

  • xcountryguy
    xcountryguy Posts: 27 Member
    Just looked at the route I just biked after work on My route was 6.7 miles on my bike. Combined with the 4 miles walking I can post 10.7 miles for the first day. I'll need to do some yoga to catch up tomorrow ;)
  • sineadgrowden

    hay i dono if mine is right but mine says 30 mins 5.5 miles i think =) hope that helps

    Wow-yours says 30 minutes is 5.5 miles! Holy crap! Did it say that in the manual or did the display just read 5.5 miles when you worked out for 1/2 an hour?

    thats what is says on the display i dono how good that is tho
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member

    I want to make sure I understand the challenge for the week:
    25 miles walking, jogging or biking.
    40 Airplane poses

    ellipticals count for miles too but not swimming, 20 poses per side for a total of 40, rock on!
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    3.5 miles walked and jogged yesterday (c25k week 2.)
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    3.5 miles for me yesterday too, plus all 40 airplane poses.

    Keep up the good work team!

    XCountryGuy wow! Great job on the miles yesterday!!!
  • xcountryguy
    xcountryguy Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks, it was just such a nice night for a bike ride. walkjogrun,net is a good free website to figure out how long trails are since it just links up with Google Earth. I was honestly surprised that the route I went on was that long.

    Good work to everyone else :)
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    I did 3.6miles this morning; as fast as i could walk (between 3.5mph and 4.0mph) with occasional bursts of jogging. I have a hip disability so doing this amount is HUGE for me (6months ago walking a block was too much for me & my hip); im having alot of soreness, but not as bad as i thought. Im going to try to do as much as I can this week, even if i cant walk and need mass pain pills, because its my final week for my biggest loser challenge.. but im only doing it until friday because i have a big bbq on saturday and need to stop walking by then because it takes me 3-4days to lose water weight from mass excercise and my final weigh in is on tuesday.
    I havent done any airplanes yet, but i will catch up tonight. (i didnt see the challenge until yesterday afternoon and had a busy night, so didnt have time to attempt airplanes, let alone any walking).

    My goal this week is to drink a minimum of half my body weight in ounces of water a day (16cups), plus an extra 4-8cups; eat as well as i can; do a couple clean eating days, dont let myself eat something bad just cuz i have calories for it (like the hamburger helper i had last night), and do some type of cleanse on sunday. Also try not to eat out, and if i do, eat at a place that i know is 100% healthy and doesnt contain mass sodium. Its hard when i have all these extra excercise calories to not want to indulge on extras when im left with a thousand extra calories, but i just need to use those calories on healthy/natural items, not "extras".

    1pm, 16cups of water down; today wont be any problem to reach my 24cup goal.. will prob go over even.
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    Tues -
    4.5 miles
    10 airplane poses. Would have done more but I angered my lower back. Must have poor form, will try to do better/right tomorrow.

    Week total thus far:
    9 miles
    10 airplanes.
  • babybluz33
    babybluz33 Posts: 722 Member
    Progress so far:

    Monday: 3.51 miles (with cardio push), 40 airplanes
    Tuesday: 5 miles (with cardio push), (will do another 40 airplanes)

    So a total of 8.51 miles so far, and tomorrow I need a break from running. I'm already super sore. I don't know that I'll be able to get the full 25 miles by the end of the week but I'll certainly try. I just need at least 2 days off of running this week or I'll be too sore for my 5k on Saturday.
  • sleepydaisy7
    Let's see, did 2.3 miles on the treadmill today (with cardio push) , as today was a C25K day and 3 miles on the bike (with cardio push - and forgot how much I enjoyed the bike), for a total of 5.3 miles today.

    Also did 10 airplane poses.

    So, totals:

    6.3 miles
    10 airplane poses
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Got about 4.5 miles jogged today, had a slower running partner and trying to keep his pace was harder than just running. No airplanes yet today but maybe after dinner. Keep up the great work team!
  • xcountryguy
    xcountryguy Posts: 27 Member
    4 miles in 73 minutes today. Up to 14.6 miles so far. Don't know if I'll have the juice to go for the same bike ride later today or if I'll get to airplanes tonight either. :/
  • cdomoe
    cdomoe Posts: 30 Member
    Height: 5'8"
    Age: 21
    Starting Weight: 180

    My Goals for this Challenge:
    1. To loose weight (no specific goal - just get it off!)
    2. get working out to become a habit rather than forced
    3. get above a 90 on my PT test in October
    3. To get support and to give support!

    sorry its a bit late, had a crazy few days. i did 20 miles today thanks to 18.5 in my spin class.
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Mon: 2.25 miles (with cardio push) / 24 airplanes
    Tues: 2 miles (with cardio push) / 20 airplanes

    4.25 miles
    44 airplanes

    I know I'm not going to finish all 25 miles - I'm just not up to that level walking/running and I don't have a bike or elliptical to do extras on. So I'm gonna try an do a lot of extra airplanes to somewhat make up for it. :smile: I'm going to do as many miles as I can without over training tho!
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    8/22 1.00 mile walk / 0 airplanes
    8/23 15.99 bike miles + 1.02 elliptical / 50 airplanes

    18.01 miles
    50 airplanes

    I had a FANTASTIC cardio push today! I usually average 10 miles on the stationary bike in an hour. Today, I did 12.5 miles in an hour! I'm pumped! Team, just so you know...I usually workout 4 days per week. However, since I want to "push more" for this challenge, on my "lazy days" I will try to walk a mile. Every little bit counts!
  • punk_mama
    Hey team!! Looks like everyone is doing an awesome job!!! I have 6.5 miles down and I have done 30 airplanes. I feel great today after my jog I haven't done that in Soooooooooo long!!!! I did 3 cardio pushes on my jog each time I ran harder than the last. I am really going to try and get to 25 miles but it is going to be tough!!!!
  • christie177
    I've been using my elliptical but my display is broken so I have no idea how many miles it is. :( I did 30 minutes though yesterday and 10 today as well as 45 minutes of other cardio related stuff that kicked my butt! And I did 20 airplanes!
  • sineadgrowden
    wens: 2.7 miles 10 a/ps
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Mon - 3miles
    Tues- 4miles

    I forgot about the stinking airplanes. I'm gonna have zombies grabbing my ankles if I don;t get in it :grumble:
  • scantrll
    scantrll Posts: 271 Member
    Mon: 2.25 miles treadmill (with cardio push) / 24 airplanes
    Tues: 2 milestreadmill (with cardio push) / 20 airplanes
    Wed: 2 miles treadmill / airplanes

    6.25 miles
    44 airplanes

    Did another 2 miles today. Up to 6.25 so far this week which is a good feeling. On the down side, it was supposed to be week 5 day 2 of the C25K program and I just couldn't finish the last run. I think its a combination of two things - the first is that I didn't drink as much water this morning as I normally do before I run, and I did a 2 mile walk yesterday on my 'off' day from c25k. I prob could have finished it but my brain just wasn't in it today. So I'll push it back till Friday.

    But at least I finished out the 2 miles, even if the last .6 or so was walking instead of jogging! I'll be doing airplanes this evening most likely. We're going bowling, so after that I'll just do a couple sets of 10 before bed.