Women in their 30s trying to get back on track!



  • emmoen
    emmoen Posts: 218 Member
    I’m in the 30s party! I’m 32 and finally lost my post baby weight after 5 years but I have fallen back into old ways... I have binge ate the past 2 days and I am hoping to stop this cycle again today. I feel like crap and bloated. Pretty sure the reason behind the binge was due to the start of my monthly cycle plus finding out that my hubby may be gone for an undetermined time.. both kiddos starting childcare because I am pending a job with no start date. A lot of little stresses that are adding up without me even realizing. I know that I can do this but I need to find my right mindset again.

    Accomplishments this year.... lost 25lbs since Dec 32, started jogging again... jogged 3 miles for the first time in 10 years... successfully completed a fit body bootcamp and should get getting all my month back for the program.

    I have done some great things this year that I am super happy about but I am afraid to fall into old habits and finding the right calorie intake to stay on track.
  • Jesi1011
    Jesi1011 Posts: 200 Member
    If I take a day break at the gym I’m likly to miss multiple days! How do you keep going? I went 4 days and really wanted to go day 5 but thought I needed a break bc “they say take a break every couple days”.

    Now I’ve missed the whole week! 😡😡😡
  • Jesi1011
    Jesi1011 Posts: 200 Member
    Just hit the 30club last year, a month after final baby #3. Haven’t lost any baby weight 😭! All time heaviest weight in my light! 5’5” and 192lbs... used to hang around 160-170 for a while before getting pregnant last. Want to get to 135-145...
  • chunky_pinup
    chunky_pinup Posts: 758 Member
    holly00722 wrote: »
    Has anybody ever detoxed? Its something I would like to try but don't even know what my options are.

    Hmmmm are you sick? Do you have a liver or kidney issue? Those organs typically "detox" you 24/7 but if you're having issues with that you should talk to your doc. Or are you referring to like a sugar "cleanse" of sorts? Most of the "detox" products on the market are just re-designed laxatives. Your body does all the detoxing it needs to on it's own and if it's not, then talk to a doctor.

    As far as a sort of sugar reset or something like that? I've not done one but I don't know anybody who has found them effective long term...
  • chunky_pinup
    chunky_pinup Posts: 758 Member
    Hey all...the past few weeks of work have been super crazy and I hadn't had much time to catch up on the forums...or workout...or meal prep...or breathe really lol. February and March are huge months where I work because of all of our product launches so sometimes it's just round-the-clock craziness! But I'm in a class for three days this week which kind of takes me out of the rat race a bit, and to be honest I'm thankful for it! I am trying to get back on track but something feels "off". I have a handful of autoimmune diseases and a doctor appt/bloodwork later this week, so hopefully that can tell me something, because I feel like the struggle is more than it should be at the moment. But...I'm here and I'll keep chugging away.
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    Hey all...the past few weeks of work have been super crazy and I hadn't had much time to catch up on the forums...or workout...or meal prep...or breathe really lol. February and March are huge months where I work because of all of our product launches so sometimes it's just round-the-clock craziness! But I'm in a class for three days this week which kind of takes me out of the rat race a bit, and to be honest I'm thankful for it! I am trying to get back on track but something feels "off". I have a handful of autoimmune diseases and a doctor appt/bloodwork later this week, so hopefully that can tell me something, because I feel like the struggle is more than it should be at the moment. But...I'm here and I'll keep chugging away.

    Good luck to you! It can be hard to feel like you're not all in but you can't figure out what could be causing it.
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    Not enabling people is really hard, guys. I have more sympathy for people who slap food out of their loved one's hands, lol. Although, my situation has to do with a rougher addiction. I have a work colleague that is struggling with alcohol, has relapsed for the third time since I started working there (about ten months ago). The boss has basically given her an ultimatum - be on time, have no issues for this week, and they can revisit. I've been driving her three days a week for about two months because she's on the way and doesn't have the car, and the weather's been bad, which makes it hard to get an uber (our town is small and there are only a few drivers).

