over and I cooked and drank a half bottle of pinot by myself and two shots of tequila. Woke up beating myself up cos i was going to SO WELL with AF weekends. BUT reading thru here i decided NOT to beat myself up any more, its LESS alcohol... and I am doing REALLY well with that ... ((SIGH)) here is to a good week

    Exactly, don’t beat yourself up! You have made huge changes and have been doing great! I feel the same way that I have been doing really strong. I had a few planned nights of drinking in Feb and drank too much. I was frustrated with myself and then took a look back of all the progress I have made compared to last year!!! Woo HOO!!! I feel so much better!
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    @marchvi86 Good work on pushing yourself. Keep it up, you'll see progress!
    @gladys0919 Yep, just like you keep telling me. I am so proud of you!! I think you're doing great. Let's keep making these improvements ;)

    Yes, I do need to come to this group every day. It keeps me motivated to focus on Less Alcohol :)
    My weekday goal is 3 per night. Close last night...…..but went for the 4th. I almost fell asleep after two and should have gone to bed! But it was only 8 pm and my innerself wouldn't let me. So two more beers.
    I feel more confident tonight I can keep to the 3 per night.
    Have a great Less Alcohol Tuesday everyone!
  • gladys0919
    gladys0919 Posts: 41 Member
    pramason38 wrote: »
    Hi guys!

    I know it's half way through the month but if it's okay I'd like to join you. Annie Grace, Mr Beck and Alan Carr are all great reads and I followed Annie Grace's 30 day alcohol experiment last year heading into the summer and was super hyped. I had decided my decision was to try and moderate after the challenge, I had a holiday coming and planned to drink then but moderate once it was over. That was the 17th Aug 2018..... I've drank everyday since right up until last Sat 9th. I'm not sure if moderation is an option for me, I'm it seems an all out nothing kind of guy. So anyway I'm here now, I have planned to make some changes and if I'm honest I'm not sure what the end game looks like but something has to change. So it's 3 days AF, it's my daughters 21st bday party on Sat so if penciled that in but the plan is continue AF for the rest of the month after that.

    Wish me luck

    And good luck to everyone.

    I hope I haven't rambled too long

    Bless x

    WELCOME! and it is never too late to join us! Glad you are here !
  • pramason38
    pramason38 Posts: 12 Member
    beebva4 wrote: »
    Heavy over the weekend, was disappointed. Nothing yesterday, so that's good. Today going to a cookout for dinner and I really don't want to drink anything. I know I feel sooo much better not drinking and I can't afford to get sloppy again if I want to keep up my really good gradual weight loss. Wish me luck!
    I must stay strong!

    good luck!🤞