    I'm trying to resist offering to drive her the other two days because I feel like I would be enabling her by doing so. The weather is supposed to be good this week so she doesn't have an excuse. I feel like, if I offer to drive her more, all it will do is extend her time at the company by a week and not really solve anything. I feel the urge to help because I feel like I can help, but I don't think it's healthy to help at this time, that's it's not really helping and just enabling. I'm not going to drive her every morning, and eventually there's gonna be days where I'm sick or take vacation, and she's going to have to handle herself.

    I guess this is more of a struggle with myself than anything. I've always had trouble with "helping too much" and feeling like I need to sacrifice myself to help others. It's probably part of the reason why I've struggled with eating - I wasn't putting my health first.

    I guess this was more just a vent. I've kind of made up my mind, I think.
  • alisonpinnell
    alisonpinnell Posts: 10 Member
    34 and using my 2 boys as motivation to make some permanent changes
  • msemotional
    msemotional Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone. Im turning 33 this year and still not where I wanted to be in my 30s. Looking for motivation and support. Life is so busy and its hard to stay accountable. I am also able to give support and motivation. Pkease feel free to add me. Thanks
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    Not enabling people is really hard, guys. I have more sympathy for people who slap food out of their loved one's hands, lol. Although, my situation has to do with a rougher addiction. I have a work colleague that is struggling with alcohol, has relapsed for the third time since I started working there (about ten months ago). The boss has basically given her an ultimatum - be on time, have no issues for this week, and they can revisit. I've been driving her three days a week for about two months because she's on the way and doesn't have the car, and the weather's been bad, which makes it hard to get an uber (our town is small and there are only a few drivers).

    I'm trying to resist offering to drive her the other two days because I feel like I would be enabling her by doing so. The weather is supposed to be good this week so she doesn't have an excuse. I feel like, if I offer to drive her more, all it will do is extend her time at the company by a week and not really solve anything. I feel the urge to help because I feel like I can help, but I don't think it's healthy to help at this time, that's it's not really helping and just enabling. I'm not going to drive her every morning, and eventually there's gonna be days where I'm sick or take vacation, and she's going to have to handle herself.

    I guess this is more of a struggle with myself than anything. I've always had trouble with "helping too much" and feeling like I need to sacrifice myself to help others. It's probably part of the reason why I've struggled with eating - I wasn't putting my health first.

    I guess this was more just a vent. I've kind of made up my mind, I think.

    Update: Did not drive her. She was late this morning. Not sure if she knows implications or if she thinks it's okay because she was just a few minutes late. Glad I don't have to deal with it.
  • New_me_19
    New_me_19 Posts: 40 Member
    hey everyone feel free to add me. im 31 and have around 60lbs to loose. would love some more friends to help motivate each other :)
  • csplatt
    csplatt Posts: 1,193 Member
    36 yrs old and just went from 153 to 135 from December to now. 2 more lb to goal
  • lacyphacelia
    lacyphacelia Posts: 58 Member
    Not enabling people is really hard, guys. I have more sympathy for people who slap food out of their loved one's hands, lol.

    Your story is insightful and speaks to a bigger problem we have in our society. When it comes to things like drugs or alcohol, we easily label them as "bad" and want to help people stop. When it comes to food and overeating, we hesitate because food is enmeshed with many social aspects.

    Also, I think you did the right thing by not enabling her. Plenty of parents can share stories of how they stopped waking their teens up for work and that's what finally made them be more responsible.
  • chunky_pinup
    chunky_pinup Posts: 758 Member
    I'm struggling. I'm having a really hard time after all my medical appointments and super long and awful tests last week....

    So…..wow. I’m in the process of making some massive dietary changes after what they found this last week to be going on with me. After months of weakness and constant exhaustion, and feeling on the verge of a hypoglycemic collapse, it has been determined I have something called Insulinoma – which is basically a (non-cancerous) tumor in my pancreas that essentially produces extra insulin 24/7. I will be starting on meds to counteract this, as well as I have to completely change my diet…like, completely. I get no more than 85g of carbs for my entire day. My doctors want to see that number even less…but for now this is just my starting point. As someone who doesn’t eat meat…my nutrition has come from whole grains, legumes, etc. All things I can no longer eat for the foreseeable future. My oatmeal and protein shake breakfast? Nope. My rice and bean dishes with a salad for lunch? Nope. My impossible veggie burgers and couscous? Nada. I’m basically starting at square one right now. I locked my food diary down again until I start to figure this out. I spent my weekend scouring and planning – and I’m still at a loss. So bear with me while I’m a complete beast and bear who is just really hungry lol.
  • LalaE0312
    LalaE0312 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone ! I am 34 and today is my day one ! I need an accountability partner . Help :)
  • recoveringami
    recoveringami Posts: 43 Member
    Hi all! About me:

    I’m 5 feet flat, 34 yrs old.

    Had gastric bypass in 2018, now trying to lose the last 35 lbs.

    Diagnosed with binge eating disorder, so I’m looking for HEALTHY friends.

    I like to walk and do body weight exercises.

    Focused on calories and eating 60g of protein a day. Other macros to come. Vegetarian with the occasional fish.

    Therapist during the day, crazy lady at night ;)
  • Jamie2663
    Jamie2663 Posts: 779 Member
    Yep 34 this year and I refuse to leave my 30's in the shape I am in.
  • ssunshine1021
    ssunshine1021 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone! I can relate! 31 working mom trying to do it all and have fun at the same time! I'm also tall 5'9" and looking for friends who like to motivate and comment on posts! Follow me :)
  • daneejela
    daneejela Posts: 461 Member
    I am almost 34 and while I don't feel particularly old I do feel like it's much harder to keep an active lifestyle than the decade before. However, I am not sure if it's age related or it comes with a longterm relationship, marriage, etc.

    Social gatherings I had in my twenties were always around some kind of activity - going out, dancing, having heated discussions about various topics, studying together, etc.
    Nowadays, most of the social gathering happen around food, like we can't hang out if we don't eat.

    Also, working from home for me is an enormous challenge for keeping my hands out of the fridge.
  • chunky_pinup
    chunky_pinup Posts: 758 Member
    We just got gifted Apple Watches at work and I'm hoping to connect with some of you on it! Do any of you use them? I want to start doing some activity contests on it!
  • craziirabbit
    craziirabbit Posts: 103 Member
    Girl don't get me started! I'm 32 not NEARLY as energetic as i used to be. Let's get down to business and take on the 30s like women!
  • drea2011
    drea2011 Posts: 874 Member
    Hi all! I’m 34 and starting over for the last time!!! Please add looking for all the motivation I can get!
    I am vegan, been pescatarian my whole life.
  • PineAndSalt
    PineAndSalt Posts: 22 Member
    🙋‍♀️ Can’t seem to get rid of this tummy. Trying to be good and work out and watch my calories though!
  • Simplysouthern35
    Simplysouthern35 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello!! Just joined today! Just turned 36 last month....I keep hearing that once I hit 40 it is all down hill so the way I figure it I have 4 years to change my habits, lose this weight, and start to feel better before the big 4.0. Today is literally day 1 for me even though I have made some changes over the past 6 months that has helped me to lose the first 25lbs. My BIGGEST issues is soda, especially Mt. Dew but I have got to get my body off of them or I will never lose what I need to lose! My goal is to lose approx. 120 pounds (gosh that sounds soooo much better than the 145 pounds I needed to lose 6 months ago!!) If anyone wants to add me, please do. My goals is to log in every day and log everything I eat (the good, the bad, and the ugly).
  • ladyzherra
    ladyzherra Posts: 438 Member
    I am almost 40. In my 30s I struggled just as much as any other period in my life to achieve an ideal body. I find that in my late 30s my body is different in terms of what feels good, so I have to work in those parameters. This definitely creates some questions about how to best lose weight, but I try to listen to my body.

    Good luck!

  • Johnetta2018
    Johnetta2018 Posts: 2 Member
    I’m 35 just had a baby in Dec looking to lose about 30 pounds does anyone have any suggestions.